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目前煤炭企业职工队伍中.农民合同工、劳务工、企业工、固定工等多种用工性质并存,员工结构复杂,思想差异性大。需求不同;而企业生产经营中,水、火、瓦斯、煤尘、顶板“五毒俱全”。致使井下工作苦、脏、累、险并存。在这一特定的条件下,如何加强企业文化建设。充分调动广大员工的积极性,增强凝聚力,形成推动生产经营的合力呢?笔者认为。应从以下几方面着手:  相似文献   

随着市场经济体制的建立和不断完善以及市场国际化趋势日益明显,市场把中国企业推向了严酷的国际国内竞争环境之中,面对这样的局势,企业要生存进而发展,就必须想方设法利用自己的优势,抓住转瞬即逝的机会,避开可能的风险,拓展生存与发展的空间。这就要求企业经营管理不能再仅仅局限于内部的各种因素和眼前的利益得失,  相似文献   

The current paper discusses exclusive dealing in the context of the litigation which involved the sleeping car industry in the 1940's. Both efficiency and exclusionary considerations are analyzed. A novel aspect of the paper is its consideration of staggered contract expiration dates as a means of deterring entry.  相似文献   

企业文化建塑是对企业理念、行为、制度与发展目标、发展战略的有机整合,是对企业核心竞争力的打造,是人本管理的体现。  相似文献   

We present the results of three field experiments demonstrating the effect of scenario planning on field experts' judgment of several long‐range investment decisions. Our results show, contrary to past findings, that the use of multiple scenarios does not cause an aggregate increase or decrease in experts' confidence in their judgment. Rather, expert judgment changes in accordance with how an investment fares in a given scenario: it becomes more favorable if the investment is found to be useful for a particular scenario used by the expert, and vice versa. This scenario‐induced change is moderated by the expert's confidence in his/her judgment before using the scenario. Finally, our results show that field experts prefer more flexible options to make specific long‐range investments after using multiple scenarios. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

开滦集团公司是具有127年开采历史的国有特大型煤炭企业。1999年改制以来,开滦集团把加强企业文化建设、企业改制、专业化重组作为并举的三件大事来抓,注重挖掘企业丰厚的文化资源,自觉运用企业文化理论指导推进企业管理实践,为“打造现代化新型企业,让百年开滦基业长青”注入了不竭的动力。  相似文献   

集团公司因其股权结构复杂.组织机构庞大,其财务管理的重要性是无需置疑的。在市场经济条件下,集团公司的财务管理重点应做好以下几方面的工作:  相似文献   

This article investigates attitudes that underlie international strategy processes. We propose survey scales of these attitudes and describe tests that support their reliability and validity as measures of constructs—including integration, responsiveness, and coordination—that researchers have used for many years in case analyses of international strategy and organization. We also propose and validate scales to capture the perceived alignment with firms' international objectives of key business policies that affect individuals, including accountability for global results, career opportunity and a globally shared meaning system that informs communication and discussion about change. Our discussion of these tests offers an assessment of how changing patterns of association among the measures over time conform to expectations generated by the case-based empirical literature. We argue that these patterns document a process of organizational learning that can link managers' mind-sets with senior managers' intentions in the course of proactive international strategic change. The analysis relies on survey responses taken in 1992 and 1995 from 370 managers in 13 country affiliates and the head office of a U.S.-based diversified multinational corporation (DMNC). © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

煤炭企业如何适应形势发展要求,构建与新的时代和新的企业运行机制相适应的现代企业文化.笔者认为,既不能满足现状.沿袭过去的老套路.也不能照搬别人的“经验”,应根据企业自身特点,构建特色企业文化。  相似文献   

