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新冠肺炎疫情在全球范围内暴发,成为当前全球经济面临的最大"黑天鹅"事件。由此带来的巨大不确定性正将全球经济拖入衰退的漩涡之中。目前,新冠肺炎疫情已经在中国得到有效控制,复工复产以及一系列相关的政策配套措施都在稳步推进之中。相比之下,海外疫情依然十分严峻,无论是美国、欧元区、日本等发达经济体,还是阿根廷、土耳其以及非洲等地区的新兴市场经济体,无一不受到新冠肺炎疫情的冲击。  相似文献   

2020年以来,新冠肺炎疫情在全球迅速蔓延,对世界经济和金融市场造成了巨大冲击,本文拟通过对部分国家和地区国际收支平衡表、国际投资头寸表、外债数据、外汇储备等数据的分析,对比疫情前后经济体国际收支状况变化,归纳疫情的共性影响和各经济体采取的政策和应对措施差异,探究原因,从而提出我国在后疫情时代中保持经济内外部均衡发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情持续,对全球经济造成深层次的冲击。全球货物贸易陷入低迷,对跨境服务贸易的冲击更大且持续时间较长,对跨境直接投资的影响更为直接和迅速,证券项下跨境资金流动波动性加剧,新冠肺炎疫情对宏观经济金融环境不稳定的经济体国际收支结构冲击更大。针对疫情造成的冲击,各经济体采取了刺激性的财政和货币政策,短期内能够缓冲疫情带来的负面冲击,但从长期来看可能会导致通货膨胀、债务负担加大等深层次问题。有鉴于此,我国应提升制造业竞争优势,优化国内营商环境,加强宏观审慎监管,寻求经济政策平衡点,在后疫情时代保持经济的内外部均衡发展。  相似文献   

2020年初暴发的新冠肺炎疫情,对全球经济产生了巨大冲击,为稳定金融市场,促进经济发展,世界主要经济体中央银行实施多种货币政策工具进行应对.通过选取中国、俄罗斯、巴西、印度、南非五个金砖国家,梳理新冠肺炎疫情以来金砖国家中央银行应对新冠肺炎疫情所实施的货币政策,分析本轮量化宽松政策特点,分析总结金砖国家中央银行资产负债...  相似文献   

自新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,不少国家的主权财富基金通过贴补政府支出,或抄底海外资产,或救助本地企业,增加了政府的财政韧性,也为应对危机提供了政策空间和抓手。新冠肺炎疫情冲击又一次引发人们对政府财富管理能力及其长远影响的思考。挪威、新加坡等小型经济体的经验表明,及早做好布局,投资收入是可以在财政收入中起到支柱性作用的。  相似文献   

2008年全球金融危机及2020年新冠肺炎疫情作为全球性风险事件,对俄罗斯乃至全球经济和国际收支产生重大的影响。不同的是金融危机作为金融风险事件,首先冲击金融市场;而新冠肺炎疫情作为公共卫生风险事件,主要冲击实体经济,二者对俄罗斯国际收支状况的影响不尽相同。通过分析金融危机和新冠肺炎疫情对俄罗斯国际收支状况的冲击和后续影响,归纳其共性和特性,提出我国在后疫情时代维持国际收支平衡、保持经济内外部均衡发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情,短期内将对亚洲各国经济形成不同程度的影响,长期看,此次疫情对亚洲经济金融的影响预计是阶段性、有限且可控的。本文指出,有效应对疫情冲击,亚洲各经济体应在做好自身疫情防控的同时,加大政策反向调控操作,全面增进国际经济协作,稳固经济发展基本面。  相似文献   

新冠疫情爆发以来,为刺激经济,以美国为代表的发达国家纷纷降息,甚至开启了量化宽松的货币政策.作为全球主要经济体,美国的货币政策容易对新兴市场资本流动产生溢出效应,尤其是短期资本的流入和流出.当前,我国对内面临新冠肺炎疫情背景下的经济冲击,对外面临包括美国在内的发达经济体货币政策的溢出效应.因此,基于此背景下,探讨短期资...  相似文献   

当前,我国新冠肺炎防控工作已从攻坚克难联防联控阶段转向统筹推进疫情防控和经济社会发展的新阶段。在有序推进各行各业复工复产的情况下,如何消解新冠肺炎疫情给"三农"带来的影响,精准施策、多点发力,实现"三农"恢复性增长和经济常态发展已成为亟待解决的突出问题。论文通过分析新冠肺炎的特点、国内外疫情态势等,全面剖析新冠肺炎疫情对"三农"发展造成的冲击及影响,从供给侧、需求侧、均衡侧等三个层面提出了抑制疫情对"三农"发展冲击的若干建议,为农业生产的全面恢复和持续稳定发展,助力2020年实现脱贫攻坚和全面建成小康社会提供借鉴和决策参考。  相似文献   

