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以研究型大学的知识型老年员工为对象,运用多元logit回归模型分析了知识型老年员工人力资本异质性对其退休后再职业选择的影响。研究发现:随着专业技术水平的提升,老年员工更容易获得外单位的青睐,因而他们倾向于选择就职新单位而非继续供职原单位;受教育水平的提高有助于他们从事稳定的工作而非选择创业。在学科背景上,拥有理工科背景的知识型老年员工倾向于选择创业,而拥有社会科学背景的知识型老年员工更愿意供职原单位。此外,知识型老年男性倾向于选择创业,而女性更倾向于选择供职原单位。年龄的增长为知识型老年员工带来了经验、技术的积累,有助于其选择创业和就职新单位。最后,根据实证分析结果,提出了相应对策建议。  相似文献   

本文基于一个动态创业选择模型,利用城市住户调查数据,检验了住房制度改革、流动性约束对创业选择的短期与长期影响。本文的主要发现是,住房制度改革通过降低流动性约束提高了职工"下海"创业倾向,而且住房制度改革的影响效应呈现短期与长期并存的特征;对于拥有较高专业技能、就职于政府机构和事业单位、拥有中级职称的职工,其创业选择受住房制度改革的影响要高于其他类型职工或者家庭。  相似文献   

知识型企业人力资源管理浅议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、知识型员工的特点 1.自主性。知识型员工不再是组织这个大机器的一颗螺丝钉,而是富有活力的细胞体。与流水线上的操作工人被动地适应设备运转相反,知识型员工更倾向于拥有一个自主的工作环境,不仅不愿意受制于物,甚至无法忍受远方上司的遥控指挥,而更强调工作中的自我引导。这种自主性也表现在工作场所、工作时间的灵活性要求及宽松的组织气氛上。  相似文献   

自2014年以来,中央及各级政府围绕“大众创业、万众创新”出台了大量政策,以鼓励和支持创新型创业。创新型创业,往往需要参与者拥有一定水平的知识或技能。基于2012年、2014年、2016年全国劳动力动态调查个体数据,在政策范式转换背景下检验劳动者技能对其创业选择的影响,并进一步检验不同技能类别的差异。结果显示,“双创”政策对于劳动者创业具有促进作用,但有技能的、技能水平较高的劳动者并未受到充分激励,其更倾向于受雇而非创业。由此,为了真正驱动经济创新转型,国家应当为有技能的劳动者开展创业活动提供更具有针对性的支撑条件,从而有效激励创新型创业发展。  相似文献   

知识型员工流失原因初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘青山 《经济论坛》2004,(11):82-83
1.知识型员工的个人因素。知识型员工重视自身价值的实现,重视自身知识的获取与提高。他们追求终身就业能力而非终身就业饭碗,为了更新知识,他们渴望获得教育和培训机会,因此他们希望到更多更优秀的企业学习新的知识,通过流动实现增值。这种个性特征使知识型员工本身就有较高的流动意愿,不希望终生在一个组织工作。据哈佛企业管理顾问公司的离职原因调查显示,“想尝试新工作以培养其他方面的特长”被列于众多原因之首。  相似文献   

中外大型企业知识型员工激励模式比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、知识型员工的界定知识型员工一般指生产、创造、扩展和应用知识的活动,为单位(或组织)带来知识资本增值,并以此为职业的人员。管理学家彼得·德鲁克认为,知识型员工属于那种“掌握和运用符号和概念,利用知识或信息工作的人”。他们具备专门的知识和技能,是本领域的专家,更注重工作中的自我开发和自我引导,强调工作中创造性能力的提高。在新经济条件下,知识型员工方面能充分利用现代科学技术知识提高工作的效率,另一方面知识型员工本身具备较强的学习知识和创新知识的能力。此外,知识型员工的工作主要是一种思维性活动,知识的更新和发展往往随环境条件的变化而有所适应,具有很大的灵活性。因此他们比从事物质生产的员工更注重自主性、个性化、多样化和创新性,比从事物质生产的员工更重视自己的尊严和自我价值的实现。  相似文献   

