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The current trend towards green energy is encouraging manufacturers to invest in photovoltaic technologies. In order to guarantee R&D and optimal operational performance, operators should be able to identify the technological advantages of their competitors for the conduct R&D and to ensure adequate technological knowledge intake. Therefore, from the perspective of patent portfolios and knowledge flow(s) of photovoltaic companies, this study adopted two approaches namely, patent counts and patent citations, to discuss the technical capability of R&D portfolios and the technological knowledge flow. Three patent indices were utilised for the integration of R&D portfolios which include: technology attractiveness, relative patent position, and revealed patent advantage. Technological knowledge flow allows construction of a patent citation network through backward citation of patents. Sources and movement directions of technological knowledge are measured by calculating the relative citation propensity. R&D portfolios and knowledge flow are complementary perspectives of each photovoltaic company.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between corporate market value and four patent quality indicators - relative patent position (RPP), revealed technology advantage (RTA), Herfindahl-Hirschman Index of patents (HHI of patents), and patent citations - in the US pharmaceutical industry. The results showed that RPP and patent citations were positively associated with corporate market value, but HHI of patents was negatively associated with it, while RTA was not significantly related to it. Thus, if pharmaceutical companies want to enhance their market value, they should increase their leading positions in their most important technological fields, cultivate more diversity of technological capabilities, and raise innovative value of their patents. In addition, this study found that market value of pharmaceutical companies with high patent counts was higher than that of pharmaceutical companies with low patent counts, and suggested that pharmaceutical companies with low patent counts should increase RPP in their most technological fields, decrease HHI of patents, or raise patent citations to further enhance their market value. Furthermore, this study developed a classification for the pharmaceutical companies to divide them into four types, and provided some suggestions to them.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyse the essential patent portfolios of individual firms via bibliometric mapping. Based on the maps drawn via this method, important clusters of each company are analysed and two interpretations are made. As an illustration, the mobile phone industry is selected because standardisation is highly important for firms in this industry. Among others, long-term evolution (LTE) of the 4G era is chosen as a standard and Qualcomm, Nokia, Ericsson, and NTT DOCOMO are included as leading firms. As a result, firm-wise LTE essential patent portfolios were visualised. Based on the information given in these maps, two important clusters (i.e. the clusters composed of frequently emerging words and their periphery and the clusters including particularly noticeable terms) were analysed. In addition, two interpretations were made as follows. First, specialised and expandable technological clusters for each company (14 specialised/expandable clusters for Qualcomm, 8 for Nokia, 11 for Ericsson, and 10 for NTT DOCOMO) were identified. Second, appropriate cooperative strategies were devised according to the ownership patterns of technologies as follows. To begin with, if the technologies were owned by one company (e.g. multi-carriers, duplex channel, error correction), a non-cooperative strategy, such as non-exclusive licensing, was advised. Next, when the technology was owned by two companies (i.e. OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing)), a cooperative strategy, such as cross-licensing, was recommended. Finally, if the technologies were owned by multiple companies (i.e. MIMO (multi-input and multi-output) and data transmission), then a cooperative strategy, such as a patent pool, was proposed.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the effects of the properties of firms' knowledge base on the survival likelihood of firms. Drawing upon the analysis of the patterns of co-occurrence of technological classes in patent applications, we derive the coherence, variety and cognitive distance indexes, accounting respectively for technological complementarity, differentiation and dissimilarity in the firms' patent portfolios. The results of our analysis are in line with the previous literature, showing that innovation enhances the survival likelihood of firms. In addition, we show that the search strategies at work in the development of firms' knowledge base matter in reducing the likelihood of a failure event. Knowledge coherence and variety appear to be positively related to firms' survival, while cognitive distance exerts a negative effect. We conclude that firms able to exploit the accumulated technological competences have more chances to be successful in competing durably in the market arena, and derive some policy implications concerning the role of public intervention in the orientation of search efforts in local contexts.  相似文献   

