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Merger Premia and National Differences in Accounting for Goodwill   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examine the effects of international accounting diversity on the market for corporate control with particular reference to whether national differences in the treatment of purchased goodwill are associated with differences in premia offered by U.K. as opposed to U.S. acquirers of U.S. targets. We find merger premia associated with U.K. acquisitions to be consistently higher than those for U.S. acquisitions. Moreover, higher premiums offered by U.K. acquirors appear to be associated with not having to amortize goodwill to earnings. The evidence provided here suggests that national differences in accounting impact differentially on managerial behavior.  相似文献   

本文选取1998年发生兼并收购的公司作为样本,主并公司和目标公司都是上市公司。研究发现,公司收购兼并后对主并企业的长期超额收益为负。对公司并购后( 1, 12),( 13, 24)和( 25, 36)时间段的CAARs和BHAR进行实证研究。研究表明,三年的长期超额收益在5%的水平下显著为负。  相似文献   

This study examines managers’ use of discretion in determining goodwill impairment losses following the mandatory adoption of IFRS 3 “Business Combinations,” and whether this discretion reflects opportunistic reporting by managers or the provision of their private information. Although IFRS 3 was issued to improve the accounting treatment for goodwill and provide users with more useful and value‐relevant information regarding the underlying economic value of goodwill, it has been criticized on the grounds of the managerial discretion inherent in impairment testing. Therefore, ex‐ante, it is unclear how the impairment‐only approach has affected the reporting of goodwill impairment losses. After controlling for economic factors, empirical results reveal that managers are exercising discretion in the reporting of goodwill impairments following the adoption of IFRS 3. Specifically, goodwill impairments are more likely to be associated with recent CEO changes, income smoothing and “big bath” reporting behaviors. However, the results also indicate that goodwill impairments are strongly associated with effective governance mechanisms suggesting that managers are more likely to be exercising their accounting discretion to convey their private information about the underlying performance of the firm rather than acting opportunistically. These inferences are robust to various modeling specifications and variable definitions, suggesting that IFRS 3 has provided managers with a framework to reliably convey their private information about future cash flows consistent with the IASB's objectives in developing the impairment standard.  相似文献   

合并商誉减值测试计量的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
财政部新颁布的《企业会计准则第8号——资产减值》,首次对合并商誉的减值测试作出了相关的规定。合并商誉减值的计量取决于三个关键因素:减值测试的测试单元、减值测试的计量基础以及减值测试的测试方法。本文拟结合合并商誉的特点,将我国准则与国际会计准则委员会以及美国关于这方面的相关规定进行比较,并提出我们的建议。  相似文献   


We investigate the effects of fiscal decentralization on income inequality using a sample of 23 OECD countries over the period 1971–2000. We utilize novel and robust measures of fiscal decentralization based on different degrees of fiscal autonomy of sub-central governments. Our results highlight the importance of both the nature of fiscal decentralization—expenditure versus revenue—and the extent to which independent spending responsibility and taxing powers are actually assigned to local governments. A higher degree of tax decentralization is associated with higher household income inequality within a country. Thus, even if fiscal decentralization could be attractive according to efficiency reasons, it may actually have undesirable consequences on the income distribution.  相似文献   

商誉是企业并购会计实务中不可回避的议题。商誉价值估计就如同一块随时可能发烫的山芋,在其初始确认及后续计量的整个过程中,向会计理论界与实务界提出了挑战。本文选择2008-2017年沪深两市A股制造业上市公司为研究样本,分析了公司商誉金额与审计费用的关系,并考察在不同审计风险水平下,二者关系是否会有不同表现。研究表明:审计收费会随着公司商誉金额的增加而上涨;当公司为创业板市场上市公司、公司盈余指标表现出更好成长性、公司所在地市场化程度更高时,相应的商誉—审计收费敏感性也会随之升高或降低。上述结论在一定程度上反映了审计风险对于商誉与审计收费之间的正向相关关系具有显著影响。  相似文献   

We test empirically for network effects and preannouncement effects in the DVD market. We do this by measuring the effect of potential (incompatible) competition on a network undergoing growth. We find that there are network effects. The data are generally consistent with the hypothesis that the preannouncement of DIVX temporarily slowed down the adoption of DVD technology.  相似文献   

基于新企业会计准则下负商誉的会计政策,运用剩余收益估值模型和回报模型,本文系统探讨了负商誉对股票价值和超额回报的影响效应。研究发现:(1)扣除负商誉后的剩余收益对股价有显著正的解释力,而负商誉与股价负相关;(2)扣除负商誉后的未预期盈余对超额回报有显著正的解释力,负商誉与超额回报负相关。实证结论说明,市场不仅能够辨别盈余结构,而且市场投资者能够辨别负商誉的价值含义。  相似文献   

