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城市更新是当前城市研究中的热门话题。从公众参与城市更新的背景出发,提出利益相关者参与更适用于城市更新,在此基础上研究了城市更新中参与的三种不同路径,并对三种路径进行了比较分析。认为交互式参与是城市更新利益相关者参与最合适的路径。然后,分析了不同的利益相关者在城市更新中的功能。继而对城市更新现行的公众参与模式进行研究,分析其存在的问题,最后构建了城市更新利益相关者交互式参与模式。  相似文献   

公共利益的实体界定是难以实现的,为此从程序上对公共利益进行界定成为必要的选择。公民参与对公共利益的界定,符合现代民主理论与实践的要求,并有利于各方对公共利益的接受、实现实质法治、控制行政裁量权。为实现公民参与对公共利益的界定,有必要进行制度上的建构及作出合理的限制。  相似文献   


We examine the effect of performance information on citizens’ willingness to engage with government. We hypothesize that when performance information is positive, citizens perceive government as trustworthy, which increases proclivity for participation. To validate this framework, we conduct an experiment that tests the effect of police performance on citizens’ perceptions of police trustworthiness and intentions to participate in a neighbourhood watch programme. We find that information about police performance strongly affects perceptions of police trustworthiness. Yet, citizen decisions to participate in the community watch programme are more complex and can be triggered by either positive or negative police performance.  相似文献   

This study investigates the direct and indirect effects of financial participation (FP) and participation in decision-making (PDM) on employee job attitudes. The central premise is that both financial participation and participation in decision-making have effects on job attitudes, such as integration, involvement and commitment, perceived pay equity, performance-reward contingencies, satisfaction and motivation. After reviewing the theoretical and empirical literature and testing two theoretical frameworks, developed by Long (1978a) and Florkowski (1989), a new model was constructed to consider a combined effects of both FP and PDM, herein referred to as employee participation (EP). The underpinning of the model is based on the assumption that both (a) the combination of financial participation and participation in decision-making (‘employee participation’), and (b) participation in decision-making produce favourable effects on employee job attitudes. The test of the new model showed that employee participation does not produce more favourable effects on employee job attitudes, than does participation in decision-making on its own. The data were gathered from a questionnaire study administered in a large British retail organization that operates two types of ownership schemes – profit-sharing and SAYE schemes.  相似文献   

审计利益相关者:互动关系与治理机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用"结构-行为-效率"分析方法、利益相关者理论和治理理论,提出审计利益相关者的概念,分析审计利益相关者的特征,揭示审计利益相关者之间在结构、行为、效率等方面的互动关系;提出确保审计利益相关者整体利益最大化目标实现的结构治理、协调治理和核心能力治理等治理机制.旨在为审计行为理论研究提供一种新的分析范式.  相似文献   

Despite the recent interest in the Industry 4.0 applications for sustainability, little is known on the processes through which digital transformation and Industry 4.0 technologies enable sustainable innovation in manufacturing. The present study addresses this knowledge gap by developing a strategic roadmap that explains how businesses can leverage Industry 4.0 technologies to introduce sustainability into innovative practices. For this purpose, the study conducts a systematic review of extant literature to identify Industry 4.0 functions for sustainable innovation and applies interpretive structural modeling to devise the promised roadmap. The results offer interesting insights into Industry 4.0 applications for sustainable innovation. The strategic roadmap developed reveals that Industry 4.0 enables sustainable innovation through 11 functions. Industry 4.0 and the underlying digital technologies and principles allow businesses to improve interfunctional collaboration and better integrate with internal and external stakeholders. Industry 4.0 further improves the knowledge base and advanced manufacturing competency and promotes organizational capabilities valuable to sustainable innovation such as green absorptive capacity, sustainable partnership, and sustainable innovation orientation. Through these functions, Industry 4.0 subsequently enhances green process innovation capacity and the ability to develop or reintroduce eco-friendly products economically and competitively. Overall, the roadmap explains the complex precedence relationships among the 11 sustainable innovation functions of Industry 4.0, offering important implications for businesses that seek to leverage Industry 4.0 sustainability implications and manage sustainable development.  相似文献   

We present findings from a study of employee participation in seven International NGOs (INGOs) operating in Kenya. The inherent constraints of hierarchy and the need to accommodate a range of stakeholder interests imposed a strict ceiling on the degree of participation even in this propitious environment. Being headquartered in a liberal market economy, the low salience of trade unions among Kenyan employees and/or individual management styles within the INGOs meant that some of the agencies fell short even of that ceiling. Contrary to the normative aspirations of both the HR and international development literatures, our study suggests that the co-determination and employee control styles of participation are undesirable and unrealistic goals. On the other hand, a consultation style of participation was appropriate to the seven INGOs, and may also be in other sectors and countries.  相似文献   

