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网络口碑研究综述   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
随着网络的普及和电子商务的发展,越来越多的人开始进行网络消费,网络口碑对人们的影响也日益显著。本文梳理和归纳了网络口碑的概念内涵,回顾了相关领域的实证研究,并在此基础上提出了今后对于网络口碑的研究方向,希望可以推动该领域的发展。  相似文献   

网络口碑研究述评   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
消费者之间的口碑传播对消费行为具有强大的影响力,随着互联网的发展,传统口碑出现了网络化趋势,网络口碑成为近年来的研究热点之一。目前的网络口碑研究主要按网络口碑传播的构成要素从口碑传播者、接收者和传播信息3个方面展开。本文针对这3方面主要对网络口碑传播的特征、网络口碑传播者的发送动机、传播意愿,接收者的搜寻动机、网络口碑的说服效果等进行文献梳理,概述了网络口碑的研究现状,同时还分析了未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

以"白水味儿"原创服装设计品牌为例,对利用豆瓣网进行服装网络口碑营销进行了可行性分析,并提出了基于消费者生活方式的全方位360度网络口碑营销的具体策略。  相似文献   

试图研究网络口碑在网络消费者护肤品购买决策中的影响,首先提出了四个假设:(1)网络口碑质量对消费者的购买决策有正向显著影响;(2)传播平台的特性对消费者的购买决策有正向显著影响;(3)口碑评论者的资信度对消费者的购买决策有正向显著影响;(4)消费者感知价值对消费者的购买决策有正向显著影响。然后对网络问卷结果进行专业的统计与分析,验证得出前面的假设是成立的,从而得出研究结论,并提出了要重视网络口碑质量、口碑传播应选择热门的传播平台、邀请"专家"来点评和重视顾客的感知价值等给护肤品企业和商家参考的几点建议。  相似文献   

口碑可以积极或者消极的影响来左右消费者的购买决策制定以及后续行为。当下在"互联网+"的新形态发展下,口碑凭借网络这一平台,对消费者的信息搜索、消费态度和消费意向有着更大的影响。本文以相关理论作为指导,探讨负面网络口碑对顾客购买意愿的影响研究。  相似文献   

WEB2.0时代的到来,使得口碑传播走向了一个多对多传播的电子化时代,越来越多的商家开始关注借助IM工具所产生的口碑效应及其市场价值。同时,IM工具与人们日常生活的密切融合,也大大激活了受众的媒体参与热情。本文以南京好婆为例,就IM工具的优势入手,介绍了网络口碑营销的含义和依托渠道,分析了南京好婆的品牌营销传播策略。研究为其他相关企业的口碑营销提供了有效借鉴和经验。  相似文献   

口碑营销所具有的优点是人们所共同认可的,但是由于口碑是以第三方的形式传播,缺少了可控性。互联网的发展使得口碑的可控性有了很大的改观,网络口碑营销这种营销模式开始被人们所重视。探讨在虚拟社区的BBS产品讨论区中,如何有效运用数据库促使庞大的网民对企业的营销产生推动作用。  相似文献   

网络口碑营销的研究现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
很多企业已经意识到互联网这个商机,网络口碑营销的实践活动逐渐增多。针对这一现象,国内外学者开始关注网络口碑营销,并给出了很多有价值的建议。本文对国内外网络口碑营销相关研究成果进行分析,详述了网络口碑研究的现状及将来研究的方向,以期为更深入研究网络口碑营销提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着网络购物的快速兴起,顾客满意度却呈现下降趋势,网络口碑成为消费者作出购买决策的重要参考依据。本文在对相关文献整理的基础上,结合服装网络购物的特点,分析口碑信息因素与信息接收者因素共同作用,影响消费者作出最终购买决策。最后,本文提出了服装网络口碑营销的相关对策和建议。  相似文献   

网络口碑可信度影响因素的实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
徐琳 《财贸研究》2007,18(5):113-117
网络口碑的盛行引起了消费者和营销者的关注,口碑营销也借助网络口碑得到了新的发展。网络口碑影响力的大小和网络口碑营销的成功与否主要取决于网络口碑可信度的高低。通过实证研究,本文发现消费者和信息发布者的关系强度、消费者对于网络口碑传播平台的依赖程度、消费者感知的网站有用性、消费者感知的风险程度和消费者的信任倾向都显著正向影响消费者的网络口碑可信度。  相似文献   

