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The paper examines how the results of the Barro-Grossman (1971, 1976) model are modified when inventories are added to their framework. As inventories are introduced, the demand for labor becomes sensitive to the real wage even when there exists general excess supply, and it becomes less sensitive to aggregate demand than in the Barro-Grossman model. A cut in real wage can increase output and employment in this same framework a result that runs counter to the conclusion in the existing Keynesian literature. The demand multiplier comes out to be weaker than in the no-inventory case.  相似文献   

The paper develops a macro model for determining output and employment when discrete transaction costs exist for paying wages and for purchasing commodities. Household labor supply is a function of an effective real wage, which modifies the apparent real wage to take account of the length of the payment period and the costs associated with buying and holding commodities. Firm labor demand is derived in a model where there are lumpy payroll costs associated with making wage payments. The behavior of households and firms is brought together in a market-clearing framework to determine the values of the real wage, employment and output, as well as the time intervals between wage payments and purchases of commodities. The effects of changes in the transaction and holding cost parameters are then examined by comparative-static techniques. An increase in any of these cost parameters turns out to reduce output and the amount of labor employed in production, but also tends to raise the amount of labor absorbed by the process of transacting. The tendency of transaction labor to move in the opposite direction from production labor implies that the net effects on total work are ambiguous.  相似文献   

A reciprocity-based model of wage determination is incorporated into a modern dynamic general equilibrium framework and estimated on U.S. data. The estimation reveals that rent-sharing (between workers and firms) and wage entitlement (based on past wages) are important determinants of wage setting for the model to fit the dynamic responses of output, wages and inflation to various exogenous shocks. Aggregate employment conditions (measuring workers’ outside option), on the other hand, are found to play only a negligible role for wage setting. These results are consistent with micro-studies on reciprocity in labor relations but contrast with traditional efficiency wage models which emphasize aggregate labor market variables as the determinants of wage setting.  相似文献   

We find that demand shocks play an important role for business-cycle fluctuations in unemployment and job vacancies. The reason is that those shocks give a strong incentive to demand-constrained firms to adjust production and thereby labor input. Furthermore we argue that whether real wage rigidity à la Hall [2005. Employment fluctuations with equilibrium wage stickiness. American Economic Review 95, 50–65] helps explain the remaining part of the unemployment volatility puzzle depends critically on assumptions regarding the form of the wage bargain between firms and workers. Real wage rigidity tends to generate volatility in employment only in the case in which hours are chosen efficiently. If, on the other hand, the real wage is allowed to affect firms's choices of hours directly, the feature of real wage rigidity loses its ability to increase employment volatility.  相似文献   

This paper develops a channel through which increases in anticipated real interest rates can be ‘expansionary’ for current aggregate labor demand and current output supply. The key feature of the model is the introduction of a user cost of capital utilization which confronts the firm with the intertemporal problem of the optimal choices of capital utilization and depreciation. The resulting variation in capital utilization and capital services in response to fluctuations in the real rate of interest shifts the marginal product of labor and, thus, the demand for labor at the same time and in the same direction that Lucas-Rapping real interest rate effects operate on labor supply. The complete model places no a priori restrictions on the cyclical pattern of real wages, thus avoiding the countercyclical real wage prediction made by Keynes and various classical writers that is rejected by the data. Estimates of a labor demand schedule for the annual U.S. data reveal a significantly positive real interest rate effect.  相似文献   

通过同时引入异质性劳动力供给和工资粘性拓展了包含五类外生冲击的新凯恩斯DSGE模型,在此框架下考察异质性劳动力供给和工资粘性对经济周期的作用及传导机制,并分析两者传播和放大外生冲击作用的异同,研究发现:同时包含异质性劳动力供给和工资粘性的一般均衡模型要明显优于非异质性劳动力供给和无工资粘性模型;异质性劳动力供给和工资粘性均在一定程度上放大了外生冲击对经济波动的影响,在不包含两者的情形下,投资冲击的贡献度变小,技术冲击和政府支出冲击的贡献度变大。  相似文献   

A monopsony model with a symmetric equilibrium is developed where posting higher wages reduces employee departures. This monopsony implies that wage changes have small effects on profits so that employer altruism affects wages as well. Even selfish firms act altruistically if workers punish firms that fail to do so. If the marginal utility of income falls sharply with income, the model can explain modest responses of wages to shifts in labor demand. If there are fluctuations in the altruism required by workers, the low correlation of wages and employment and the sizes of the cyclical fluctuations in these two series can be rationalized.  相似文献   

