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本文在设定网络外部性效用为符合梅特卡夫法则的非线性函数条件下,构建双寡头支付平台兼容和不兼容两种情况下的优化模型,探讨双寡头支付平台的兼容性策略选择问题。研究发现,规模对称的双寡头支付平台兼容之后,两家支付平台的利润、消费者效用及社会福利均会增加;银联成立后中国工商银行的银行卡业务利润得以提升也验证了模型结果。建议政府借鉴银联的成功经验,使银联在线成为各支付平台的聚合型平台,提高第三方支付清算系统的效率。  相似文献   

产品兼容、网络效应与企业竞争力   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
在网络效应较强的产业中,技术设置的兼容性是左右企业成长的关键因素。随着技术进步、新兴产业的发展和市场竞争的加剧,产品兼容、网络效应对企业竞争力具有越来越重要的意义。在计算机、电信、银行、旅游、媒体、软件等产业中,用户在购买时十分注重产品或服务的兼容性和网络效应。本文以差异产品竞争模型为基础,考察了产品兼容、网络效应对企业竞争力的影响,就在位企业和新进入企业如何利用这两个产品差异变量增强其竞争力进行了分析。  相似文献   

网络效应、消费偏好与标准竞争   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
完全信息静态标准竞争可能产生三种市场格局:技术标准市场不存在、个体标准并存、强势标准阻止弱势标准进入。强制标准化的错误来自两个方面:选择了错误的个体标准即弱势个体标准的标准化,错误地选择了标准化,即优势个体标准的标准化市场的社会福利低于竞争市场的社会福利。  相似文献   

网络效应指产品的用户数量以及互补品数量会影响到产品价值的现象。网络效应产品进入市场时,初期的用户规模和互补品规模都会对新产品推广形成制约。目前,我国新能源汽车推广缓慢,但无论学术研究还是政策补贴都缺少对网络效应机制的思考。本文通过对当前市场中消费购买意愿的调研,证实了新能源汽车的购买选择与用户基础、互补品提供之间确实存在着所预期的直接、间接及局部网络效应。从而也表明在新能源汽车推广的导入期,优先发展互补品网络的重要性。最后本文探讨了如何克服网络效应制约的策略以及政府在其发展中可以发挥的作用。  相似文献   

本文在对网络效应和网络兼容特性进行异质性设定的基础上,从网络厂商和网络消费者的最优行为出发,通过模型构建和推演,对网络技术进步的实现条件进行了深入分析。本文的研究结论显示,厂商在一定条件下具有推出网络技术进步的惰性;如果厂商推出的是可自发实现的网络技术进步,则厂商可以保留其旧技术平台,否则厂商需要关闭旧技术平台以利于推出新一代网络技术。  相似文献   

双边市场的相关问题研究是近年来产业组织领域的前沿与热点之一,本文在已有的经典文献基础上,系统思考了网络外部性在双边市场中的作用和影响,并对电子商务平台这一典型的双边市场平台企业进行分析,研究了电子商务平台的定价与竞争机制。通过对转移成本、兼容性和模块化的研究,本文认为互联互通和模块化经营可以降低网络外部性因素引起的市场进入壁垒,减少厂商运用市场势力排斥竞争行为的可能性,在知识经济条件下,使电子商务产业形成以技术创新为主导的竞争性垄断的市场结构。  相似文献   

基于平台策略的产品开发流程研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何进行产品开发、优化产品研发流程,创建竞争优势,是企业保持持续发展的一个重要问题.本文通过对平台策略的涵义、产品平台演变及相关概念的介绍,提出产品平台及其规划是基于平台策略的产品开发中的重要内容,将产品平台规划引入到基于平台策略的产品开发中,建立了基于平台策略的产品开发流程模型.  相似文献   

基于竞争与合作关系的网络组织成员间知识溢出效应分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在分析网络组织成员间知识溢出效应及其影响因素的基础上,本文构造了基于成员关系的网络组织中知识共享的溢出模型,并分析了网络组织成员之间竞争与合作关系对成员之间知识共享中知识溢出效应影响的机理。在模型基础上进一步分析发现:在一个竞争与合作关系合理的网络组织中,知识溢出效应可以使得成员企业认识自身的知识状况,改变知识结构,并提高其知识竞争力。最后,为了强化网络组织成员之间的知识溢出效应并提高其知识共享效率,提出了几点管理建议。  相似文献   

本文对基于BtoB物流信息服务平台(LISP)的来自不同作用源、面向不同作用对象的特殊双边网络外部性进行了分析,在此基础上提出了在网络外部性条件下的BtoB物流信息服务平台的竞争策略:目标市场定位于中小物流企业、提高用户期望、分阶定价、服务差异化竞争以及平台联合竞争等.平台运营商可以运用几种策略及其组合建立持续竞争优势,为客户提供优质服务的同时赢取利润.  相似文献   

市场环境的复杂引致产品竞争转变为产品价值网络之间的竞争,后发企业的追赶能力依赖于产品价值网络的竞争力。本文基于博弈理论构建了包含后发企业新产品价值网络和在位企业旧产品价值网络的防降价均衡模型。通过数理推导产品价值网络各主体在降价博弈中的行为选择,进而分析后发企业为引导其他主体协同跟进、成功构建和运营新产品价值网络的策略安排。研究表明后发企业应该:(1)提高与模块供应商、互补品提供商的兼容度;(2)提高新旧产品的兼容度;(3)根据市场份额调整产品价格;(4)根据用户规模把控补贴额度和时间节点。研究结论为后发企业通过产品价值网络竞争实现追赶提供了重要见解。最后,结合华为鸿蒙系统案例分析了后发企业追赶策略的实际应用。  相似文献   

