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制造业与服务业之间由分工走向互补和创新融合,形成以供需循环、创新循环和协同发展为特征的内在联动关系,本质上可以促进我国的产业转型和经济发展。要构建功能完善的服务支撑体系,提高制造业与服务业的融合度;培育和发展产业集群;大力发展制造业和服务业产业链的高端部分;加快发展金融服务业等重点领域的综合竞争力,培育新兴服务业的成长力,进一步增强服务业发展后劲;不断提升制造业和服务业融合发展的创新力,进一步拓展制造业和服务业融合的发展模式。  相似文献   

服务创新的障碍与保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高强  蔺雷 《商业研究》2006,(18):30-33
服务创新是企业增强自身竞争力的重要手段,是推动服务业发展的强大动力。服务企业在整个创新过程中都会遇到各种障碍,而服务创新本身的特性又使创新障碍与制造业创新障碍在内容和程度上有所差异。此外,服务创新成果的保护也与制造业不同。为此,弄清服务创新的障碍来源,制定各种政策和法规促进服务创新活动的顺利开展。  相似文献   

先进制造业与生产性服务业的融合,可以加快工业领域转型与升级,促进动制造业长久稳定发展。只有服务业发展水平提高了,才可以为先进制造业创造高质量的发展环境,对增强企业市场竞争力,减少不必要资金投入等方面起着积极作用;反之,先进制造业的发展对带动服务业服务质量及服务效率的提升也起着不可替代作用。本文主要对生产性服务业与先进制造业融合发展的理论、融合互动关系和融合发展必然性展开深刻的分析探讨。  相似文献   

生产性服务业与制造业之间存在着密切的互动关系。长株潭城市群生产性服务业虽然发展较快,但是总体规模较小,发展速度滞后于制造业。为此,要从实现区域联动、加快发展生产性服务业、增强制造业活力、完善互动政策等方面,促进两者的互动融合。  相似文献   

刘利凡 《中国市场》2015,(12):116-118
电子信息制造业作为高新技术产业和制造业的重要组成部分,具有集聚创新资源与要素的特征,是当前全球创新最活跃、带动性最强、渗透性最广的领域。本文从该行业技术创新投入、产出的指标出发,利用计量经济学模型分析影响电子信息制造业创新产出的因素,为提高电子信息制造业的创新产出提出一些建议。  相似文献   

运用投入产出分析方法,着重对陕西省装备制造业和服务业进行了产业关联效应分析。结果表明,装备制造业和生产者服务业对自身产业及其他产业具有显著的产业关联效应;消费者服务业的产业关联效应也在逐渐增强。  相似文献   

产业融合是全球经济增长和现代产业发展中的重要趋势,是世界新技术革命和国际产业结构升级的深刻反映。当前我国经济发展中产业融合现象不断涌现,特别是服务业与制造业融合发展趋势在许多地区、许多领域不断增强,成为支撑产业转型升级的重要力量。其中,作为企业经营及价值实现的新模式,商业模式创新在产业融合中表现得尤为突出,不仅是许多企业成功发展的关键所在,也是产业转型升级的重要推动力量。  相似文献   

生产性服务业与制造业之间存在着密切的互动关系。长株潭城市群生产性服务业虽然发展较快,但是总体规模较小,发展速度滞后于制造业。为此,要从实现区域联动、加快发展生产性服务业、增强制造业活力、完善互动政策等方面,促进两者的互动融合。  相似文献   

徐东方  王惠  王林萍 《市场周刊》2020,(16):0071-0071,0086
随着当代经济和科技的不断发展,我国的各种产业也不断改革,在现代化进程和科技的推动,保定的不同产业之间相互融合渗透,突破产业边界的不同融合。在新的形势下,经济发展速度不断加快的制造业与服务业的相互融合与国民经济的联系更加紧密的伴随着人工智能“互联网+”的发展,越来越多的先进制造业,为了提高质量和产业结构升级与现代服务业进行融合。文章针对保定市先进制造业与现代服务业发展情况,分析了在数字化转型背景下保定市在先进制造业与现代服务业融合发展过程中存在的典型问题,在建设雄安新区多机遇的背景下提出了加快推动保定市先进制造业与现代服务业融合深度发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

