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A factor-decomposition based framework is presented that facilitates non-parametric risk analysis for complex hedge fund portfolios in the absence of portfolio level transparency. This approach has been designed specifically for use within the hedge fund-of-funds environment, but is equally relevant to those who seek to construct risk-managed portfolios of hedge funds under less than perfect underlying portfolio transparency. Using dynamic multivariate regression analysis coupled with a qualitative understanding of hedge fund return drivers, one is able to perform a robust factor decomposition to attribute risk within any hedge fund portfolio with an identifiable strategy. Furthermore, through use of Monte Carlo simulation techniques, these factors can be employed to generate implied risk profiles at either the constituent fund or aggregate fund-of-funds level. As well as being pertinent to risk forecasting and monitoring, such methods also have application to style analysis, profit attribution, portfolio stress testing and diversification studies. This paper outlines such a framework and presents sample results in each of these areas.  相似文献   

We investigate the leverage of hedge funds in the time series and cross-section. Hedge fund leverage is counter-cyclical to the leverage of listed financial intermediaries and decreases prior to the start of the financial crisis in mid-2007. Hedge fund leverage is lowest in early 2009 when the market leverage of investment banks is highest. Changes in hedge fund leverage tend to be more predictable by economy-wide factors than by fund-specific characteristics. In particular, decreases in funding costs and increases in market values both forecast increases in hedge fund leverage. Decreases in fund return volatilities predict future increases in leverage.  相似文献   

Firms targeted by hedge fund activists experience significantly higher returns when there are fewer external monitors in place at the target firm. Using analyst coverage and institutional ownership as measures of external monitoring presence, we find that low‐monitored activist targets experience abnormal returns 17.52% above that of high‐monitored targets in the 2‐year period following the initial campaign start date. The significant effect of external monitoring remains after controlling for target firm and activist characteristics. We also document improved operating performance and an increased monitoring presence at low‐monitored target firms across the same 2‐year period, consistent with the observed market performance.  相似文献   

Exploring the components of credit risk in credit default swaps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we test the influence of various fundamental variables on the pricing of credit default swaps. The theoretical determinants that are important for pricing credit default swaps include the risk-free rate, industry sector, credit rating, and liquidity factors. We suggest a linear regression model containing these different variables, especially focusing on liquidity factors. Unlike bond spreads which have been shown to be inversely related to liquidity (i.e., the greater the liquidity, the lower the spread), there is no a priori reason that the credit default swap spread should exhibit the same relationship. This is due to the economic characteristics of a credit default swap compared to a bond. Our empirical result shows that all the fundamental variables investigated have a significant effect on the credit default swap spread. Moreover, our findings suggest that credit default swaps that trade with greater liquidity have a wider credit default swap spread.  相似文献   

The assets of the hedge fund industry are nearly equivalent to the GDP of the UK. The industry, which claims returns independent of markets conditions and has been blamed for economic crises, has attracted the interest of a wide range of financial and political players and academics. This paper, using monthly series performance data since January 1995, at a fund strategy level and S&P500, and a holistic and a developed dynamic correlation quantitative approach, aims to challenge the allegations and the claims, which have been made on rather incomplete research grounds. Statistically, the results strongly reject the claims of the vast majority of fund strategies, excluding the case of the macro and short strategies, over the crisis periods, suggesting that they cannot protect their investors like S&P500. Regarding the allegations, it is inferred that Hedge Funds are used in most cases as a scapegoat rather than actually being the cause of the crises.  相似文献   

Real estate swaps are a recent financial innovation based upon the principle of comparative advantage. A real estate swap is a useful tool for real estate risk management and for participating in real estate investment without the high costs associated with real estate. Potential economic benefits and costs associated with real estate swaps are considered and real estate swaps are compared to alternative tools for real estate risk management. The expected utility and effectiveness of risk management with a swap in a multiperiod framework are analyzed. The analysis finds that the subject property's return and its risk characteristics (as reflected in its correlation with interest rate and property index returns) delimit the risk management potential of a given swap position. Optimal swap positions are shown for various regions and property types based on historical return series, from the period between 1983 and 1992, and the parameters of the dynamic model developed.  相似文献   

