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In this paper, the main conclusions of the research which has demonstrated the significance of person to person communication in technical information transfer are summarized. Some of the major international and national policy statements and projects on ‘STI’ are then reviewed in the light of these findings. Finally, the implications of the comparison are discussed and suggestions put forward as to how the agencies concerned and the Information Profession may take active measures to further develop the informal channels, shown to be the most effective of those available.  相似文献   

Previous studies have firmly established the technological gatekeeper to be a key node in the innovation process – acquiring, translating, and disseminating external information throughout the R&D unit. However, the gatekeeper concept has received modest attention in recent times. We argue that the concept needs to be re‐examined in light of the recent advances in Internet technologies that have dramatically altered how knowledge workers source and share their information. Drawing on social network analysis and interview evidence from a medical devices R&D group, we find that the gatekeeper role is still vital, but no longer needs to be performed by a single individual. Instead, the modern R&D group can keep abreast of the latest technological advances through a combination of Internet‐enabled internal and external communication specialists. This study makes a number of important contributions. The gatekeeper theory is extended through the development of an updated conceptual framework. We also discuss the practical implications of our findings and advise R&D managers on how to organise resources to maximise optimal information flows.  相似文献   

Technologies are often amenable to uses for a range of markets, but yet are often underutilized, and consequently not all value is extracted from them. This article presents a longitudinal case study of a firm that successfully applied a fungible technology to products for its served market, but was unable to tap its considerable potential in new markets. The processes of resource allocation and resource transformation inhibited technology leveraging, shaped by the presence of a competence to serve current customers (a customer competence trap) and the lack of a competence to gain access to new customers (a marketing competence gap). Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The concept of the gatekeeper as a means of improving information dissemination in science and technology has been given much attention. The criticism of the two-step flow model has been extensive in mass-media research. In principle, this criticism should also apply to studies of gatekeepers in R & D organizations. The two-step flow model does not tell us with whom the gatekeeper is communicating, what is being discussed, and what effect the gatekeepers have on the internal information dissemination. Using an empirical study of an R & D organization, the thesis is presented that gatekeepers can contribute to an eliteist pattern of distribution rather than to a reduction of the information gap. Finally, it is argued that studies of internal communication in R & D organizations should deal with communication relationships rather than with individuals as units of analysis.  相似文献   

Inventions differ in terms of the age of the knowledge base they build upon. We examine what effects differences in the recency of knowledge inputs have on financial performance. Using threshold regression analysis, we isolate three regimes that exhibit different associations between recency and stock return. We find that for firms whose new patents use inputs in the mid‐range of the technological recency distribution, the relationship is positive; higher recency leads to higher stock return. However, for firms whose new patents make use of either nascent or very mature technological inputs, the effects are negative; higher recency leads to lower stock return. These findings indicate that it is not firms utilizing the most recent technological inputs that experience the highest returns to their inventive activity. Indeed, firms operating at the technological input frontier have market returns significantly below the mean. Rather, it is firms whose new patents utilize medial‐aged technological inputs (i.e., firms using inputs slightly behind the technology frontier) that tend to experience the highest returns. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many organizations are at the present time faced with two problems. First, what are the events that are likely to have important implications for their activities in future time periods? Second, what new areas should they consider entering and how can they make quick appraisal of the potential in such areas? There are no easy answers to either of these questions but a number of methods have been proposed which have been found to be of assistance. This paper outlines an approach based on the use of abstracting services which can provide useful information quickly and inexpensively.  相似文献   

This article challenges the widespread concept of a 'technological imperative'which is alleged to lead to greater economic efficiency. The socio-technical model, supported by evidence from past research and recent cases, undermines the validity of the 'imperative'and presents an alternative based on choices.  相似文献   

Built upon organizational ambidexterity theory, this study provides a new perspective in managing technological and marketing innovation. It distinguishes between simultaneous and sequential patterns of innovation within a firm and takes a longitudinal approach in examining the differential effects of these two ambidextrous patterns of innovation on firm performance. Further, this study investigates the contingent roles of internal product scope and external market dynamism on the above relationships. Using panel data from 158 U.S. firms over 26 years, we find that both simultaneous and sequential patterns are positively associated with firm performance. Further, our findings indicate that a broader product scope strengthens the effect of the simultaneous pattern on firm performance, while weakening that of the sequential pattern on firm performance. When market dynamism increases, the effect of the simultaneous pattern on firm performance is strengthened, while that of the sequential pattern is weakened. Our findings offer managers guidance on the choice of innovation patterns under certain contingencies and how to better manage technological and marketing innovation over time.  相似文献   

The ability to think in the technology subject area has been analysed for a sample of 50 pupils in the 11–16 age range in a U.K. comprehensive school. It is suggested on the basis of the research that three factors are identified: function/structure, general intelligence and perceptual (visual) analysis. Developmental analysis suggests that changes with age occur in the first of these, with thinking moving from identification of function towards identification of structure. The mismatch between the development of technological thinking and teaching curricula is noted.  相似文献   

This paper examines the propensity of organizations to adopt technological innovations. Technological innovations evolve from the stock of skills which organizations have accumulated over time. Linkages with extramural sources of technology are presumed to be important as well. Hypotheses are tested on a sample of commercial banks. Findings show that prior experience in information technology, in tandem with a variety of interfirm linkages, will affect the banks' decision to adopt this innovation.  相似文献   

The paper argues that the ability to use language, particularly spoken language, is central to technological capability. An understanding of its role depends on acknowledging design and technology as work with symbols, and is assisted by seeing the product of design as a virtual artefact. Language is one of the symbol systems used to construct and communicate this artefact. It articulates aspects of the design that cannot be represented graphically, as well as accommodating the interpersonal dimension of the process. Implications for the curriculum are briefly suggested. The argument is supported by evidence from recordings and observations of a problem-solving episode which occurred in a Canadian architects' practice over a few days in the construction phase of a project.  相似文献   

