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作为一种新型金融衍生产品,混合资本债券以其特有的资本属性形成了区别于传统债券的定价模式。本文通过混合资本债券定价模型对其价值决定因素进行研究,从而揭示其与传统债券定价因素的区别和联系,并对我国发展混合资本债券提出相关建议。  相似文献   

资产定价理论是现代金融理论的核心.本文通过对资产定价理论的综述,揭示了从传统资产定价理论到行为资产定价理论的演进脉络,并对各理论及相应模型的内涵和应用进行了描述,最后对传统资产定价理论和行为资产定价理论进行了比较,以期对我国金融理论和实践的发展有所帮助.  相似文献   

A one-factor asset pricing model with an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process as its state variable is studied under partial information: the mean-reverting level and the mean-reverting speed parameters are modeled as hidden/unobservable stochastic variables. No-arbitrage pricing formulas for derivative securities written on a liquid asset and exponential utility indifference pricing formulas for derivative securities written on an illiquid asset are presented. Moreover, a conditionally linear filtering result is introduced to compute the pricing/hedging formulas and the Bayesian estimators of the hidden variables.  相似文献   

An asset is liquid if it can be traded at the prevailing market price quickly and at low cost. We show that in addition to risk, liquidity affects asset prices and returns. Theories of asset pricing suggest that the expected return of an asset is increasing in its risk, because risk-averse investors require compensation for bearing more risk. Because investors are also averse to the costs of illiquidity and want to be compensated for bearing them, asset returns are increasing in illiquidity. Thus, asset prices should depend on two asset characteristics: risk and liquidity. This paper surveys research on the effects of liquidity on asset prices and returns, showing that liquidity is an important factor in capital asset pricing.  相似文献   

Explaining the Poor Performance of Consumption-based Asset Pricing Models   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
We show that the external habit-formation model economy of Campbell and Cochrane (1999) can explain why the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and its extensions are betterapproximate asset pricing models than is the standard onsumption-based model. The model economy produces time-varying expected eturns, tracked by the dividend–price ratio. Portfolio-based models capture some of this variation in state variables, which a state-independent function of consumption cannot capture. Therefore, though the consumption-based model and CAPM are both perfect conditional asset pricing models, the portfolio-based models are better approximate unconditional asset pricing models.  相似文献   

The capital asset pricing models (CAPM) has been the benchmark of asset pricing models and has been used to calculate asset returns and the cost of capital for more than four decades. Many researchers have tried to relax the original assumptions and generalize the static CAPM. We survey the important alternative theoretical models of capital asset pricing and provide a complete review of the evolution of asset pricing models. We also discuss the interrelationships among these models and suggest several possible directions for future research. Our results might be used as a guideline for future theoretical and empirical research in capital asset pricing.  相似文献   

商业银行贷款定价是商业银行信贷业务中至关重要的环节。关系到银行的资产质量和盈利水平。本文主要对基于现代金融理论的商业银行贷款定价方法进行评述,介绍贷款定价的最新进展,其中主要评述资本资产定价模型、期权定价模型、VaR和RAROC理论等在贷款定价技术中的应用。  相似文献   

Presidential Address: Liquidity and Price Discovery   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
This paper examines the implications of market microstructure for asset pricing. I argue that asset pricing ignores the central fact that asset prices evolve in markets. Markets provide liquidity and price discovery, and I argue that asset pricing models need to be recast in broader terms to incorporate the transactions costs of liquidity and the risks of price discovery. I argue that symmetric information‐based asset pricing models do not work because they assume that the underlying problems of liquidity and price discovery have been solved. I develop an asymmetric information asset pricing model that incorporates these effects.  相似文献   

This article develops an asset allocation framework that incorporatesprior beliefs about the extent of stock return predictabilityexplained by asset pricing models. We find that when prior beliefsallow even minor deviations from pricing model implications,the resulting asset allocations depart considerably from andsubstantially outperform allocations dictated by either theunderlying models or the sample evidence on return predictability.Under a wide range of beliefs about model pricing abilities,asset allocations based on conditional models outperform theirunconditional counterparts that exclude return predictability.  相似文献   

多因子资产定价理论是继CAPM理论之后的重大创新,也是时下资本资产定价研究领域的最新成果。本文搜集整理多因子资产定价理论的相关文献,分析梳理其发展脉络。通过理论探究,引入以市值增长率为代理变量的活跃因子和以资产负债率来衡量的杠杆因子。基于我国A股市场进行Fama-MacBeth横截面和时间序列的回归检验,发现加入活跃因子和杠杆因子后的八因子模型解释能力可以得到进一步的增强,其中活跃因子的表现显著,而杠杆因子对股票超额收益解释能力相对较弱,但仍强于六因子模型中的风格因子。  相似文献   

Based on a general specification of the asset specific pricing kernel, we develop a pricing model using an information process with stochastic volatility. We derive analytical asset and option pricing formulas. The asset prices in this rational expectations model exhibit crash-like, strong downward movements. The resulting option pricing formula is consistent with the strong negative skewness and high levels of kurtosis observed in empirical studies. Furthermore, we determine credit spreads in a simple structural model.   相似文献   

