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文章从社会资本的视角,探讨在线品牌社群对消费者品牌幸福感的影响机制。基于680份有效问卷,运用偏最小二乘法对假设进行检验。研究结果表明:在线品牌社群社会资本会通过促进社群幸福感(社群主观幸福感、社群心理幸福感和社群社会幸福感)进而促进品牌幸福感;在社群幸福感内部,社群社会幸福感会促进社群心理幸福感,而二者都会促进社群主观幸福感;在线品牌社群访问频率在社群主观幸福感与品牌幸福感之间起到正向调节作用。研究结论丰富了在线品牌社群和品牌幸福感理论,且对品牌建设实践具有指导价值。  相似文献   

本文以在线品牌社群为研究对象,通过探讨在线品牌社群的价值维度与品牌认同,证实在线品牌社群对消费者溢价购买意愿的影响。对496个有效样本的实证分析发现,在线品牌社群的信息价值、财务价值和形象价值能有效提高消费者的品牌认同,品牌认同对溢价购买意愿有正向影响。通过进一步考察品牌认同的中介效应,证实在线品牌社群价值对溢价购买意愿的影响是通过品牌认同产生作用。  相似文献   

文章根据互动和非互动划分社群成员参与程度的高低,通过两个实验探究了在不同产品类型和品牌熟悉度的情境下,在线品牌社群成员参与程度对其社群认同的影响差异。研究发现:对于搜索品,社群参与程度较低时,其社群认同更强;对于体验品,社群参与程度较高时,其社群认同更强。另外,对于低熟悉度品牌,产品类型的调节作用仍然存在。但对于高熟悉度品牌,无论是搜索品还是体验品,社群参与程度较高时,其社群认同更强。最后,文章为企业在线品牌社群管理提出了营销建议。  相似文献   

不同文化背景下企业员工组织公民行为维度的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对东西方文化背景下企业员工组织公民行为的维度进行比较分析,不难发现,中国人不同于西方的组织公民行为特点导致了不同于西方的组织公民行为特征维度,对研究在东方文化背景下的加强员工组织公民行为有积极的意义。在中国传统文化背景下,企业应从提高员工个人素质,加强道德教育;做好工作设计,营造良好工作环境;增强团队凝聚力,对员工提供必要的组织支持;加强企业文化建设,形成良好组织文化等方面入手,加强员工的组织公民行为。此外,企业还要打造一种和谐的激励文化,促使员工认同企业价值导向的文化观念,与企业建立起长期互信的社会交换关系,增强员工的主人翁意识,激励员工表现企业价值导向的组织公民行为,从而提高整体绩效。  相似文献   

近年来越来越多猪肉企业创建自己的品牌。在建立品牌管理的过程中,许多企业仅把知名度视作品牌的核心内容,注重外部广告而忽视员工行为,注重品牌打造而忽视品牌管理,片面强调品牌打造,忽视品牌的长期建设和员工品牌行为管理。本文主要从品牌猪肉的员工品牌行为的角度入手,在文献研究基础上,建立概念模型,探讨品牌猪肉员工的品牌公民行为如何影响顾客对品牌的信任、承诺和由此而导致的顾客公民行为。笔者在广州天河区各大超市和农贸市场中对品牌猪肉的员工和顾客进行派发调查问卷,进行调查和收集数据。对概念模型进行实证检验与修正后,分析了员工品牌公民行为对顾客的品牌信任和品牌承诺的影响,还分析了鼓励品牌信任和品牌承诺与顾客公民行为之间的关系。最后,同时把数据分析结果与定性研究相结合,对品牌猪肉企业提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

产品创新不仅来自企业内部,还来自外部顾客。其中,在线品牌社群被认为是产品创新信息收集的一种重要渠道。基于知识分享——个体创新理论,通过实证方法,研究品牌社群成员关系对顾客创新行为的影响,在二者的关系中,顾客创新自我效能起调节作用。结果表明,当社群成员之间沟通频繁且关系密切,知识、信息的交流、传播等越多,顾客越能够创造出新的知识;并且,当顾客的自我效能越高,这种正向关系效果更明显。  相似文献   

组织公民行为本质初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
展翔 《现代商业》2008,(6):80-81
随着市场经济的发展,现代组织由适应制造业的金子塔型逐渐被扁平化的团队组织结构所取代,扁平化的团队组织结构很难对员工进行绩效考核。因此企业管理者希望员工能够多做一些有利于组织发展的职责范围以外的工作,即组织公民行为。  相似文献   

任枫 《商业研究》2015,(2):113-119
基于品牌社群融入分析的视角,本文采用文献研究与实证研究相结合的方法,探讨品牌社群影响品牌关系的作用机理,结果表明品牌社群融入对品牌信任、品牌承诺和品牌满意具有正向的影响作用,品牌社群为企业改善品牌关系提供了新的路径;品牌社群承诺在上述过程中起到了部分中介作用,品牌社群融入对品牌关系具有直接和间接影响。  相似文献   

本文对品牌社群域的空间构成观点进行了梳理;对品牌社群形成动因、品牌社群实证研究现状、品牌社群延展性研究等方面进行了分析;提出了现有研究存在的问题及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

互联网背景下,在线品牌社群在连接品牌和消费者中起着重要作用,因此,有必要研究在线品牌社群如何影响消费者与品牌的关系。基于自我知觉理论和承诺一致性原则的理论视角,以问卷调查方法收集数据,探讨在线品牌社群投入是否会通过反作用促进消费者品牌投入进而提升品牌忠诚。通过实证研究,得出以下结论:(1)在线品牌社群投入对品牌忠诚没有显著的直接作用;(2)但是除消费者品牌投入的认知维度外,在其他两个维度(情感投入和行为投入)的中介作用下,在线品牌社群投入对品牌忠诚有显著作用;(3)在线品牌社群投入对消费者品牌投入具有显著的积极影响,验证了自我知觉理论和承诺一致性原则在在线品牌社群情境下的适用性。研究结论深化了在线品牌社群投入对品牌忠诚影响的研究。  相似文献   

