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我国体育政府网站现状与网站内容设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广大体育政府机关面对信息化挑战及政府职能转换的宏观环境,正积极推进体育政府上网工程建设.文章阐述了我国体育政府上网工程建设现状,分析了体育政府网站定位因素,并提出了体育政府网站内容设计的一些看法.  相似文献   

从1998年4月青岛在互联网上建立我国第一个具有严格意义的政府网站,到1999年“政府上网工程”全国掀起的政府上网热潮,6年时间过去了,现在互联网上到底有多少个政府网站恐怕很难说清楚。据GNNIC最新统计资料显示,截止2003年12月31日,申请.gov.cn后缀的域名已超过10000个,可见现在绝大多数的政府都已有了自己的网站。  相似文献   

政府公众网站是各级政府对外宣传的主阵地之一。作为政府上网工程的主要内容之一,政府公众网站发挥着社会、市民与政府之间信息桥梁的作用,是电子政务建设中的一个重要环节。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的迅速发展,Internet也得到了快速发展,并对人们的工作生活方式产生了巨大影响,电子政务也因此在我国蓬勃发展,“政府上网工程”从1999年底并始,经历风雨兼程的发展过程,政府网站建设现在正进入一个崭新的发展阶段.本文通过对政府网站建设方面的讨论分析,总结出了我国电政府网站建设的现状,及网站运行中存在的问题,总结出了一些发展的对策,可以更好地帮助我国政府网站的发展.  相似文献   

一、前言 政府公众网站是各级政府对外宣传的主阵地之一。作为政府上网工程的主要内容之一,政府公众网站发挥着社会、市民与政府之间信息桥梁的作用,是电子政务建设中的一个重要环节。  相似文献   

据中国信息产业部最新统计 ,中国各级政府注册的网站已达到2300多个。中国政府部门是信息资源的最大拥有者 ,掌握着社会信息资源80 %的有价值信息 ,各级部门有大约3000多个数据库。政府上网可将可以公开的信息公开 ,发挥经济和社会效益 ,同时也可以实现政务公开 ,推进中国信息化进程。中国各级政府上网在去年发展迅速 ,中央机关和国务院有关部门在因特网上已建立站点52个 ,以“gov.cn”为域名的政府网站在因特网上成为一道亮丽的风景线。现在无论是查文件或调阅资料 ,还是向一些政府部门反映情况 ,都可以通过上网实现。政…  相似文献   

一、前言   政府公众网站是各级政府对外宣传的主阵地之一.作为政府上网工程的主要内容之一,政府公众网站发挥着社会、市民与政府之间信息桥梁的作用,是电子政务建设中的一个重要环节.……  相似文献   

随着计算机网络的迅速发展,我国上网用户正在逐年增加,网络应用软件、电子商务网站、网络游戏等已成为网民的主要上网休闲娱乐模式。与此同时,很多针对网站的浏览的攻防技术问题也成为了众多网民关注的焦点。文章从常见的黑客入侵网站的方法着手对网站攻击技术进行了介绍,并探讨了如何加强网站安全防护措施来防范黑客对网站的攻击。  相似文献   

推出一个网站是一件不难的事,可是要建设一个优秀的政府网站却不容易。政府网站的建设是一项复杂的系统工程,包括了以下的多个环节:域名申请;主机托管;租用空间;网站规划;发布环境选择;软硬件系统配置;内容策划与组织;网页设计与多媒体制作;数据库系统开发;网站宣传等等。就建设政府网站的步骤做如下说明:(一)首先申请一个域名:为什么要申请域名呢?因为Internet上的每个主机都必须有一个地址,而且地址不允许重复。就好像一个人在打电话前必须知道对方号码一样,由于数字地址比较难记,因此往往用一个文字地址来代…  相似文献   

1999年1月12日,国家48个部门(单位)联合发布了《中国政府上网工程倡议书》,对此,国家其他各部委机关、各省市及其机关均积极响应,纷纷筹资“上网”,由此引发了“政府上网”工程的浪潮。在此次活动中各级国家审计机关也对“政府上网”工程进行了积极有效的探索。  相似文献   

This study investigates international hyperlink networks and their content in terms of the .com domain, the most ubiquitous generic top-level domain, to examine the kinds of global websites that are linked to .com, what the linked contents are, and who are dealing with the hyperlinks. The results show the hyperlink network of websites with outgoing hyperlinks to .com websites indicates the dominant centrality of the U.S., whereas that of those with incoming hyperlinks from .com websites illustrates a core–periphery structure centered about the U.S. and other superpowers. The most globalized topics covered by websites linked to .com websites are business, the Internet and computers, recreation and entertainment, and personal interests. Many of the websites with outgoing hyperlinks to .com websites use only one non-English language. The predominant use of English by websites with outgoing hyperlinks to .com websites demonstrates the centrality of countries using English as the mother language in hyperlinked societies on the Web. The implications of these findings and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

