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百牌号战略的实施2004年8月23日,一项对中国卷烟品牌发展影响极为深远的政策——《卷烟产品百牌号目录》颁布出台。《目录》明确规定,今后2-3年时间里,全行业卷烟产品生产和销售牌号(四、五类除外)压缩到100个左右。这一大刀阔斧的改革立即在行业内产生较大反响。1.卷烟工业重组是战略实施的前提卷烟工业企业的联合重组是烟草行 相似文献
“一‘牌’之隔.生死不同”是“百牌号”最鲜明的写照:凡是未上榜的品牌一定是消亡的品牌。凡是已经上榜的品牌一定就是发展的品牌;但发展是有时间要求的.现实是残酷的。“百牌号”就像传说中的“生死簿”一样,所不同的是,“生死簿”是对“生”和“死”的全面限定:该生则生.当死则死.而“百牌号”则是关于“死”的单方限定:未列其中者死:位列其中者现在不会死.但有的将来也会死。 相似文献
”和“云烟”的“红双喜”品牌。至于营销网络.上烟在经过数年的艰苦努力,已在更高层次提出打造精品网络的口号,正在构建一个以“电子商务、现代物流、连锁经营,优质服务”为特征的现代物流模式。正是由于品牌、技术和市场建设方面的成效卓著,上烟一定程度上克服烟叶资源先天不足的缺憾.而与京津卷烟生产企业的资产重组,无疑使上烟如虎添翼,在整合优势,打造品牌、拓展市场等多方面.上烟完全有理由憧憬一个更为宏美的未来。 相似文献
卷烟市场零售渠道的整合战略 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
零售渠道是现代商业流通中最终把商品和服务销售给终端消费者.并实现物流、现金流、信息流等营销流周转的重要系统。烟草行业如何改善老渠道和创立新渠道是企业渠道战略、营销战略实施中的一个关键问题。上海烟草网建的三个时期.也是上海烟草零售渠道发展的三个时期。第一阶段从95年10月至98年第一轮流通改革,初步建立上海卷烟零售渠道.是”跑马圈地”的初级阶段。第二阶段从99年到2003年.实现零售渠道的合理布局,实施市场与客户细分策略.建立标准化程序化、信息化的服务手段.是对零售渠道精耕细作的阶段。 相似文献
近年来国内外控烟形势日益严峻,国内卷烟企业通过构建战略计划管理体系,来挖掘新的增长点,力求实现高质量发展。构建战略计划管理体系能够帮助卷烟企业合理规避战略决策风险,让卷烟企业能够稳定生产、提升结构、培育品牌,实现企业持续健康发展。本文将以卷烟企业为研究对象,提出构建战略计划管理体系的建议,期望能够推动国家经济市场的有效发展。 相似文献
卷烟品牌规模扩张根源于消费者基础的扩大。通过对消费者分类,提出了促进卷烟产品规模扩张的两种消费者战略;并在此基础上深入分析了消费者的购烟过程及战略实现途径。 相似文献
企业的发展离不开战略与运营计划两方面,战略规划企业未来发展方向,运营计划则将战略目标具体化与行动化,属于战术层面,战略计划为管理层提前系统考虑和制定企业更切实的目标与措施,提供有效的方法与工具。结合某地市级卷烟工业企业在多年实施ERP信息系统的基础上,推进实施战略计划SEM模块,从战略计划实施背景、现状与实施目标思路、项目实施、实施成效、遗留问题及改进等五个方面,对建立卷烟工业企业战略计划管理体系的实施情况进行归纳,总结提炼了烟草工业企业战略计划管理体系建设的主要思路与几点经验。 相似文献
自沃尔沃汽车宣布旗下入门级豪华轿车S40在中国生产后,驰骋欧洲大陆数十年的豪华品牌“三驾马车”——奔驰、宝马、沃尔沃已经全部驶入中国市场。在一个人文、地理、消费习惯、价值观全然不同于欧洲大陆的崭新的东方国度市场里,这豪华的“三驾马车”将如何继续驰骋呢? 相似文献
Park Ji Kyung Torelli Carlos J. Monga Alokparna Basu John Deborah Roedder 《Marketing Letters》2019,30(3-4):307-319
Marketing Letters - When luxury brands (exuding self-enhancement values) incorporate CSR (eliciting self-transcendence values) in their brand platform, they are blending opposing values into their... 相似文献
新春伊始,天气逐渐回嗳,人们有了更多机会去享受大自然带来的明媚春光,许多人选择了举家驾车出游,体验万物复苏的感觉。现在越来越多人选择城市SUV作为家庭用车,可以同时满足舒适乘坐和驾驶乐趣。但是,由于SUV经常遇到复杂路况,同时车辆本身的重心高、质量大、体积大,因此,对于喜爱驾驶SUV的人们,应当在车辆的安全性能和安全驾驶上多留个心眼,确保自己与家人的安全。 相似文献
《Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services》2006,13(5):331-338
In the Western world market shares for store brands have increased across all product categories. The competitive position of store brands compared to national brands may depend on the product category and a retail chain's overall brand assortment strategy. In order to investigate these possible chain and category effects we have selected five chains with different store brand strategies and three product categories that differ with respect to the number of strong national brands in a category. The results we report focus on the competitive position of store brands compared to national brands from a consumer point of view. We find that store brands are in a weak competitive position compared to national brands independent of category and retail chain brand assortment strategy. 相似文献
