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随着传播技术的变革和互联网的兴起、普及,越来越多的曲折、困难横亘在传统媒体的发展之路上.新媒体环境下,"纸媒已死"的言论甚嚣尘上,受众注意力的转移与阅读兴趣的改变,使得人们在选择信息载体的时候更倾向于获取便利、收发迅速、反馈及时的两微一端.这种转变也在一方面给了传统媒体新的机遇和挑战,传统媒体要如何适应形势的发展,满足变化的用户需求,调整传播与运营策略,以克服当前的困境,是当下应着重探讨的课题.本文主要探究微信公众号的发展近况和具体的信息生产模式并联系典型的传统媒体开通微信公众号的成功实践,深度剖析传统媒体的当下转型之路,实现新时代纸媒与微信公众号的完美融合和共生.  相似文献   

随着我国科学技术的不断进步和计算机网络不断普及,通讯技术和数字技术得到了前所未有的发展。在新技术的支持下,新媒体如同雨后春笋般崛起,新媒体凭借着传播方向多向性,传播内容及时性、广泛性和易检性等特点,被民众广泛接受,对传统媒体的生存和发展造成了一定的冲击。本文从新媒体与传统媒体的区别出发,分析新媒体崛起给传统媒体带来的挑战,提出应对新媒体崛起,传统媒体的应采取的经营措施。  相似文献   

当今社会传媒竞争日趋激烈,传统媒体与新兴媒体共存发展,要想在竞争中赢得受众的亲赖,达到传播致效,作为传播者的媒体就必须在了解受众的同时优化传播环境,讲求传播技巧。而在传统的新闻传播活动(广播和电视媒介)中,语言无疑是播音员与主持人选到传播效果的有力手段,所以作为联系媒介与受众的它们就要充分结合各自的传播环境,运用各自具有特点的语言与受众进行沟通和交流,从而拉近观众与传媒之间的距离,这样才更有利于受众接受传媒发布的各种信息。  相似文献   

为了顺应新媒体时代的到来,探究新媒体环境中品牌营销的长久发展,文章对品牌营销的应用现状做出简要分析,对营销内涵进行深入的探讨和挖掘,提出新媒体环境中品牌营销面临的主要问题,并依据STP理论提出细节方面的应对策略。得出新媒体逐渐替代传统媒体的市场,营销规则和环境发生了巨大的改变。消费者由原来的被动受众变为主动受众,品牌商越来越意识到新媒体对于品牌营销的重要作用和意义。但是新媒体环境中品牌营销问题层出不穷,由于品牌定位混乱,市场监控难等问题,品牌营销急需提出解决方法,因此,要进行新媒体品牌营销首先需要确立品牌营销战略关键点,找到品牌和市场的清晰定位,帮助企业细分和确定目标市场,利用多种新媒体渠道整合营销,传统媒体和新媒体相结合,以"新4C法则"为指导等开展品牌营销策略,将产品和服务信息传达给受众。从消费者角度出发,确定合适的营销渠道,选择合适的营销策略,促进品牌营销良性发展。  相似文献   

在媒介融合背景下,越来越的传统新闻媒体对微信公众账号的打造给予了高度的重视,在此过程中,传统媒体微信公众平台的构建与优化,成为了传统新闻媒体必须面临的重要课题.良好的传统媒体微信形象,有利于传统新闻媒体在微信平台中赢得更多的受众,也有利于传统媒体微信与受众之间构建起良好的心理认同,这对于提升传统新闻媒体的影响力具有着重要的意义.为此,在新媒体发展背景下本文就传统媒体的微信公众号建立展开了全面的研究与探讨,通过对传统媒体微信公众号形象宣传面临问题的解析,对传统媒体新闻传播体系的重构进行了探究,最后在以上研究的基础上详细论述了传统媒体微信公众号建立的具体策略.  相似文献   

随着传播学和传媒产业的发展,“受者中心论”已成为传播学研究者和媒介从业人员 的共识。受众,即媒介信息的接受者,是传播活动的起点和最终归宿,对媒介传播起着客观 性的制约作用,它决定着媒介传播的内容、风格和发展方向。  以受众为中心,决定媒介经营的首要支点便是受众定位。所谓受众定位,就是确定媒 介的目标受众。只有在明确了媒介的传播对象的基础上,媒介才能生产出受众所需的信息产 品,才能赢得受众,最终实现它的目标和功能。从营销学的角度来看,受众就是媒介产品的 消费者,受众定位就是市场定位,准确的市场定位是经…  相似文献   

新媒体时代的到来,使国有企业品牌形象传播面临着新的机遇和挑战,也带来了深刻影响。在新媒体时代,信息的传播很难控制,危机管理也相当复杂,这意味企业品牌形象传播要改变观念,实现从"内宣"到"外宣"的思维习惯和行为方式转变,积极开展品牌网络识别和网络传播工作,善于运用网络公关维护品牌形象,不断适应新媒体时代的特点,不断创新品牌传播方式。  相似文献   

传统媒体在向新媒体的转型过程中经历了来自各方面的挑战,尤其是在信息发布的及时性和传受之间的互动方面。而以手机和其他的及时通讯手段为平台的新媒体的迅猛发展使得传统媒体逐渐走向萎缩,传统媒体的新媒体(也说全媒体)转型是当下中国媒介地形图的一条脉络。这条与世界性趋势同步的转型之路,与媒介变革的技术条件和社会条件相连接,构成了中国传统媒体向新媒体变革的整体背景。  相似文献   

