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为了深入了解河长制,推进河长制顺利实施,进而提升河长制对河湖治理的效用水平,运用整体性治理理论对河长制的适用性与实用性进行论证,梳理了河长制的概况和推进进程,分析了河长制实际执行中存在的层级整合落实问责真空化、功能整合压力导向难以持久、部门整合参与主体单一化等问题,提出了构建整体责任、设计法律保障制度及提倡多元参与主体的建议。 相似文献
Although many contemporary studies of agriculture associate larger properties with higher relative productivity, this assumption has limited relevancy for the analysis of situations in which property owners profit more from large-scale property accumulation itself rather than any superiority in exploitation opportunities offered by increased size. In Brazil, the efficiency-of-scale paradigm has been used to criticize peasant agriculture as unproductive and hide contradictions deriving from land concentration. As this paper argues, however, small-scale agriculture is actually responsible for most of Brazil's food production, rural employment and agricultural income. The paper utilizes a land governance perspective to analyze the implementation of structural reforms aimed at turning back the land monopolization tide as well as efforts to weaken long-standing legal principles that socially condition individual property “rights” in Brazil. 相似文献
新时代人民追求美好生态环境的愿望,对我国水治理现代化提出了更高要求。水治理体制亦需不断完善与创新,以保障水治理的全面共建与平衡发展。基于整体性治理理论,针对我国水治理体制发展面临的"棘手性"挑战与碎片化问题,对我国水治理的党政群共商共治体系、和谐治水文化体系、内部协调机制、外部协同机制和信息互通机制的完善进行探索,建立目标与手段双维发力的整体性水治理运行模式。 相似文献
为研究跨界湖长制的本质机制,通过多元主体博弈系统中湖长与企业、区域内湖长、区域间湖长的多方博弈,对太湖治理困境进行归因分析。研究发现,太湖流域湖长制存在问题的内因在于理性经济人的利益相关性,可以通过外界元素达成多方共赢的局面。借鉴矩阵式组织框架,融合流域内各区域湖长层级体系与协同理论,构建了太湖流域区域协同治理多维模式框架,涵盖政府、企业、社会组织和公众多元主体、多维作用。基于区域协同治理框架,建议从政府角度,明晰权责划分,完善评价体系;从企业角度,优化生态补偿,加强技术革新;从社会组织角度,优化科研投入,强化理论渗入;从公众角度,群众参与治理,加强反馈效应。 相似文献
为推进黄河流域河南段水环境善治进程,通过对水环境主要特征以及质量现状的分析,结合协同治理理论,构建了由党、政府、企业、社会组织、公众等多元主体参与,基于利益协调机制、信息公开机制、制度信任机制和政策协同机制这4个影响机制而形成的黄河流域河南段水环境协同治理分析框架。基于该协同治理分析框架,针对目前黄河流域河南段水环境治理过程中存在的问题,提出优化职权范围、推动多元主体参与以及完善影响机制等政策建议。 相似文献
我国各地对待水务一体化的态度及具体实施模式不一,这与水务一体化制度保障体系不健全存在较大的关联性。我国已颁布了涉及"水务一体化"的国家政策,不少省市也出台了相关的地方性政策,但从法律法规层面来看,国家立法并未就"水务一体化"问题做出明确规定,除海南省、广州市外,其他省市地方立法均未直接规定"水务一体化"内容。由于相关立法前期研究尚不充分、中央机构设置与水务一体化不完全匹配,目前不宜贸然以国家立法方式强制推行水务一体化。建议近期我国已实施水务一体化的城市加强地方制度建设,但从长远来看,必须消除部门利益对政策制定的不当影响,一旦立法条件成熟,应以国家法律形式明确规定细致且具有可操作性的水务一体化制度。 相似文献
随着信息技术的迅速发展和大量应用,信息化建设在我国已取得很大成绩,但同时,信息化建设和推进中深层次的问题,也受到越来越广泛的关注,如信息化战略与组织战略的一致性、信息化的风险控制与审计,使得IT治理的研究受到了国内外学者的关注。作者通过IT治理内容和相关模型的研究,结合渔业管理信息化进程,对渔业管理信息系统的建设进行了分析,对如何运用IT治理的理念管理渔业信息化建设,加强规划,控制风险,提高管理质量,使信息化项目发挥最大效益提出了建议。 相似文献
Dela‐Dem Doe Fiankor Inmaculada Martínez‐Zarzoso Bernhard Brümmer 《Agricultural Economics》2019,50(3):341-352
The empirical evidence that institutional differences across countries affect bilateral trade is robust. The crucial question remains how countries can enhance trade amid these differences. In this article, we measure the degree to which governance and institutions differ between countries as “governance distance.” Using a sample of EU/EFTA imports, we examine how adopting private agrifood safety standards modify the effect of governance distance on exports of fruits and vegetables, in particular apples, bananas, and grapes, within a structural gravity framework. Our results show that while increasing governance distance hinders bilateral trade, the interaction of standards and the governance distance is positively associated with exports, hence partially offsetting the direct trade‐inhibiting effects of the latter. GlobalGAP certified countries see the trade‐inhibiting effects of governance distance on their exports reduced by about 50%, ceteris paribus. 相似文献
