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Since the last decade, governments in less‐developed countries have increasingly viewed foreign direct investment (FDI) as a catalyst for economic growth and transformation. The early literature argues that FDI‐facilitated development occurs when a less‐developed country assimilates, adapts and diffuses the positive externalities arising from the interaction of the multinational enterprise's (MNE) ownership advantage with its locational attributes. This paper, however, posits that FDI‐facilitated development is not an effortless process. It occurs only when host developing‐country governments implement intervention policies that are aimed at increasing indigenous technological capabilities. These policies enhance the absorptive capacity of host countries, allowing them to capture the spillovers arising from the MNE activities. The paper explores this for Trinidad and Tobago, a recipient of substantial FDI inflows in its natural gas industry for the last decade. It shows that FDI‐facilitated development only occurs when governments in less‐developed countries pursue credible intervention policies.  相似文献   

We conduct an experiment to determine competitiveness among shrimpers who engage in collecting shrimp seeds in the southwestern coastal region of Bangladesh. We then examine how competitiveness affects the labour supply decisions and labour market performance of these shrimpers. Our results show that shrimpers who prefer competition are more productive than shrimpers who do not prefer competition. Competitive shrimpers secure better prices and earn higher incomes selling their catches. We estimate that their wage elasticity of participation ranges from 0.4 to 0.5, which is consistent with preferences under neoclassical assumptions. Competitive shrimpers have a slightly greater wage elasticity than non-competitive shrimpers, suggesting that they might be more responsive to expected earnings. Our results have important policy implications for the efficient management of common pool resources.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to explore a seeming puzzle in the context of Bangladesh. There is a considerable body of evidence from the country pointing to the positive impact of paid work on women’s position within family and community. Yet, according to official statistics, not only has women’s labour force participation risen very slowly over the years, but also a sizeable majority of women in the labour force are in unpaid family labour. We draw on an original survey of over 5000 women from eight different districts in Bangladesh to explore some of the factors that lead to women’s selection into the labour force, and into different categories of labour market activity, with a view to gaining a better understanding of the combination of cultural norms and economic considerations that explain these findings.  相似文献   

Over the past four decades, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have undergone different waves of mining sector reform in a bid to catalyse growth. The focus of these exercises has been mainly to attract foreign investment to develop and at times, rejuvenate, export-led large-scale mining and accompanying mineral exploration activity. This despite yielding disappointing improvements, developmentally and economically of the sector. Perhaps even more significantly, however, is that under reform, most of the region’s governments have overlooked the importance of formalising and supporting artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), which, by comparison, has a much greater impact locally and in many instances, developmentally. This article contributes to the body of literature on mining sector reform in sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on the case of Côte d'Ivoire. Drawing on findings from an extended period of fieldwork, the article examines critically how a large scale mining bias in Côte d’Ivoire has contributed to the marginalization of ASM. Consistent with most analysis of mining sector reform in sub-Saharan Africa, in Côte d’Ivoire, the government has successfully established an attractive investment climate and put aside vast parcels of land for multinational companies while simultaneously neglecting the needs of artisanal and small-scale operators.  相似文献   

This paper provides a longitudinal, critical overview of woodfuel interventions in Kano and northern dryland Nigeria. Woodfuel still accounts for up to two-thirds of energy consumption, yet fuelwood-related issues are often ‘by-products’ of ‘higher priority’ energy–environment–development preoccupations. We suggest that energy policy has historically reflected preoccupations dominated by fossil fuel and new and renewable energy concerns, thereby raising questions about whether and to what extent such interventions reflect a desire to address woodfuel in its own right. The paper adopts a selective critique of some foundational assumptions about the energy–poverty–development nexus, notably in relation to energy transition theory and practice, to explain such outcomes and their practical and policy implications. In doing so, the analysis places particular emphasis on context, to demonstrate why the role of ‘situatedness’ must be better appreciated in energy circles and, equally importantly, acted upon during woodfuel interventions. More meaningful interventions, the paper concludes, should be based less on insights deriving from generic (wood) energy systems, hierarchies and relations, and considerably more on the lessons to be learned from the dynamic and complex realities of actual (wood) energy practices, networks and economies. In this, as in much else, context remains key.  相似文献   

There have been studies on how pastoralists assess and choose the resources required for their livestock, but little research analysing whether livestock are matched to the available resources in a seasonal migratory system by an entire pastoral community over a year. This paper reports a case study of pastoralists in Kazakhstan which shows how the inter-relation of biophysical, institutional and economic factors results in the imperfect matching of livestock numbers to the distribution of forage resources. The research is based on a three-year study using anthropological interviews, formal survey data, and remotely sensed data covering all livestock (25,000 smallstock and approximately 2300 cattle, horses and camels) in a study area of 60,000 km2 for an entire annual cycle; a combination of methodologies and geographical coverage that provides a comprehensive estimation of the factors that influence the pastoral exploitation of this human-managed, complex ecosystem. The research finds that the pastoralists are subject to a number of limitations in using biophysical niches which might otherwise provide the best feed and water resources for their animals at a particular season and site. Different ecozones offer seasonally-shifting advantages and disadvantages for the livestock, but livestock owners are also economically differentiated. The interplay between economic and biophysical factors exemplifies the multi-faceted character of pastoralists’ decision-making about site selection within a relatively open rangeland tenure system. Only those with the largest livestock holdings distribute their livestock to take advantage of the best seasonal resources. Despite the wide availability of biophysically suitable sites, most livestock owners’ choices are compromised and therefore frequently suboptimal, prompting the conclusion that natural resource matching is constrained.  相似文献   