Traditional methods of market segmentation based on demographic variables have shown mixed results in differentiating between those who are more likely to buy own brand products and those who prefer national brands. Taking advantage of the emerging convergence in human personality research on the Big Five dimensions, we focus on the potential of human personality as a method of identifying different customer segments. Two types of own brands are considered, those labelled with the retailer's corporate name and those labelled with a name independent of the retailer. Two product categories are included, cola as an example of a low-involvement product and cosmetics as an example of a high-involvement product. The personality profiles of buyers of these and the leading national brands in each category are compared. Stepwise regression is used to identify those aspects of shopper personality that predict purchase rates of all products. Individuals who are more ‘open to experience’ report higher purchases of corporately named products, while individuals who are more ‘extrovert’ report higher purchases of national brands. Those reporting higher rates of purchase for own brands with independent names tend to be more ‘agreeable’ and ‘extrovert’. The positioning of the three types of brands against the 5 dimensions of human personality is illustrated using correspondence analysis. The clear potential to use human personality to segment and profile markets for own brands and national brands is discussed. 相似文献
随着中国经济的发展以及中国市场的日臻完善,中国市场日益为世界各大集团所关注;同时,中国市场以前所未有的广度和深度向世界伸出合作之手,接纳越来越多的跨国公司。在中国他们获得的不仅是销售市场,更重要的是丰富的原材料以及充足的劳动力。中国逐渐成为世界经济发展的重要驱动力之一。根据摩根斯坦利的研究,2002年中国对世界GDP增长的贡献率达到17.5%,仅次于美国,位于第二。谁把握了中国的资源基地,谁就会在全球市场竞争中占有优势。 相似文献
This paper suggests a new typology of web design strategies in the academic context, in terms of perceived service quality. A survey of the web pages of 500 high-ranking universities illustrates how academic service brands use different design strategies to communicate their intangible qualities. Differences found between the pages suggest that the design strategy of each university can be described as a point on a continuum, where at one end is a ‘service-oriented’ design strategy and at the other a ‘practice-oriented’ design strategy. Cross-cultural differences were evident in the use of color and image categories. Research and managerial implications are discussed. 相似文献
持续至今的金融危机对广告业产生了一定的影响.在全球范围内.广告主的利润率下降,广告主缩减广告投放。在这样的情况下.整个中国广告行业都有不同程度的下滑。对“TBWA腾迈/中国”来说.他们也受到了影响,但另一方面,TBWA对于整个中国市场独特的洞察,对于广告传播投资回报率的深刘理解和其本身系统的透明度和高效稳定的团队,使TBWA在现在的环境下始终带着乐观且自信的态度。 相似文献