2020年新冠肺炎疫情成为第二次世界大战结束以来人类遭遇的最严重的全球公共卫生危机.疫情对世界经济、国际贸易和国际金融市场的破坏性甚至超过2008年国际金融危机,各国政府不得不在疫情防控和经济重启等政策目标之间艰难抉择.面对突如其来的疫情冲击和严峻的外部环境,中国社会治理的方方面面韧性十足:不仅疫情防控阻击战取得重大战略成果,而且适应疫情常态化统筹推进经济社会发展成效显著,成为全球唯一实现正增长的主要经济体.  相似文献   

This paper compares today’s corporate management in developing markets (BRICS countries) vs. developed markets (the OECD countries). The influence of determining a new social corporate management season considering social distancing amid the COVID-19 pandemic on emerging markets' economic growth is ascertained and set apart from corporate management in developing markets. This paper helps clarifying and better understanding the role of corporate social responsibility in the conditions of an economic crisis against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic. This work provides scientific arguments that allow solving critical discussions regarding the advantages (growth of quality of life, an increase of business's competitiveness) and costs (limitation of economic growth, non-commercial use of profit, and increased price for goods and services) of domestic production and consumption. In the long-term, responsible financial practices return all investments and allow countries to better cope with a crisis. The research supplies a new view of corporate social responsibility as a measure of crisis management. It reflects its advantages at a time of social distancing in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The institutionalization of corporate social responsibility in emerging countries is not predetermined by internal factors (approach to doing business or organizational culture), if not by external factors (market status, state regulation, and consumer awareness). These circumstances prove the high complexity of strengthening corporate social responsibility in developing countries. In the conditions of social distancing – due to the COVID-19 pandemic – corporate social responsibility goes to a new level. In both developing and developed countries, one of the most widespread manifestations of corporate social responsibility is the entrepreneurship's transition to the remote form of activities. This envisages the provision of remote employment for workers and the online purchase of goods and services for consumers.  相似文献   

We study if government response to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic can mitigate investor herding behaviour in international stock markets. Our empirical analysis is informed by daily stock market data from 72 countries from both developed and emerging economies in the first quarter of 2020. The government response to the COVID-19 outbreak is measured by means of the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, where higher scores are associated with greater stringency. Three main findings are in order. First, results show evidence of investor herding in international stock markets. Second, we document that the Oxford Government Response Stringency Index mitigates investor herding behaviour, by way of reducing multidimensional uncertainty. Third, short-selling restrictions, temporarily imposed by the national and supranational regulatory authorities of the European Union, appear to exert a mitigating effect on herding. Finally, our results are robust to a range of model specifications.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a model that can capture how COVID-19 and the subsequent rapid vaccine development against COVID-19 impacts the value of pools of senior life settlements. The pandemic unexpectedly boosted the mortality rates of senior citizens who had prior diagnoses of certain health conditions. Our model accounts for the existence and concentration of these COVID-19 comorbidities in portfolios of senior life settlements. It is the concentration of assets linked to the mortality rates of a group who is at elevated risk to COVID-19 and who is also the primary beneficiaries of the COVID-19 vaccine that we examine. We illustrate how the shock of the pandemic increases the value of senior life settlements and how the accelerated development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines moderated this increase. Our model is general enough to simulate the impact on other financial contracts that are linked to individual mortality rates. These would include life insurance contracts, annuities, and health insurance policies.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the stock market crash risk in China. For this purpose, we first estimated the conditional skewness of the return distribution from a GARCH with skewness (GARCH-S) model as the proxy for the equity market crash risk of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. We then constructed a fear index for COVID-19 using data from the Baidu Index. Based on the findings, conditional skewness reacts negatively to daily growth in total confirmed cases, indicating that the pandemic increases stock market crash risk. Moreover, the fear sentiment exacerbates such risk, especially with regard to the impact of COVID-19. In other words, when the fear sentiment is high, the stock market crash risk is more strongly affected by the pandemic. Our evidence is robust for the number of daily deaths and global cases.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the stock markets’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Using daily COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths and stock market returns data from 64 countries over the period January 22, 2020 to April 17, 2020, we find that stock markets responded negatively to the growth in COVID-19 confirmed cases. That is, stock market returns declined as the number of confirmed cases increased. We further find that stock markets reacted more proactively to the growth in number of confirmed cases as compared to the growth in number of deaths. Our analysis also suggests negative market reaction was strong during early days of confirmed cases and then between 40 and 60 days after the initial confirmed cases. Overall, our results suggest that stock markets quickly respond to COVID-19 pandemic and this response varies over time depending on the stage of outbreak.  相似文献   