We propose a concept of structural equality as a compromise between competing policy preferences of equality and individual liberty to address a stunning property of the governance of corporations, namely, the paucity of female directors on corporate boards. An argument for imposing a quota for women directors on boards is the need to disrupt structural impediments to permit endogenous mechanisms to sustain female recruitment beyond a critical mass. Using estimates from the Norwegian experiment, we apply an agent‐based model to American board data to show that modest numerical quotas generate well‐connected networks of women directors who attain equality in their centrality and influence. The analysis demonstrates the utility of computational social science for identifying policies that generate alternative and possible worlds of greater structural equality. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to integrate the zero based budgeting (ZBB) procedure into the firm's planning process. Previous studies have failed to provide an integrative framework for the application of ZBB which may account for some of the conflicting results obtained in previous ZBB programmes. Next, the results of an empirical assessment of the effectiveness of the ZBB integrative framework in service oriented organizational units are reported. Strong support is evident for the ZBB planning framework developed here using constituency oriented indicators of effectiveness.  相似文献   

In many cases of today's planning tasks, the synchronization of production and distribution is becoming increasingly important in order to minimize costs and to maximize customer satisfaction. This is especially the case if transport schedules are closely connected to production schedules, as it is in the newspaper industry—where perishable goods are distributed immediately after production. In order to achieve the above mentioned competing objectives, a special kind of vehicle routing problem, the vehicle routing problem with time windows and cluster-dependent tour starts (VRPTWCD), has to be solved. Moreover, the varying print and post-processing schedules due to unknown editorial deadlines lead to the need for a dynamic online control of the newspaper production and distribution process. In this contribution, the outlined dynamic transport problem is solved online under consideration of unforeseen changes in production schedules. The solution concept is based on a multi-agent system consisting of, amongst others, several Edition and Vehicle Agents. This system is exemplarily applied to a real life application case of one of the largest German newspaper companies. It is shown that a static (centralized) optimization of the underlying problem would even lead to worse results in comparison to the current situation and that the appliance of the multi-agent system is suitable in the newspaper industry.  相似文献   

This paper explores the importance of relational embeddedness in external networks as a strategic resource for performance and competence development in multinational corporations (MNCs). Two different types of relational embeddedness at the subsidiary level—business embeddedness and technical embeddedness—are proposed to have an influence on the subsidiary's market performance as well as its importance for competence development in the MNC. Using data on 97 Swedish MNC subsidiaries, five hypotheses are tested in a LISREL model analysis. The results suggest that technical embeddedness has a positive impact on both the subsidiary expected performance and its role in the development of products and production processes in the MNC. Indirectly, through external technical embeddedness, external business embeddedness also influences the sister units' product and process development and subsidiary market performance. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the assessment of effectiveness, despite the problems involved in its determination. The conventional approach to assessment is considered first. This is based upon a determination of the success of the planning in achieving its objectives. However, the problem here is that it does not consider the actual nature of the planning. A multidimensional approach is then considered, which attempts to overcome this problem, by measuring effectiveness within the planning system. The paper concludes that there are two types of effectiveness to be measured. However, although it recognizes the value of the conventional approach, the multidimensional approach is only seen to be useful in being an indicator to certain factors.  相似文献   

This paper addresses managerial process reengineering and in particular the reengineering of the production planning process. The reengineered process highlights planning options to avoid the process imbalance and loss of production potential that can follow innovation in a facility that is fully committed to JIT production.The study was motivated by production problems following product innovation within the food industry but the reengineering conclusions and procedures are applicable to all similarly structured industries. An example based on data from a snack food manufacturing company illustrates the reengineered procedure for a plant that is typical of the food processing industry.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of an empirical field study of human behaviour in the context of planning. The investigation centres on ‘behavioural problems’ encountered by managers of strategic planning systems. Two general issues are addressed. The first concerns the frequency of occurrence of these problems among managers and their impact on the effectiveness of the planning process. The second issue pertains to whether the constellation of behavioural problems managers confront varies in accordance with the role of the manager in the planning system. Implications of the findings for practitioners and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

One stylized feature of financial volatility impacting the modeling process is long memory. This article examines long memory for alternative risk measures, observed absolute and squared returns for Daily Equity real estate investment trust (REITs) and compares the findings for a market equity index. The article utilizes a variety of tests for long memory finding evidence that REIT volatility does display persistence. Trading volume is found to be strongly associated with long memory. Results suggest differences in the findings with regard to REITs in comparison to the broader equity sector.  相似文献   

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