This article is an empirical analysis of the relationship between patent ownership and variety innovation for US agricultural biotechnology firms in the years 1976–1999. Counts of new varieties include corn, soybean, or wheat varieties protected by either patents or plant variety protection certificates, while patent portfolio size is defined as the count of a firm's gene and method patents. Negative binomial regression results indicate that firms with larger patent portfolios did not exhibit scale economies in variety creation nor did firms with wider technological diversity in their patent portfolios create significantly greater numbers of new varieties. However, firms experienced positive spillover effects from rival firms’ patent ownership, and patent ownership increases this effect. Sample firms that have merged in the past do not produce significantly greater numbers of new varieties after considering an increase in portfolio size and did not experience greater economies of scale in creating new varieties compared with firms that experienced no past mergers.  相似文献   

By itself, an exchange of knowledge between complementary activities is inadequate to bring the localised technological specialisation of firms closer together, but cooperative 1earning tends to like the technological profile of partner companies more closely cornplementary Interwar cartels in the electrical equipment industry were restricted to an exchange of knowledge at the corporate group level, but in chemicals they sometimes included cooperative Learning. US patent data for the interwar period arc used to construct a measure of the pattern of the localised technological trajectories of the largest US and European firms. Cartels had a limited impact on the overall level of research or the propensity to patent ar the corporate group level. hut cooperative learning made the technological trajectories of chemical firms more similar or closely complementry. Instend. electrical equipment firms became more localised in their learning, paths, by separating products while exchanging knowledge between activities that remained complementary. The findings are relevant to the study of current technological cooperation through inter-firm alliances.  相似文献   

This empirical article analyses the importance of information and communications technologies (ICT) in the technological diversification trend among the world's largest manufacturing firms during the 1980s and 1990s. The objective of the research is twofold: first, to emphasise the emerging differences among technologies when companies from different industries patent outside their traditional technological capabilities; secondly, to investigate whether the tendency among large companies from all industries to patent in ICT is distinctive when compared with the tendency to patent in other technologies. We find that technological diversification in large companies has clearly occurred in ICTs. Non-ICT specialist industries increasingly develop, rather than just utilise, the cluster of ICT-related technologies. We conclude that the development of corporate capabilities in the key technologies of the emerging ICT paradigm is more widespread than previously emphasised in the literature. One implication of this observation is that technological diversification and the information revolution may be related phenomena.  相似文献   

The Korean car market has increased in size. BMW and Hyundai are the top-ranked imported and domestic vehicle brands in Korea, respectively. Thus, it is important to understand these companies and the Korean car market, because technology is most significant in the vehicle industry. In this paper, we compare BMW with Hyundai from the technological perspective. Our research is focused on an analysis of the technological competition between BMW and Hyundai based on their developed technologies. We use all BMW and Hyundai patents from worldwide patent databases to analyse the two companies’ technologies. In addition, we apply statistical methods and machine learning algorithms to the patent analysis. In our conclusion, we show the technological differences and competition between BMW and Hyundai, and find their relative strengths and weaknesses.  相似文献   

