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近些年来,亚麻纺织行业对黑龙江省地方经济的发展起到了较大的促进作用。但黑龙江省麻纺企业存在着专业技术陈旧、专业人才稀缺、营销水平较低、缺乏开拓国际市场的人才队伍等问题。提升黑龙江省麻纺企业人才素质的对策是:加大培训力度;营造良好的企业文化;加大麻纺企业研发人才的开发力度;注重精神激励。  相似文献   

广告业素来是跳槽率极高的一个行业,人才流动在这个行业中体现出较之其他行业更加强劲的速度。对于行业本来已屡见不鲜的人才流动,新近叉体现出新的动向——人才流动不再仅仅是“圈内人”的左手换右手,广告、广告主、媒介乃至公关、市场营销等更为庞大的一个行业族群加入到了这一人才流动的洪流,广告业开始了一场前所未有的与其他行业的人才互动。 阳春三月,不知又有多少胸怀大志的行业精英在蠢蠢欲动,求贤若渴的伯乐们也早早地开始了对行业千里马新一番的搜寻。本期专题的策划,旨在从广告公司、广告主等几个方面来探讨复合型人才的进入对于行业的影响,探寻第一流的公司对于人才的看法和标准。同时,此次专题还引入了广告教育这一话题,从培养的角度来审视广告人才的现状。[编者按]  相似文献   

李西沙 《广告大观》2007,(4S):33-34
随着广告行业的迅猛发展,广告人才已经成为影响行业发展的重要课题。  相似文献   

岳丽 《广告大观》2009,(6):94-96
创新素质是广告人必备的一项基本素质。各级各类广告大赛为高校准广告人才创新素质的培养提供了一个良好的平台,可以从创新思维、创新勇气、创新品格等各方面加速学生创新素质的培养过程,也为培养者提供了一个全新的培养思路。  相似文献   

胡志 《商场现代化》2007,(4):283-284
人才素质测评在企业招聘中发挥着重要的作用,它使招聘工作更加科学化和规范化,但由于目前我国企业应用这一技术还处于起步阶段,存在着一些不足,因此对这一课题进行研究具有非常重要的现实意义。本文首先分析了人才素质测评在我国企业招聘中的作用,接着对其现状和存在的问题进行了探讨,最后指出解决这些问题的对策,希望能给企业实施招聘工作起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

目前,许多企业人力资源部门都开始使用人才素质测评的方式来检测员工的职业素质和能力。人力资源管理的重要性在这个知识经济的时代是不言而喻的,这个时代的企业竞争其实就是人才的竞争,为了招揽人才,企业使出了浑身解数,招到以后还有管理和晋升的问题,所以人才素质测评这种科学的管理方式已经被越来越多的企业所接受和采用。  相似文献   

广告作品是广告主花钱制作和刊出的。他们希求的是有更多的人看广告,信广告,买商品并且能牢牢记住他们的企业、产品和服务。这同以供人观赏为目的的造型艺术作品(油画、国画、雕塑等)截然不同,因此要求广告作品必须具有特别的素质,这便是:表现力,说服力和个性化。  相似文献   

我国市场经济的快速发展,给企业带来机遇的同时,也带来生存与发展考验。高级会计人才作为现代企业财务管理和人才结构中的重要组成部分,对企业生存发展和社会经济推动有重要的作用。本文就现代企业高级会计人才素质要求进行分析探究,以期为我国高级会计人才水平的提升提供一点参考意见。  相似文献   

广告人才的培养确实出了大问题,这可能不止要归咎于广告公司和广告业,整个大的时代背景也必须考虑。我们这期专题只是列出了一些人才培养上的问题,深层次的原因还有待于业内的反思。  相似文献   

方叶子 《消费导刊》2014,(8):132-132
随着会计就业形势的严峻化和企业对会计高端人才的扩大化,文章以北京、珠江三角洲企业入手,从企业的角度具体研究探讨了企业对会计高端人才具体的素质需求,旨在提出切实的建议和办法。  相似文献   

The need for multinational firms to be as competitive in the global marketplace as possible has increased dramatically over the past twenty years. For international human resource management this has meant many strategic opportunities to international human resource management. An excellent example of such an opportunity is that which exists regarding the management of talent. This opportunity began to develop in the late 1990s with the advent of the challenge of “global talent management.” During the past few years this opportunity has expanded to include challenges dealing with talent shortages, talent surpluses, locating and relocating talent, and compensation levels of talent. Together, these conditions are all “global talent challenges”. In this article we describe these several global talent challenges and the strategic opportunities they present to firms and propose the implications of these for firms and for the field of international human resource management.  相似文献   