西方网络口碑传播效应研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
互联网背景下的口碑传播呈现出波及范围大、传播速度快、匿名性、非面对面接触等新的特点,由消费者发动的网络口碑极具影响力。现有网络口碑传播效应的相关文献主要存在消费者和企业两个研究视角,探讨网络口碑对消费者购买决策和企业产品销售等的影响。在此基础上对该主题的系统梳理和分析有助于今后的进一步研究。  相似文献   

Ci Ci 《市场研究》2007,(6):21-23
<正>在线调研又称网上调研,网络调研,是一种利用网络来收集数据的方式,用于区别传统的电话访问、街头拦截等访问方式。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the persuasive influences of online user comments (or word-of-mouth) and of the reviews by movie critics on moviegoers' evaluation of to-be-released movies. Two distinctive features of this study are: (1) moviegoers are considered to be heterogeneous in their movie going frequency and (2) word-of-mouth and critical reviews are concurrently available, and the views expressed in the two messages are in conflict. Using three experiments with natural stimuli, we find that the persuasive effect of online word-of-mouth is stronger on infrequent than on frequent moviegoers, especially when it is negative (Study 1). The effect of negative word-of-mouth on infrequent moviegoers is enduring even in the presence of positive reviews by movie critics (Study 2). The relative influence of word-of-mouth and critical reviews are asymmetric with infrequent moviegoers more influenced by word-of-mouth, while frequent moviegoers more influenced by the reviews (Study 3). We validate this source–segment alignment through secondary data analysis.  相似文献   

The popularity of online rate-and-review websites has increased the importance of word-of-mouth (WOM) volume (number of ratings) yet the retail literature has not paid adequate attention to understanding its impact. This paper highlights WOM volume as a high-scope, decision-making cue upon which the influence of other WOM-relevant characteristics on a WOM message's persuability depends. We begin, via a pretest, by demonstrating the intuitive expectation that high volume, relative to low volume, accentuates or assimilates perceptions of positivity or negativity of WOM targets. Then, through two experimental studies, we show that depending upon how high volume interacts with WOM consensus and consumer decision precommitment, it can contrast preference away from the valence of a target also. In our third and final experimental study, we demonstrate that consumers differ in their susceptibility to the influence of high volume. Those with a higher desire to be different from others, compared to those with a higher desire to be similar, are resistant to high volume's assimilative sway and do not show the valence-accentuating effects demonstrated in the pretest. Retail managers and researchers should find these insights about the different roles of WOM volume beneficial.  相似文献   

Electronic word-of mouth (eWOM) has attracted considerable interest from researchers in the past decade. Although the extant research has helped us to develop a good understanding of a number of the issues pertaining to eWOM, several research and managerial questions remain. Furthermore, no attempt has been made to consolidate and synthesize this stream of research. With consumers' increasing reliance on online retailing and information seeking, as well as the continued growth of social media, the importance of eWOM cannot be overstated. Based on a systematic review of 190 studies, we conduct a multi-dimensional analysis of eWOM communication. We present the key issues in current and emerging literature and propose important questions for future research.  相似文献   


Understanding electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in social networking sites (SNSs) is crucial as consumers have potential to reach global audiences quickly and easily. This article presents the first cross-cultural study on eWOM in SNSs by examining social relationship variables between the United States and China. Specifically, social capital, tie strength, trust, and interpersonal influence were examined as potential predictors of eWOM communication in the emerging online social channels. The results suggest that national culture plays a significant factor that affects consumers’ engagement in eWOM in SNSs in the two countries. Theoretical and managerial implications for global Internet marketers were presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Based on a general framework of consumer perception and processing of advertising, this study examines the impact of animation and ad format on the attention and memorization of online ads. Consumer attention to a variety of real-world ads was measured with eye tracking and ad memory was assessed with recognition and recall tests. The results suggest that on average, animation had little or no effect on attention. We did nevertheless observe a strong interaction effect between animation and ad format, which suggests that the effect of animation is conditioned by ad format. Animation has a positive effect on attention to skyscrapers, but a negative one on attention to banners. As to memorization, animation improved recognition effects, but mainly for banners. Surprisingly, consumers could recognize ads without having looked at them, which suggests that online consumers are especially parsimonious in allocating their focal attention and memory resources to irrelevant ads when they are involved in other tasks.  相似文献   

China's Ministry of Education voiced on Monday its support for the formation of C9, an academic conference comprising nine domestic prestigious universities and referred to as China's Ivy League by some experts.  相似文献   

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