We introduce a distance measure to operationalise Trajtenberg, Henderson, and Jaffe’s [1997. “University Versus Corporate Patents: A Window on the Basicness of Invention.” Economics of Innovation and New Technology 5: 19–50] originality construct (an ex-ante indicator of firms’ technological capabilities). Our measure captures (1) technological diversity, (2) technology distance from patent antecedents, and (3) degree of novelty per each patented innovation. The V-score measure uses the Derwent World Patent Index system to classify technologies hierarchically – making similarities and differences pronounced. Power is gained by using all of the technology-classification codes describing a focal patent’s claims when calculating whether its technology space was incrementally different or radical from those of its antecedent patents (and identifying whether its technology-class code combinations were commonplace at the time when the patent application was made). Our V-score’s prediction of firms’ performance is contrasted with Hall, Jaffe, and Trajtenberg’s [2001. Hall, B. H., A. B. Jaffe, and M. Trajtenberg. 2001. The NBER Patent Citations Data File: Lessons, Insights and Methodological Tools. NBER Working Paper No. 8498] Herfindahl measure of the same originality construct. Results indicate that the distance measure of technological content produces differently signed results when evaluating patents’ performance effects or predicting a firm’s trajectory.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore the correlation between the technological proximity measures in three areas: USA, Japan and the Europe. In each economic area, we use information from two international patent systems to construct the technological proximity for 240 large international firms. In particular, we select firms’ patents from United States Patent and Trademarks Office data and European Patent Office data. In order to compute the technological proximity, we follow the methodology developed by Jaffe [1986. “Technological Opportunity and Spillovers of R&D: Evidence from Firms’ Patents, Profits and Market Value.” American Economic Review 76 (5): 984–1001], where a technological vector is based on the distribution of patents of each firm across technology classes. Since the Jaffe distance assumes that spillovers only occur within the same technology class, but rules out spillovers between different classes, we develop also a distance measure which exploits the Mahalanobis norm to identify the distance between different technology classes based on the frequency that patents are taken out in different classes by the same firm. The contribution to the existing literature is to investigate the robustness of the technological proximity measure and the extent to which it may be affected by patent system features.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyze the impact of firms’ technology bases on their financial performance. By taking a strategic perspective of technology, we argue that it is not sufficient to analyze only the size or novelty/quality of the technology base as technology bases can best be understood as portfolios of individual technologies. In such a framework, risk consideration should be taken into account. More specifically, we argue that increasing technological breadth can serve as a hedge against the inherent uncertainties of developing and commercializing technology, in particular when the technology base is very large or novel. We also propose that technology has higher impacts on financial performance for firms with broader technology portfolios. A similar argument proposes that technological breadth can offset the increased risks of addressing foreign markets. We test our hypotheses using an international panel data-set of large R&D-performing firms. Our results suggest that broad technology portfolios can indeed serve as a hedge against technological and commercialization risks.  相似文献   

高校是国家创新体系的重要组成部分,存有丰富的专利资源,专利运营对促进高校科技成果转化为实际生产力具有重要意义。专利转让是专利运营的一种重要方式,探讨高校专利转让是否存在地区差异,分析地方政府及高校促进专利转让的相关政策及制度,对促进我国高校专利转化、“盘活”高校现有专利资源具有重要意义。基于IncoPat平台检索中国内地31省市高校发明专利转让数据,发现不同地区间高校发明专利转让数量存在差异;运用聚类分析法将中国内地31省市划分为4个类别,并对前3类地区技术优势进行分析,探讨发明专利转让效果显著省市及高校出台的相关政策。结果发现,江苏在不同技术领域均具有明显优势且高校发明专利转让总量位居全国第一,清华大学与上海交通大学发明专利转让数量分别位居全国第一、第二;各级地方政府及相关部门虽然出台政策对高校专利转让进行宏观指导,但高校需要结合自身实际情况制定更加具体、系统化的政策促进高校专利转让。  相似文献   

Identifying patent infringement beforehand is highly important for reducing the risk of damages. However, as the approach to patents is changing from the technological and legal approaches of the past to the business approach, strategic patent infringement litigation and securement of patents can be important tools for companies. From various viewpoints, companies can consider an aggressive patent infringement litigation as well as evasion strategy of patent infringement litigation to keep competitors in check. Previous research on patent infringement identification only considered the possibility of infringement between patents. However, infringement cases between patent and product are prevalent. Thus, this research aims to suggest an automated method for identifying patent infringement between the patent and product in business. To this end, this paper proposes the subject–action–object (SAO) semantic technological similarity-based product–patent method for generating infringement maps. Several indices and subgrouping methods are suggested to interpret the map. As an exemplary case, data on technology and products related to the light emitting diode (LED) lamp are collected and exploited.  相似文献   

Against the background of ‘patent portfolio races’ in industries such as telecommunications, this paper proposes a set of patent portfolio indicators to measure patents’ scale and diversity. This indicator system is used in a time series to analyse the patenting activity and technology strategy of the world’s top 20 firms in the telecommunication manufacturing industry, based on a large data set from United States Patent and Trade Office. In combination with composite and relative measures, we identify the firms’ comparative positions in patenting activity. The paper adds to the ongoing discussion about, and enriches the theory of, patent portfolios.  相似文献   

