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The paper describes the entry behaviour of diversifying Firms in the German manufacturing sector. The econometric analysis leads to the result that firms enter new markets if (1) the expected rate of return is higher than in other comparable markets, (2) the market is growing, and (3) the accumulated know-how can be transferred profitably to the new market. The incentive to enter other markets will be reduced by entry barriers like economies of scale, product differentiation, and market risk. It is interesting to note that if the market provides room for all firms, then entry deterrence strategies are less likely to be adopted by incumbent firms.  相似文献   

Research summary: This paper investigates how spinoffs improve the quality of analysts' research about diversified firms, theorizing that these deals may induce analysts to revisit their earlier coverage decisions. The gains resulting from these shifts are expected to be more pronounced when a firm undertakes a legacy (rather than a non‐legacy) spinoff, which removes the business that may be constraining analysts' coverage decisions in the first place. Consistent with this argument, firms that undertake legacy spinoffs experience greater improvements in the composition and quality of their analyst coverage than their non‐legacy counterparts, and in their overall forecast accuracy and stock market performance. Taken together, these findings shed light on the relationships among the scope decisions, analyst coverage, and valuations of diversified firms. Managerial summary: Existing research has established that when companies undertake spinoffs, analysts produce more accurate forecasts about the divesting firms than they did prior to those deals, and the stock market performance of those firms also improves relative to pre‐spinoff levels. This paper explores the effects of legacy spinoffs (the spinoff of a firm's original or “legacy” business) for forecast accuracy and stock market performance. Firms that undertake legacy spinoffs are found to enjoy greater improvements in forecast accuracy and stock market performance than their non‐legacy counterparts. These findings are driven by the fact that legacy spinoffs induce analysts to revisit their existing coverage decisions to a greater extent than non‐legacy spinoffs, contributing significantly to the economic benefits of these deals for shareholders. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper uses grounded theory to explore internal (intrafirm) conflicts in the formulation of business–government strategies by corporations with diversified business units. We find that three types of conflict exist within firms: conflict over proactive policy positions advocated by the firm (prepolicy issues), conflict over reactive internal distribution of compliance costs/benefits (postpolicy issues), and representational conflict (e.g., individual business units vs. corporate representation in the external public policy arena). We also develop a grounded framework for organizational structures for conflict resolution in the strategic management of government relations, based upon our case studies, and find a relationship between particular structures and the degree of diversification. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the diversification literature, studies, particularly those using accounting‐based performance measures, have found that related diversifiers are more profitable and that related diversifiers are in more profitable industries than unrelated diversifiers. Due to the very nature of these studies based on cross‐sectional data, however, the causal relationship between diversification strategy and performance was not clear. This paper focuses on a single event of a large acquisition, which enables us to better identify the sequential relationships between prior firm profitability, prior industry profitability, and subsequent acquisition strategies. By doing so, this paper makes clearer the causal relationships between firm profitability, industry profitability, and acquisition strategies. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of cooperative R&D in two vertically related duopolies, which are two final-good manufacturers and two input suppliers, with horizontal and vertical spillovers. Vertical R&D cartels yield a larger social welfare than non-cooperative R&D and, if the horizontal spillover rate between the input suppliers is not sufficiently high, than horizontal R&D cartels. Technological improvement is accelerated by forming vertical research joint ventures (RJVs), whether or not their member firms' R&D decisions are coordinated. Vertical RJV cartels yield the largest social welfare when the vertically related firms can coordinate their R&D decisions and/or share useful knowledge fully.  相似文献   

Whether and why members of the same strategic group would experience different performance results has received little attention in previous research. These questions are addressed in this paper. First, conventional theory on the relationship between firm performance and strategic group membership is reviewed. Then a theory is developed as to how historical differences among strategic group members may result in performance differences. An empirical analysis of risk and return relationships is conducted, centered on the nature of environmental change characterizing the industry. The empirical setting throughout is the U.S. pharmaceutical industry over the period 1963–82.  相似文献   

Merger literature suggests that the relationship between shareholder gains and the relatedness of merging firms is contingent upon the compatibility of the two firms' top management cultures. This hypothesis is tested by surveying the perceptions of cultural differences of top management teams of recently acquired firms, and then relating these perceptions to related stock market gains to the buying firms. The findings suggest a strong inverse relationship between perceptions of cultural differences and shareholder gains, after controlling for perceptions of the buying firm's tolerance for multiculturalism and the relative size of the merging firms.  相似文献   

