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This paper examines the hypothesis that the boom in dollar credit in emerging market economies (EMEs) is associated with an excessively low interest rate in the US. For this purpose, we use a multivariate correlated unobserved component model that allows for correlation between shocks to dollar credit, cross‐border interest rate gaps—measured as the difference between emerging market interest rate and the US interest rate, and dollar index both in the short run and in the long run. In addition, it also provides us a quantitative estimate of the permanent and transitory movements in dollar credit in EMEs, interest rate gaps and dollar index. The results from this model do suggest that a temporary increase in interest rate gaps and decline in the dollar index are associated with a temporary increase in the dollar credit in EMEs with a very high degree of correlation. The estimate of the cyclical component of the dollar credit in EMEs from our model captures the recent boom and bust in this market and compares favourably to alternative trend–cycle decomposition methods.  相似文献   

证券市场中的道德风险主要来源于证券投资者、证券发行者、证券公司、证券监管者、相关机构的不道德行为。形成道德风险的原因主要是人的本能驱动、信息差异、机会吸引等。证券市场中的道德风险事故会造成一系列不利的后果。为了完善证券市场中的道德风险控制机制,应改进证券发行核准制,改进重要人员聘任制度,建立重要人员财产申报制度、出国监控制度和大额交易限期锁仓制度,建立证券专业法庭,完善证券市场赔偿制度和证券市场监管制度。  相似文献   

Credit constraints, equity market liberalizations and international trade   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper provides evidence that credit constraints are an important determinant of international trade flows. I exploit shocks to the availability of external finance and examine the impact of equity market liberalizations on the export behavior of 91 countries in the 1980-1997 period. I show that liberalizations increase exports disproportionately more in financially vulnerable sectors that require more outside finance or employ fewer collateralizable assets. This result is not driven by cross-country differences in factor endowments and is independent of simultaneous trade policy reforms. Moreover, it obtains with equal strength in the full panel of countries as well as in both panel and event-study analyses of countries which removed capital controls during the sample period. Finally, the effects of liberalizations are more pronounced in economies with initially less active stock markets, indicating that foreign equity flows may substitute for an underdeveloped domestic financial system. Similarly, opening equity markets has a greater impact in the presence of higher trade costs caused by restrictive trade policies.  相似文献   

In the past years central banks of major Western industrialised countries have repeatedly attempted to change the trend of the US-Dollar rate by means of intervention in the foreign exchange markets. Our authors analyse the objectives, effects and chances of success of such exchange market interventions.  相似文献   

We analyze whether product market advertising has a spillover effect on stock price synchronicity by transmitting firm-specific information to the capital market and attracting more investor attention. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2009 to 2017, we find that firms with greater advertising expenditures have lower stock price synchronicity. The results are robust after we address endogeneity concerns. In accord with our hypothesis that product market advertising increases the amount of firm-level information capitalized into stock prices through the information channel, we find that the impact of advertising on synchronicity is more pronounced for firms with a higher degree of information asymmetry and firms in the consumer-product industry. Further tests show that product market advertising enhances the ability of current period returns to reflect future earnings, and thus rules out that the negative relationship between advertising and synchronicity is driven by noise trading. Our results imply that product market advertising plays an informative role and improves information efficiency in a capital market.  相似文献   

本文使用1996年2月-2020年1月35个新兴经济体的跨境股票型基金微观数据,实证考察美国贸易政策不确定性对新兴经济体跨境股票资本流动的影响。结果表明:美国贸易政策不确定性上升会导致新兴经济体跨境股票型基金净资本流入下降,这一影响在2008年全球金融危机后更为显著。受国别因素影响,美国贸易政策不确定性的影响存在异质性。一国外汇风险暴露水平更高、国际金融一体化风险更大、与美国直接贸易联系更紧密,受到的美国贸易政策不确定性的影响更显著,更高的利率水平有利于缓解美国贸易政策不确定性的影响。从全球价值链视角来看,美国贸易政策不确定性上升对处于研发密集型行业下游和邮政通讯、金融商业服务等行业下游的经济体影响显著。渠道分析表明,全球投资者对新兴经济体的国别风险情绪变化是美国贸易政策不确定性冲击的重要传导渠道。进一步研究表明,中美贸易摩擦期间,主要受美国贸易政策不确定性影响,加征关税会显著降低新兴经济体跨境股票型基金净资本流入。在金融开放进程中,新兴经济体应防范外部不确定性引发的资本流动剧烈波动风险,保持宏观经济与金融市场稳定。  相似文献   

美元是美国实力和地位的标志。美元霸权的根本在于支撑美国的全球霸权。美元指数在2007年中延续了2001年以来的下跌走势.在受美国经济衰退及次贷危机影响下,再度深幅下跌。随着美国华尔街金融危机的不断深化.美元跌势依旧,以美元为本位的国际货币金融体系正在遭受布雷顿森林体系崩溃以后最严峻的一场考验。尽管如此,美元霸权地位在短期内还不会终结。  相似文献   

This study examines why most derivatives markets that settle on the day following expiration choose the opening rather than the closing price as the final settlement price (FSP), whereas most markets that settle on the expiration day select an average rather than a single price as the FSP. Four exogenous changes in the Taiwan Futures Exchange settlement procedures provide an experimental basis for studying the settlement procedures’ impact on underlying assets. Greatest market efficiency is observed when the FSP is determined by a single rather than an average price and hypothesize that manipulation is prevented at the expense of market quality.  相似文献   

This study finds that the growth of index options open interest has a significant relation with future stock market returns. We propose a theoretical model that considers hedgers and informed traders in the options market and suggests that hedgers fully utilize options according to their expectations of future stock returns. The empirical results show that the growth of out-of-the-money call options open interest is significantly related with future stock market returns. These findings provide supporting evidence for our theoretical model.  相似文献   

