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Directors are obviously critical to the management of companies, and perhaps even more so when a company is in financial difficulties. This paper examines the position of directors when their company is in the vicinity of insolvency. It provides an analytical exposition of the law that exists in common law jurisdictions where, in the vicinity of insolvency, there is a shift in the nature of the duties of its directors, namely, directors have to take into account the interest of the creditors when exercising their powers and discharging their duties. The paper endeavours to identify and discuss the main problems that exist with this shift in the nature of duties so that if other jurisdictions do consider implementing it, they are aware of the drawbacks and may be able to address them. Copyright © 2015 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

The rule of law is a concept that was often considered in the context of national legal systems. However, it is now commonly being promoted as significant in the transnational context. This paper addresses its importance within the transnational economic and commercial context, in particular in response to cross‐border insolvencies. It examines how the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross‐border Insolvency and its Guide to Enactment and Interpretation promote key tenets of the rule of law in transnational disputes arising out of businesses in financial distress. In particular, some examples are provided of cases from the Asia‐Pacific region in which the Model Law has been applied to demonstrate how the rule of law may be promoted in an insolvency context. Finally, the paper concludes that the adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross‐border Insolvency promotes transparency, accountability and predictability, which in turn support stability in financial systems and credit relationships and thus trade within a global market. This is a direct result of adherence to elements of the rule of law principle. Copyright © 2016 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

In a European study, written under the auspices of the European Law Institute, the authors have designed elements of a legal framework that will enable the further development of coherent and functional rules for business rescue in Europe. Based on the recommendations of international organisations, such as UNCITRAL and the World Bank, as well as the insolvency laws of EU Member States, comparative research has led to a lengthy report of 10 chapters and more than 100 recommendations which are described in this article. They range from the need for professional and honest parties involved in the process (insolvency practitioners, turnaround managers, courts and company directors) to the evaluation of specific tools (such as a stay on enforcement actions of creditors and forms of available finance) and procedural safeguards to enable serious rescue efforts of viable businesses, while protecting justified interests. Copyright © 2018 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article charts the additions made by the French legislator to the insolvency framework, reformed relatively recently in 2005 and 2008, consisting in a fresh set of amendments in 2014 aimed at encouraging more take up of upstream rescue proceedings as well as improving the existing procedures.  相似文献   

破产管理人的选任方式主要有由法院选任、债权人会议选任、债权人会议选任和法定权力机关指定相结合、行政机关选任等几种立法模式。每种立法模式各有其特点与优劣。只有加强债权人自治权利和破产管理人的市场培育,才能够更好地完善我国的破产管理人选任制度。  相似文献   

Based on an analysis concerning the disadvantages of the previous understanding of handling groups of companies by means of consolidation of jurisdiction, the following article illustrates the basic idea of group‐specialized proceedings (konzernspezifisches Sachwalterverfahren), avoiding ‘domino effects’ and thereby unnecessary insolvencies of profitable subsidiaries and preserving the assets of these parts of the group to a greater extent than an insolvency situation can. Copyright © 2013 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

证券民事责任法律制度是整个证券法律制度不可或缺的组成部分 ,其建立与完善既有必要又十分重要。本文搭建了证券民事责任的基本框架 ,较为全面地概括了证券民事责任的五个构成要件 ,并且从诉讼与非诉讼的角度对其实现机制分别提出了一些见解。最后 ,本文对证券民事责任法律制度的建立与完善的相关问题进行了反思。  相似文献   

刘骏 《当代金融研究》2017,2017(2):67-77
法国法和中国法的经验表明分别规范一般代理制度和委托合同不代表必然采纳"代理权授予之无因性"理论,我国法可明确也可委托授权限制行为能力人完成法律行为。在表见代理方面,二者都强调第三人的合理信赖,不将"本人之归责性"作为单独构成要件,而是以例外的方式排除与本人无关的表象。就代理权终止时表见代理之适用,我国法可关注本人是否合理地通知第三人代理权终止之事实,而非一概由第三人就表见代理之适用提供举证责任。我国法解释上还可认为在代理权滥用时代理行为针对善意第三人仍有效。最后,法国法新设的"代理权不明时的询问程序"可供我们参考。  相似文献   

政府董事是公司制国企中经国家股权支持委派或当选的董事。各国实践表明,政府董事虽具公司法上董事的外在形式,但实质为公职人员。政府董事的双重身份决定了其选任不能纯粹遵循私法的逻辑,需综合考虑公私法上双重因素。我国政府董事存在选任主体多元、标准不明、选任方式与程序不规范等问题。建议借鉴国外有益经验,在政府层面设立政府董事提名委员会,建立任职资格制度和董事池,优化提名、考察及任免等程序,并由政府与选定的政府董事签订聘任合同,将其纳入聘任制公务员管理。  相似文献   