This study examines differences in profit and sales performance between the different Wrigley/Rumelt categories of diversification strategy. Our sample comprised 305 large U. K. manufacturing companies over the period 1972–84. Although diversification strategy explained only a small proportion of inter-firm performance differences, once the influence of other firm and industry variables were taken into account, significant differences did emerge. Our findings conflict with those of earlier U.S. studies. In particular, we find that diversified firms outperformed specialized firms and there was no evidence that related diversification was more successful than unrelated.  相似文献   

Interactive marketing requires that a firm learn about its customers and remember what the customer has said to personalize communications and customize product offerings to those customers. This type of marketing requires that customer information be actively managed because information from and about the customer is the core of marketing decision-making. In-depth interviews with 17 managers in five firms identified specific organizational and entrepreneurial factors pertinent to the strategic management of customer information. The research suggests that interactive marketing require a company that can itself be interactive with its internal and external environment to create strategies that can succeed in a changing environment.One exemplary company was compared to four others to uncover organizational issues and processes leading to effective management of customer information. Using the Resource-Based View and the importance of the effective management of intangible assets as its starting point, this research illuminated the processes involved with collecting and disseminating information and highlighted the firms' struggle with issues of inter-functional conflict. Perhaps most importantly, from a strategy-formation point of view, customer-centric strategies related to customer information management were found to be developed interactively, as a dialogue between middle and upper management, using customer data and competitive trends.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to present an empirical analysis of the sequence relating the performance of the firm to its behavior, which in turn depends upon the origin and personal characteristics of the entrepreneurs. The data are drawn from new Spanish firms. A typology of new entrepreneurs is constructed, based on their basic work aspirations. Each type of entrepreneur is then examined, in terms of the origin and personal characteristics of the members of the class. The results of the study show that significant differences exist among the entrepreneurs and firms of each type, especially in terms of the size of the firm (number of employees) and its evolution over time. The implications of these results, for the theory of entrepreneurship and for the design of policies towards the creation of new firms, are then derived.  相似文献   

Monopsony power in the labour market is shown to have important consequences for comparisons between an Illyrian labour-managed firm (LMF) and a profit-maximising capitalist firm (CF) operating in the same markets with the same technology. If the CF earns positive profits then workers earn more in the LMF than in the CF, and the level of employment in the LMF may be higher or lower than in the CF. Monopsony power is also seen to have interesting implications for models of membership contraction in LMFs.  相似文献   

Service firms may seek benefits from information asymmetry and economies of scope by diversifying. Each source of benefit is based on different underlying mechanisms and each is affected differently by implementation difficulties and service characteristics. Previous research, however, has not analyzed the relative performance effects of these two very different sources of benefits for related diversified service firms. Thus, this paper uses an integrative framework including these aspects to examine the relative performance effects of benefits from information asymmetry and economies of scope in service firms.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the relation between firm size and R&D activity for Japanese large manufacturing firms using patents granted in the U.S.. Japanese firms loom larger in world R&D agenda; therefore, the examination of the determinants of their R&D activity, in particular, the effects of firm size, may provide a suggestion of R&D activity. The firm size-patent count relationship varies across industry. In many industries, Japanese experience is not in favor of the assertion that there is a return to scale in R&D among large firms, indicating that Schumpeterian entrepreneurship is not likely to take place more than proportinately to firm size. This conclusion is not inconsistent with Schumpeter's theory.  相似文献   

Findings from a study of 14 Yugoslav industrial marketing managers support two hypotheses on the behavior of buying centers: (1) membership in the buying center changes through the buying process, and (2) top management playing a ratifying role of choices to maintain long-term, stable relationships between suppliers and customers may substantially affect exchange behavior.  相似文献   

Marketing costs are usually not clearly defined. This depends partly on the fact that the marketing department is not identical with the marketing function of the firm. Marketing activities may also be carried out by the managing director, service engineers, and others. In fact, everybody with customer contact influences sales. This is especially evident in service firms where the same person may produce as well as market and administrate. In this article, marketing cost concepts for professional service firms are developed and their practical application is discussed. The purpose of these concepts is to help professional service firms evaluate their marketing efforts and determine marketing strategies.  相似文献   

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