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行为经济学基础及其理论贡献评述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
行为经济学可谓是继新制度经济学之后进一步将经济理论分析由讲台推向现实蹬一个经济学流派。2001、2002年度诺贝尔经济学奖以及2001年美国Clark奖均授予行为经济学家的这一事实,反映了主流经济学对行为分析方法的认可。本文拟结合主流经济学的分析难题对行为经济学的基础架构作出解析,在对预期理论的主要内容进行分析的基础上,评述该学派之于经济理论发展的贡献。鉴于行为经济学与实验经济学在研究方法、内容等方面存在着一定程度的交叉,本文的分析会在一定范围内涉及到实验经济学;但本文的重点是介绍行为经济学,只是在对行为经济学的理论贡献作出评论的某些场合阐述一点个人见解。  相似文献   

信用风险随着经济的发展而日益彰显重要,传统分析都以主流经济学的"经济人"假设为前提.但现实经济活动中,交易主体的信用行为并非完全理性,常呈有限理性状态.运用行为经济学理论来分析信用问题,能使信用问题的研究更趋完善和全面.这里运用行为经济学的相关心理分析与数学模型对产生信用风险的有限理性行为进行了分析,并提出了建设现代信用社会的思考.  相似文献   

对于产业集群的演化研究,大体是从主流经济学、复杂科学、社会学以及生态学四个学科领域展开的。主流经济学基于古典假定,论述了专业化分工和交易成本与集群演化间的相互作用。主流经济学研究范式的危机和研究对象的狭隘,促使了演化地理经济学和社会网络理论在产业集群演化研究中的发展。而产业集群类似生物种群的行为特征,成为产业集群演化理论的又一新研究方向。  相似文献   

法经济学是法学与经济学的交叉学科,法经济学采用经济学的理论与分析方法,研究特定社会的法律制度、法律关系以及不同法律规则的效率。由于各学者对法经济学的概念理解的不同以及分析方法、研究对象的不同,法经济学有法和经济学、法律的经济分析等多种名称。狭义的法经济学即"法律的经济分析",而广义的法经济学则涵盖一切对社会中法律现象与经济现象之间关系的研究,其研究范围涵盖从古至今的所有关于法律与经济关系的思想学说。  相似文献   

社会责任投资是当今国际金融市场中主流投资形式之一.除了现代金融理论外,社会责任投资的主要理论基础还来自于福利经济学、行为金融学、环境经济学和信息经济学等多门经济学分支学科.这些理论为包括社会筛选、股东行动和社会投资等投资策略在内的社会责任投资提供了强有力的理论支撑.  相似文献   

经济学关注人类行为由来已久,尤其是在诺贝尔经济学奖颁发给了行为经济学家之后,经济学发出了向行为学转向的信号,行为研究成为当今经济学领域的热点问题。经济学的行为研究总的来说遵循由隐含的、先验的幕后假设逐步走向台前的路径。以对主流经济学的经济人行为假设的修正为起点,行为研究的枝蔓逐渐扩散开来,并在行为经济学、实验经济学和制度经济学等分支中扎根,从多角度认识经济行为的细微末节,将经济学研究推向更为微观的领域,逐步实现向有限理性的真实经济活动面貌回归。  相似文献   

"李嘉图恶习"最早由熊彼特提出,指的是李嘉图的抽象演绎的研究方法。本文从"李嘉图恶习"出发,回顾了经济学方法论发展史上的三次论战,并由此探讨了现代经济学的研究方法。  相似文献   

法经济学本土化研究范式与理论传承   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
法经济学本质上是经济学研究范式在法律领域应用的具体形式与结果,通过分析求得的具有相互联系的行为主体的最优化行为是其核心理念,研究的目的是对行为主体的最优化行为进行效率评估。社会生活中的法律关系不是从经济学的数学模型中演绎出来的,检验法经济学理论有效性的标准是社会实践而不是完美的数学构建。我国社会特定的学理环境要求法经济学本土化要以历史唯物主义为理论指导,既要借鉴学习西方法经济学分析方法,同时要体现当今中国社会的核心价值。  相似文献   