The performance of technological acquisitions depends heavily on the overlap between the knowledge bases of the target and acquirer. We argue that overlap is best viewed as two distinct constructs: target overlap, the proportion of the target's knowledge base that the acquirer already possesses, and acquirer overlap, the proportion of the acquirer's knowledge base duplicated by the target. Each affects the value created from the firms' technological capabilities differently due to absorptive capacity, knowledge redundancy, and organizational disruption. Further, the low quantity of innovations observed in acquisitions with low target overlap may conceal an offsetting increase in their novelty. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The function of process plant contractors is to design and engineer plants, supply process technology, procure plant equipment and supervise the construction and commissioning of plant for producers in various process industries such as chemicals, gas and steel. As such they play a major part in the process of capital formation and are one of the major inputs for facilitating technological change.
This paper describes recent attempts to identify the factors which determine contractor involvement and use this information as a basis for analysing the part contractors will play in developing trchnologies such as coal conversion and biotechnology.  相似文献   

Since technology education is, compared to subjects such as mathematics and science, still a fairly new subject both nationally and internationally, it does not have an established subject philosophy. In the absence of an established subject philosophy for technology education, one can draw on other disciplines in the field, such as engineering and design practice, for insights into technological knowledge. The purpose of this study is to investigate the usefulness of an epistemological conceptual framework chiefly derived from engineering, to be able to describe the nature of technological knowledge, in an attempt to contribute towards the understanding of this relatively new learning area. The conceptual framework was derived mainly from Vincenti’s (What engineers know and how they know it. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1990) categories of knowledge based on his research into historical aeronautic engineering cases. Quantitative research was used to provide insight into the categories of knowledge used by students at the University of Pretoria during capability tasks and included an analysis of a questionnaire administered to these students. Findings suggest that the conceptual framework used here is useful in technology education and that the categories of technological knowledge apply to all the content areas, i.e. structures, systems and control, and processing, in technology education. The study recommends that researchers and educators deepen their understanding of the nature of technological knowledge by considering the categories of technological knowledge presented in the conceptual framework.  相似文献   

技术创新的特点、障碍及应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学技术的发展与进步使技术的生命周期大大缩短,企业在生产经营过程中,如果不能"早到五分钟",就可能使企业在市场竞争中处于被动地位.企业只有通过技术创新,使所生产的产品不断更新换代,满足市场不断变化的需求,才能在竞争中获胜.  相似文献   

The relation between technological capability and firm performance is more complex than what is generally assumed. Researchers have not been able to consistently find empirical support for this apparently 'simple' relation. The objective of this study is to illustrate the theoretical and empirical complexity of this relation and explain why the use of different measures can lead to dramatically different results. In this study, we analyse the technological capability–performance relation in 201 large US public manufacturing companies. A variety of patent statistics and a measure of research & development (R&D) intensity are used as indicators for technological capability. The following six measures of performance are used as dependent variables: return on assets, return on equity, return on sales, market value, market value added, and economic value added. The results vary substantially, depending on which measures are used for the independent and dependent variables. A detailed understanding of precisely what each measure represents and the shortcomings of each measure is needed to explain why these differences exist. We conclude by discussing the effectiveness of a variety of technological capability measures using patent citations, and illustrate why a measure of R&D spending and the total number of patents are usually not valid measures of a firm's technological capability.  相似文献   

This article examines the debate about whether new technology creates or displaces jobs. It emphasises the occupational dimension, in order to assess some of the policies relating to education, training and income distribution. Finally, the role of technological change is examined in terms of the quality of the resulting job structure and the issue of income and skill polarization.  相似文献   

This is a modified version of a paper presented to the ‘Seminario Internacional sobre Tecnología para el Pequeño Agricultor’, held under the auspices of the IICA-lnstituto Interamericano de Ciências Agrícolas da OEA, Asuncion, Paraguay, 2–6 May 1977. The author wishes to thank Denisard C.O. Alves and Fernando B. Homem de Mello for their constructive comments.  相似文献   

“We know that progress depends on discovery, inventions, creativity and design, but we have simply supposed that it happens anyway,” de Bono (1999 p. 43). Technology education is ostensibly a foundation for future designers and creative thinking. However evidence of good design or creative thinking in outcomes displayed in school technology studios is limited. Technology is inextricably linked with applied science, but I argue that scientific method couldn’t be further from creativity and designing as technology education based on this premise can confine problem solving to a set of prescribed components that harness teachers to narrowly defined and deeply focused goals. This paper attempts to analyse the nature of this phenomenom, debate the place of creativity, imagination and personal sensitivities as part of designing and demonstrate that although there are inseperable links between design and technology the structure of a technology curriculum could be a barrier to opportunities for effective design thinking.  相似文献   

This paper tests the effect of firm and market structure variables on the rate of R&D investment by food processing firms. While the estimated relationship is consistent with the hypotheses of Schumpeter and Galbraith at small firm sizes and small-to-moderale concentration levels, above these critical values expected firm R&D increases at a decreasing rate with firm size and decreases with market concentration. The second part of this paper examines the origins of process patents closely related to six food industries. On average U.S. firms outside the industry, foreign firms, and individuals were each assigned more food-industry patents than were U.S. food processing firm. These findings place the public policy interpretation of observed relationships between market power and firm technological performance into a broader perspective. Even if a reduction in market concentrationn reduced R&D originating within a food industry, this decrease might bede minimus relative to technological changes, originating outside the industry.  相似文献   

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