The present paper describes a project-based governance approach for public goods provision in the domain of land administration, which is a new decentralized structure within the traditional centralized system in China. Project-based governance represents a new relationship between the central and local governments that aims to cooperatively provide land-related services for public interest projects. The top–down project allocation from the central government and the bottom–up project packaging by local governments together successfully improve the incentives of the local governments and, therefore, achieve the central government’s aim of providing public goods and fostering economic development. We use Fujian Province of China as an example to show the operational process of the project-based governance approach, and we discuss in detail the features and potential effects of the new governance system. The paper may provide new evidence for governance innovation regarding decentralization in a traditionally centralized system. 相似文献
中国村民自治与农村土地问题 总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13
中国农村集体土地所有制是村民自治的经济基础。现行的农村土地所有权主体与村民自治组织具有某种同构关系。在完善现行家庭承包经营责任制中,必须坚持和维护符合国家法律法规和政策、民主议定、平等互利和协商一致以及公平合理与诚实信用等一系列原则。由于中国农村土地所有权主体具有凝固性,农民和农户的土地经营权具有长期性,因此需要特别注意正确处理土地承包经营权的转包、转让、继承以及土地承包经营合同的履行、变更与解除等影响农民根本利益的重大问题。 相似文献
我国农民专业合作经济组织的治理机制创新,是促进其健康快速发展的组织制度建设的重要方面。从合作组织内的非正式制度存在状况出发,正确认识非正式制度中信任与权威在合作组织中的重要作用,对农民专业合作经济组织的治理机制创新具有重要意义。将法人治理与以关系治理为基础的农民合作自治相结合,是农民专业合作经济组织治理机制创新的一个可行方向。 相似文献
采用调查分析的方法,理清了浙江省农村水电站进行更新改造的必要性和更新改造的思路,构建了一个能够体现公平公正原则的浙江省农村水电站更新改造投资框架体系。该体系包括启动“惠农保安千站改造工程”、建立市场激励机制、建立公益性补偿基金和加大政府政策性支持等内容。 相似文献
Based on media content analysis this study examines 213 land-use conflicts in Danish coastal tourism to understand the formats of land-use struggles and the methods used to manifest discontent. It contributes to emerging, but still under-investigated risks of overtourism and spatial degradation and it addresses who is active in conflicts, with what means they communicate, and with what results. A typology of issues that kick off conflict includes “Construction and rebuilding”, Change in land-use”, “Infrastructure alteration”, “Illegal activity”, “Landscape modification”, “Climate change” and “Access permission”. These are issues raised most frequently by neighboring residents and holiday home owners, followed by nature associations and public authorities. Institutionalized channels of complaint are most often used, while more radical forms, such as demonstrations, protest movements and vandalism, are rare. However, successful multi-modal campaigns and national energy planning are affected by tourism-related protests. Overall, the Danish planning system proves capable of accommodating most tensions, and the settled power balance in the planning systems largely continues, although planning is a target for remonstration and activism. The article discusses the participatory deficits observed. It informs protesters and government bodies alike, and contributes to the ongoing scholarly discussions about the nature of spatial development. 相似文献