  • Nonprofit organizations are pertinent players in making the world a better place. Their websites aid in fulfilling their socially beneficial missions by being a platform to present themselves, to interact with stakeholders around the world, and to perform e‐transactions to raise funds. This interdisciplinary research explores nonprofit websites in Thailand, an emerging market, to determine their progress through an adapted e‐business stage model. A manual website decoding process was used to determine the development of websites, within the sector. On average, almost three‐quarters of the websites offered interactivity and just less than half conducted online transactions, but internationally connected organizations in Thailand were significantly more likely to do so. The findings suggest that while nonprofit websites in Thailand are progressing, there is significant lag between local Thai websites and those that have international connections. While the model successfully provided new data for understanding nonprofit websites in less developed markets, it may need to be modified in future studies.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

北京冬奥会是在北京奥运会之后的又一项重大的国际体育赛事,其对于推动我国河北省的冰雪产业的发展等方面都起着至关重要的现实意义。因此,我国河北省的各地政府应该积极抓住机遇,采取相关措施推动河北省冰雪产业发展。  相似文献   

In this study, we discuss the financial constraints and the behavior of local governments. We expect that governments in relative wealthy region will act as a helping hand for companies trader its control on average, while those in relative poor region will be a grabbing hand. By dividing local governments into 3 categories according to its GDP per capita and Fiscal Revenue per capita, we test the relationship between government attributes and the long-term performance of listed companies in corporate control market. We find that target companies who are later controlled by the wealthiest government achieve better performance, while those who were later controlled by the poorest governments also achieve significant better long-term performance.  相似文献   

张国战 《价值工程》2013,(34):164-165
钓鱼网站是指攻击者利用各种手段仿冒正规的各类网站,目的是骗取用户的敏感信息,如用户的账号和密码,钓鱼网站已经严重威胁了用户的财产安全。本文通过分析网络钓鱼网站的攻击方式,阐述了网络钓鱼网站的识别方法,即根据钓鱼网站的网页的特征,构建钓鱼网站的特征向量,通过已有的钓鱼网站检测特征对识别钓鱼网站的贡献度,确定各个特征向量的权重,再根据这些特征向量比较检测网页的相似度,从而能够鉴别钓鱼网站。  相似文献   

文章阐述了政府网站发展历程,指出了我国政府网站建设的现状和问题,分析了国内外政府网站建设标准化情况,结合典型案例,提出了我国政府网站建设的标准化建议。  相似文献   

Governments have used deficit policies in recent years, yet many still face fiscal debt problems. Thus, this research uses Range Directional Measure Dynamic Directional Distance Function model with negative data to explore the financial efficiency of local governments in Taiwan from 2011 to 2018. This article has three major contributions: (1) The research uses RDM Dynamic DDF model with negative data to solve the problem of negative values on input and output data and uses dynamic models to make up for the deficiencies of past research. (2) Due to the differences in regions, local governments have different fiscal budgets. Therefore, this article uses the Wilcoxon Test to explore the efficiency differences of local governments in different regions. (3) This article analyzes the impact of central subsidies and government deficits (debts) of local governments on fiscal efficiency, and discusses the efficiency of government fiscal execution. The results are as follows. (1) Seven counties and cities with the best efficiency, and seven local governments with poor efficiency. (2) The fiscal performances of outlying islands and eastern local governments are better than those of western local governments. (3) Kaohsiung City has the highest accumulated debt and Tainan City exhibits poor financial performance.  相似文献   

我国网站服务存在诸多问题,导致使用者满意度低、访问积极性不高等现象。同时,现有的网站质量评价方法对使用者满意度概念的体现存在不少缺陷。对网站服务质量现状进行剖析,并将使用者满意度概念引入网站质量评价的基础上,深入研究了基于使用者满意度的网站评价方法,以期对网站的质量改进有更直接的指导作用。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的应用不断深入,视频网站不断涌现。移动支付的普及让视频网站可以通过会员服务获得收入,这使得流量变得不再重要,广告和会员服务成为主要的收入来源。由于短视频网站契合用户的碎片化需求,行业正处于风口。当前,视频网站主要依托移动智能终端,用户规模大,具有巨大的市场潜力,发展迅猛。如今的互联网视频行业已呈现群雄逐鹿的局面。  相似文献   

If the goal of achieving education for all is to be met consideration has to be given to how it is financed. States in which there is least primary education are often those with unstable governments and poor tax collection systems. In such circumstances, education for all is often best achieved by partnerships between governments, families and other bodies in both the provision and funding of education.  相似文献   

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