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We analyze spectral risk measures with respect to comparative risk aversion following Arrow (1965) and Pratt (1964) for deterministic wealth, and Ross (1981) for stochastic wealth. We argue that the Arrow–Pratt-concept per se well matches with economic intuition in standard financial decision problems, such as willingness to pay for insurance and simple portfolio problems. Different from the literature, we find that the widely-applied spectral Arrow–Pratt-measure is not a consistent measure of Arrow–Pratt-risk aversion. Instead, the difference between the antiderivatives of the corresponding risk spectra is valid. Within the framework of Ross, we show that the popular subclasses of Expected Shortfall, and exponential and power spectral risk measures cannot be completely ordered with respect to Ross-risk aversion. Thus, for all these subclasses, the concept of Ross-risk aversion is not generally compatible with Arrow–Pratt-risk aversion, but induces counter-intuitive comparative statics of its own. Compatibility can be achieved if asset returns are jointly normally distributed. The general lesson is that these restrictions have to be considered before spectral risk measures can be applied for the purpose of optimal decision making and regulatory issues.  相似文献   

This paper applies the extreme-value (EV) generalised pareto distribution to the extreme tails of the return distributions for the S&P500, FT100, DAX, Hang Seng, and Nikkei225 futures contracts. It then uses tail estimators from these contracts to estimate spectral risk measures, which are coherent risk measures that reflect a user’s risk-aversion function. It compares these to VaR and expected shortfall (ES) risk measures, and compares the precision of their estimators. It also discusses the usefulness of these risk measures in the context of clearinghouses setting initial margin requirements, and compares these to the SPAN measures typically used.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the effect of network structure between agents and objects on measures for systemic risk. We model the influence of sharing large exogeneous losses to the financial or (re)insurance market by a bipartite graph. Using Pareto-tailed losses and multivariate regular variation, we obtain asymptotic results for conditional risk measures based on the Value-at-Risk and the Conditional Tail Expectation. These results allow us to assess the influence of an individual institution on the systemic or market risk and vice versa through a collection of conditional risk measures. For large markets, Poisson approximations of the relevant constants are provided. Differences of the conditional risk measures for an underlying homogeneous and inhomogeneous random graph are illustrated by simulations.  相似文献   

We prove that on an atomless probability space, every dilatation monotone convex risk measure is law invariant. This result, combined with the known ones, shows the equivalence between dilatation monotonicity and important properties of convex risk measures such as law invariance and second-order stochastic monotonicity. We would like to thank Johannes Leitner for helpful discussions. The second author made contributions to this paper while being affiliated to Heriot-Watt University and would like to express special thanks to Mark Owen, whose project (EPSRC grant no. GR/S80202/01) supported this research.  相似文献   

Time consistency is a crucial property for dynamic risk measures. Making use of the dual representation for conditional risk measures, we characterize the time consistency by a cocycle condition for the minimal penalty function. Taking advantage of this cocycle condition, we introduce a new methodology for the construction of time-consistent dynamic risk measures. Starting with BMO martingales, we provide new classes of time-consistent dynamic risk measures. These families generalize those obtained from backward stochastic differential equations. Quite importantly, starting with right-continuous BMO martingales, this construction naturally leads to paths with jumps.   相似文献   

Basel II defines operational risk as the risk of direct or indirect loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people or systems or from external events. In the past decade, there have appeared a number of quantitative approaches to measuring this risk, approaches that abstract from market risk and reputational risk. The challenge is to develop operational risk measures in an asset management context where there is only limited information available about the incidence and severity of operational loss events. We survey different approaches to this problem and argue that managing this risk through operational due diligence is a source of alpha in this funds management context.  相似文献   

Options and CVaR (conditional value at risk) are significant areas of research in their own right; moreover, both are important to risk management and understanding of risk. Despite the importance and the overlap of interests in CVaR and options, the literature relating the two is virtually non-existent. In this paper we derive a model-free, simple and closed-form analytic equation that determines the CVaR associated with a put option. This relation is model free and is applicable in complete and incomplete markets. We show that we can account for implied volatility effects using the CVaR risk of options. We show how the relation between options and CVaR has important risk management implications, particularly in terms of integrated risk management and preventing arbitrage opportunities. We conduct numerical experiments to demonstrate obtaining CVaR from empirical options data.  相似文献   

Böcker and Klüppelberg [Risk Mag., 2005, December, 90–93] presented a simple approximation of OpVaR of a single operational risk cell. The present paper derives approximations of similar quality and simplicity for the multivariate problem. Our approach is based on the modelling of the dependence structure of different cells via the new concept of a Lévy copula.  相似文献   