把握战略激进度是企业绩效提升的关键,以往研究未关注战略激进度对企业技术距离的影响。以中国A股制造业上市公司数据为样本,使用系统GMM检验企业战略激进度与技术距离间的关系,以及管理者变更的调节作用。结果发现:企业战略激进度与技术距离之间存在U型关系,即分析型战略有助于技术距离缩小,但进攻型和防御型战略不利于缩小技术距离。在管理者变更频率较高的企业中,战略激进度与技术距离间的U型关系更显著。进一步研究表明,战略激进度与技术距离间的U型关系在竞争程度相对较低的行业中表现更显著。相比于职业经理人,由控股股东继任董事长或总经理,以及在较少继任者两职兼任的情景下,管理者变更的调节作用更显著。  相似文献   

Patent citation data are used in a growing body of economics and business research on technological diffusion. Until now, there exists little evidence on whether patent citations are a good measure of knowledge flows. Our paper assesses the legitimacy of using European patent citations as a measure of technology flows. It uses information from the Community Innovation Survey collected by the French Service des Statistiques Industrielles (SESSI), which contain firms’ responses to questions about their innovative activity. We show that patent citations are indeed related to firms’ statements about their acquisition and dispersion of new technology, but that the strength and statistical significance of this relationship varies across geographical regions and across channels of knowledge diffusion.  相似文献   

以2012—2019年A股上市公司数据为样本,对高管持股变动、技术创新与公司价值的关系进行分析。结果表明:技术创新投入与产出对公司价值均具有正向影响,并且高管持股变动对上述影响具有显著正向调节作用。对不同产权性质公司而言,国有上市公司技术创新活动对公司价值的影响和高管持股变动对该影响的调节作用显著低于非国有上市公司。基于上述结论,从政府补贴、公司高管业绩考核和股权激励等方面提出相关建议。  相似文献   

基于2009-2017年创业板317家科技型中小企业数据,从发明专利产出视角,探究分析师跟踪、内部控制有效性与企业技术创新的关系。结果显示,分析师跟踪人数显著提升了企业发明专利产出,内部控制有效性在分析师跟踪人数与企业发明专利产出关系中起部分中介作用,且在融资约束程度较高的企业中更为显著。即企业内外部治理机制有效配合对科技型中小企业技术创新发挥促进效应,且该效应在企业融资约束程度较高时更为显著。  相似文献   

Acquiring patents is an increasingly relevant opportunity for innovating companies, especially after the rise and development of the so-called markets for technologies (MFTs). However, only scant attention has been devoted to investigate patents' characteristics influencing their acquisition by organisations. Accordingly, this paper aims at filling this gap by analysing how four main characteristics – as patent scope, scientific knowledge cited by the patent, forward patent citations, and number of patent claims – impact the likelihood of patent acquisition. We based our statistical analysis on a sample of 9716 US Patent and Trademark Office patents assigned to 165 biotechnological firms. Results support our conjectures and offer interesting managerial implications for organisations operating within MFTs indicating which characteristics make patented technological solutions more likely to be acquired by other firms, as a narrow scope, inclusion of scientific knowledge, and a number of forward citations able to increase patent's impact and exclusion rights.  相似文献   

Recent research has proposed a method of patent valuation based on weighting patent family size by the market size of the countries in the family. The premise is that inventors tend to seek greater international coverage for their more valuable patents. The paper presents a novel way to test the ability of market size-weighted patent families to predict patent value and compares the method against extant measures of patent valuation based on patent citations and renewal behaviour. We use forecasting techniques to show that the weighted patent family size measure outperforms other methods in terms of predicting patent life and the number of citations. An advantage of the weighted patent family size measure is that it is based on ex-ante information and is easy to construct for purposes of evaluating patent value. We demonstrate this advantage using a large, comprehensive database of international patent families.  相似文献   

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