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Cameroon is the first trading partner of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) countries. Despite belonging to the same sub-regional organization, the formal trade ties between Cameroon and its neighbours have been hampered by a combination of factors that have spurred the growth of informal (unrecorded) trade. Interest in cross-border trade of agricultural and horticultural commodities between Cameroon and its neighbours has been overwhelming, but knowledge of its magnitude, determinants, and consequences remains inadequate, leading not only to undervaluation of figures in the national accounts, but also inhibiting formulation of appropriate policies and strategies to exploit its potential impact, particularly on food security. Using a monitoring method of cross-border flows of informal trade, the study aims to estimate the volume/value of unrecorded cross-border trade between Cameroon and its CEMAC’s neighbours and compare it with the recorded (official figures) trade. The results indicate that in 2008 a volume of just over 155 000 tons of agricultural and horticultural commodities has been shipped from Cameroon to its neighbours in the CEMAC for an estimated value of almost 38 billion CFA francs and representing 0.4% of GDP in Cameroon. The comparison in relative terms shows that informal or unrecorded trade represents 96% of the official and mainly includes agricultural and horticultural commodities.  相似文献   

Telecommunication services have existed as a legal monopoly nearly throughout its entire history. In 1998, telecom market liberalisation was achieved across the European Union (EU) through the introduction of competition among telephone services. Asymmetrical obligations were deemed necessary in order to compensate the market power of the former monopolist.As the evolution of asymmetrical regulation in Spain illustrates, obligations and the telecommunications operators subject to them increased with the regulatory framework established in 2002 in the EU. This new regulatory framework may continue to expand through the inclusion of functional separation as another possible asymmetrical obligation. In short, it seems that the regulatory pressure on the telecommunications industry is increasing, despite the lapse in time since the liberalisation of the industry.In this paper, a methodology developed by the Austrian School of Economics is applied in order to explain why the telecommunication market is subject to increasing regulation in Europe, rather than deregulation, after more than 10 years of liberalisation. In particular, Mises's theory of price control is used to explain the evolution of the regulation of local loop unbundling.  相似文献   

随着新世纪的到来和我国加入 WTO, 我国经济与国际经济接轨 , 全球市场相互联网 , 社会主义市场经济迅速发展 , 人们的消费发生了深刻变化 , 对商品无形包装的需求不断扩大 . 然而 , 目前在我国对无形包装问题 , 理论上缺乏系统研究 , 实践上尚未高度重视 . 因此 , 很有必要从理论与实践的结合上 , 对无形包装进行探索和研究 .  相似文献   

物流金融实务研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
物流金融是一个新的概念,也是国内第三方物流供应商新的赢利增长点.本文从实务的角度研究物流金融的业务流程、如何规避操作过程中的风险以及目前国内外第三方物流供应商提供的物流金融服务,并着重介绍了物流金融的四种操作模式:垫付货款、代收货款、仓单质押和保兑仓.  相似文献   

This study tests Fiegenbaum and Thomas's suggestion that Bowman's risk-return paradox may be due to measuring risk by variance in data that have trends. Results indicate that trends in ROA and ROE cannot explain the pattern of risk-return associations found in previous research.  相似文献   

Creative fluency in the R&D department can be enhanced by understanding the decision processes and information needs of the individuals involved. Through a recognized construct of cognitive style, we examine the R& budgeting and project selection process with respect to innovation, project acceptance, and organizational harmony. We suggest that many of the conflicts and inefficiencies of an R&D department can be explained and prevented by recognizing the innate problem-solving differences between scientists and managers.  相似文献   

商品运输包装动力可靠性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于复杂的运输环境与条件具有不确定性,如货物不能按时达到目的地或运输成本超出预期的目标,以及由于振动冲击、天气状况等运输环境因素造成的货物破损,最终造成损失等,直接影响着整个商品运输系统的可靠性。研究商品运输系统的可靠性就是将整个运输系统中的不确定因素降至最低,保证其货物的正常流动,增强灵活性和确定性,在成本最优的前提下提高货物送达速度和质量,达到真正的优化运输管理,提高企业竞争力。根据有关资料统计,有70%的货物流通故障是由于包装不当引起的。合理包装是克服运输不可靠问题的主要措施,可以起到节省包装费用、缩短运输时间、提高运输管理效率、加快货物周转、减少资金占用等作用,要设计出合理的运输包装,就要研究商品运输包装的可靠性。  相似文献   

Post the Snowden and Cambridge Analytica episodes, concerns have been raised by governments and regulators on protecting consumer data collected and transmitted by various digital firms. Driven by concerns of privacy, national security, surveillance, and cyber terrorism, governments around the world have been erecting barriers in cyberspace through data localization. The extent of data localization varies from free flow of data, to stringent restrictions requiring all data to be stored only within the territorial jurisdiction of the country. Though there are certain legitimate concerns regarding protection of personal data, scholars and liberal economists have long proclaimed that any restrictions on the Internet and associated digital trade will have serious economic consequences. Data localization affects digital trade between consumers and producers of digital services to varying degrees. In this paper, we use agent based modeling to study the properties and behaviours of consumers and producers under varying data localization regimes. An augmented gravity model of trade with iceberg coefficient is incorporated to reflect distance-related costs between producers and consumers. Varying data localization compliance costs are included to reflect the effect of non-tariff barriers of data restrictions. Our extensive simulations indicate that there is often clustering of consumers around local firms in highly restrictive data localization regimes, thus enabling local firms to effectively compete against global multinationals. However, results also indicate that while free cross-border data flow enables intense competition amongst producers, data localization restrictions often limit consumer choice due to its effect on price and quality of services.  相似文献   