The Boscombe Artificial Surf Reef (ASR) is the first ASR in Europe and is the flagship project of an ambitious scheme to regenerate Boscombe Spa, a resort-suburb of Bournemouth, UK. The Boscombe ASR therefore presents a unique coastal management challenge in Europe for which there is no precedent and little pre-existing management capacity. Through a multi-stage research process, this paper identifies the likely governance challenges that will face the Boscombe ASR. These were found to include overcrowding, a lack of surf skill and etiquette amongst visitors, conflict between different uses, and localism. Through a consideration of approaches to surf governance elsewhere, suggestions are identified for management interventions that may work in Boscombe. The paper concludes by identifying underlying tensions between the need to attract visitors to support the regeneration of Boscombe, the surf safety issues created by an influx of novice surfers, and the potential for the breakdown of the norms governing the self-regulation of surfing. 相似文献
生态文明与国家治理能力现代化建设要求我国必须加大水资源治理制度的改革力度。深入分析了我国水资源治理制度,认为现行的以水量分配和取水许可为主的水资源治理制度体系存在水量分配固化、权属意识薄弱、治理手段行政化和部门职能重叠等突出问题,这些问题也是水资源治理制度体系改革的内在动因。提出水权制度是现代自然资源资产产权制度在水资源治理领域的表现形式,并论证现代自然资源资产产权制度是新时代水资源治理制度体系建设的制度基础。依据产权理论的确权、交易、监督管理3个相互衔接的制度模块,提出水资源现代治理制度改革取向。建议新时代水资源现代治理制度体系以确权登记为基础、水权为表现形式、市场机制为核心,处理好水权制度与水资源系列规划、生态文明建设、河(湖)长制、流域横向生态补偿、水利工程融资、取水许可制度之间的关系,不断推进水资源治理体系的深化改革,加速建立现代化的水资源治理制度。 相似文献
Despite a growing interest among land use policymakers to identify the indicators that measure changes in land tenure systems, little consensus exists about what framework can functionally analyze land tenure systems, and how it should be developed. The existing indicators have mainly focused on measuring the “effects” of land tenure (in)security and often neglected the “causes”. Hence, comprehensive monitoring of land tenure systems has been poorly understood and practiced. Given their multifaceted meanings, land and its related concepts have been a challenging issue for policymakers. Accordingly, the overall objective of this paper was to propose a functional and analytical framework on how to study monitoring land governance from roots to shoots through five main studies: i) understanding the historical trajectories of land, ii) recognizing institutional arrangements on land, iii) identifying land governance grammar, iv) defining land governance typology, and v) assessing land use changes. In line with this objective, the general research question of this study is how and by whom a monitoring system should be developed. Overall, this study can be considered as a conceptual framework that has been designed to conceptualize, develop, build, and apply a functional and analytical framework for formulating land governance grammar to explain how access to land is governed. Unlike previous studies, this study focuses on both causes and effects of strong land governance (SLG) and weak land governance (WLG). The paper discusses that land governance allows various stakeholders to participate in government decisions and ensures the security of their livelihoods. However, land governance could be either poor or strong depending on the government decision-making process. The paper also concluded that SLG is a precondition for economic growth and poverty alleviation in rural areas of developing countries. 相似文献
浅析我国近海区域的环境污染及治理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国近海有海底植物、生物、盐等丰富的资源。但近些年来的无度开发与捕捞,使得我国近海资源遭到严重的破坏,鱼类锐减、环境污染、生态失衡。无鱼可捕的渔民甚至越界捕捞,引起国际冲突。因此,继续完善相关立法,加强"海陆联动",提高法律法规及相关政策的执行力,建立独立的综合管理部门,建立海上的应急机制,完善行政代履行制度等强制措施,建立数字海洋,实现海洋环境管理的信息化,以实现科学的捕捞、开发与管理,实现海洋环境的保护、海洋产业的可持续发展以及海洋生态的平衡。 相似文献