何沐 《商》2014,(24):210+199-210
法经济学将经济学理论及其分析方法引入法律领域,针对域内的各种争议和纠纷,将社会行为抽象成由公式与几何组成的数学分析模型,并结合理性经济人的假设,以此为基础进行实证分析。体现了经济分析简明直观的特点,亦体现出法律追求经济效益的价值内涵。但理性经济人假设偏离了现实生活中民众的具象化行为方式。行为经济学将其学科的分析方法与研究结论,公式化地介入法经济学的理性最大化假设的理论基调,将个体行为的抽象化假设还原至现实社会生活中充满感性的“自然人”,或许为解决法律如何影响人们的行为提供了一种思路。  相似文献   

行为金融学是行为经济学的一个分支。行为金融学是一门新兴的学科,与传统金融学相比,行为金融学更注重人的实际心理行为。换而言之,行为金融学所研究的"人"并不是传统经济学意义上的"理性人",而是受到许多心理因素影响的"有限理性人"。本文介绍了行为金融学的发展,理论和实际应用。  相似文献   

The philosophy of science known as critical realism, as developed in economics, offers both a methodological critique of mainstream economics and a methodological foundation for alternative economic perspectives. Post Keynesian economics is a school of thought that has often been defined in terms of its opposition to the mainstream and has, to varying degrees, become allied to critical realism. Post Keynesians have not fully developed the detailed epistemological consequences of a commitment to critical realism. One such consequence is a possible tension over the use of econometric methods. This arises because, on the one hand, many of the epistemological pronouncements of critical realism imply the suspicion of econometric methods. On the other hand, many Post Keynesians regularly employ these methods in their desire to apply economic analysis. This paper examines these tensions and shows that drawing upon Post Keynesian economics a useful symbiosis of ideas is produced which has positive implications for the practice of critical–realist empirical work including econometrics.  相似文献   

For decades, mainstream economics has focused on increasing economic growth and accelerating cross-country convergence, while ignoring distributional concerns. However, the consensus has begun to shift, and recent IMF research has paid increased attention to inclusive growth and the detrimental macroeconomic effects of inequality. The IMF also recognises the threat posed by climate change and has begun to dedicate research to exploring ways to decouple carbon emissions from economic growth.  相似文献   

法经济学作为一门独立的学科地位已经确立,但是法经济学要进一步发展,首先,需要对效率与公平进行价值整合,定量分析方面则需要进一步改进;其次,法经济学的发展应该立足于实务应用研究与本土化研究,而不能满足于一般的文献介绍;最后,要重视对法经济学的学科整合研究,否则从经济学的进路研究法经济学在本质上是制度经济学或者是单一的成本收益的工具分析,从法学的角度来说,如果没有溶入经济学理论,则完全陷入法哲学的分析进路。  相似文献   

企业能力理论与交易费用经济学的比较述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业能力理论源于战略研究和组织行为学 ,交易费用经济学源于主流经济学。一直以来 ,企业能力理论家和交易费用经济学家都认为 ,两者是为企业组织问题如企业的存在、企业的边界及内部组织提供了不同解释、互为竞争的不同理论 ,因而很少对话。通过评述 ,认为应该发展包括能力和治理在内的新一代企业理论 ,从而增强对现实世界中企业的解释力和适应性。  相似文献   

傅娟 《财贸经济》2022,43(2):18-38
本文研究财政学主流从德国范式到美国范式的演变史。文章通过对不同语言的“财政”一词进行文献研究,认为财政学产生于德国而非英国;然后在马克思主义唯物史观的指导下,还原经济学如何一步步取代财政学的历史过程。本文的研究表明:第一,财政学并非经济学的分支,二者产生的土壤与哲学根基都不相同;第二,经济学的几次变革反映出其内在逻辑的不一致,无法作为财政学的理论基础;第三,当代主流财政学与现实脱节的原因在于实践和理论的发展方向是矛盾的,即19世纪末20世纪初,英美的财政实践在向德国学习,而英美的公共经济学却取代德国财政学,成为财政学的主流。  相似文献   