私有协议与标准化的知识产权政策   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
在对电信市场的网络效果、转换成本以及标准经济性质分析的基础上,本文探讨厂商在私有协议、产业标准化和机构标准化竞争中采取的知识产权政策。在ICT市场里,市场选择决定胜出的私有协议,厂商采取的基本策略是先松后紧的知识产权政策。产业联盟的厂商在产业标准化上既竞争又合作,他们都试图运用有效的知识产权政策和市场策略赢得标准谈判更大的筹码。在机构标准化竞赛中,厂商会采取适度温和的知识产权渗透政策和“脚踏两只船”的风险分散策略。中国厂商相应采取科学的知识产权政策对于赢得私有协议和标准化起着关键性作用。  相似文献   

Due to network effects and switching costs in platform markets, entrants generally must offer revolutionary functionality to win substantial market share. We explore a second entry path that does not rely upon Schumpeterian innovation: platform envelopment. Through envelopment, a provider in one platform market can enter another platform market, and combine its own functionality with that of the target in a multi‐platform bundle that leverages shared user relationships. Envelopers capture market share by foreclosing an incumbent's access to users; in doing so, they harness the network effects that previously had protected the incumbent. We present a typology of envelopment attacks based on whether platform pairs are complements, weak substitutes, or functionally unrelated and we analyze conditions under which these attack types are likely to succeed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

How Network Strategies and Institutional Transitions Evolve in Asia   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13  
This article contributes to the literature on network strategies and institutional transitions in emerging economies in Asia by identifying a realistic, intermediate phase between the early and late phases of institutional transitions suggested by Peng (2003). Focusing on the intermediate phase, we advance two arguments based on network strength and network content. First, in terms of network strength, we leverage earlier insights that networks can be classified as strong ties and weak ties. Consequently, we suggest that as institutional transitions unfold, strong-tie-based networks, instead of being phased out, are being transformed into weak-ties-based networks. Second, from a network content standpoint, we argue that the various scale and scope of institutional transitions shape the content of different networks which focus on business-to-government (B2G) ties and business-to-business (B2B) relationships. Our propositions delineate how different transitions of political and legal institutions affect the evolution of B2G and B2B networks. Overall, we suggest that networks not only differ in strength but also in content, and that their evolution is driven by the impact of different dimensions of institutional transitions governing B2G and B2B relationships. Mike W. Peng (Ph.D., University of Washington) is a professor of global strategy at the University of Texas at Dallas, where he holds the university's first ever Provost's Distinguished Research Professorship. He was formerly an associate professor at the Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University. He is the author of nearly 40 scholarly articles and three books, including, most recently, Global Strategy (2006). He has served on the editorial boards of AMJ, AMR, JIBS, and SMJ, and acted as a guest editor for JIBS and JMS. He is the first elected officer of the Global Strategy Interest Group at the Strategic Management Society. This is his fifth contribution to APJM. Jessie Qi Zhou is a Ph.D. candidate in international business at the Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University. Her research interest includes strategy in emerging economies, network strategy, and organizational learning. Her main theoretical interest is institutional theory, with a focus on how institutional distance affects MNE strategies. The comparative analysis of firms' strategic choices across countries in response to different institutional environments is also of particular interest to her. Her work has been presented at the Academy of Management and Academy of International Business conferences.  相似文献   

This paper describes open research questions related to the competition and market structure of financial exchanges and argues that only a combination of industrial organization and finance can satisfactorily attack these questions. Two examples are discussed to illustrate how the combination of these two approaches can significantly enrich the analysis: the “network externality puzzle”, which refers to the question of why trading for the same security is often split across trading venues, and the impact of the multi-sided character of financial exchanges on pricing and profitability.  相似文献   

Platforms have evolved beyond just being organized as multi‐sided markets with complementors selling to users. Complementors are often unpaid, working outside of a price system and driven by heterogeneous sources of motivation—which should affect how they respond to platform growth. Does reliance on network effects and strategies to attract large numbers of complementors remain advisable in such contexts? We test hypotheses related to these issues using data from 85 online multi‐player game platforms with unpaid complementors. We find that complementor development responds to platform growth even without sales incentives, but that attracting complementors has a net zero effect on on‐going development and fails to stimulate network effects. We discuss conditions under which a strategy of using unpaid crowd complementors remains advantageous. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

全球范围内的证券交易行业一体化趋势已经非常明显,这是因为该行业具有很强的网络效应特性。这种一体化趋势可以用产业经济学中的网络效应理论来研究。本文用博弈论模型来研究交易所之间的竞争,博弈均衡结果显示交易所之间的竞争有可能是无效的,而对交易所进行一体化则可以产生帕雷托改进。分析表明,深沪两市目前的分割局面极其不利于即将面临的国际竞争,因而需要进行一体化。  相似文献   

To exploit first‐mover advantages, pioneers may be motivated to amass customers before rivals enter the market. Likewise, when they enjoy increasing returns due to network effects, static scale economies, or learning effects, companies have incentives to invest aggressively in growth. This paper presents econometric analysis of factors that determined the intensity of Internet companies' investments in growth, and analyzes the long‐term performance consequences of such investments. Results indicate that first movers spent significantly more on upfront marketing than non‐pioneers. Contrary to expectations, however, firms in markets that exhibited increasing returns did not spend more on their early customer acquisition efforts than other sample companies. Although the typical sample company did not earn positive long‐term returns, heavy early investments in growth were nevertheless economically rational. In most cases, reducing marketing outlays would have worsened a bad outcome, consistent with an inverted ‘U’ relationship between long‐term returns and upfront marketing spending. Thus, the typical sample company invested in marketing, ex ante, at levels close to those that would have maximized returns, observed ex post. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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