This study examines the causal impacts of political influence on hedge fund activism in an exogenous setting of U.S. gubernatorial election. Local incumbent politicians have incentives to protect local inefficient firms from being targeted by activists because activism could lead to divestment and local worker layoffs. And such incentives can become weaker in election years because political competition increases the incumbent politician’s accountability to broader groups of stakeholders. Consistent with this prediction, the likelihood of local firms being targeted by activists is shown to be significantly higher during election years. Moreover, the firm’s political connections mitigate the effects of election, suggesting that politicians still maintain protection to connected firms. Further cross-sectional tests show that the effects of election are stronger (1) for firms with lower labor intensity, severer problem of free cash flow and lower efficiency, and (2) when the political competition is fiercer. Additional tests reveal that hedge fund activism enhances the target firm’s operating performance and creates larger value for investors when it faces weaker political influence. To sum up, our findings suggest that political influence affects hedge fund activism and the activists strategically adjust the timing of initiating campaigns according to the changes of such influence.  相似文献   

对冲基金及其监管问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡平 《南方金融》2008,(4):43-46
近年来,随着金融市场的加速创新和结构性调整,对冲基金的规模也迅速扩张,成为国际金融市场的重要参与者。与传统的资产管理、共同基金相比,对冲基金在投资策略、组织形式等方面具有自己的特点。对冲基金日益扩大的资产规模和自由灵活的投资策略增加了金融市场的流动性、提高了市场效率,但同时也给金融体系带来了新的不稳定因素。2006年以来,对冲基金对金融稳定的影响日益成为全球金融监管者关注的问题。有些国家主张通过间接监管的方式,有些则一直推动加强对对冲基金的直接监管。如何加强对对冲基金的监管,减少对冲基金对金融体系稳定性的负面影响,仍然是全球金融业面临的一项挑战。  相似文献   

Biases in standard variance swap rates (VSRs) can induce substantial deviations below market rates. Defining realized variance as the sum of squared price (not log-price) changes yields an ‘arithmetic’ variance swap with no such biases. Its fair value has advantages over the standard VSR: no discrete monitoring or jump biases; and the same value applies for any monitoring frequency, even irregular monitoring and to any underlying, including those taking zero or negative values. We derive the fair value for the arithmetic variance swap and compare it with the standard VSR by: analysing errors introduced by interpolation and integration techniques; numerical experiments for approximation accuracy; and using 23 years of FTSE 100 options data to explore the empirical properties of arithmetic variance (and higher moment) swaps. The FTSE 100 variance risk has a strong negative correlation with the implied third moment, which can be captured using a higher moment arithmetic swap.  相似文献   

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) faces much more severe financial constraints compared to large mature companies and it is more vulnerable to market imperfection. To alleviate SMEs’ financial constraints, Public Credit Guarantee Schemes (CGSs) have been introduced and widely used around the world. Having provided a thorough analysis of the effectiveness of the traditional CGSs, we introduce an innovative financing contract, referred to as equity-for-guarantee swap (EGS), with the aim of reducing SMEs’ financial constraints in a more effective way. We show that EGS effectively alleviates SMEs’ severe financial constraints as it transfers the information asymmetry between lenders and SMEs to that between insurers and SMEs We investigate how asset prices vary across time under the EGS contract and analyze insurers’ risk exposure, i.e. value-at-risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES), of participating in the EGS contract. Consistent with pecking order theory, SMEs tend to use debt financing first dispite the benefit of a boosted growth rate from private equity financing in our model.  相似文献   

We investigate whether: (i) co-skewness and co-kurtosis are significant factors in modeling hedge fund (HF) returns, (ii) HF return volatility displays clusters, asymmetry and shock persistence, (iii) volatility clusters of HF styles drive volatility clusters of one another, major asset classes, and major banking organizations, (iv) HF return and volatility patterns changed after the financial crises of 1998 and 2007–2009. A higher-moment EGARCH model and monthly data over January 1993–April 2014 period on 13 HF styles are employed. Out-of-sample forecasts are generated over the period of May 2014–April 2016. Results show: (i) most of the co-skewness and co-kurtosis coefficients are statistically significant, strongly supporting the higher-moment return generating models; (ii) there is strong evidence in favor of EGARCH specification, volatility clustering, asymmetry, and shock persistence; (iii) there were distinct effects on the returns and volatilities of HFs during the 1998 Russian bond crisis, Long-Term Capital Management crisis, and the 2007–2009 financial crisis; and (iv) shocks to volatility clusters of a HF style do spillover to other HF styles, major banking firms, and key asset classes. Our findings have major implications for regulators, investors, HF managers and hedging strategists.  相似文献   

Firms under the threat of hedge fund activism on average experience significant losses of outstanding bondholder wealth: their bond yields rise while prices fall and ratings deteriorate. Under-threat firms receive inferior terms when initiating new loans. These observations are more prominent in firms with weaker creditor rights protection and firms that experience more significant improvement in stock performance without accompanying real improvements. These findings are consistent with the manifestation of agency problems. Share repurchases funded by cash, investment cutbacks, and new debt issuances elevate share price, which increases the cost of intervention for activists but jeopardizes the interest of existing bondholders.  相似文献   

