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GEM研究框架将创业环境综合成金融支持、政府政策、政府项目、教育与培训、研究与开发转移、商务环境、市场开放程度、有形基础设施、文化与社会规范等九大因素。文章根据736份专家问卷调查数据,比较分析安徽省17个地市创业环境排序,运用回归方法分析了创业环境因素对创业机会的影响,最后,提出优化城市创业环境的政策建议。  相似文献   

农民工返乡创业对优化经济结构,协调区域经济发展,都具有十分重要的现实意义.针对农民工在返乡创业存在的一些问题,地方各级应积极完善城乡发展总体规划,制定创业优惠政策,加大创业培训力度,发挥典型示范作用,在人才引进、资金支持、政策扶持、教育培训等方面优化服务,鼓励和引导农民工返乡创业.  相似文献   

李黎 《黑河学刊》2011,(12):54-55
在就业形势严峻的大背景下,大学生创业缺乏政府政策的引导和扶持。分析大学生创业政策中的政府缺失现象,并有针对性地从建立创业责任主体、系统的创业平台、落实创业政策、加强创业教育四个方面阐明了我国政府在大学生创业中的责任问题。  相似文献   

SYB创业培训帮助有志创业者解决了创业初期遇到的诸多问题,实施好培训,有几个途径值得借鉴:一是纯洁学习动机,优化学员选择。帮助他们树立正确的学习态度;二是切合学员特点,坚持互动教学。让学员相互交流思想,发表观点,保证学习质量;三是完善后续服务,促进创业成功。组织创业服务志愿团开展培训咨询服务;四是坚持培训标准,保障培训质量。在培训计划制定、教材使用、教学方法、师资管理、质量监督等方面坚持项目标准。  相似文献   

以江西省返回家乡的农民工为研究对象,重点考察其人口学特征及其对返乡创业政策满意度评价。通过对15个县市的调查样本分析,得出了农民工对返乡宣传政策比较满意,而对创业技能培训、项目支持和信息服务的政策、信贷支持政策满意度不高;不同创业形式的返乡创业农民工对创业政策的满意度有所不同。  相似文献   

发挥团组织优势推进青年就业创业行动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大力开展青年创业培训。当前,我区青年尤其是农村青年的文化素质和创业技能水平仍然普遍较低.扶持青年就业创业必须从扶“技”抓起。团区委联合劳动和社会保障厅、农业厅、林业厅、扶贫办等部门.与70多所师资雄厚的职业技术学校和50多家实力雄厚的区内外劳务中介机构以及600多家大中型企业建立长期的创业培训合作机制.大力开展各类种养生产技能和经营管理培训。  相似文献   

大学生创新创业是一项协同创新的系统工程,迫切需要"政产学研金介媒"等社会各方的通力合作。文章基于美国、英国、日本、北京、上海、南京的调查,对国内外政府和社会各界在政策、金融财政、产品技术、服务以及荣誉文化等5个方面给予大学生创新创业的扶持进行了比较研究,同时得出我国政府在"五大扶持"中存在的问题。  相似文献   

非公有制经济是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,在奔赴2020年全面建成小康社会的宏伟目标的经济发展过程中,需要创业担保贷款政策对非公有制经济的推动。笔者从三个角度论述创业担保贷款对非公有制经济扶持的意义。一、创业担保贷款对社会非公有制经济发展起到重要的推动作用;二、明晰在落实创业担保贷款政策对推动非公有制经济扶持过程中存在的问题;三、针对提出的问题,提出相关建议及措施。通过以上三个方面的具体阐述,更进一步的阐明了创业担保贷款政策对非公有制经济扶持的意义。并且针对出现的问题,提出一些自己设想的配套措施,帮助企业更好地解决实际问题。  相似文献   

<正>北京:筹划建立养老服务产业园未来这个产业园将统筹建设包括老年产品研发、生产、物流配送、展览展销等一体化产业链条。除了吸引国内外知名企业入驻,还将扶持中小企业连锁经营,并形成完整的本土老年服务上下游产业链,减少养老产品的国外依赖程度。上海:试推"人才首席制"引才育人一是对创业人才出台了金融扶持政策,首期设立2亿元区级创业投资引导基金,重点扶持科技型创业人才项目产业化;二是搭建科技金融大孵化器平台;三是区政府每年拨付1000万元租房补贴,落实6万平方米租赁房优惠配租给优秀人才。  相似文献   

本文分析了农民工返乡创业的现状、存在的问题以及产生问题的原因,提出了引导和扶助农民工返乡创业的政策建议: 健全返乡农民工创业培训和指导体系;拓宽返乡农民工创业融资渠道;优化返乡农民工创业硬件环境;完善返乡农民工创业扶持政策.  相似文献   

安徽是我国人口大省之一,做为欠发达地区和农业大省,每年约有1800万剩余劳动力亟需寻求出路。近年来,安徽省劳务输出发展强劲,尤其是具有传统优势的建筑劳务输出规模迅速扩大,对解决农村富余劳动力具有重要意义。本文从人力资源和市场管理的理论出发,结合实际工作经验,通过比  相似文献   