影响公共参与强度的主体性因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为民主理念的现实体现,公共参与的强度、范围和真实性在宏观上受国家市场经济发展和公民社会成熟程度的直接影响,在个体层面则与公民的社会经济地位、受教育程度等因素密切相关,这一结论对于宏大社会历史发展的过程显示出强大的理论解释力。但不可否认的是,公共参与是一个时间性和空间性很强的理论课题,尤其在微观层面,在相同的历史时段与相同的经济背景下,影响公共参与强度的因素呈现出多角度、多层面的复杂性特征。管理者和公众对公共参与本质的不同理解,对公共参与功能的多种期待,对其自身掌控政策能力的预期,以及不同治理主体之间的复杂关系等,都会对治理过程中公共参与的强度和效果产生直接而深刻的影响。  相似文献   

张强  吴娟 《城市问题》2011,(5):72-76
地方公共事务治理越来越离不开公民积极有效地参与。通过对广东省"无假药社区"建设的调查发现,公民参与公共事务治理的意识在不断增强,同时也面临着参与渠道狭窄、参与方式被动、参与内容单一和效能感不高等突出问题。因此,培养公民参与公共事务治理的意识和能力,完善公民参与公共事务治理的渠道与环境,创新公民参与公共事务治理的制度和机制,是提升地方公共事务治理绩效的重要课题和必然路径。  相似文献   

This study empirically examined the impact of corporate governance on employment relations outcomes utilizing a comprehensive data set drawn from 214 Korean firms. The study contrasted the stakeholder and shareholder perspectives of corporate governance in investigating the impact of corporate governance on employment relations outcomes. The results showed that the stakeholder corporate governance orientation (as compared to the shareholder orientation) had positive relationships with education/training expense, the level of average employee tenure and industrial relations climate, and had a negative association with number of strikes. Overall, the results implied that the stakeholder orientation of firms led to more beneficial effects for employees and more consensual relations with labor unions than the shareholder orientation did.  相似文献   

This study empirically examined the impact of corporate governance on employment relations outcomes utilizing a comprehensive data set drawn from 214 Korean firms. The study contrasted the stakeholder and shareholder perspectives of corporate governance in investigating the impact of corporate governance on employment relations outcomes. The results showed that the stakeholder corporate governance orientation (as compared to the shareholder orientation) had positive relationships with education/training expense, average employee tenure and industrial relations (IR) climate, as well as a negative association with number of strikes. Overall, the results implied that the stakeholder orientation of firms led to more beneficial effects for employees and more consensual relations with labour unions than the shareholder orientation did.  相似文献   

Addressing environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues has become a critical part of business strategy. This article explores the extent of ESG reporting of metal and mining sector companies listed in the Australian Securities Exchange to determine the nature of ESG indicators in use in the sector. The current study argues that stakeholder engagement is the key to enhance company environmental policy and sustainable development. According to the results of this study, ESG reporting motives are highly influenced by reporting regulations. Given the diversity in reporting of ESG, comparability of ESG strategic performance is problematic. This study contributes towards developing an ESG disclosure index, which companies could use as a legitimacy tool that external stakeholders could use to reliably measure and compare the ESG performance of companies. It also reveals there is an increased demand for more empirical research on integration of sustainability into strategic planning process. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

城市规划公众参与系统结构及运行机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对城市规划中的公众参与问题,首先阐述了公众参与对提升城市规划品质、构建现代和谐城市的重要意义,并就目前我国城市规划公众参与现状与存在的问题进行了分析,认为城市规划中公众参与体系主要受经济发展水平、法制体系健全程度及民众整体文化素质等因素的影响,其内部系统可分为实体子系统、制度子系统和公众意识子系统.三个子系统之间的关系是:实体子系统是根本,制度子系统是关键,公众意识子系统则既是实体子系统、制度子系统的共同结果,又会对它们产生制约或促进作用;根据其运行机制,提出了我国城市规划中公众参与具有可操作性的运行程序,并提出了相应的保障措施.  相似文献   