This study investigates the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for sovereign debt in the G-7 and E-7 economies and explores the notion of sovereign bonds as a safe haven. Using a set of panel regression and dynamic connectedness TVP-VAR approaches, our results reveal that the impact of COVID-19 global case numbers on sovereign bonds has been contingent on the level of the country's financial and economic development. More precisely, our findings suggest that G-7 countries, where economic development is typically higher, have seen a negative effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on sovereign bond yield: sovereign 10-year bond yields declined as the number of COVID-19 global confirmed cases increased in G-7 countries. However, in E-7 countries, where economic growth and development are typically lower, sovereign bond yields responded positively to the initial increase in COVID-19 global confirmed case numbers, but this positive effect is not statistically significant. We also find that the G-7 and E-7 economies have a strong time-varying connectedness in relation to their bond markets and this effect is more pronounced in G-7 economies. Daily Infectious Disease Equity Market Volatility is likely to be the strongest predictor of total connectedness. Concomitantly, we shed new light on the predictive power of the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths, and the Daily Infectious Disease Equity Market Volatility Tracker on the interdependence of these sovereign bond markets. Overall, this paper highlights the heterogeneous effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on sovereign bond yields in G-7 and E-7 countries and the notion that the developed economies, with their developed sovereign bond markets, are still seen as a safe haven during times of crisis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we combine the time-varying financial network model and FARM-selection approach to analyze the tail risk contagion between international financial market during the COVID-19 epidemic. Since the tail risk acts as a global transmission channel, we use the sample of 19 international financial markets to explore the contagion of tail risk during the epidemic. We find that the COVID-19 epidemic increases the number of contagion channels in the international financial system. The clustering level of the financial system has a significant growth during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the number of risk drivers is also larger than risk takers. The key financial market of each international financial network is related to the epidemic country. We also consider the tail risk contagion in local financial markets and find that the COVID-19 pandemic has an important influence on the tail risk contagions in local network systems  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has exerted a noteworthy impact on stock market volatility around the world. Can vaccination programs revert these adverse effects? To answer this question, we scrutinize daily data from 66 countries from January 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021. We provide convincing evidence that COVID-19 vaccination assists in stabilizing the global equity markets. The drop in volatility is robust to many considerations and does not result solely from either the pandemic itself or the government policy responses—the negative correlation remains significant after controlling for these factors. The impact of vaccinations is relatively stronger within developed markets than in emerging ones.  相似文献   

The quarantine and disruption of non-essential activities as measure to contain the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected all economies around the World. This has had a deeper impact on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in emerging economies because they have very limited resources and vulnerable supply chain and business-to-business/business-to-clients relationships. In this context, it is expected that after the pandemic many of these enterprises will disappear as the “new normality” will require changes in business and infrastructure management. To reduce this risk, innovation is identified as a key aspect of business recovery in the ongoing and post-COVID-19 pandemic period. This work presents a multidisciplinary methodological approach to guide these enterprises to innovate their products for new markets and making a better use of their limited available resources. As an example of this approach, the research-supported development of a new product for a family-owned SME was performed in a zone with high COVID-19 risk. The results provide insight regarding innovation as a survival tool for SMEs during and after the COVID-19 contingency, and the use of digital resources is identified as the main facilitator for networking and research-based design of innovative products within the “social distance” context.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the direct and spillover portfolio effects from the global outbreak of COVID-19. We find that an increase of the newly added cases of one specific country causes investors to significantly decrease their portfolio allocations in the outbreak countries (direct effect). Simultaneously, investors also decrease their allocations to other countries (spillover effect). In addition, we provide evidence and documentation that the transmission mechanism underlying foreign exposures matter to the above-mentioned portfolio effect. Moreover, we provide evidence for phase heterogeneity. The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has significant direct and spillover portfolio effects, but the impacts are weakened in second wave of the pandemic. The capital reallocation effect occurs only when the disease becomes global. Finally, our heterogeneities analysis shows that both local and spillover effects are mitigated when the economies are more developed and democratic and when the country has better health care facilities.  相似文献   

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