李建强  高翔  赵西亮 《金融研究》2020,486(12):132-150
本文考察了最低工资对企业创新的影响。研究发现,最低工资显著促进了企业创新,通过相邻样本分析、双重差分策略以及其他一系列稳健性检验发现,结论基本稳健。最低工资改善了企业的物质资本,降低了低技能工人就业,提高了高技能工人就业,促进了企业人力资本优化,从而为企业创新提供了硬件和软件条件。企业实现创新的方式有自创和引进技术两种,最低工资提高了企业的创新效率。进一步研究发现,最低工资改善了企业的要素结构和全要素生产率。异质性分析发现,最低工资对劳动密集型企业、平均工资较低的企业、行业竞争激烈的企业以及高市场化地区企业的创新影响更加明显。本文的研究结果表明,最低工资政策具有促进企业创新升级的作用,这与党的十九届五中全会提出的“坚持创新驱动发展”的战略目标相一致。  相似文献   

李建强  高翔  赵西亮 《金融研究》2021,486(12):132-150
本文考察了最低工资对企业创新的影响。研究发现,最低工资显著促进了企业创新,通过相邻样本分析、双重差分策略以及其他一系列稳健性检验发现,结论基本稳健。最低工资改善了企业的物质资本,降低了低技能工人就业,提高了高技能工人就业,促进了企业人力资本优化,从而为企业创新提供了硬件和软件条件。企业实现创新的方式有自创和引进技术两种,最低工资提高了企业的创新效率。进一步研究发现,最低工资改善了企业的要素结构和全要素生产率。异质性分析发现,最低工资对劳动密集型企业、平均工资较低的企业、行业竞争激烈的企业以及高市场化地区企业的创新影响更加明显。本文的研究结果表明,最低工资政策具有促进企业创新升级的作用,这与党的十九届五中全会提出的“坚持创新驱动发展”的战略目标相一致。  相似文献   

We exploit the staggered introduction of CPA Mobility provisions in the United States to study the effects of spatial licensing requirements on the labor market for accounting professionals. Specifically, we examine whether the removal of licensing‐induced geographic barriers affects CPA wages and employment levels, as well as the pricing and quality of professional services. We find that, subsequent to the adoption of CPA Mobility provisions, wages of accounting professionals decrease, whereas employment levels are unaffected. The documented wage effect stems from smaller CPA firms, is more pronounced for CPAs holding senior positions, and persists over time. We also find that service prices decline and that this effect is concentrated in local CPA firms. Moreover, we document that the increased wage and price pressure is not associated with deteriorating service quality. Collectively, our results suggest that the removal of occupational licensing barriers has sizable effects on labor supply and service prices. Our findings inform the current regulatory debate on occupational licensing.  相似文献   

东北老工业基地人口城市化的就业效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在东北老工业基地经济振兴中,人口城市化与就业是相互影响的两个重大问题,对人口城市化进程中产生的就业效应进行理性的分析,意义尤为重大.本文在经济学分析框架下纳入人口学与统计学的研究方法,采用城乡增长率差法客观预测了东北地区未来城市化发展趋势,并以此为基础对劳动力需求趋势进行了科学的预测,得出的主要结论是城市化水平的提高在一定程度上会加剧城镇劳动力市场的供求矛盾,但与此同时也促进了经济增长,带来了经济的繁荣和就业水平的提高,二者之间并非完全对立关系,存在协调发展的可能.  相似文献   

刘元春  丁洋 《金融研究》2022,507(9):20-38
头部企业为什么能打破市场均衡而将生产率优势转化为工资租?理论分析表明,市场份额越大,雇主与雇员之间越易达成“秘密握手协议”,即通过联合来操纵劳动供给,以抬高人均生产率并进行分割。在这一过程中,员工分割比例虽有所下降,但不足以抵消人均生产率上升的影响,进而产生工资租。以上市公司为例,市场份额位于前10%的头部企业,人均生产率对工资的传递力度仅比市场份额位于中位值附近的企业低4%,但人均生产率却高出40%以上,直接导致了较高的工资优势。进一步借鉴Blanchard and Summers(1986)的方法进行检验,发现头部企业确实存在更明显的“合谋”迹象,程度比中位值附近的企业高出近一倍。“秘密握手协议”的本质是通过限制劳动力流动阻碍工资均等化,在扎实推进共同富裕的道路上,不仅要反产品市场垄断,也要防范不合理攫取生产率红利的行为。  相似文献   

We study the optimal volatility of the exchange rate in a two-country model with sectoral non-atomistic wage setters, non-traded goods, nominal rigidities and alternative pricing assumptions – producer or local currency pricing. Labor unions internalize the sectoral impact of their wage settlements through firms' labor demand. With local currency pricing, exchange rate depreciation raises sales revenue, which in turn boosts domestic consumption and labor demand. Unions anticipate this effect and set higher wages accordingly. With small unions and low wage markup, optimal monetary policy enhances exchange rate movements to improve its terms of trade. With large unions and high wage markup, optimal monetary policy curbs exchange rate movements to restrain inflationary wage demands and to stabilize employment.  相似文献   

