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We document differences in CEO pay and incentives in the United States and the United Kingdom for 1997. After controlling for size, sector and other firm and executive characteristics, CEOs in the US earn 45% higher cash compensation and 190% higher total compensation. The calculated effective ownership percentage in the US implies that the median CEO receives 1.48% of any increase in shareholder wealth compared to 0.25% in the UK. The differences, can be largely attributed to greater share option awards in the US arising from institutional and cultural differences between the two countries. 相似文献
It is proven that the observed return rates on capital have an upward bias if firms are producing with unobserved intangible capital. Using a comprehensive firm level database for Germany, this theoretical preposition is supported empirically. Furthermore, by making unobserved intangible capital observable, dispersion in return rates is dramatically reduced. The results support the assumption that a considerable part of the observed dispersion in return rates among firms is attributable to unobserved capital formation in intangible capital. 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate regional differences in the gender pay gap both theoretically and empirically. Within a spatial model of monopsonistic competition, we show that more densely populated labour markets are more competitive and constrain employers’ ability to discriminate against women. Utilizing a large administrative data set for western Germany and a flexible semi‐parametric propensity score matching approach, we find that the unexplained gender pay gap for young workers is substantially lower in large metropolitan than in rural areas. This regional gap in the gap of roughly 10 percentage points remained surprisingly constant over the entire observation period of 30 years. 相似文献
Do Differences in Financial Development Explain the Global Pattern of Current Account Imbalances? 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Building on the panel-regression approach of Chinn and Prasad (2003 ) and Gruber and Kamin (2007 ), we assess whether differences in financial development can explain the large developing-country surpluses or large US deficits. We find little evidence to support these hypotheses. We also assess whether differences in asset returns, an alternative measure of the attractiveness of financial assets, can explain the international pattern of capital flows. Lower bond yields have been generally associated with larger current account deficits in industrial countries. However, US bond yields have not been significantly lower than those in other industrial economies, suggesting that US financial assets have not been unusually attractive. We consider an alternative hypothesis that spending in the United States was uniquely responsive to lower costs of capital. However, we found this hypothesis also to be weak, as household saving rates have declined throughout the industrial economies. 相似文献
Understanding the nature of structural change and the sources of economic growth of an economy, especially the relative importance of different industries, is essential for policy‐making. This paper estimates industry contribution to economic growth in both Canada and the United States. It argues that industry contribution should be evaluated on the basis of the performance of an industry in terms of creating economic value relative to other industries. In particular, it calls for the quantity and the price effects, which is consistent with real GDP in the chained‐Fisher index that values the industry more when its price rises and less when its price declines. This is an important departure from the traditional methodologies that consider only quantity effect. This paper shows that the contribution from demand‐driven industries is significantly more than the finding based on traditional thinking. 相似文献
Virginia Queijo von Heideken 《The Scandinavian journal of economics》2009,111(3):567-596
This paper aims to evaluate whether frictions in credit markets are important for business cycles in the United States and the euro area. I modify the DSGE financial accelerator model developed by Bernanke, Gertler and Gilchrist (1999) by adding such frictions as price indexation to past inflation, sticky wages, consumption habits and variable capital utilization. When estimating the model using Bayesian methods, I find that financial frictions are relevant in both areas. According to the posterior odds ratio, the data clearly favor the model with financial frictions, both in the United States and the euro area. Moreover, financial frictions are larger in the euro area. 相似文献
International Advances in Economic Research - Standard Phillips curve models of price inflation suggest that the United States should have experienced an episode of deflation during the Great... 相似文献
《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):316-335
ABSTRACTThe purpose of the article was to assess the impact of escalating China-United States trade war on the economic development of such countries as the Russian Federation, Poland, Turkey, Taiwan, Thailand, and South Africa. A cognitive map was developed to describe the general model of economic development of the countries under study, impacted by the trade war, which allowed for substantiation of a qualitative nature of the trade war ramifications in core economic sectors in the countries under consideration. The research results and recommendations are of scientific and practical importance, since they serve as the basis for elaborating further strategies to stem the risks of the escalating trade war to the countries engaged in international trade. 相似文献
《Review of Economic Dynamics》1999,2(3):532-574
This paper uses a new version of the Auerbach–Kotlikoff model to consider alternative ways to privatize the U.S. Social Security System. The new model incorporates intra- and intergenerational heterogeneity and is closely calibrated to U.S. fiscal institutions. Three privatization issues are considered: financing the transition, participation rules, and progressivity. As shown, Social Security's privatization can substantially raise long-run living standards. But these gains come at the cost of welfare losses to transition generations and take a long time to materialize. The long-run poor have much to gain from privatization even absent an explicit redistribution mechanism. Finally, privatizations that give initial workers the option of remaining in the current system have particularly low transition costs and particularly favorable macroeconomic consequences. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D9, E6. 相似文献