胡波 《当代经济》2006,(11):25-26
一、知识型员工的界定 知识型员工一般指生产、创造、扩展和应用知识的活动,为单位(或组织)带来知识资本增值,并以此为职业的人员.管理学家彼得·德鲁克认为,知识型员工属于那种"掌握和运用符号和概念,利用知识或信息工作的人".他们具备专门的知识和技能,是本领域的专家,更注重工作中的自我开发和自我引导,强调工作中创造性能力的提高.在新经济条件下,知识型员工方面能充分利用现代科学技术知识提高工作的效率,另一方面知识型员工本身具备较强的学习知识和创新知识的能力.此外,知识型员工的工作主要是一种思维性活动,知识的更新和发展往往随环境条件的变化而有所适应,具有很大的灵活性.因此他们比从事物质生产的员工更注重自主性、个性化、多样化和创新性,比从事物质生产的员工更重视自己的尊严和自我价值的实现.  相似文献   

现有研究认为,创业经验差异是专家创业者倾向于选择效果逻辑和创业新手倾向于选择因果逻辑的重要原因。基于问卷调查数据,运用层次回归分析方法探讨两类中小企业创业者(创业专家与创业新手)的创业决策逻辑差异,以及创业自我效能感与环境不确定性感知对创业者与创业决策逻辑选择的调节效应。结果表明,创业专家明显倾向于选择因果逻辑而非效果逻辑,而创业新手明显倾向于不采用因果逻辑。环境不确定性感知水平和创业自我效能感越高(低),创业者越倾向于选择效果(因果)逻辑。最后,环境不确定性感知水平和创业自我效能感均显著负(正)向调节创业者选择效果(因果)逻辑。  相似文献   

从冲突到协调:知识型员工的组织认同培育模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
韩雪松 《财经科学》2006,(12):71-76
与一般员工不同,知识型员工具有专业认同的内在倾向,在组织无法协调专业--组织冲突的情形下,他们具有较高的流动意向.我国学者对知识型员工的特点、激励和流动成因等进行了比较广泛的探讨,但对知识型员工专业--组织冲突则缺乏深入研究.为此,以西方组织认同理论为基础,通过对知识型员工专业认同与组织认同,以及专业--组织冲突发生机制的分析,得出通过组织认同的培育来协调专业--组织冲突的结论,并提出了知识型员工组织认同培育模型.  相似文献   

施艳波 《经济师》2010,(6):197-197
知识型员工的绩效如何考核是知识型社会企业员工考核的重大问题,知识型员工是企业中的核心力量,他们作用发挥的好坏,直接关系到企业的创业和创新。知识型员工的特点是:具有较高的素质,他们的劳动是脑力和体力统一的复合型、创新型劳动;工作成果不易直接测量和评价。企业的实践表明,采用全视角和重大绩效指标相结合的考核方法,能有效调动知识型员工的积极性和创造力。  相似文献   

We establish a correlation between the hierarchical structure of a firm and the likelihood of business creation among its former employees, using a sample of 16 million observations of Swedish workers and a novel proxy for hierarchies based on occupation data. Conditional on firm size and many other variables, employees in firms with more layers are less likely to enter entrepreneurship, to become self-employed, and to switch to another employer. The effects of layers are much stronger for business creation than for job-switching and they are stronger for entrepreneurship than for self-employment. We discuss two potential explanations for the distinctive hierarchy effect we find. Part of the effect could be to be due to preference sorting by employees, and part due to employees in firms with fewer layers having a broader range of skills. One test showing that the probability of entrepreneurship increases with their prior rank in an organization is consistent with ability sorting and inconsistent with preference sorting.  相似文献   

This article compares job satisfaction of true and false own-account workers. The latter group refers to own-account workers who are employed with the same tasks by the same employer for whom they previously worked as employees. To create a valid comparable group, the former workers are defined as paid employees who independently started a new business as own-account workers. Using data drawn from the European Community Household Panel for the EU-15 and controlling for possible self-selection issues, we observe that false own-account workers, compared with true ones, have less job satisfaction in terms of type of work, number of working hours, working times, and working conditions and environment. Our results are consistent with existing policies aimed to combat false self-employment developed by many OECD countries.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the role of knowledge in the evolution of new financial services ventures in Sweden between 1990 and 2002. Drawing upon economic theories of human capital and spin-out entrepreneurship, we investigate whether knowledge from prior employment in the financial and technological industries facilitates the survival of new entrepreneurial firms. Based on a database tracking the evolution of 1,077 financial services ventures, we find that firms with more extensive knowledge from the financial services and high-tech sectors have higher chances of survival than firms with more narrow knowledge bases. Our findings offer contributions to the emerging literature on spin-out entrepreneurship and to research on entrepreneurship in services.  相似文献   

