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This study analyzes the risk-taking behavior of mutual funds in response to their relative performance over the 1992 to 1999 period. Our results show that managers of funds whose performance is closer to that of the top performing funds have greater incentives to increase their portfolios' risk than managers at the top who exhibit a tendency to lock in their positions. The evidence suggests that termination risk imposes a constraint on the risk taking behavior of under-performing fund managers and the winner takes all phenomenon generates a strong incentive for the fund managers to be the top manager. We also analyze the difference in the risk taking behavior of funds managed by multiple managers and single managers.  相似文献   

基金过去的业绩会影响未来的风险选择吗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当基金的业绩表现较差时,基金经理是否会加大基金投资组合的风险呢?本文以Hsiu—lang Chen和George G.Pennacchi的基金经理组合投资模型为基础,分析我国基金业绩对基金投资组合风险的影响。从这一模型来看,基金过去的业绩排名并不一定会影响基金未来的风险选择,过去业绩表现较差的基金也不一定会倾向干增加基金投资组合的风险。另外,本文的实证结果也支持这一结论。随后本文又采用Logit模型来分析影响基金风险选择的因素,结果发现:基金经理从业年限越长、基金申购费和赎回费越低、基金资产净值越大以及基金成立时间越短,基金经理越倾向干在基金业绩表现不好时增加基金的投资组合风险。  相似文献   

虚拟资本的概念源自于马克思,它有动员储蓄、优化资源配置、实施企业监管、便于风险管理以及促进商品和服务贸易的功能,有助于研究金融市场。本文探讨投资基金的虚拟资本的性质。投资基金自产生时就有乘数效应。投资基金的操作、定价、风险配置机制具有全部的虚拟资本的特点。本文指出投资基金市场的一些缺陷。  相似文献   

资产配置对基金收益影响程度的定量分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
资产配置是证券投资决策的首要环节,它可分为战略性资产配置及包括选时和选股在内的战术性资产配置.资产配置不但影响了基金业绩沿时间的变化,还对基金之间的业绩差异具有较高的解释程度.本文利用中国的市场数据,度量了资产配置对基金收益的影响程度.  相似文献   

Merton (1973) and Campbell (1993) have demonstrated that if an investor anticipates information shifts, he will adjust his portfolio choice today in an attempt to hedge these shifts. Exploiting these insights, we construct a new performance measure to evaluate fund managers' hedging ability. This new measure is different from two widely adopted performance evaluation measures: securities selectivity and market timing. Moreover, an econometric methodology is developed to simultaneously estimate the magnitudes of these three portfolio performance evaluation measures. The results show that mutual fund managers are on average with positive security selection and negative market timing ability. Furthermore, the mutual funds with investment style classified as Asset Allocation generally have positive hedging timing ability.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper explores the relationship between the tournament incentives of pension fund managers and the characteristics of equities they choose to hold. Using a comprehensive data set on pension fund portfolio holdings, we determine the intensity of fund manager tournaments by sorting pension funds into portfolios based on the number of concurrent managers each pension fund employs. We then investigate which corporate characteristics are preferred by each of these portfolios by estimating share selection models that include a range of corporate characteristics that are expected to shape the returns to investment in stocks over the short and long run. We find that the intensity of the tournament faced by fund managers plays a significant role in shaping preferences over corporate characteristics. Managers facing more intense tournaments exhibit significantly weaker preferences for attributes associated with long run payoffs, such as social performance and growth potential, and significantly stronger preferences for short term attributes, such as operational efficiency, when compared to managers that face weak or no tournament incentives.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the performance of US equity funds (locals) versus UK equity funds (foreigners) also investing in the US equity market. Based on informational disadvantages one would expect the UK funds to under‐perform the US funds, especially in the research‐intensive small company market. After controlling for tax treatment, fund objectives, investment style and time‐variation in betas, we do not find evidence for this. In the small company segment we even find a slight out‐performance for UK funds compared to US funds. Finally we observe a home bias in the UK portfolios, which is partly attributable to UK funds investing in cross‐listed stocks in the USA.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Using a proprietary data set to study how past performance affects the determinants of mutual fund flows for a sample of load fund investors, I provide evidence that the determinants of fund flow depend on market conditions for both redemptions and purchases. Specifically, I show that, for redemptions, relative performance and risk adjusted performance are important determinants during a period of record flows into mutual funds. Conversely, during a period of poor performance, absolute performance becomes much more important and relative performance and risk adjusted performance become less important. For purchases, absolute performance, risk adjusted performance, and most relative performance measures become more important during the bear market.  相似文献   

我国将资产托管制度引入基金治理的10年来取得了良好效果,但由于发展历史较短及资本市场正处在新兴阶段,托管人的独立监督作用仍然面临质疑.根据托管业的10年实践检验和基金治理的国际经验.本文认为打造以托管人为核心的独立监督实体非常必要.现阶段应采取以托管人为核心,监管机构、交易所等为有效组成部分的模式打造我国的独立监督实体.同时托管人与其他独立监督实体组成部分之间应该建立密切的联系、沟通机制,以形成合力监督.另外,托管人应该以提高独立性为核心,与管理人及相关方建立严格的利益隔离机制;也需要进一步提高独立监督能力,满足独立监督标准.  相似文献   

We study the impact of the tournament-like competition in the mutual fund industry by examining the Active Share choices of funds. Funds with relatively poor performance by the end of the third quarter in a calendar year tend to increase their Active Share during the last quarter. The increase in the trailing funds’ Active Share is accompanied by an increase in the funds’ downside risk exposure. The evidence suggests that the strategic shifts in Active Share we document are not information/skill motivated.  相似文献   