The paper expands on Goshal’s criticism of what management as a scientific discipline teaches and the effects on managerial and societal ethics. The main argument put forward is that the economisation of management has a detrimental effect on the practice of management and on society in large. The ideology of economism is described and analysed from an epistemological perspective. The paper argues that the economisation of management not only introduces the problems of economics (three are identified and discussed) but destroys the very essence of management because economics is focused on efficiency and management should be focused on effectiveness. What is more, the basic axioms of mainstream economics stand in stark contrast to the philosophy of the Enlightenment and therefore endanger the foundations of Western societies. Management theory (via corporate governance) is the Trojan horse carrying economism into society.  相似文献   

Endogenous growth theory has recently originated in economics. Building on this theory, this paper conceptualises the phenomenon of endogenous growth in terms of some new ideas developed in the field of international business (IB), especially Dunning's eclectic paradigm and his notion of macro-organisation policy. These ideas have so far not been linked to the notion of endogenous growth. At the same time, mainstream economics has not made much progress in exploring the MNC-government relationships through which growth-inducing 'mechanics' are created, a topic of great importance in IB. Both MNCs and governments complement each other in facilitating an efficient matching of ownership-specific assets (notably knowledge) with location-specific advantages through Dunning's OLI mechanism, thereby enabling the developing host countries to realise potential growth in an intensified manner, a new mode of endogenous growth that counteracts the law of diminishing returns. The phenomenon of MNC-cum-governmentdriven endogenous growth will be conceptualised.  相似文献   

This article reviews the academic contributions of the 2011 receiver of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research, Professor Steven Klepper, Carnegie Mellon University. The Global Award consists of 100,000 Euro and a statuette of the internationally renowned Swedish sculpture Carl Milles. Klepper has made breakthrough analyses in the realm of industrial dynamics, emphasizing the regularities in the time paths of entry of new producers, exit of incumbent firms, spin-offs and innovation. His work is predominantly empirical but he has also played an essential role in developing more rigorous theoretical models of phenomena such as spin-offs. Of particular importance is how Klepper has managed to link traditional neoclassical models with evolutionary theory as well as entrepreneurship research with mainstream economics.  相似文献   

The name "School of Salamanca" refers to a group of theologians and natural law philosophers who taught in the University of Salamanca, following the inspiration of the great Thomist Francisco de Vitoria. It turns out that the Scholastics were not simply medieval, but began in the 13th century and expanded through the 16th and 17th centuries; and they developed some original theories about economics and international law.Why should a few men mainly interested in theology and ethics apply themselves in analyzing issues so far from their worries? The answer leads us to a revision of the morality rules, due to the new problems in business ethics. Thus, for example, the appearance of inflation made them have doubts about the merchant's morality. In order to solve this and other problems, they began to analyze the new and suspicious economic activity. As a result of their observations about ethical issues they discovered some advanced theories for the history of economic thought, such as the early formulation of the quantity theory of money.In this article, we shall review the Spanish bibliography on this matter, to introduce the reader to a new and historical perspective of business ethics in Spain.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,新经济地理学的经济学家们把空间因素纳入到主流经济学的理论体系,经过多年的演进,空间经济学的总体框架已经基本形成。国内对于空间经济学的研究尚处于起步阶段,可喜的是我们已经看到一批重要的研究成果,而且空间经济学在中国蓬勃发展的土壤日益成熟。随着经济全球化的日益展开,全球范围内的空间问题变得更加凸显,区域间的相互影响、相互制约是空前的,它为空间经济学的发展提供了极佳的素材,空间经济学必将大有作为。  相似文献   

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