The paper argues that human capital is the leading force determining inequality persistence. We show that, in a context of a perfect capital market where agents inherit human capital and wealth, it is the inherited human capital level that determines agents' occupational choice and investment. The critical assumption is that the entrepreneurial activity is of increasing returns to scale. This creates a higher profile of revenue for entrepreneurs. Although every agent can choose to become an entrepreneur, and although there is no barrier of entry in entrepreneurship, only those who receive a relatively higher human capital will do so. Agents whose inherited human capital is lower than the human capital threshold, endogenously determined, are better off becoming workers. Even in the context of a perfect capital market, which allows less endowed agents to borrow and invest in education, it turns out that the agents who inherit a low level of human capital bear a greater utility cost in their education investment. So they are better off investing less in education, lending their savings, and working as workers. As a result, agents' occupational choice depends on the intergenerational transmission of human capital. In the long run, the population is polarized into the rich entrepreneurs and the poor workers, magnifying inequality persistence in human capital level and revenue.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between earnings mobility, job mobility and changes in the contractual arrangement in Spain using a sample of Spanish workers aged 16–60 years extracted from the European Community Household Panel Survey (ECHP 1995–2001). Overall, earnings mobility remains mostly unchanged over time, although clear differences, both in terms of levels and trends, can be perceived among different types of workers. Results show that, in general, job mobility contributes to increase earnings mobility. Switching into permanent contract are associated with the highest probability of upgrading among those workers who remain with the same employer. In contrast, the highest risk of downgrading among stayers appears when changing from permanent to temporary. An analysis on low pay/no low pay transitions reveals that job mobility always increases the probability of moving from low pay to better-paid jobs among females. For males, in contrast, this occurs only when they were initially employed on a temporary basis. Furthermore, for females it is found that either switching into permanent contract while staying with the same employer, or changing employer while being employed on a permanent basis yield a higher chance of upgrading than staying with the same employer with a permanent contract.   相似文献   

This study uses detailed longitudinal matched employer–employee data to examine the impact of entrepreneurial experience on job assignments, careers, and wages. The results suggest that there are significant differences in career mobility between former business owners and workers who were always wage employees. Former business owners enter firms at higher job levels and progress faster up the hierarchy than wage employees without entrepreneurial experience. The majority of the former business owners find jobs in small firms. The return to business ownership experience is lower than the return to wage employee experience, thus suggesting that the labor market imposes a penalty for business ownership experience.  相似文献   

This study uses a familiar set of variables to characterize the determinants of training (based around individual characteristics, qualifications, and workplace characteristics). However, it goes further by using data drawn from a recent quarter of the UK Labour Force Survey, and thus contains an up-to-date and extensive set of core variables. The dependent variable used covers three subgroups: those who have never been offered training by their current employer; those who have been offered but did not receive training in the last three months; and those workers who received training within the last three months. The hypothesis that large employers not only provide more work-related training, but that they are also more willing to train workers with characteristics that indicate a lower probability of obtaining a return on any investment outlay, is tested. This was confirmed (especially for male workers), along with a range of results that mostly accord with previous studies into the determinants of UK employer-based training.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes implications for worker well-being if legislation in the U.S. Congress is passed permitting employers and non-supervisory employees who agree to substitute future compensatory time off in lieu of premium pay for overtime work, calculated over an 80-hour two-week standard. The impact on worker welfare is predicted applying augmented worker utility and employer demand for hours functions. Plausible inter-temporal scenarios suggest that unless workers gain more control over the timing of their overtime and comp time hours, they are likely to experience a net loss in welfare. This will occur to the extent employers use the new overtime regulation to vary work hours and schedules more closely with fluctuations in output demand as opposed to better customizing work hours to fit workers' needs to balance work with competing demands on their time, that is, adopting a short rather than longer-run time horizon regarding the restraint of labor costs. Alternative policies are more likely to raise welfare.  相似文献   

Existing firms are argued to be an important source of new entrepreneurs. Yet, relatively little is known about the characteristics of firms that breed new entrepreneurs. We use a large linked employee–employer dataset to trace and characterize the types of firms which generate new entrepreneurs in Finland. We find that such transitions are rare and that smaller firms spawn new entrepreneurs more frequently than larger firms. We also find that firms' R&D intensity and, to a lesser extent, their productivity are negatively related to the probability that employees transit into entrepreneurship. These results are robust to controlling for a number of employee and employer attributes.  相似文献   

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