The study explores how brand communities are structured and operate in the context of Korean Automobile Online Brand Communities (KAOBCs). The content analysis method was used to examine the characteristics of KAOBCs and identify the typology of the communities. The most popular search engine of South Korea, naver.com, was used to select sample KAOBCs. Our research finds that the socially-oriented community type is the most popular of the KAOBCs, followed by communication, information and business oriented communities in order. The number of community members, number of community staff, and duration of the community are the main determinants of KAOBCs.  相似文献   

Consumers are using social media platform to gain and share knowledge on brands. In the virtual environment, consumers are exposed to various online reviews on brands that leave an impression of brands on the minds of the consumers. The present study combines Yale attitude change model and attribution theory to examine the effects of credible online reviews on brand equity dimensions. The present study views, through the lens of Yale attitude change model, the various factors that affect credibility evaluation of online reviews. Further, attribution theory is used as the theoretical backbone to analyze the effects of credible online reviews on brand equity dimensions and finally on purchase intention. This study uses structural equations modeling (SEM) to investigate the impact of online credible reviews on customer based brand equity (CBBE) dimensions and its consequence on consumer behavior (purchase intention). Results indicate that source and review quality are the most important factors that affect consumer's credibility evaluation of a review. Online credible reviews have more significant impact on brand awareness, perceived value and organizational associations and thus leads to consumer's purchase intention in the context of consumer electronic products in India.  相似文献   

To gain a better understanding of online brand communities, this study has examined why people joined in online brand communities and whether there were some differences in the motivations of Internet users based on different cultures. Open-ended questions were asked to the community members from both South Korean Automobile Online Brand Communities (KAOBC) and American Automobile Online Brand Communities (AAOBC) in the first stage and then generated and utilized an online survey for the study. The study found that KAOBC members tended to have a stronger social network, business, and communication motivations than AAOBC members. As a primary motivation, information seeking is the strongest motivation for members of both KAOBC and AAOBC. They had a similar level of information motivation.  相似文献   

While numerous organizations and consumers utilize interactive online marketing activities (e.g., creating discussion forums, having brainstorming sessions, and running surveys) to interact with the brand and fellow brand users, there is little research that addresses how important it is to offer community members activities based on their motivations to participate in the community. This research is an important first step at examining the degree to which marketers need to match marketing activities in online communities with community member motivations to affect brand and community outcomes. Using a longitudinal study of 256 members from 9 marketing research online communities in 3 different industries, this research finds that online communities can be used to positively influence a broad range of brand assessments, brand-supportive behaviors, and community-supportive behaviors. Furthermore, leveraging marketing activities in online communities is more complex than previously thought.  相似文献   

Considerable research has been done on brand personality as a key factor in brand management, focusing mainly on how it is perceived by consumers, but without much attention to the managerial perspective. However, the latter is crucially important to ensure that the brand personality that consumers perceive actually corresponds to what a company intends to communicate. This study offers an innovative methodology to achieve this dual-perspective objective, integrating notions of marketing and linguistics to investigate brand personality alignment as it emerges from authentic and spontaneous digital environments. Textual data were collected from both company and consumer web communications across a sample of 100 + fashion brands, and then processed with software to extract sets of adjectives as the expression of brand personality. The adjectives were interrelated to calculate ratios that measure (a) the degree of alignment between company-defined vs. consumer-perceived brand personality, (b) similarity in personality between brands and (c) consumer perception of similarity in personality between brands. Varying degrees of alignment were identified, suggesting differences in how effectively the companies communicate their brand personality. The combination of the ratios derived from this research process can be utilized to evaluate the strength of brand differentiation and to redefine brand communication strategies.  相似文献   

Online consumption communities, involving millions of online consumers, have been created around massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs). Within these communities, players who share interest in MMORPGs convene, interact, and collaborate with fellow players and achieve game‐related outcomes. As these online social networks have been noted to augment, and perhaps supplant person‐to‐person interaction, this study focuses on the drivers of inherent interpersonal relationships, the nature of the constructed society, and resulting consumer initiatives to sustain and nurture the organization. Specifically, this research suggests that MMORPG communities transcend more facile forms of online or brand communities and demonstrate characteristics that can most aptly be construed as brand tribalism in the anthropological sense. Here, the challenge and telepresence innate in playing MMORPGs, cognitive and affective involvement associated with MMORPGs, and commitment to MMORPGs are modeled as antecedents of brand tribalism or a sense of the relationship with the brand and MMORPG community. Consequently, intent to purchase MMORPG‐related virtual products, recruitment of other MMORPG players, and word of mouth are identified as consequences of this unique consumer–brand relationship. Further analysis reveals the negatively charged emotional measure (i.e., defense of the tribe) within the tribalism instrument explains more variance in the outcome variables than the positively charged emotional measures (i.e., lineage, social, sense of community). Implications and future research directions are offered.  相似文献   

网络社区的蓬勃发展推动了网络社区营销的深入开展。网络社区营销活动具有精准性、互动性、成长性、软性营销的特点。企业可以借助网络社区开展市场调查,传播促销信息,实施活动营销,塑造品牌形象。网络社区营销还可以帮助企业强化危机管控,管理公共关系。  相似文献   

<正>一、引言在网络经济环境下,由于高度发达的信息技术支持,客户有更广泛的选择范围,更低的搜寻成本,因此他们更容易收集和比较各种品牌的信息,从而可以更方便的更换  相似文献   

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