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口碑传播的形成机理与口碑营销 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
本文在全面回顾和分析口碑传播的内涵与功能的基础上,通过构建口碑传播的形成机理模型,深入剖析了口碑传播的传播过程及其影响因素,并进一步提出了口碑营销的策略选择。 相似文献
企业声誉和口碑传播的作用日益凸显,成为企业重要的一项工作之一,引起了管理者的广泛的重视。本文通过对企业声誉和口碑传播行为之间影响关系的确定和具体作用机理的分析,研究企业声誉如何影响口碑传播行为,弥补了相关理论研究的不足,并对企业的经营管理实践提供一定的借鉴和指导作用。 相似文献
网络口碑会影响消费者的品牌态度,进而影响消费的购买决策,故认识网络口碑影响消费者品牌态度的机理具有重要意义。本文首先分析消费者受网络口碑的来源可靠性、关系强度、口碑数量、专业性、信任、感知风险、声誉等因素的影响,进而影响到消费者品牌态度的机理。进而,本文总结出负面网络口碑对消费者品牌态度改变有显著影响、信任在网络口碑影响消费者品牌态度中起重要作用、不同消费者对网络口碑影响消费者品牌态度认识不同三条特征。针对机理分析,本文提出了企业应把握网络口碑的主动权、通过网下宣传配合或分化网络口碑、合理利用网络媒体渠道的对策建议。 相似文献
企业产品或服务产生良好的口碑信息,根源于产品或服务本身内在品质和与其相应的辅助支持,并通过口碑推荐者的传播蔓延于复杂的社会人际网络中。实证结果表明,由于口碑信息受到传播主体不同状态的影响和关系渠道的约束,对口碑传播过程中的口碑信任度、感染度、忠实度等产生显著性影响,从而对口碑传播效力产生影响。 相似文献
基于多学科的视角,梳理了经典的集群形成机制研究:新古典经济学的产业区理论、区位经济学的工业区位论、新经济地理学的产业聚集论、管理学的战略管理论和社会学的嵌入性理论,分析了目前国外集群形成机制研究的新趋势:迈向多学科视角,最后提出了多学科视角对我国未来研究的启示。 相似文献
开放市场下我国产业安全形成机理 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
本文分别从投资自由化、贸易自由化和产业国际竞争力三个方面对产业安全问题的形成机理进行分析的基础上,找出了形成产业安全问题的原因和途径,理清了其中的因果关系,并指出能否提高我国产业的国际竞争力,从而在利用外资和自由贸易中达到最大限度的趋利避害的效果,是维护我国产业安全的关键所在。 相似文献
随着互联网和通讯技术的迅猛发展,面对海量和嘈杂的信息,消费者不再那么相信企业的广告,对企业产生了信任危机。在这种情况下,口碑已经成为人们在做出购买决策时使用频率最高的信息资源(Gremler,2002),由于在影响消费者态度和行为中所起的重要作用,学者们开始重视对口碑传播的研究,得出十分丰富而重要的结论。 相似文献
The primary goals of social-service nonprofits are typically to raise money, increase behavioral participation, and raise awareness. The first two issues are easily measured with secondary data analysis; however measuring the effectiveness of marketing efforts in accomplishing the third objective has proven challenging. This research evaluates the ability of global awareness programs to raise awareness and initiate social change by examining the social media discourse that occurs during their awareness events. The findings show that events can create a short-term increase in discourse, however the nature of that discourse is affected by the disease’s brand personality. Additional findings are presented and discussed, in addition to suggestions for the implementation of social media tracking by nonprofits. 相似文献
Current research has documented how cases of irresponsible corporate behavior generate negative reactions from consumers and other stakeholders. Existing research, however, has not examined empirically whether the characteristics of the victims of corporate malfeasance contribute to shaping individual reactions. This study examines, through four experimental surveys, the role played by the national identity of the people affected on consumers’ intentions to spread negative word of mouth (WOM). It is shown that national identity influences individual reactions indirectly; mediated by perceived similarity and sympathy. Consumers perceive foreign victims as different from the self and this reduces the sympathy experienced towards them. Sympathy is an emotion that shapes consumer reactions and regulates WOM. The study identifies two moderating processes of this effect. Individuals who score high on collective narcissism are most likely to be strongly biased against foreign victims. In-group bias is also moderated by the perceived severity of the crisis. When a case is perceived as very serious, perceived similarity plays a less important role in generating sympathy because consumers focus on the perceived suffering of the victims. Hence, in-group bias is stronger in cases perceived as having minor consequences. The paper contributes to the literature on corporate social irresponsibility and offers implications for both scholars and managers. 相似文献
网络口碑传播与数码产品销售研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
网络口碑传播对数码产品的销售工作有着显著的影响,通过不同传播形态流转的网络口碑对消费者的影响也各不相同。基于已有的研究成果,按照传播形态的不同对现有网络媒介进行划分,探讨不同传播形态之间发挥作用的差异。研究发现相比训话形态与注册形态,对话形态与协商形态的网络媒介对网络口碑受众的影响更深。 相似文献
“互联网+价格听证”是指政府充分利用互联网平台就调整与公民日常生活息息相关事项的服务价格征集民众意见并给予反馈的一种形式.这种新兴价格听证模式有利于克服传统价格听证的固有缺陷,扩大价格听证规模,节约价格听证成本,增加价格听证灵活性以及提升价格听证透明度.“互联网+价格听证”整个运作机制设计可操作化为价格听证的准备、价格听证的进行和价格听证的决策与反馈三个阶段,每阶段需要处理的问题和程序设计都截然不同. 相似文献
The role of word of mouth advertising on modifying consumers' willingness to make risky product choices is analyzed. The authors present an information and perceived risk processing model of word of mouth advertising's influence on consumer behavior. Implications for advertising management are suggested. 相似文献