For 5500 North American hedge funds following 11 different strategies, we analyse the stand-alone performance of these strategies using a stochastic discount factor approach. Employing the same data, we then consider the diversification benefits of each hedge fund strategy when combined with a portfolio of US equities and bonds. We compute the out-of-sample Black-Litterman portfolios, with Bayes-Stein, higher moments, simulations, desmoothed data and allowance for regimes as robustness checks. All but two hedge fund strategies out-perform the market as stand-alone investments; and all but one provide significant diversification benefits. The higher is an investor’s risk aversion, the more beneficial is diversification into hedge funds.  相似文献   

We review key characteristics of the hedge fund industry, and identify conditions under which this sector can pose a threat to financial stability. Direct regulation of hedge funds that increases transparency does not appear feasible, may create a moral-hazard problem, and may reduce market liquidity. Indirect regulation by prime brokers and market discipline by creditors, counterparties, and investors have been effective in limiting the risks from the hedge fund sector. To reduce systemic risks, more regulation of prime brokers is warranted to avoid competitive dynamics from undermining counterparty risk management practices.  相似文献   

We use an expected utility framework to integrate the liquidation risk of hedge funds into portfolio allocation problems. The introduction of realistic investment constraints complicates the determination of the optimal solution, which is solved using a genetic algorithm that mimics the mechanism of natural evolution. We analyse the impact of the liquidation risk, of the investment constraints and of the agent's degree of risk aversion on the optimal allocation and on the optimal certainty equivalent of hedge fund portfolios. We observe, in particular, that the portfolio weights and their performance are significantly affected by liquidation risk. Finally, tight portfolio constraints can only provide limited protection against liquidation risk. This approach is of special interest to fund of hedge fund managers who wish to include the hedge fund liquidation risk in their portfolio optimization scheme.  相似文献   

A new market for so-called mortality derivatives is now appearing with survivor swaps (also called mortality swaps), longevity bonds and other specialized solutions. The development of these new financial instruments is triggered by the increased focus on the systematic mortality risk inherent in life insurance contracts, and their main focus is thus to allow the life insurance companies to hedge their systematic mortality risk. At the same time, this new class of financial contract is interesting from an investor's point of view, since it increases the possibility for an investor to diversify the investment portfolio. The systematic mortality risk stems from the uncertainty related to the future development of the mortality intensities. Mathematically, this uncertainty is described by modeling the underlying mortality intensities via stochastic processes. We consider two different portfolios of insured lives, where the underlying mortality intensities are correlated, and study the combined financial and mortality risk inherent in a portfolio of general life insurance contracts. In order to hedge this risk, we allow for investments in survivor swaps and derive risk-minimizing strategies in markets where such contracts are available. The strategies are evaluated numerically.  相似文献   

We analyse the drivers of hedge fund performance, focusing simultaneously on fund size, age, lockup period, fund strategies, business cycles and different market conditions, dealing with the omitted variable bias. We use exogenous break points and a switching Markov model to endogenously determine different market conditions. We find that HFs deliver positive alpha only during “good” times, irrespective of their fundamentals. During “bad” times, they minimise their systematic risk. Small and young funds, and those with redemption restrictions deliver higher alpha compared to their peers during “good” times. Finally, specific strategies deliver significantly negative alpha during “bad” times.  相似文献   

This paper presents a conceptual and general framework for valuation of single-name credit derivatives. The general subfiltration approach of [J-R] to modelling default risk, which includes the Cox-process setting of [L], is integrated with a numeraire invariant approach. Several known results are reformulated and extended in this framework. New concepts and results are presented for change of numeraire in presence of default and valuation of credit swaptions. A new formula on fractional recovery of pre-default value is derived, generalizing that of [D-S]. A Black-Scholes formula for credit default swaptions due to [S] is shown to serve as a least-squares approximation to the general case.Received: 1 November 2003, Mathematics Subject Classification: 91B28, 60G44, 60G40JEL Classification: E43, G13I would like to thank the editor and two anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

We study the impact of the tournament-like competition in the mutual fund industry by examining the Active Share choices of funds. Funds with relatively poor performance by the end of the third quarter in a calendar year tend to increase their Active Share during the last quarter. The increase in the trailing funds’ Active Share is accompanied by an increase in the funds’ downside risk exposure. The evidence suggests that the strategic shifts in Active Share we document are not information/skill motivated.  相似文献   

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