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长治市西郊二贤庄,曾是隋末唐初瓦岗农民起义军首领单雄信的故居。庄主雄忠、雄信两兄弟豪侠仗义,嫉恶如仇,怜血穷苦,拯救黎民,深得百姓拥戴,被人们敬为二贤,二贤庄由此得名。相传山东好汉秦琼卖马,隋朝官吏李密避难,以及单雄信为瓦岗毁家好难的故事就发生在此。  相似文献   

瑞士,一方面是现代、富有的发达国家,另一方面还是纯朴美丽的花园村庄!大钟楼与老咖啡,玫瑰园与巧克力,将瑞士的都市也变成了温暖静谧的古典乡村。  相似文献   

已有34年历史的韩国汉城Paradise华克山庄.溶进了韩国及亚洲休闲娱乐文化,以其丰富多彩、世界一流的精湛内容,把韩国观光文化传播到了世界各地……由于地理位置的原因,华克的顾客主要来自亚洲,其中以日本,中国的顾客居多。因此,许多服务员至少掌握两门以上的外语,才能与顾客很好的沟通。你到了那里,绝对不会有语言上的不便与陌  相似文献   

埠阳庄农家旅游乐融融与房东一家坐在八仙桌旁喝茶聊天,围着饭桌吃热腾腾的饺子,扛起锄头去地里锄棉花,跟着孩子们看娶新媳妇,中秋一起吃月饼,春节一起放鞭炮……这些对许多海外游客备感新奇的事,只要到泰山脚下邱家店镇的埠阳庄,就会圆了他们的梦。来到埠阳庄,浓...  相似文献   

在我们计划的行程中,LANCANDO并不是重点。我知道这是墨西哥境内最大的一片原始雨林,仅此而已。"倘若LANCANDO是绿色的皇冠,那BONAMPARK和YAKXILAN就是皇冠上的宝石。"所有恶俗的旅游指南大概都会用这种方式推荐这个行程。 下午两点半,我们看过了这两颗宝石,在墨西哥和危地马拉的热风里坐了一个小时的快船,穿着被汗水浸透了的T恤  相似文献   


在国家5A级旅游景区五台山,许多高档的旅游酒店琳琅满目,他们各有特色地为南来北往的客人们服务着,渐渐地使这里的酒店不断升温。圆缘宾馆、民政宾馆、云龙山庄也是其中的三家,虽然星级中档,但是自开业以来受到了许多游客的眷恋。这三家宾馆实属一位管理者,那就是李欣荣总经理,在他的率领下,员工们把继承和创新结合起来,以积极创新和实践为服务理念,[第一段]  相似文献   

国际会展旅游是当今世界旅游业发展的一个重要方向,是都市旅游不可缺少的一部分,也是增加外汇收入、开发城市相关产业的一种模式.  相似文献   

祠堂是村民族人谒拜祖先、族人聚会的宗族活动场所。笔者以农村祠堂文化注入新的功能和内涵为主题,使旧祠堂成为村民族人的精神文体中心、旅游景点,成为村民休闲健身、学习新知的精神家园,让旧祠堂焕发出新的生机和活力。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate how conventions and exhibitions attract exhibitors and the effects of exhibition attendance on business performance. For this purpose, this study constructed a theoretical model to discuss the relationships of the latent variables. According to the conceptual framework of this study, exhibition marketing included five facets: selling activity, information gathering, relationship building, exhibition image, and extension service. This study then conducted confirmatory factor analysis to test the inner quality of the measuring model, and applied structural equation modeling to test the research hypotheses. The subjects were 350 Taiwanese companies that had previously attended exhibitions. The empirical results showed that selling activity, information gathering, exhibition image, and extension service have positive significant effects on exhibition attendance, while the exhibition attendance also positively influences the business performance. Moreover, exhibition attendance has a partially moderating effect on exhibition marketing and business performance.  相似文献   

When departures from rational behavior can potentially be expected, modeling should allow for their identification and their quantification. In this regard, prices in tourism might have effects that may not be as apparent as economic theory predicts. This article incorporates the sticker shock formulation into the mixed logit model without imposing consistency with consumer theory to accommodate any possible positive or negative price effects. By allowing the parameters of “price” and “sticker shock term” to take any value – negative or positive – we detect abnormal behaviors in the tourist demand: not only is the negative relationship between price and demand inverted for some people but also some tourists might be willing to accept higher-than-expected prices. The “non-well-behaved” groups' shares are estimated.  相似文献   

While studies have examined people's understanding of climate change and its relationship to tourism, these focus largely on developed country populations. Much future tourism growth will come from developing countries following economic development; often countries where climate change will be strongly felt. Do tourists from developing countries have the same knowledge gaps about travel, tourism, and climate change as in the developed world? Will behavioral change policies be successful in encouraging more environmentally friendly approaches to climate change and tourism in developing countries? This paper presents findings from 20 in-depth interviews with active Nigerian tourists, analyzing their understanding of climate change, the links known, or not, between their travel and climate change, and their willingness to change their tourism patterns. Understanding of climate change was limited and there was conceptual confusion. Participants did not view their own travel as a cause of climate change and many were embedded in air travel practice. Participants were unwilling to change their tourism patterns to reduce their contribution to climate change. Significant structural barriers limit low carbon tourism travel in Nigeria (and other developing countries), including reliability, availability safety, and speed. Behavioral change will be difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

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