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环境经济综合核算体系的实物流量账户(PFA)是一个远未成熟的核算系统,需要做进一步补充,其中作为残余物项的完善尤为重要。为此,在原有的PFA框架内,本着SEEA核算科学性和可操作性原则,通过对影响实物流量账户(PFA)中残余物项因素分析,本文对PAF做了一些有益的补充。  相似文献   

自然资源资产核算体系可以实物计量为基础和起点,借助现有市场价格机制,结合国家、地区或当地具体情况建立实物账户估价指标体系,有机整合实物账户与价值账户,全面描述包括具有隐性经济价值在内的自然资源资产的实物账户和/或价值账户变动情况。  相似文献   

设计能反映自然资源环境与经济社会活动关系的资源环境账户日益受到世界各国和我国政府的高度重视.本文从现有资源环境经济核算的现状出发,提出区域资源环境账户的概念、性质,并阐述了区域资源环境实物型资产与价值型资产及损耗价值量和补充价值量如何核算的问题,设计了区域资源环境账户的报告形式和查询方式,并探讨了具体实施的方法和步骤.  相似文献   

所谓会计集中核算是资产的所有、使用、财务自主权都不进行更迭的情况下,取消机关银行的账户、会计岗位及机构,在财政相关部门建设一个确立的账户,在各个单位之间设立虚拟账户由相关专业人员进行核算总结等等财务相关明细。这是一种融合了监督、服务、核算等重要元素为一体的核算方式,该核算方式的运用必将会对企业财务管理产生影响。  相似文献   

现行国民经济核算体系没有区分知识密集型服务业和传统服务业,其变量设置与核算处理也未能较好地展示知识密集型服务业的重要特征。有必要构建内嵌于国民经济核算体系的知识密集型服务业核算体系,其编撰包括分解现有流量与存量、增设扩展变量和账户设计三个步骤。该核算体系具有一定的操作性,侧重于传统服务业与知识密集型服务业的对比,有利于为知识密集型服务业研究提供更多视角。  相似文献   

联合国《环境经济综合核算体系(2003)》(SEEA),对构建各国的环境核算理论体系和指导各国的环境核算实践具有重要的指导作用。按照SEEA的构架,可以设计出中国环境经济核算体系(CSEEA)的范式。CSEEA的理论基础是环境学、经济学、统计学的相关理论和方法;环境资源的存流量、资源消耗、自然灾害、环境成本、环境保护投入以及环境资产重估价等是CSEEA的重要核算内容;账户、核算表、指标体系是CSEEA的主要核算工具。  相似文献   

针对不同类型自然资源资产,构建自然资源资产核算指标体系和评价方法,是国家重点生态功能区自然资源资产评价与管理的迫切需求。论文从土地覆盖和利用、林业、草原、土壤、水、矿物等自然资源和生物多样性等方面入手,在全面评估县、市、省和国家级自然资源资产核算相关数据的可用性和质量基础上,基于国际和中国已有的做法,包括SEEA-2012账户、国家统计局提出的土地—森林—水账户等,制定可纳入国家重点生态功能区自然资源资产评估框架的账户清单;从存量和流量核算、自然资源资产和生态系统资产的经济与生态功能、实物量等角度开发了一套评估方法工具。选择秦巴生物多样性生态功能区作为试点地区进行了案例应用研究,检验评估方法的合理性与适用性。该研究方法可为相关重点生态功能区进行自然资源资产评估核算与管理提供重要技术方法支撑。  相似文献   

为了全面反映国外与国内的货物和服务、收入分配、资本金融的交易情况,从而实现国际收支核算矩阵与SAM中的其他子矩阵数据衔接与平衡的目的,在SAM表的框架下设计国际收支矩阵简表式,介绍1992~2012年的国际收支矩阵表及其所包含国外货物和服务账户、收入分配账户、资本金融账户的编制步骤,在此基础上,进一步阐述根据编制结果如何进行流量分析和系数应用分析。  相似文献   

论企业会计集中核算后的财务监管   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业会计集中核算指的是企业中各个分支单位不再独立设置账户核算的情况,而是由一个核算中心统一进行会计业务核算的核算方式。这种方式具有很多重要的优点,但实践也证明,这种集中支付制度并不能够完全杜绝一些财务违规操作的发生。因此,需重点讨论企业会计中核算后财务监管存在的问题以及改进的意见,希望对集中核算后企业的财务监管有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

目前对GDP数据的关注,导致国内外出现了大量对未观测经济的研究。本文从联合国国民经济核算体系(2008)的角度出发,依据中国国情,从理论上对中国未观测经济的基本概念和核算范围进行了界定。并在此基础上设计了中国未观测经济各部分核算方法,利用账户、矩阵等国民经济核算工具构建未观测经济核算账户,实现了未观测经济与中国国民经济核算体系的对接。  相似文献   