Flood risk management has become important more than ever, because an escalating threat of unpredictable and extreme weather is affecting flood-prone communities. People-centred risk communication has been proposed as an effective strategy that can stimulate people to protect themselves against flood risks. However, little research with a sound theoretical underpinning has been done to examine the effectiveness of such a strategy in developing countries. We use a field experiment to analyse how risk communication can influence households’ intentions to implement mitigation measures. Our results show that communicating about the risk of floods and how to cope with floods significantly increased both threat and coping appraisals, and thereby motivated households to take more non-structural measures. While formal risk communication had certain direct effects on mitigation intention, informal risk communication percolated through psychological variables. Risk communication should focus on coping capacities for financial measures and address the problems of wishful thinking and disaster subculture of flood-prone households. Furthermore, women’s participation in risk communication did not change the intentions to take mitigation measures of the male household heads in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta.  相似文献   

The dilemma between preserving farmland and urbanization has attracted many policymakers’ attention. One sound solution that has been practiced in several developed countries is the “transfer of development rights” (TDR). This study examines a specific TDR program in China—the Chongqing Land Quotas Trading program. We use a synthetic control method on the 2001–2014 statistics of 57 prefectures to quantitatively assess the program’s effect on farmland preservation and economic growth. A mixed method, including both satellite image analysis and qualitative interviews, was also used to obtain some intuitive evidence to understand the mechanism of this program. We find that the Chongqing TDR program has substantially reduced the loss of farmland and played a significant role in stimulating economic growth. We argue that the use of TDR might effectively address the farmland preservation and urbanization dilemma in China.  相似文献   

The forest transition is a concept used to describe and explain the transition from a dwindling to an expanding forest area in a given region or country. Three main explanations of the forest transition have been developed. The first is the “economic development path to the forest transition”, which contends that economic development and new agricultural technologies trigger rural-urban migration and agricultural intensification, leading in turn to the abandonment of marginal farmland and eventually to a forest recovery. The second is the “forest scarcity path to the forest transition”, which argues that the scarcity of forests is a major factor that encourages commercial tree plantations, reforestations and the conservation of woodlands. A third explanation has been advanced in certain developing countries. This explanation, referred to in this paper as the “diversification of rural livelihoods path to the forest transition”, holds that rural households must adjust to outside forces, including globalization and neoliberal economic policies, and that those adjustments marginalize smallholder farming, allowing for the expansion of forests. This paper describes and explains the onset of a forest transition in the Mixteca Alta UNESCO Global Geopark, in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Based on qualitative fieldwork and the analysis of official statistics and land-use/cover maps, we contend that the three paths to the forest transition overlap in our study area. This implies a fuller and more complex explanation of the forest transition, which is crucial to understand the expansion of woodlands in other regions of Mexico and the developing world.  相似文献   

This study explores local people’s attitudes towards urban planning, and the effects of development benefits on local support for planning in Kumasi, Ghana. Kumasi is a rapidly urbanising city in Ghana where urban growth between 2000 and 2010 exceeded 5%, and where local support for urban planning has not been studied adequately. Based on Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, Town and Country Planning Department and Ghana Statistical Service’s residential area classifications, household survey with 360 respondents were conducted in nine high, middle and low class neighbourhoods in Kumasi, in addition to interviews with six representatives from two planning agencies. Results indicated that two-thirds of the household respondents were positive towards urban planning and support urban planning. The household respondents were aware that more development benefits are possible from an inclusive and pro-poor urban planning. There appears to be correlation between development benefits obtained by local people from urban planning, and support for urban planning, indicating that development benefits impact people’s attitudes towards urban planning. Some of the main problems are social and spatial inequity among people living in different classes of residential neighbourhoods, and lack of locals’ inclusion in urban planning and management. There is a need to clearly address these issues, so that urban planning may get the support of local people which may lead to sustainable urban development.  相似文献   

A rich body of literature exists for explaining the role women play in ensuring their household’s food security; however, as far as their own food security is concerned, little attention has been given. Therefore, this research collects evidence on the relationship between women’s empowerment and their own food security (access) in the rural areas of Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK). Data were collected from the households of 600 rural women. The results provide insights that the domains of legal rights, information and communication technologies (ICTs), social support and familial rights, can be a significant pathway for enhancing the food security of women as more bargaining power of women over the utilization of resources could result in a good quality of food choices and more expense on food items due to these rights. Besides, understanding food insecurity also requires considering gender norms as in this study, the infrastructural facilities and sense of land entitlement provide unexpected non-significant results. Though women help in the mounting necessities of their families, they are unable to enhance the food requirements for themselves due to restricted mobility and less economic opportunities. This is mainly due to the poor infrastructure, and more importantly, the lack of access to resources, especially land, because of lack of knowledge and self-confidence. Notably, the fear of conflict and domestic violence may also impede women from fighting for their rights, which results in poor access to food. Hence, by understanding the household makeup from women’s perspectives and customs, the findings from this study can help and guide policymakers in developing more appropriate strategies to improve the food security of women.  相似文献   

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