王文春  殷华  宫汝凯 《金融研究》2022,499(1):95-114
资本劳动比的提高对企业发展、经济增长和结构转型都具有重要意义。本文利用2002—2011年中国工业企业数据和283个地级市统计数据,探讨了最低工资标准提高对企业资本劳动比的影响。研究发现,最低工资标准提升对制造业企业资本劳动比具有显著的正向影响。平均而言,最低工资标准每提升10%,企业资本劳动比将提高2%,该结果在工具变量回归、双重差分法等多项稳健性检验下均成立。机制分析表明,最低工资标准提高会使企业增加资本投入和减少劳动力雇佣,这一结论为企业用资本替代劳动力的事实提供了直接证据。异质性分析表明,最低工资标准提升对企业资本劳动比的影响主要集中于非国有企业、较低工资水平企业和劳动密集型企业。进一步研究发现,随着最低工资标准提升,企业生产率和盈利能力显著提高,从而佐证了企业用资本替代劳动力的积极效应。本文的研究为进一步完善最低工资制度,促进经济转型升级提供了经验依据与政策启示。  相似文献   

Labor statistics show that the average labor hours per dollar of banking output fell by more than 30% between 1992 and 2002. The proliferation of labor-saving technologies was widely believed to be the major reason. While the first-round effect of a labor-saving technology with a given level of output is a reduction in required labor per unit of output, the second-round effect is a reduction in wage costs that will increase output. Analytically, a given type of labor-saving technology is more likely to have a positive effect on employment if the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor, the price elasticity of demand, and the cost-reducing impact of the new technology are sufficiently large. The main empirical findings of this study are that labor-saving technologies, and the spillovers of these technologies, are associated with higher firm-level employment. These results seem robust to a wide range of specifications and controls.  相似文献   

The effect of demographic change on the labor force and on fiscal revenues is topical in light of potential pension shortfalls. This paper evaluates the effect of demographic changes between 2010 and 2030 on labor force participation and government budgets in the EU-27. Our analysis involves the incorporation of population projections, and an explicit modeling of the supply and demand side of the labor market. Our approach overcomes key shortcomings of most existing studies that focus only on labor supply when assessing the effects of policy reforms. Ignoring wage reactions greatly understates the increase in fiscal revenues, suggesting that fiscal strain from demographic change might be less severe than currently perceived. Beyond, our micro-based approach captures the impact on fiscal revenues more accurately than previous studies. Finally, as a policy response to demographic change and worsening fiscal budgets, we simulate the increase in the statutory retirement age. Our policy simulations confirm that raising the statutory retirement age can balance fiscal budgets in the long run.  相似文献   

郭凯明  王钰冰  颜色 《金融研究》2023,511(1):21-38
本文从劳动力市场性别差距视角为理解生产结构转型与人口增长转变的互动关系提出了新的理论机制。以脑力劳动密集型生产部门比重提高为特征的生产结构转型将缩小性别工资差距,提高家庭生育养育机会成本并降低生育率,进而增加女性劳动相对供给,这又会进一步提高脑力劳动密集型生产部门比重。直接干预女性劳动定价政策可能会带来女性结构性失业,反而扩大劳动力市场性别差距,且不利于生产结构转型;单方面降低女性生育养育成本政策虽然能够提高生育率,但也可能产生类似不利影响;降低男性生育养育成本政策既可以提高生育率,又可以缩小劳动力市场性别差距,并促进生产结构转型;生育养育成本补贴支出由政府承担的影响比由企业承担更为温和。本文结果表明,促进人口长期均衡发展的政策应与缩小劳动力市场性别差距、推动生产结构转型的政策统筹谋划和协调推进。本文研究为“优化人口发展战略,建立生育支持政策体系”提供了一定的理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, a theory of the natural or equilibrium rate of unemployment is built around a theory of the duration of employment. Evidence is presented that most unemployed workers became unemployed because their previous jobs came to an end; only a minority are on temporary layoff or have just entered the labor force. Thus, high-unemployment labor markets are generally ones where jobs are brief and there is a large flow of newly jobless workers. The model of the duration of employment posits that employment arrangements are the efficient outcome of the balancing of workers' and employers' interests about the length of jobs. Full equilibrium in the labor market also requires that the rate at which unemployed workers find new jobs be efficient. The factors influencing the resulting natural unemployment rate are discussed. Under plausible assumptions, the natural rate is independent of the supply or demand for labor. Only the costs of recruiting, the costs of turnover to employers, the efficiency of matching jobs and workers, and the cost of unemployment to workers are likely to influence the natural rate of unemployment strongly. Since these are probably stable over time, the paper concludes that fluctuations in the natural unemployment rate are unlikely to contribute much to fluctuations in the observed unemployment rate.  相似文献   

We use a time‐varying parameter/stochastic volatility VAR framework to assess how the passthrough of labor costs to price inflation has evolved over time in U.S. data. We find little evidence that independent movements in labor costs have had a material effect on price inflation in recent years, even for compensation measures where some degree of passthrough to prices still appears to be present. Our results cast doubt on explanations of recent inflation behavior that appeal to such mechanisms as downward nominal wage rigidity or a differential contribution of long‐term and short‐term unemployed workers to wage and price pressures.  相似文献   

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