The rhetoric of the Ownership Society defined by the Cato Institute has been integral to framing the motivation behind the Social Security reform introduced by George W. Bush. This motivational frame involves a fierce advocacy of what we will call ‘neoliberal autonomy’ in a Hayekian and Friedmanite sense. For Hayek and Friedman, the social adequacy component of Social Security is problematized in the name of self-reliance and individual choice, which rejects any authoritative standards as morally indefensible. Nevertheless, the rhetoric of the Ownership Society, though it glorifies the neoliberal notion of autonomy, does not explicitly question the moral basis of Social Security. Rather, by defining the terms of debate, it frames the meaning of Social Security along neoliberal lines in an attempt to make a supposedly detached economic case for private retirement accounts. In this ‘pro-privatization’ framework, the social adequacy component of the Social Security system fades away as individual equity, or actuarial fairness, comes to the fore as the chief theme. We suggest a ‘pro-social’ rhetoric that recognizes the pursuit of social standards as providing the element of autonomy.  相似文献   

理解中国的实际汇率:一价定律偏离还是相对价格变动?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文利用1997年1月至2010年9月的数据对人民币实际汇率进行分解,发现可贸易品偏离一价定律因素可以解释实际汇率波动的60%—80%,而可贸易品与不可贸易品之间的相对价格波动只能解释实际汇率波动的20%—40%。这意味着研究人民币实际汇率需要更多地从可贸易产品出发,不应仅仅强调国内不可贸易品与可贸易品的相对价格变化。进一步的研究发现,可贸易品因素对于解释人民币实际汇率占主导的结论,与中国相对于其他国家的经济体发展阶段有关。但是,上述结论并不意味着传统的"巴拉萨-萨缪尔森"效应失灵。事实上,当在计量回归中控制可贸易品偏离一价定律因素以后,巴萨效应在中国显著成立。只不过,相对于可贸易品偏离一价定律因素,巴萨效应对实际汇率波动的影响是次要的。  相似文献   

近年来,尽管企业社会责任领域的学术研究不断深入,衡量和评价企业社会责任行为的机构、模型和工具也不断涌现,但发达国家的跨国公司,特别是一些世界著名的跨国公司仍然在违背社会责任方面铤而走险。本文在文献研究的基础上,提出了跨国公司违背企业社会责任的后果有两种基本类型,一是败坏东道国社会风气,二是败坏跨国公司自身企业文化;作者进而提出抑制跨国公司违背企业社会责任的核心力量是培育竞争环境,让消费者在选购产品或品牌时有更好的选择对策。  相似文献   

The present article includes a proposal for a national accounts algorithm to be applied in the computerization of the national accounts compilation process. While aiming at the estimation and reconciliation of data from different statistical sources, it is based on the application of a linear programming technique applied to a system of identities and inequalities that define the accounting and analytical relations between the data categories of a national accounting framework. The technique is flexible in the sense that it can be used with any configuration of available statistical sources and data requirements of the national accounts. The algorithm is illustrated graphically with help of a simple example and thereafter applied to an extended but still simple national accounting scheme for Suriname with data for 1965 that was compiled by the author many years ago. As the present study is only a first step in the development of the algorithm, more work is needed to make it operational and the last section of the article includes suggestions about the direction of that further work.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relevance of the conventional national accounts systems to the traditional African economy and concludes that they contribute little because they omit certain economic activities and fail to recognise the reciprocity between social and economic activities. Social accounting is thus more relevant. Lack of statistical data may make it necessary to conduct special surveys and in some cases a tribe or village or economic region may be a more useful accounting unit than a nation. A modified system of accounts is suggested, based on the frame work of the four consolidated accounts of the SNA. It provides linkages to many more nonmonetised activities. Other linkages would be provided through supporting tables emphasising social activities and transfers. A system of transactor accounts in matrix form is also suggested. In the case of communities smaller than the nation several external transactor sectors could be included. It is recognised that the problem of evaluation of social activities and a number of economic activities remains to be solved and it is concluded that "time spent" may be the only common unit or value to equate such activities.
The final section deals with investment in human resources and proposes a balance sheet approach to indicative planning. This exercise would be related to demographic projections in several variants. Other factors to be analysed dynamically would be education and health status, public finance and, ultimately, distribution of income and wealth since it is noted that the process of monetisation is having an impact which may have important welfare implications.  相似文献   

Most developing countries have compiled national accounts on a regular basis only for the last few years. It has not yet been possible for them to collect many of the statistics necessary to obtain good coverage of their economic activities by methods which would generally be accepted as reliable. Consequently the checks on reliability imposed by the framework of the national accounts are often absent, and the accounts prepared contain many estimates of doubtful quality. These doubts can usually only be removed as statistics collected by better methods become available. This is proving to be a slow process, partly because of the shortage of trained statistical staff and the competing demands of social and demographic statistics and partly because of the inherent difficulties in collecting good statistics from small businesses and traditional households. The need to define traditional households as producers as well as consumers leads to our demanding extra information from this difficult sector. In addition it is often difficult for the national accounts statistician, and even more so for the user, to find out in the time available exactly how some of the statistics with which he is presented were obtained. When this cannot be done it is impossible to assess their reliability. Thus assessing the overall reliability of national accounts in developing countries for even a limited range of uses is at present largely a matter of personal judgment. The information necessary to make more objective assessments rarely exists and hence the problems which developed countries face in using such information are not yet within the experience of most developing countries.  相似文献   