The money multiplier collapsed in the USA in the wake of the Lehman crisis, and since then it remained at particularly low levels. The main reason for this collapse is to be found in the significant increase in banks’ excess reserves and the modest increase in deposits. The weak growth of deposits resulted from a contained growth of loans. Most scholars attribute the latter to the low propensity of banks to grant credit. Using quarterly data for the period 1991–2017 we estimate a demand for loans by firms and households. We show that the modest increase in deposits and the persistence of low levels of the US money multiplier has been due to the weak demand for loans by the private sector. 相似文献
Using manufacturing plant‐level census data, this paper demonstrates that minimum wage increases in Indonesia reduced gender wage gaps among production workers, with heterogeneous impacts by level of education and position of the firm in the wage distribution. Paradoxically, educated women appear to have benefitted the most, particularly in the lower half of the firm average earnings distribution. By contrast, women who did not complete primary education did not benefit on average, and even lost ground in the upper end of the earnings distribution. Minimum wage increases were thus associated with exacerbated gender pay gaps among the least educated, and reduced gender gaps among the best educated production workers. Unconditional quantile regression analysis attests to wage compression and lighthouse effects. Changes in relative employment prospects were limited. 相似文献
《Economics Letters》1987,25(1):35-38
An inventory investment function for the inter-war period in the United States is estimated using recently published quarterly data. The estimates obtained are consistent with plausible lag structures. An increase (decrease) in sales causes unplanned inventory decumulation (accumulation) in that quarter but by the end of a year more than half of the adjustment of inventories to a new equilibrium is complete. 相似文献
We examine the association between various components of consumption expenditure and happiness in the Health and Retirement
Study (HRS), a nationally representative sample of older Americans. We find that only one component of consumption is positively
related to happiness—leisure consumption. In contrast, consumption of durables, charity, personal care, food, health care,
vehicles, and housing are not significantly associated with happiness. Second, we find that leisure consumption is associated
with higher levels of happiness partially through its effect on social connectedness, as indexed by measures of loneliness
and embeddedness in social networks. On one hand, these results counter the conventional wisdom that “material goods can’t
buy happiness.” One the other hand, they underscore the importance of social goods and social connectedness in the production
of happiness. 相似文献
This study uses comparable data on 470 detailed occupations from the 1970, 1980, and 1990 Censuses to analyze trends in occupational segregation in the United States in the 1980s and compare them in detail to the 1970s experience of declining segregation. We find that the trend towards reduced segregation did indeed continue into the 1980s at only a slightly slower pace. In both decades, changes in sex composition within occupations accounted for the major share of the decline in segregation (compared to changes in the mix of occupations in the economy). We also find that the pattern of changes in the sex composition of occupations and in the employment distribution of workers that produced the observed reductions in segregation were remarkably similar in each of these two periods. This similarity potentially poses some problems for the future. As women continue to enter the same areas, resegregation, which we found to have relatively moderate effects in the 1970s and 1980s, becomes an increasing possibility. Continued progress towards reducing occupational segregation requires that women succeed in entering a broader range of traditionally male occupations and/or a greater flow of men into traditionally female occupations. 相似文献
Abstract:This article contains an analysis of the nation’s 100 lowest and 100 highest per capita income counties in the United States from 1969 to 2017. The low-income counties are very different from the high-income counties. Compared to the high-income counties, the low-income counties are generally small, mainly rural, and geographically concentrated. The people of the low-income counties are also more likely to be from minority groups than the people of either the nation or the high-income counties. Despite major institutional and technological change, both groups of counties exhibit considerable stability over the last half century. A reasonable assertion from the analysis is that the nature of regional income inequality is not likely to change substantially over the next half-century. 相似文献
We offer an explanation of why changes in house price are predictable. We consider a housing market with loss‐averse sellers and anchoring buyers in a dynamic setting. We show that when both cognitive biases are present, changes in house prices are predicted by price dispersion and trade volume. Using a sample of housing transactions in Hong Kong from 1992 to 2006, we find that price dispersion and transaction volume are, indeed, powerful predictors of housing return. For both in and out of sample, the two variables predict as well as conventional predictors such as the real interest rate and real stock return. 相似文献
Allison Loconto 《Feminist Economics》2015,21(3):191-215
ABSTRACTA popular approach over the past twenty years has been to rely upon voluntary standards as a means to make claims, measure, and judge whether a number of social-equity concerns exist in private-sector practices. But can voluntary standards deliver gender equity? This contribution responds to this question by exploring how standards and gendered division of labor interact in certified-tea value chains (for example, Ethical Tea Partnership, Fairtrade, Organic, and Rainforest Alliance) in Tanzania. The results of this mixed-method study (2008–10, 2013) contribute to the literature on gender equity and standards by building on the gendered value-chain approach to analyze these complex and contextual interactions. The study proposes that there is a need to focus on the interactions between men and women with different skills and training that contribute to how equitably their roles are distributed in the certified-tea value chains. 相似文献
Skill specificity is thought to increase preferences for social insurance (Iversen and Soskice, 2001, American Political Science Review 95,875), especially where employment protections are low, notably the United States (Gingrich and Ansell, 2012, Comparative Political Studies 45, 1624). The compensating differentials literature, by contrast, suggests that neither skill specificity, nor labor market protections affect preferences when wages adjust for differences in risks and investment costs. We examine these competing predictions using U.S. data on general and specific skills. Absolute and relative skill specificity have a robust positive correlation with income, but are negatively correlated with preferences for social protection. Our results strongly support the compensating differentials approach. 相似文献