Statute of Canada Chapter 47, when it is proclaimed in force, will largely adopt the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross‐border Insolvency. The current and proposed cross‐border provisions could be considered Canada's “Northern Lights”, evolving constantly, but aligning with the objectives and scope of the UNCITRAL Model Law. While Chapter 47 is a modified version of the Model Law, it continues Canada's regime as one of modified universalism, with a strong commitment to comity and coordination. There are likely to be contests for control over the scope of foreign proceedings, although arguably, no more so than under the language of the Model Law. The most critical issues to resolve in the short term are definitions of COMI where corporate groups are involved, and the issue of the scope and extent of possible concurrent main proceedings, both areas left to the discretion of the courts in their interpretation of the legislation's domestic, as well as cross‐border, provisions. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A debtor's home is frequently a source of conflict between the debtor and his family members and his creditors. Treatment of forced sale of a debtor's home is not uniform. Some legal systems provide for formal, statutory ‘homestead exemptions’ the monetary limits of which are in many cases capped. In a number of jurisdictions, statutory provisions regulating, inter alia, the civil process, family law, bankruptcy law, or the recognition of human rights afford a measure of protection to the debtor and his family. This occurs either through the imposition of procedural requirements before forced sale is allowed or protecting the interest in the home or the occupational rights of a spouse or partner of the debtor against creditors' claims, or by delaying the forced sale of the home in certain circumstances. Recently, in South Africa, recognition by the courts of every person's constitutional right to have access to adequate housing has impacted upon the substantive and procedural requirements for execution against a debtor's home. However, no consideration has been given to whether realisation of an insolvent debtor's home by the trustee of an insolvent estate in terms of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 involves similar constitutional imperatives. Consideration of the treatment of a debtor's home, especially in the context of insolvency, in various jurisdictions may provide valuable guidance for future developments in South Africa. Copyright © 2013 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

注册会计师民事责任研究:回顾与展望   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
刘燕 《会计研究》2003,16(11):34-38
会计师的法律责任是一个历久弥新的话题,因为每一起针对会计师的诉讼,往往都演化为整个职业的一场危机。在会计职业100余年的发展过程中,同样的场景、同样的诉讼、同样的争论不断重现,却因法律规则的变化而有不同的结局。这既给对会计师民事责任问题的学术研究带来了困难,也给研究者提供了一个从历史角度进行观察的最好样本。本文对会计师民事责任领域的研究文献进行梳理的结果表明,在经过了合同法、侵权法、证券法、专家责任等多种路径的尝试后,在公司治理结构的框架下解决会计师民事责任的争议恐怕是一条必由之路。  相似文献   

我国证券市场在短短十几年的时间内,在募集资金、推动国有大中型企业改制、优化资源配置等方面发挥了不可替代的重要作用.但不容乐观的是伴随着证券市场的发展各种违法违规现象在不断发生.尽管我国对证券违法行为明令禁止,并对严重的违法行为加以行政处罚甚至刑事制裁,然而证券市场上的违法行为仍然禁而不止.究其原因,除了管理层对证券市场发展的总体政策摇摆不定,监管者对违法行为处理不力等因素外,证券法上未建立完善的民事责任制度是重要的原因.本文从证券法上的民事责任功能的探讨入手,阐述了证券法上的民事责任具有的功能是证券刑事责任、行政责任所不能替代的原因,进而论证了建立完善的证券民事责任的必要性.  相似文献   

Insolvency law has finally become a field of law for which harmonisation at a European level is considered both important and feasible. In deciding upon the content of such harmonised rules, there will need to be a common understanding about the goals of insolvency law and, therefore, a European debate on bankruptcy theory. Bankruptcy theory, and most notably the influential creditors' bargain theory, has long viewed insolvency law as a set of rules for overcoming common pool problems. Bankruptcy theory thus far has almost completely overlooked anticommons problems. Anticommons present themselves in a situation in which there are several owners or entitled parties, and each of the parties has it within its power to block the use by others. Should anticommons behaviour in insolvency procedures go unchecked, creditors as a whole will be harmed. Insolvency is a collective process, and this process may not be sabotaged by a single party. Four typical insolvency issues, each identified by INSOL Europe as a candidate for harmonisation at a European level, are discussed, analysing them in terms of common pool problems and anticommons: preferences, reorganisation/composition plans, claim validation and insolvency of a group of companies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

从上市公司盈余管理的角度出发,将2002~2008年度的非操纵性应计利润截面数据分为小于0和大于0的两种基本情况,实证分析了公司独立董事制度的有效性问题。研究结果表明:独立董事能有效的发挥作用。  相似文献   

刘泽华  陈良 《银行家》2008,(2):108-110
修改背景 <中华人民共和国民事诉讼法>自1991年颁布实施以来,我国经济社会生活发生了深刻的变化,经济成分、组织形式、利益关系日趋多样化,新情况、新问题不断出现,民事纠纷日益增多,公民、法人和其他组织向人民法院提起民事诉讼维护自身合法权益的民事案件大量增加,人民法院在审理和执行民事案件过程中遇到了许多新的矛盾和难题,民事诉讼法的现有规定已经不能完全适应司法实践的需要.  相似文献   

Although Hong Kong has neither enacted nor launched any plan to enact a statute addressing cooperation and assistance on cross‐border insolvency matters, recently, a unique Hong Kong approach dealing with recognition and assistance in cross‐border insolvency is gradually forming under common law. Thanks to the efforts made by the Companies Court of the Hong Kong High Court, insolvency representatives appointed in the place of incorporation of the debtors may, firstly, be accorded a certain degree of automatic recognition and cooperation based on traditional private international law rules without going through a recognition procedure and, secondly, be recognized and granted active assistance under principle of universalism at common law. With regard to the limits of this common law power, the court has referred to but not strictly followed the British Privy Council's decision in Singularis Holdings Limited v. PricewaterhouseCoopers (Singularis) and instead followed the previous approach in Cambridge Gas Transport Corp v. Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (of Navigator Holdings PLC and others) (Cambridge Gas). The Companies Court also attempted to simplify and facilitate the application and grant of this common law recognition and assistance through a series of innovations. Copyright © 2018 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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