This paper considers a partial differential equation (PDE) approach to evaluate coherent risk measures for derivative instruments when the dynamics of the risky underlying asset are governed by a Markov-modulated geometric Brownian motion (GBM); that is, the appreciation rate and the volatility of the underlying risky asset switch over time according to the state of a continuous-time hidden Markov chain model which describes the state of an economy. The PDE approach provides market practitioners with a flexible and effective way to evaluate risk measures in the Markov-modulated Black–Scholes model. We shall derive the PDEs satisfied by the risk measures for European-style options, barrier options and American-style options.   相似文献   

In this paper, a Sparre Andersen risk process with arbitrary interclaim time distribution is considered. We analyze various ruin-related quantities in relation to the expected present value of total operating costs until ruin, which was first proposed by Cai et al. [(2009a). On the expectation of total discounted operating costs up to default and its applications. Advances in Applied Probability 41(2), 495–522] in the piecewise-deterministic compound Poisson risk model. The analysis in this paper is applicable to a wide range of quantities including (i) the insurer's expected total discounted utility until ruin; and (ii) the expected discounted aggregate claim amounts until ruin. On one hand, when claims belong to the class of combinations of exponentials, explicit results are obtained using the ruin theoretic approach of conditioning on the first drop via discounted densities (e.g. Willmot [(2007). On the discounted penalty function in the renewal risk model with general interclaim times. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 41(1), 17–31]). On the other hand, without any distributional assumption on the claims, we also show that the expected present value of total operating costs until ruin can be expressed in terms of some potential measures, which are common tools in the literature of Lévy processes (e.g. Kyprianou [(2014). Fluctuations of L'evy processes with applications: introductory lectures, 2nd ed. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag]). These potential measures are identified in terms of the discounted distributions of ascending and descending ladder heights. We shall demonstrate how the formulas resulting from the two seemingly different methods can be reconciled. The cases of (i) stationary renewal risk model and (ii) surplus-dependent premium are briefly discussed as well. Some interesting invariance properties in the former model are shown to hold true, extending a well-known ruin probability result in the literature. Numerical illustrations concerning the expected total discounted utility until ruin are also provided.  相似文献   

This contribution focuses on a discrete-time risk model in which both insurance risk and financial risk are taken into account and they are equipped with a wide type of dependence structure. We derive precise asymptotic formulas for the ruin probabilities when the insurance risk has a dominatedly varying tail. In the special case of regular variation, the corresponding formula is proved to be uniform for the time horizon.  相似文献   


This article focuses on inferring critical comparative conclusions as far as the application of both linear and non-linear risk measures in non-convex portfolio optimization problems. We seek to co-assess a set of sophisticated real-world non-convex investment policy limitations, such as cardinality constraints, buy-in thresholds, transaction costs, particular normative rules, etc. within the frame of four popular portfolio selection cases: (a) the mean-variance model, (b) the mean-semi variance model, (c) the mean-MAD (mean-absolute deviation) model and (d) the mean-semi MAD model. In such circumstances, the portfolio selection process reflects to a mixed-integer bi-objective (or in general multiobjective) mathematical programme. We precisely develop all corresponding modelling procedures and then solve the underlying problem by use of a novel generalized algorithm, which was exclusively introduced to cope with the above-mentioned singularities. The validity of the attempt is verified through empirical testing on the S&P 500 universe of securities. The technical conclusions obtained not only confirm certain findings of the particular limited existing theory but also shed light on computational issues and running times. Moreover, the results derived are characterized as encouraging enough, since a sufficient number of efficient or Pareto optimal portfolios produced by the models appear to possess superior out-of-sample returns with respect to the benchmark.  相似文献   

In the United States, policy-makers struggle to resolve conflict between public demands for affordable insurance costs covering hurricanes and market demands for risk-based insurance pricing. Given the socially constructed nature of risk, a risk-based pricing approach prioritizes insurer values and business practices over all societal value goals expressly limiting democratic inclusion in decision-making about risk. As a step towards the more democratically inclusive approach of risk governance, this article uses the state of Florida as a case study to provide a narrative of the social and political context for the evolution of the idea of U.S. hurricane risk. I argue that today’s hurricane risk is a product of long-standing shared efforts to build prosperity. However, it is no longer a simple risk for society to overcome on its way to economic well-being. Contemporary hurricane risk is systemic and serves as a nexus for political battles over American values.  相似文献   

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