The term ‘talent management’ has been around for quite some time, but definitions abound around the globe, applications are varied and a plethora of measures—mostly tactical—are currently being used. This article addresses how the concept of talent management is of both theoretical and practical value in any industry or geography. How can we know when talent investments have been optimized? What is the talent lifecycle and why is it important? Additionally, the article presents and illustrates the People Equity framework that serves as a global bridge between important individual and business outcomes such as turnover, financial performance, quality, productivity, customer retention, and organizational processes and policies that drive high or low talent optimization.  相似文献   

In order to explain how and why talent management can contribute to a firm's sustained competitive advantage, we need to gain insights into the philosophies about talent that underpin talent management. This article introduces four talent philosophies that vary in their perception of talent as (a) rare (exclusive) or universal (inclusive), and (b) stable or developable: the exclusive/stable; exclusive/developable; inclusive/stable; and inclusive/developable talent philosophy. We discuss basic assumptions, talent-management practices, opportunities, and challenges for each of the four philosophies. Based on this discussion, testable propositions for future research are developed.  相似文献   

A large body of research has well established that changes in net balances between labor supply and demand can drive competition for human capital. We propose that AI-enabled recruiting tools constitute a force that will intensify the war for talent above and beyond episodic changes in net balances. We also propose that three seismic shifts will further intensify the war for talent by increasing the value of human capital and lowering its switching costs. Lastly, we bridge human resource management and military escalation literatures and examine how three key onset conditions relative to the use of AI-enabled recruiting tools have the potential to spark an arms race for those tools. Finally, we examine the managerial implications of these dynamics so that managers prevail not just in short-term skirmishes but also in the long-term war for talent.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(4):495-505
Talent management continues to be a topic of interest for employers who face significant challenges dealing with the uncertainty of the supply and demand of talent in organizations. In particular, employers often speak of a talent gap that exists between the skills possessed by applicants and the skills needed in organizations. Supply chain management (SCM), a field that focuses on matching product supply with consumer demand, offers several concepts and models that could apply to and help resolve issues related to the skills mismatch. In order to address this issue, we base our conceptual development on a theoretical framework used in SCM called the collaborative, planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) approach. We use this approach to develop a comprehensive model of talent supply chain management (TSCM) that applies concepts related to the field of SCM to managing the development and flow of talent. We further go on to describe how organizations can utilize TSCM to enhance connections with talent suppliers to get their labor demands fulfilled with individuals who have the necessary skills for success.  相似文献   

In this conceptual paper, we adopt a social-exchange theory perspective to explain the impact of talent management (TM) on the psychological contract and its outcomes. This relationship is supposedly moderated by generational effects and associated differences in work-related values and preferences. Thus, often-neglected individual-level variables are included in the analysis. A framework and testable propositions are provided. As a result, we propose that in contexts where a war for talent prevails, the strong interest of Generations X and Y in training, development, and career advancement makes highly engaged and extensive TM activities even more crucial for retaining talented individuals than is the case for the so-called Baby Boomer generation.  相似文献   

Research on Talent Management (TM) has been lagging behind businesses in offering vision and leadership in this field. After sketching a comprehensive outline of knowledge about TM, theoretical as well as practical, we introduce the papers in this special issue and their important contributions. This introductory article contributes to filling the knowledge gap by offering a research agenda at multiple levels and in multiple contexts. We also discuss methodological issues in the study of TM, and conclude by identifying several key trends that are now, and will continue to influence the practice and study of TM in the future.  相似文献   

This study uses data envelopment analysis to evaluate the operating efficiency of a sample of 41 US advertising agencies, based on their profits and expenditures in six key areas (i.e., payroll to employees, other payroll-related expenses, administrative expenses, space and facilities expenses, corporate expenses, and professional fees). The analyses reveal that, on average, 5% of an agency's budget is wasted, incurring the greatest amount of waste in the administrative and corporate expenses. The tobit model also indicates that professional fees contributed the most agency inefficiency overall.  相似文献   

This study analyses how talent management (TM) is molded by institutional and corporate drivers. We borrow from the vast institutional literature to understand how organizations adopt and implement TM practices within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) context. This context is valuable not only because it tackles an under-researched region, but also because the type of variables found further our understanding of TM processes in non-Western contexts. Companies abide by localization rules to sustain their “legal” legitimacy, while trying to improve efficiency through actions that enhance their economic sustainability. Companies try to strike a strategic balance between local adaptation and global assimilation of their TM processes. We conclude by presenting a framework that portrays how various forces impact the TM process.  相似文献   

Organizations report great difficulty in measuring talent accurately, reflecting the lack of theoretical foundations for talent-identification in the HRM literature. This multidisciplinary review aims to contribute to the establishment of a stronger theoretical basis for talent-management by presenting a conceptual framework of talent in which the definition, operationalization and measurement of talent and its relation to excellent performance is clarified. We systematically introduce 11 propositions into the framework, building on fragmented insights from the literature—from the fields of HRM, gifted education, positive psychology, and vocational psychology respectively—that will guide readers in understanding and applying the proposed framework.  相似文献   

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