资本市场中股票的价格与股票的内在价值在短期内可能会出现背离的现象,但随着时间的流逝,股票的价格总是会围绕着它的内在价值波动。因此利用股票估值方法进行价值投资就显得尤为重要。本文在彼得·林奇对公司进行分类研究的基础上,选取缓慢增长型公司长江电力为标的,探索价值投资策略在股票市场的适用性,并为更好地建设资本市场提出一些政策建议。  相似文献   


The need to capture the foreign exchange (FX) and stock markets nexus in Nigeria is underscored by the rapidly expanding financial markets integration due to trade and financial liberalization policies which seem to have enhanced the inflow of capital as well as accelerated investment/business interactions. Using variants of the VARMA-AMGARCH model of McAleer, Hoti, and Chan (2009), we find that volatility persistence in the stock market is accentuated by bad news in the market and moderated by good news in the FX market. Finally, we establish that ignoring the asymmetric effects may exaggerate the spillover results.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the determinants of stock market participation decisions using officially compiled aggregate stock account opening data in China. Different from the literature that often focuses on one particular dimension, our paper systematically evaluates the relative importance of disposable income, demographic variables, macroeconomic factors, stock market conditions and social communication on both the level and the change of the participation rate. We find that the level of the participation rate is predominately determined by the income factor, followed by various measures of social communication. Social communication plays the most important role in the change of the participation rate, acting as a multiplier to stimulate stock market participation. The effects are more pronounced in high‐income, high‐education, high‐population‐density groups and during the bull market period.  相似文献   

本文以美国国际贸易委员会提供的1989年至2005年美国鞋类产品进口数据为基础,对美国进口鞋类产品的总体市场、中国鞋类产品的市场份额及平均价格的变化趋势,以及中国与全球其它主要鞋类供应国之间的竞争态势进行了初步分析,并对中国制鞋行业如何继续保持目前在美国鞋类进口市场上的主导地位及应对未来潜在的竞争威胁进行了简要的讨论.  相似文献   

曹垂龙 《国际经贸探索》2007,23(8):45-49,54
全球经济失衡持续加深,其根源是新时期的美元霸权与"新特里芬难题".当今的美元霸权是在全球金融自由化不断深入,且美元不再与黄金挂钩的国际浮动汇率制下形成的,这为美国谋取美元霸权的利益带来了更大的便利.美元霸权导致人民币升值绩效的弱化;对人民币汇改的速度也会产生负面影响:导致"浮动恐惧"和美元大权重之刚性.人民币汇率决不是全球失衡的"救命稻草",美国必须为化解全球经济失衡发挥主导作用.  相似文献   

中国股市β系数稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
β系数是证券或证券组合与市场相互关联的一个概念和参数,它是衡量证券系统风险的重要指标,β系数的稳定性也一直是学术界和投资者特别关注的焦点。本文通过中国股票市场的31个行业数据的研究,得到中国股市样本β值在单位β值(1.00)附近上下波动并呈正态分布;也可以得到组合的β系数还是有较好的稳定性结论。  相似文献   

We discuss different methods proposed in the literature to analyse the propagation mechanism of a crisis and to verify the presence of contagion. We consider the propagation mechanisms of the Hong Kong index on the Eurostoxx, Nikkei and Dow Jones indexes during the Asian financial crisis. We show that the methodologies proposed by Forbes and Rigobon [J. Finance 57 (2002) 2223] and by Corsetti et al. [Some contagion, some interdependence more pitfalls in tests of financial contagion, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 3310, London, 2002] are highly affected by the windows used and by the presence of omitted variables: we propose some analyses to strengthen the robustness of these tests. Concerning the DCC test, we show that it is unable to cope with some kinds of heteroskedasticity.  相似文献   

One key strategic decision in a firm's internationalization process is the international market selection (IMS). IMS must match the firm's own-specific resources and capabilities for optimal performance. This research, drawing on the resource-based view, investigates how a firm's market orientation (MO) resources and capabilities influence the firm's IMS between culturally close and distant markets and how the matching of MO and IMS impacts on its international performance. We hypothesize that market-oriented firms tend to choose culturally distant markets that help them exploit their MO. Firms with a fit between MO and IMS tend to perform better internationally than those without such a fit. Both hypotheses are supported by our database of Chinese manufacturing firms expanding internationally.  相似文献   

Are celebrity endorsements worthwhile investments in advertising? To answer this question, we analyze a unique sample of 101 announcements made between 1996 and 2008 by firms listed in the USA. Internet is the main medium of communication for these announcements. We employ event study methodology and document statistically insignificant abnormal returns around the announcement dates. This finding is consistent with the notion that the incremental benefits from celebrity endorsements closely match the incremental costs due to such contracts. Further, we investigate if the announcement date return depends on a number of characteristics that are often used in the endorsement literature. As a result, we find that endorsements of technology industry products coincide with significant positive abnormal returns around the announcement dates. Finally, we find weak support for the match-up hypothesis between celebrities and endorsed products.  相似文献   

倪峰 《北方经贸》2008,(3):90-92
BELLERSLEV在1986年提出了GARCH模型,该模型反映了经济变量之间的特殊的不确定形式:方差随时间变化而变化,因而在金融市场的预测和风险管理方面有着重要的应用。以上证指数的收益作为研究对象,运用GARCH-N模型、GARCH-T模型和GARCH-GED模型分析上海股市日收益率的条件异方差性,计算出日VaR值,结果表明GARCH模型对于我国的股市风险管理有较好效果。  相似文献   

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