现代服务业与制造业融合发展是未来产业发展的一个重要趋势。本文分析了现代服务业与制造业融合发展的机理,并运用单位根检验、协整分析、误差修正模型和格兰杰因果检验,对江苏省现代服务业与制造业融合问题进行实证研究。研究表明江苏省现代服务业与制造业之间存在着长期均衡关系,并且在一定的滞后期内,两者也具有双向因果关系。最后提出了加快江苏省现代服务业与制造业融合应大力发展现代服务业,推动制造业优化升级,构建信息平台的对策建议。  相似文献   

基于国外理论与实践的研究,对创新过程的理解、传统的制造业向服务业转移、服务业创新实证研究、服务行业创新模式的研究进行了理论综述。从服务业创新研究现状看,原有的创新理论与服务业的发展现状已出现较多矛盾:传统的创新理论主要来源于制造业,而制造业创新与服务业相距甚远,所以在服务业领域缺乏规范的实证研究,从而使理论研究缺乏实证依据;服务业的多样性、交叉性及差异性,以及其行业的飞速发展性,使其创新内容、创新类型、创新模式等创新基本理论问题的概念化难度相对较大;服务业的相关研究较为零散,缺乏整体性和系统性。  相似文献   

Service-dominant logic (SDL) provides a conceptual understanding of and widens the view on value creation in service innovation for product-centric companies. However, empirical research linking SDL and service innovation is still limited albeit expanding. This study provides insights beyond existing discussions on product and service dimensions using the theoretical lens of the value logic perspective. More specifically, the purpose of this study is to examine how value can be understood, targeted, and created in the pursuit of service innovation by product-centric manufacturing companies. Building on a previous investigation of two multinational product-centric manufacturing companies, this paper identifies and develops a theoretical model to describe the space shift in service innovation with four different kinds of value logics, namely, product-based value logic, service-based value logic, virtual-based value logic, and systemic-based value logic. Using a digitalization-driven new service innovation, namely the My Control System, which is a web-based service delivery platform, this paper describes space shifts to enhance value through four value logics as efforts. Further, challenges associated with different value logics are described in terms of complexity traps and service gaps. The study also contributes to bridging the gap between SDL theory and practice by developing a midrange theoretical model for value creation as a specification and amendment to SDL that supports SDL-guided service innovation and servitization in practice.  相似文献   

郑吉昌  夏晴 《商业研究》2005,13(17):152-155
服务创新是推动服务业发展的强大动力,同时对增强制造业企业的竞争力有重要作用。由于服务质量形成模式与一般产品质量形成模式的差别,服务创新与制造业技术创新在创新内容和形式上有所不同,关键在于创新维度的不同。通过对基于服务质量形成模式的服务创新四维度模型的探讨,识别了服务企业创新活动包含的四个一般性维度及其关联。  相似文献   

Recently, literature on innovation in service activities has increased significantly. Much effort has been concentrated on understanding the importance of innovation for these activities, and on stressing innovative differences relative to the manufacturing innovation model. However, a deeper understanding is needed in three main areas: the degree of innovation heterogeneity among different service activities, the factors that explain this heterogeneity, and the primary drivers of the innovation process for each activity. Using results from the Third Community Innovation Survey, this paper aims to identify the extent to which there are similarities and differences in the main innovation attributes in four important service sub-sectors. After describing the characteristics of innovation and the behavior of variables in the sub-sectors, a typology of innovation patterns is identified.  相似文献   

选择"一带一路"沿线18个省域生产性服务业与技术或资本密集型装备制造业动态互动关系为研究对象,运用向量自回归(VAR)模型进行4个细分服务业和装备制造业脉冲响应比较研究,探究其双向互促性、行业异质性及长短期差异性。结果表明:二者虽然有长期均衡关系,但是互促作用具有非对称性。装备制造业对生产性服务业发展的总体拉动力强劲。但无论辅助联动式或价值链嵌入式生产性服务,都只是短期助推装备制造业发展,仍难以构成高端服务能力和发挥显著的规模经济效应,其长期匹配及推动作用较小。长期以来,装备制造业对知识密集型服务业需求程度不高,导致装备制造业对其拉动作用不明显,二者互动关联性较弱。不同互动机理及动态匹配方式下细分服务业与装备制造业互动效应差异性显著。装备制造业来自于自身内部的信息变动影响显著。应加强装备制造业创新投资引资、提升装备制造业产业集群创新竞争力、促使生产性服务业高质量发展、提高高层次人才培养引进效率,以促进沿线省域两大产业高层级耦合互动发展。  相似文献   