This paper studies the determinants of materiality disclosure among International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Pilot Program companies implementing the IIRC Framework. In other words, it studies which variables influence the way in which such companies provides information about their materiality determination process. In order to test our hypotheses we performed a number of statistical analyses on a unique hand‐collected dataset including IIRC and non‐IIRC Pilot Program companies for the 2012 and 2013 fiscal years. Our results indicate that industry and some firm‐level characteristics (board size and diversity) do play a significant role in the determination of materiality disclosure, whereas the legal environment in which companies operate does not. Also, we found that IIRC Pilot Program companies disclosed more information about materiality than their competitors that did not join the program. This paper provides interesting insights for policy makers (in particular, the IIRC) and extends previous academic literature on integrated reporting. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

公民参与之热情与愿望调查——以扬州市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕燕 《城市问题》2009,(6):66-70
通过对扬州市为民办实事项目社会评价调查资料的分析发现,缺少公民参与的决策项目往往与公民的真实愿望存在明显的差距,导致社会满意度偏低,现代社会公民有较高的参与社会公共事务决策的热情和愿望,社会性别差异是政府决策时不能忽视的重要因素。因此,政府要进行制度创新,珍视民众的参与热情,提高自身的执政能力,重视性别差异对公共需求的影响。  相似文献   

The turn to collaborative governance is a key feature of the New Public Governance environment in many Western economies. Within the UK, successive governments have mandated policing organizations to engage in public service partnerships and collaborate with communities. This paper examines one such collaborative arrangement, namely, neighbourhood public meetings. Drawing on a theoretical framing of the dynamic relationship between identities, agency and power, we critically explore how individuals seek to persuade, defend and legitimate their values, beliefs and practices in collaborative situations. The paper provides a nuanced exploration of the challenges of collaboration for both public servants and community members.  相似文献   

This study examines determinants of materiality disclosure quality (MDQ) in integrated reporting (IR) in an international setting. To this purpose, we constructed a novel, hand‐collected MDQ score in line with the <IR> guiding principles introduced by the International Integrated Reporting Council. On the basis of a cross‐national sample consisting of 359 firm‐year observations between 2013 and 2016, we find that MDQ is positively associated with learning effects, gender diversity, and the assurance of nonfinancial information in the integrated report. On the other hand, we find that IR readability, listing in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and earnings management do not affect MDQ. Our results are robust to different statistical models. We expand on earlier empirical findings on IR disclosure quality and provide valuable insights for research, practice, and standard setting.  相似文献   

An intensive debate has been occurring among academics, consultants and corporate executives, resulting in many definitions of a more humane, more ethical and more transparent manner of conducting business. They have created, supported or criticized related concepts such as sustainable development, corporate citizenship, sustainable entrepreneurship, the triple bottom line, business ethics and corporate social responsibility (Van Marrewijk, 2003 ). In the midst of LPG (liberalization, privatization and globalization), with market expansion occurring and the customer base needing to be widened for long‐term profitability, can enterprise opt for sustainability through the stakeholder approach? Interestingly, the ITC (Imperial Tobacco Company) is a firm committed to the core values of sustainable development in agrobusiness and in other activities, which has made the corporation well known for its stand on sustainability. Hence, this study begins with a brief literature review on sustainable enterprise and an introduction to familiarize the reader with the case organization, to examine what has made the ITC remain a stalwart in sustainable development and to identify the factors that drive the ITC's vision of sustainability. Based on the identified factors, total interpretive structural modeling (TISM) has been used to evolve a framework of sustainable enterprises on the star model (Sushil, 2010 ), which explains the customer and the government as driving factors for sustainability along with the triple bottom line. To validate our study, data on surrogate measures of some of the variables have been taken from the annual reports of the ITC and the validation is performed using linear regression analysis. Finally, the future research scope and limitations of the study are discussed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

城市公共产品供给决策中的公众参与   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实现城市公共产品的有效供给,为城市发展提供良好的基础条件,是提升城市综合发展能力的关键所在。由于缺乏系统完善的公众参与机制,在城市公共产品供给决策领域,存在着公众参与层次较低、公众参与失灵等问题。城市公共产品供给决策中公众参与的作用能否得到实现,离不开公众参与子机制作用的有效发挥。实现城市公共产品供给决策过程和实现过程与公众参与的系统整合,以此构建城市公共产品供给决策中公众参与机制的运作模型。  相似文献   

Most citizens correctly forecast which party will win a given election, and such forecasts usually have a higher level of accuracy than voter intention polls. How do citizens do it? We argue that social networks are a big part of the answer: much of what we know as citizens comes from our interactions with others. Previous research has considered only indirect characteristics of social networks when analyzing why citizens are good forecasters. We use a unique German survey and consider direct measures of social networks in order to explore their role in election forecasting. We find that three network characteristics –  size, political composition, and frequency of political discussion – are among the most important variables when predicting the accuracy of citizens’ election forecasts.  相似文献   

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