Analysts of the South African labour market have mainly used household surveys to analyse the labour market. It has been more difficult to explore the labour demand of firms, as a result of limited data availability. We use the Quarterly Employment Statistics survey, an enterprise survey conducted by Statistics South Africa, to explore how South African firms create and destroy jobs, thereby shedding light on many of the policy questions that are relevant in a high unemployment society like South Africa. We find that job creation and destruction rates are similar to those found in Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development countries. There is little evidence that labour legislation creates rigidities that prevent firms from hiring or firing workers. We also find that larger firms are better net creators of jobs than small firms and that net job creation rates are negative in manufacturing. Our research has important policy implications – particularly for the South African National Planning Commission's 2030 plan, in which new jobs are envisaged to come mainly from small‐ and medium‐sized firms. Our research suggests that this scenario is not likely without changes to policy or legislation.  相似文献   

吴奇志  童地轴 《特区经济》2008,(10):182-184
农村剩余劳动力有序地转移,是国民经济健康发展和社会稳定的基础,文章对现阶段安徽省农村劳动力转移特点进行分析的基础上,从城乡居民收入差距问题、农村劳动力进城住房问题、从业环境问题、工作和生活保障问题等方面,指出农村剩余劳动力实现"迁徙式"转移的外化阻滞,并针对问题,提出相应的对策措施。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the potential value of local, partnership-based employability training and job guarantee programmes, focusing on one example—the 'Alloa Initiative'. The Initiative involved an employability training and job guarantee scheme developed in partnership with Tesco, a major retailer, in preparation for the opening of one of the company's new stores. This paper reports on the outputs from this project, which placed 109 disadvantaged job seekers into positions at the store, and proved particularly effective at targeting the long-term unemployed and those with limited experience of the retail sector. The analysis is based on the findings of survey research undertaken with 86 of the 109 training course completers (a 79 per cent response rate) and all the main partners involved in the Initiative. Innovative elements of the training programme that contributed to its positive outcomes are discussed, and a model for 'managing successful partnerships' is applied, in order to identify critical factors explaining the apparent success of the Initiative. In particular, the importance of employers providing job guarantees is noted.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the importance of structural change on productivity growth and conditions in the labour market. From a productivity perspective, a positive relation is found between structural change and productivity growth from the industrial breakthrough until the first oil crisis. From the early 1970s, this positive relation weakened and eventually became negative as labour moved from high to low productive industries. From a labour market perspective, it is found that extent of sectoral reallocation of labour has become more intense over the twentieth century. The extent of job gains and losses seems to have been more intense during the postwar period than during the industrialization phase.  相似文献   

李世军  李明发 《特区经济》2011,(11):199-201
近年来安徽省出境就业领域拓宽、结构优化,出境就业规模不断扩大,但发展出境就业仍然具有很大潜力。目前安徽省出境就业存在管理体制不明、劳务信息传输不畅、劳务人员培训力度不够、风险预警及防范体系不全等问题,应从政府政策支持、信息网络建立、人员培训和风险防范等方面加以改进。  相似文献   

South Africa is characterised by extremely high unemployment, at a level that has the potential to derail its future political stability. This paper explores constraints on the job creation capabilities of micro and small enterprises, specifically focusing on the consequences of existing institutional and regulatory frameworks, looking at a panel of firms within the manufacturing sector. This study revealed that most of the small firms interviewed were locked into a ‘coping mode’, and were extremely reluctant to expand, which owners ascribed to inappropriate regulation, outright regulatory failures and/or poor labour relations. At the same time, many employers openly admitted to not adhering to at least some labour regulations. At a theoretical level, it is argued that there is much more to promoting enterprise than the formal protection of owner rights. The paper concludes with an assessment of the possibilities and challenges of the practicalities of reform.  相似文献   

Labour market flexibility is an important issue in both development and labour economics. More flexibility in the labour market is believed to facilitate job creation, but also makes it easy for employers to terminate employment contracts and may be in conflict with the notion of decent jobs as promoted by the International Labour Organization and workers' unions. It is therefore not surprising that labour market flexibility or inflexibility has received a lot of attention in the extant literature. Using a sample of about 4700 firms from six African countries, we investigate the impact of restrictive labour regulation on a number of economic outcomes and find that more restrictive labour market regulations are detrimental to export propensity, export intensity, investment and employment. Policy-makers must be cautious, however, when implementing employment regulations as too flexible regulations may benefit employers at the expense of employees.  相似文献   

张彬  陈加洲   《华东经济管理》2009,23(12):130-133
员工作为企业最大利润的创造者,其工作状态直接影响着企业的发展。工作投入、工作卷入和工作嵌入作为反映员工工作状态重要表现的概念,已经进入了组织行为学的研究视野。大量研究集中在对三者概念、内容和效果的探讨,但还没有对三者区别和联系的专门研究。文章在对工作投入、工作卷入和工作嵌入的概念、内容和效果进行综述的基础上,对现阶段区别和联系的研究进行总结,并指出未来研究的开拓方向。  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of search on the labour market withtraining. We explore how the combination of an average job taxand a marginal wage tax can be used to alleviate inefficienciesin job matching and, at the same time, raise a positive revenuewith minimal distortions in search and training. We find that(i) a wage tax is less distortionary to raise revenue than isa job tax if training is not distorted initially; (ii) thisconclusion may reverse in the presence of training distortions;(iii) marginal wage taxes are less distortionary in economieswhere bargaining parties can commit to the wage profile.  相似文献   

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