制造业投入服务化作为实现制造强国战略的重要手段之一,对价值链升级具有重要推动作用。本文运用世界投入产出数据库2000-2014年的数据,实证考察了制造业投入服务化对中国在全球价值链参与度和分工地位的影响并检验了相关作用机制。研究表明:(1)总体来看,制造业服务化对中国在全球价值链参与度存在“天花板”效应,即随着制造业服务化趋势的加强,其对中国在全球价值链参与度的促进作用是边际递减的,而对制造业分工地位产生显著的正向促进作用。(2)不同服务投入与中国制造业在全球价值链参与度和分工地位的关系存在一定差异,与传统的服务投入(批发零售和运输服务化)相比,现代化的服务投入(电信和金融服务化)对价值链升级的作用更为明显和重要;目前来看,由于国外服务的渗透率较低,所以占据主导力量的国内服务投入对中国制造业分工地位的促进作用更为明显;服务使用率高的制造行业要比服务使用率低的行业对价值链的升级效用更大一些。(3)我国制造业服务化水平整体较低,还未达到制造业投入服务化的最优临界水平,仍都具有很大的提升空间。(4)作用机制检验表明,研发创新是制造业投入服务化促进价值链参与度深化的可能作用渠道。但是制造业服务化通过研发创新对价值链分工地位的影响不存在提升效应,可能还存在其他作用渠道。本文的研究对于中国发展服务型制造业,融入全球价值链生产分工具有重要政策启示。  相似文献   

In this study, using fixed-effects models based on the manufacturing sector for 18 European Union countries for the period 1995–2008, we find that the employment share of service occupations is significantly and positively related to the output share of producer services in manufacturing. In particular, the increase in the output share of services accounts for an average of 13% of the increase in the share of service occupations. When service occupations are disaggregated by different categories, we find that the output share of services is significantly and positively related to the share of managers, professionals, and technicians. In contrast, the remaining service occupations do not benefit from the increase in service revenues. Finally, professionals and technicians are complementary to purchased services (from either domestic or foreign suppliers).  相似文献   

Using standardised firm data a comparative analysis of the determinants of product and process innovation in manufacturing and services is performed. Results show that in services there are significant differences in innovation behaviour, in terms of intramural and extramural R&D. It is also found that size matters less in services than in manufacturing. Although youth has a positive effect in both cases, young service firms are more likely than young manufacturing of being pioneer innovators. The results reveal the importance of learning by doing in service process innovations, as young service firms are less likely to introduce process innovations.  相似文献   

IT services are overrepresented among high-growth innovative enterprises. The nature of innovation in IT requires knowledge search and collaboration, which together constitute the inbound open innovation (IOI) strategy. This study analyses whether the IOI strategies in IT service firms lead to different performance effects in comparison to other service and manufacturing firms. A quantile regression on multi-country data from the Community Innovation Survey indicates that innovative IT service companies share the same benefits from increased cooperation as other innovators, while displaying a strong growth dynamic compared to others. Therefore, IT service firms’ growth differential may not be related to external cooperation and knowledge sourcing.  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates if firms focusing on service innovation perform better financially than firms not focusing on service innovation. Analysis of the financial performance of 3575 Norwegian firms in the manufacturing industries supports the proposition that firms focusing on service innovation have significantly higher growth of operating results than firms not focusing on service innovation. However, this proposition is not supported in a corresponding analysis of 1132 Norwegian firms in the service industries. We elaborate on these results by investigating a variety of performance measures and by comparing the effects of service innovation between manufacturing and service industries. The article contributes to the service innovation measurement literature and to a better general understanding of the determinants of service innovation performance effects.  相似文献   

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