陈小悦和孙力强(2007)在价值无差异的基础上建立了一套全新的定价模型,本文采用股票市场的数据对该模型进行了实证检验,模型检验的同时也是对股权溢价之谜进行解释。研究结果表明,本文的定价模型在美国、中国内地和中国香港三个市场的检验都取得了良好的效果,即市场风险溢价均值都向模型的理论值收敛,实际风险溢价与理论值差异很小且不显著,采用该模型可以准确地描述股票市场组合收益率与风险的关系,并对股权溢价之谜做出合理的解释。  相似文献   

This paper derives a stronger version of Huberman's recent “preference free” pricing theorem. This pricing result relates the expected return on an asset to its factor responses and the covariance structure of the residuals from a linear factor model. It must characterize any infinite asset economy in which no arbitrage opportunities are present whether or not the factor model has uncorrelated residuals. This result provides the intuition for the role of residual risk in the pricing model and eliminates some classes of arbitrage opportunities still present under Huberman's bound. Some applications to empirical tests and performance measurement are also discussed.  相似文献   

研究完全市场中有限离散时间情形下的资产定价问题。首先,给出了无风险收益的概念,借助无风险收益定义了一种风险中性概率。基于这个概率,得到了资产的价格等于随机现金流与随机贴现因子乘积的期望,而且资产的价格还等于资产支付关于q的期望对无风险收益的贴现值。其次,借助无风险概率考虑了资产在多期情形下的资产定价,得出了相应的股票期权公式,尤其作为推论给出了欧式看涨期权的定价公式,并对资产价格过程的鞅性作了讨论。  相似文献   

Equilibrium asset prices and no-arbitrage with portfolio constraints   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examine intertemporal asset pricing when short sales areconstrained in proportion to the value of an investor's portfolio.All assets' prices exceed every investor's marginal utilityof consumption-based valuation of the associated dividends ifevery investor finds himself constrained in some asset in somestate; we exhibit such an equilibrium. An asset's price decomposesinto three (investor-specific) components: the consumption valueof its dividends, a speculative value premium, and a collateralvalue premium. The validity of the no-arbitrage pricing approachis shown to depend critically on the difference between realsecurities and their synthetic counterparts.  相似文献   

行为资产定价研究引起了国内外的广泛关注,但由于现实资本市场中诸多异象的存在,导致人们对经典资产定价模型的质疑。经济周期波动会对投资者的理性产生显著影响,而非理性投资可能引发金融危机。据此,引入经济周期这一独特视角,剖析前景理论对资产定价的作用机理;提出相关假设,对BHS模型进行修正,以适应经济周期影响下的行为资产定价问题研究。  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence of a significant exchange rate effect on stock index returns using data from seven selected countries practicing free-floating exchange rate regimes. This research uses parity and asset pricing theories, thus placing it within the monetary-cum-economics framework for international asset pricing. In this study, we apply a system of seemingly unrelated regression to control for unobserved heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence. The findings constitute evidence of a statistically significant exchange rate impact on stock index returns across selected countries. These findings can be considered as falling under the arbitrage pricing approach of the international capital asset pricing model of Solnik who also used the parity-theoretical framework on exchange rate determination.  相似文献   

Employing out-of-sample non-parametric estimation techniques, we show that market-wide liquidity risk matters for asset pricing independently of the specific functional form of the stochastic discount factor (SDF) and, therefore, of the asset pricing model specification. Market-wide illiquidity significantly affects the distribution of the SDF. Specifically, it boosts up the volatility of the SDF, causing minor effects on higher moments of its distribution. This finding is robust to the use of different sets of test assets in the estimation of the SDF, including equity and corporate bond portfolios, and the use of a high-dimensional data estimation procedure.  相似文献   

Utility-based models of asset pricing may be estimated with or without assuming a distribution for security returns; both approaches are developed and compared here. The chief strength of a parametric estimator lies in its computational simplicity and statistical efficiency when the added distributional assumption is true. In contrast, the nonparametric estimator is robust to departures from any particular distribution, and it is more consistent with the spirit underlying utility-based asset pricing models since the distribution of asset returns remains unspecified even in the empirical work. The nonparametric approach turns out to be easy to implement with precision nearly indistinguishable from its parametric counterpart in this particular application. The application shows that log utility is consistent with the data over the period 1926–1981.  相似文献   

流动性对资产收益有重大影响,流动性好坏与资产能否流动是不同层面的问题,前者属于完全市场,后者属于不完全市场,但经典的金融经济学主要研究完全市场上的资产定价和最优组合策略。本文基于中国的现实制度背景,考察流动性受限对资产定价的影响,构建了动态不完全市场中不流动资产的定价模型及最优组合策略;证明了不流动性资产从根本上影响了最优组合策略,不流动资产折价率受到流动约束的时间长短、不流动资产收益的波动率等诸多参数的显著影响。  相似文献   

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