This paper develops an economic analysis of the impacts of further trade liberalization scenarios on Asian dairy markets, using a world dairy model incorporating both vertical and spatial characteristics of the world dairy sector. Japan and Korea’ producers will suffer much bigger losses from trade liberalization than other countries in the region; Japan and Korea’s producers get much more protection from trade distortions than from domestic subsidy. India is a potential competitive exporter if Asia is liberalized. China and India are potential competitive exporters under global free trade. South East Asia and other South Asian countries remain importers under free trade. Greater trade liberalization around the world increases exports for potential exporters and/or ease importing pressure for potential importers. The increasing order of competitiveness of Asian dairy economies sectors is found to be Japan, Korea, South East Asia, other South Asia, China and India. China and India consumers would lose from world trade liberalization, but the other countries’ consumer surplus will increase.  相似文献   

Asia Pacific Journal of Management - Despite the burgeoning interest in work-family conflict, little is known about how family stressors influences employees’ attitudes and behaviors in the...  相似文献   

本文从系统论的指导思想出发,运用层次分析和模糊综合评价法,建立中药商品效用评价体系,并进行实证分析。通过评价,使企业能够更好的定位自己的中药商品,改进商品的属性和质量,以提高中药商品在医药市场上的地位。  相似文献   

从中国罐头工业协会获悉,2005年前7月,全国罐头产量达174.7万吨(规模以上企业),比去年同期增长了27.46%;2005年前7月我国共出口罐头123万吨,同比增长24.83%,出口额9.2亿美元,增长19.86%。我国罐头工业的发展不仅体现在数量的增长上,而且反映在品种、技术、企业和市场等方面的变化中。蘑菇、芦笋、桔子等一批出口强势品种,在国际市场具有明显的比较优势,可以称得上我国出口罐头品种的“常青树”,近几年,罐头企业积极适应市场,开发出许多新品种和新包装,有力地推动了出口增长。[编者按]  相似文献   

当今各大公司风云变换,掌握公司的发展近况,预见它们的未来显得尤为重要。众所周知,惠普、施乐、柯达都是印刷界响当当的名字,随着世界范围内并购热潮的涌动,这几家公司也并非袖手旁观,相继加入了并购热潮,演绎了一个又一个非同寻常的故事。  相似文献   

Climate change and trade in agriculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agricultural productivity in both developing and developed countries will have to improve to achieve substantial increases in food production by 2050 while land and water resources become less abundant and the effects of climate change introduce much uncertainty. Already less resilient production areas will suffer the most, as temperatures will rise further in tropical and semi-tropical latitudes and water-scarce regions will face even drier conditions. International trade plays an important role in compensating, albeit partially, for regional changes in productivity that are induced by climate change. While a well-functioning international trade system can support the adaptation to climate change-related challenges, trade policies as such are imperfect instruments to induce less emissions globally. A well-functioning international trading system can support the adaptation to climate change-related challenges. Hence welfare gains from reforms to trade policies may be greater than normally measured if they also reduce GHG emissions globally.  相似文献   

印刷业的上市公司伴随着中国证券市场的风风雨雨,一同走过十多年的历程,目前在沪、深两市上市的印刷板块企业已达7家。这些上市公司充分利用证券市场资本的杠杆,不但企业自身得到了长足的发展,大多已经成为行业中的领军角色,同时也促进了中国印刷产业的进步。随着我国印刷企业生产设备的更新,技术水平的提高,世界印刷业的中心经历了从欧洲转到东南亚,直至转移到中国的过程,作为行业领头羊的上市公司,当然功不可没。  相似文献   

为了避免承租人以选择不同的租金支付方式达到调节利润或规避税收的目的,售后租回损益不应在租赁期内按租金支付比例进行分摊,而应采用直线法分难,作为租金费用的调整.  相似文献   

入世之后,中国将更多地参与国际贸易竞争,因而有必要了解发达国家在国际贸易中的技术壁垒状况。  相似文献   

据了解,我国包装纸的发展方向是高强度、低克重、多功能;发展中、高档纸箱产品,重点是多色彩瓦楞纸箱,以适应国内外纸箱的需要;发展蜂窝制品包装新技术新产品,以逐步替代木制品包装;充分利用我国再生自然资源,发展如农作物秸秆为原料的纸模(纸浆模塑)包装行业,以替代发泡塑料生产餐具盒、托盘和工业产品包装制品,适应国内环境治理和出口需求。  相似文献   

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