现行会计准则体系中《金融工具确认和计量》准则首次对金融工具的确认和计量做出了相关规定。本文分析了该准则对基金投资可能产生的影响,认为一方面公允价值计量模式将引起基金估值的变化,另一方面公允价值变动可能引起基金分红规模的扩大,这对基金投资者的影响是显而易见的。本文结合这两方面的影响对基金投资提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

We examine the relation between mutual fund performance and gross flows for a large sample of actively managed U.S. mutual funds. Unlike previous studies that have only examined periods of generally increasing net flows, our sample includes periods of both increasing and decreasing net flows. We find that outflows are related to performance, with investors withdrawing money from poor performers. We also find that outflows and inflows respond asymmetrically to performance, outflows increase more aggressively following poor performance, and inflows increase more aggressively following good performance. Additionally, we find a symmetric performance net flow relation.  相似文献   

本文通过考察香港保本基金的销售情况与风险收益特征,总结其投资方案与运作模式,揭示其发展情况与股市的关系,对发展我国保本基金有若干启示.  相似文献   

This study examines the performance of mutual funds under different Central Bank of China monetary policy environments in the emerging Taiwan market. To measure monetary policy changes effectively, we exploit changes in the discount rate and further categorize the monetary environment as either restrictive or expansive. We consider a restrictive monetary environment to be a period in which the discount rate rises, whereas an expansive monetary condition is a period in which the discount rate drops. It is found that all mutual funds, both domestic and international funds, exhibit a higher mean return, lower risk, and higher Sharpe and Treynor ratios under expansive monetary policy environments. Regression results show that domestic mutual fund returns are related significantly to local monetary policy. Furthermore, after controlling for the possible effect of macro factors on the association between the monetary policy dummy variable and mutual fund returns, the significant influence of monetary policy on domestic mutual fund returns remains robust. In contrast, changes in U.S. monetary policy stringency, in general, do not affect the performance of either domestic or international mutual funds in Taiwan.  相似文献   

本文结合特定客户资产管理业务和传统公募基金在盈利模式等方面存在的较大差异,分析了基金专户理财业务的开展对传统基金业带来的冲击和挑战。笔者认为,管理层应借鉴海外市场专户成功运作经验,进一步细化专户业务监管,严格分离专户业务和公募基金,保持公募基金管理和专户投资的独立运作,从而减少专户业务对传统基金管理的不利影响。  相似文献   

成长型中小企业抗风险能力较弱、有效抵押不足的特点,决定了传统的抵押和保证方式难以满足其贷款需求。解决成长型企业贷款担保难问题,必须内外兼顾,在保持内源性担保资源的基础上,探索与外源性担保资源相结合的新途径。建设银行淄博市分行借助政府增信平台和企业缴纳一定比例的助保金组成"助保金池",在山东省淄博市博山区试点推出了助保金贷款业务,开创了"政银企"三方合作融资的新模式。  相似文献   

基金在业绩排名压力下的泡沫资产配置行为会加剧市场波动、推升市场泡沫。本文基于事件研究法与固定效应模型研究了2013―2020年基金的重仓持股,发现:(1)基金在泡沫膨胀阶段显著超配了泡沫资产,而在泡沫破裂前后显著减配,展现了“泡沫骑乘者”的特征;(2)2015年前后,泡沫资产主要为小市值股票,2019―2020年,泡沫资产逐渐转为大市值“白马股”,且基金超配的程度显著提高,呈现抱团大盘白马股的特征;(3)排名前5%的赢家基金,以及1/3和1/10关键排名处的基金更激进地超配泡沫资产;(4)相邻排名基金的业绩差异越大,基金的泡沫资产配置行为越明显。综上表明,基金公司并不一定是天然的市场稳定器,监管层应密切关注业绩压力下基金超配泡沫资产的行为,投资者则应理性选择长期声誉较高的基金。  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper examines the influence of the position of a fund within its family on its subsequent net-inflows. Our empirical study of the US equity mutual fund market shows that reaching a top position within the family leads to large inflows. These inflows accrue beyond those expected, given the performance of the fund in its respective market segment. The effect is much stronger in large families than in small families. We also find that inflows significantly increase if a fund moves into the top positions within its family from one year to another. These results lead to competition within the fund family and to important risk taking incentives for fund managers.  相似文献   

Investment returns on closed‐end funds are highly volatile. Because expenses have a definite negative impact on closed‐end fund returns, investors should include the expense ratio as a criterion for fund selection in addition to performance, investment objective, and risk of the fund. This paper constructs a model of the expense ratio of closed‐end funds to explain cross‐sectional differences in the expense ratios for the period between 1989–1996. We relate closed‐end fund expenses to fund characteristics and identify the factors that can help investors choose low expense closed‐end funds.  相似文献   

The premium embedded in home mortgage loans to compensate investors for their exposure to prepayment risk is a significant component of the cost of home mortgage lending. Moreover, there is some reason to believe that prepayment risk may be lower for loans to lower-income housing borrowers, especially those that are first-time home owners. If so, investor recognition of this advantage should facilitate greater willingness to acquire portfolios of lower-income housing loans, and encourage more competitive pricing in this segment of the market. This study investigates the possibility of differential mortgage prepayment behavior between lower-income home owners and non-low income home owners. The investigation relies on samples of the American Housing Survey spanning ten years of experience from 1985 to 1995. We find no significant difference between the termination or refinancing behavior of non-low income and low-income households. This result is robust to a number of alternative specifications such as restricting the low-income test group to non-moving households and to first-time owners. The same conclusions are derived from both aggregate prepayment rates and from analysis of individual household prepayment behavior.  相似文献   

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