本文从投资者股价高估和管理层盈余管理两个方面,结合2018年出现的政策预期,考察2015—2018年上市公司商誉减值风险的影响因素。本文通过实证研究发现,股价高估程度越高,未来商誉减值的风险就越大,此时,成长性较差的上市公司会比成长性较好的公司面临更高的商誉减值风险。相比民营企业,股价被高估的程度对国有企业商誉减值风险的影响更显著。此外,政策预期增加了上市公司通过计提商誉减值进行“洗大澡”管理的行为,减少了上市公司通过计提商誉减值的方式进行盈余平滑管理的行为。  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine how the adoption of a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system challenges the definition of the expertise and roles of accountants within organizations, leading to new, hybrid positions. By drawing on structuration theory, we propose to conceptualize the potential change in accountants' practices and positions as a structuration process, and ERP systems as modalities of structuration, providing new interpretive schemes, norms and co-ordination and control facilities, which influence the direction of hybridization between accountants and other professional groups. Since the results of this process are neither predictable a priori, nor generalizable, we are convinced that detailed interpretive case studies of ERP implementations are needed to understand their complex impacts on accountants. Hence, we provide one such study in order to explore the 'ambiguous' and often inconsistent consequences for accountants deriving from the adoption of an ERP system.  相似文献   

Technological Diffusion: Alternative Theories and Historical Evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an interpretive survey of the neoclassical and evolutionary approaches to modeling the process of technological diffusion, with an orientation that is distinct in two important respects from existing surveys. First, the present survey is designed to provide a comparative overview of the alternative approaches within a unified framework of analysis. The objective is to bring out the areas of convergence as well as divergence between the approaches, and address the issue of whether the approaches could be considered as complementary rather than as alternatives. Second, the survey attempts to link the theoretical methodologies to the variety of empirical and historical evidence, and evaluate how the theories best fit the evidence on the dynamics of the technological diffusion process.  相似文献   

论商誉的本质及自创商誉的确认   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,商誉是企业的超额获利能力,是使企业获得超额利润个性特征的总和,认识商誉的本质有利于最终解决商誉的确认计量问题。商誉的本质决定了自创商誉的确认面临逻辑悖论,自创商誉的确认无助于增加有用的会计信息。  相似文献   

公司并购绩效评价最基本的实证方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业并购绩效评价的结果是否能真实地反映出并购企业的绩效实际,关键在于绩效评价方法的选择。股票市场事件研究法和经营业绩对比研究法是两种最为基本的实证方法,分析总结和掌握其方法的使用、适用范围和应注意的问题等,对公司并购绩效做出客观评价尤为重要。  相似文献   

各种指数基金模型的实证比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在指数基金管理方面,存在着多种优化的指数投资组合的构建方法和绩效评估方法,本文以实证研究的形式,比较分析了由5种“选股”方法和5种“资金配置”方法所构成的25种投资组合在各种绩效评估方法下的表现。最终得出结论认为,在遗传算法下利用DMinMax模型配置资产权重将具有较好的投资绩效。  相似文献   

Along the lines of Amihud and Mendelson (1987a, 1989,1991), this study investigates the unique trading mechanism of the Korea Stock Exchange (KSE) and its intraday behavior of stock price volatility. The evidence from this study indicates that the introduction of an additional clearing procedure at the afternoon closing makes price discovery process more efficient than before from the viewpoint of stock price volatility. Hence, such trading mechanisms can be applied to emerging stock markets as well as developed stock markets. In addition, based on intraday analysis, stock price volatilities appear to occur mainly during the trading period, not during the lunch break or overnight period. Consequently, the results confirm the previous studies that information arrival and trading activities are the main sources of volatility.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the links between cognitive and behavioural learning at both a theoretical and empirical level. An integrative model is developed which identifies a number of conceptually distinct learning modes and which incorporates the tacit aspect of knowledge. An empirical illustration of this model is provided in the form of a case study of a merger of two companies in the BSN-Danone Group. Mergers provide firms with opportunities for shared learning but this study also identifies several barriers to learning. The managerial implications of an integrated approach to organizational learning are also discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the relative value relevance of the alternative accounting methods for unrealized gains on investment properties in New Zealand (NZ). Using both the Likelihood‐ratio test and the F‐test, we find that, while preferred by the NZ standard setter, recognition of unrealized gains in the income statement is not superior to (or significantly different from) recognition of unrealized gains in revaluation reserve in terms of their value relevance. The results are robust to the different research methods we used. Our results have implications for the International Accounting Standards Board in terms of: (i) recognizing changes in fair values of investment properties in the income statement under the revised IAS 40: Investment Property in countries where “realization” refers to net income available for distribution; (ii) its intent to issue a standard on a single statement of comprehensive income; and (iii) its initiative to reduce or eliminate alternative accounting treatments for similar fact situations in its standards.  相似文献   

聚焦我国非国有控股主板上市公司,严格筛选样本,构造精确断点回归模型,专注研究我国全面内部控制评价和披露政策本身的因果干预效应。研究发现,我国的内部控制强制披露政策有正的干预效应,内部控制政策的实施使得公司对资源的利用效率和效果得以提高,合规本身对企业来讲意义重大。建议进一步推进我国上市公司全面内部控制建设和披露工作,将强制实施范围扩展到非主板上市公司,在全部上市公司范围内实施内部控制强制披露和审计。  相似文献   

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