This document contains a critical analysis of some aspects of the treatment of subsidies in the present system of national accounts (United Nations SNA and the ESA, i.e. the European System of Integrated Economic Accounts) as background to the current discussion of their revision. One of the conventions used is that subsidies are recorded as a resource in the accounts of the market producer units which actually receive them. Should this rule of the receiver be applied in every case? The paper suggests that it would be preferable to attribute subsidies to the beneficiary in those cases where a subsidy received by one unit is the counterpart of a reduction in price which he grants to another unit which buys something from him (and which is the real beneficiary), so long as the discount is only granted to specific categories of purchasers. Recording in the accounts of the beneficiary results in a better distribution in the branch accounts and moreover greater stability of the national accounts in the face of minor institutional changes. The problem of allocation arises also for transfers designed to cover social risks or needs (illness, invalidism, old age, maternity). For this category of “social” goods and services for which general government wholly or partially assumes the costs to households, the transfer is treated either as a subsidy to collective consumption or a social benefit. The institutional arrangements, which vary from country to country, product to product and over time, give rise to profoundly different recording in the accounts. In order to restrict these differences, improve comparability between countries, permit analysis of trends over time, make the accounts less sensitive to different institutional arrangements and obtain a figure for household consumption which does not depend on the particular way in which the costs of such consumption is borne, the present document suggests that consumption subsidies should be treated as individual consumption expenditure of general government.  相似文献   

A case-control study of the car-free model housing project in Vienna was conducted to evaluate whether people living in this settlement have more ‘sustainable lifestyles’ than people living in comparable buildings in Vienna. Another aim was to identify the lifestyle characteristics and household activities which significantly influence the environmental impact of the residents of the car-free housing project and a control group. The control group, referred to as the reference settlement, was chosen from a nearby building complex, with similar characteristics, but without the car-free feature. Household consumption patterns were estimated based on interviews in combination with data from the Austrian consumer expenditure survey and the national accounts. The evaluation of household environmental impacts uses emissions estimates from the Austrian national accounting matrices including environmental accounts and data from life-cycle assessments. Households from the car-free settlement have substantially lower environmental impacts in the categories of ground transportation and energy use; their CO2 emissions of these two categories are less than 50% of those living in the reference settlement. The households in the car-free settlement have somewhat higher emissions in the categories air transport, nutrition, and ‘other’ consumption, reflecting the higher income per-capita. As a result, the CO2 emissions are only slightly lower than in the reference settlement, but the emissions intensity is 20% lower. Both household groups have significantly lower environmental impacts than the Austrian average reflecting less car use and cleaner heating energy in Vienna.  相似文献   

We propose a new approach to national accounts compilation, which also serves as a formalization of current compilation practices. When formalizing the procedure, a distinction is made between (basic) data, national accounts identities and so-called indicator ratios. The latter are ratios of or percentage relations between national accounts variables, such as the relation between output and value added. Indicator ratios are currently used in national accounts compilation practices in order to make adjustments to the basic data or to fill in missing data. The latter use is particularly relevant when basic data are scarce, which is the case not only in many developing countries, but also in developed countries when annual accounts are compiled for recent periods. The (basic) data, indicator ratios and identities together are used in a Bayesian approach to estimate the values of national accounts variables and analytical indicator ratios based thereon. The amendment of the current practices consists in introducing reliability intervals of basic data and indicator ratios, which allows for the use of a much larger number of indicator ratios in the compilation and checking of national accounts data. The Bayesian compilation approach makes it possible–in contrast to current practices–to use indicator ratios both as priors and as analytical indicators.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the existence of developmental views and compares the results of previous studies for underdeveloped regions.In view of the limitations of previous studies,this study details regional unit,expands index system,applies factor-analysis to structure index system,uses the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model to improve analytic hierarchy process,and identifies the economic developmental levels of 384 regions,including 4 municipalities,333 cities at prefecture level,and 47 counties under the jurisdiction of province.The levels of the 47 counties are identified by dividing the rank of comprehensive values of more than 337 regions unit into five equal graduations and then matching the 47 counties with the five-graduation results.This study provides the distribution of resources-rich region in China qualitatively and quantitatively in terms of coal,oil gas and other 14 kinds of metal mineral resources.Finally,by matching the two parts of results,this study identifies the distribution of underdeveloped resource-rich regions (URRRs).URRRs are mainly distributed in Shaanxi,Shanxi,Guizhou,Yunnan,Sichuan,He 'nan,Shandong,Guangxi and Gansu provinces,which accounts for 78.57% of the total in China.To a certain degree,the result of this paper proves that "resources curse " existing in the national stratification plane in later 20^th century still takes places in some cities in China,especially in the counties of these cities 'jurisdiction.  相似文献   

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