王韵清 《新经济》2021,(3):25-27
随着受众获取信息的渠道日渐多元化,微博、微信公众号等以文本为主的社交平台逐步成为了主流媒体传播信息的重要媒介.在4G和5G技术的支持下,抖音、快手等这一类短视频软件越来越火爆,分别位列2020年中国APP用户量排行榜第六、第九位.新媒体的围追堵截、受众阅读习惯的改变、科学技术的发展等种种问题摆在面前,传统媒体应该如何突...  相似文献   

互联网技术革新带来了新媒体平台的生机,媒体环境也随之巨变,传统媒体受众已不再是被动接收信息的单一角色,在人人皆为记者的新媒体环境中,企业危机公关遇到的问题更加棘手,而同时其应对策略也更加多元。本文即针对新媒体发展的趋势,对企业危机公关面临的挑战与机遇进行了分析。  相似文献   

This article analyses news media coverage of the housing market. Building on theories of media influence where word of mouth is the final mechanism of opinion change but media initiate discourse, I examine the relationship between news media and the recent UK house price boom. Over 30 000 articles on the UK housing market from the period 1993 to 2008 are analysed, and it is found that media Granger-caused real house price changes, suggesting the media may have influenced opinions on the housing market. However, media sentiment on the housing market did not change with the secular increase in house prices in the 2000s, suggesting that the media did not contribute to the UK’s housing boom and may have helped constrain it.  相似文献   

马壮  陈焱 《经济研究导刊》2011,(20):290-291
在市场经济条件下,某些新闻媒体的监督和引导作用在弱化。主流媒体在新时期要担负起社会正确舆论引导的重任,旗帜鲜明地强化舆论引导的功能,重点在强化责任意识。  相似文献   

This study examines how information broadcasting through television (TV) media influences stock market activities. Consistent with the effect of TV information to attract investor attention, we find that increased information flow through TV is significantly associated with greater trading volume and larger price change. For information type, hard news from business-oriented programmes and earnings-related news strongly contributes to the attention effect, while the effect of soft news is weaker. Bid–ask spread widens for more TV information flows, suggesting that new information arrival in the market expands information asymmetry. Finally, the impact of TV is more influential for stocks with more individual shareholders than those with institutional shareholders.  相似文献   

传媒经济运营与文化产业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传媒产业与文化产业具有完全超出传统含义的关联性,二者相互定义、相互依存、互为表里。文化产业只有成为传媒产业的“内容”,才能焕发新的生机;传媒产业只有成为文化产业的“载体”,才具有真实的价值。在以并存、互补、融合、创新为特点的媒体生态环境中,新媒体不断推动媒介整合与文化产业发展。完善传媒经济运营、加快文化产业发展应重视以下方面:准确确定传媒经营的市场定位;努力提高传媒经营的市场化、国际化、产业化、社会化和组织化;加快传媒产业制度创新与技术创新。  相似文献   

Popular support of redistributive policies depends on information they have about the tax system and efficiency of public projects. Mass media provides a convenient means for manipulating public opinion, even when voters understand that the media can be biased. I develop a theory of media capture in which the rich can influence information published in a media outlet at a cost. The model shows that higher inequality is associated with lower media freedom; this effect is stronger in democratic regimes. I find empirical support for the model in both panel data and cross-country analysis.  相似文献   

The news media plays an essential role in society, but surveys indicate that the public views the media as biased. This paper presents a theory of media bias that originates with private information obtained by journalists through their investigations and persists despite profit-maximizing news organizations and rivalry from other news organizations. Bias has two effects on the demand for news. First, rational individuals are more skeptical of potentially biased news and thus rely less on it in their decision-making. This skepticism reduces demand and leads the news organization to set a lower price for its publication the greater is the bias it tolerates. Lower quality news thus commands a lower price. Second, bias makes certain stories more likely than others. Given their private information, journalists may bias their stories if their career prospects can be advanced by being published on the front page. News organizations can control bias by restricting the discretion allowed to journalists, but granting discretion and tolerating bias can increase profits if it allows journalists to be hired at a lower wage. Bias is not driven from the market by a rival news organization nor by a news organization with an opposing bias, and the profits of a high-bias news organization can be higher than the profits of a low bias one. Moreover, bias can be greater with competition than with a monopoly news organization. If individuals collectively choose regulation in place of their individual decision-making, bias increases the expected stringency of regulation.  相似文献   

新闻传媒通过其信息处理和传播功能 ,对资本市场的信息整合产生了重要影响.不同于以往的研究 ,文章深入新闻传媒行业内部 ,探讨了不同类别的媒体(中央媒体与各地方媒体)对中国资本市场信息效率的差异化影响.研究发现:中央媒体既可以直接提升资本市场信息效率 ,又可以通过削弱政治关联对资本市场信息整合的不利影响,间接改善资本市场信息效率;地方媒体虽然能够直接提升资本市场信息效率 ,但是无力削弱政治关联对资本市场信息整合的不利影响 ,其间接渠道并不起作用.这一结果考虑了媒体跟踪上市公司时可能产生的内生性问题 ,在一系列稳健性测试中始终存在.文章认为 ,相对于地方媒体 ,中央媒体在信息透明度较低情况下的信息获取和处理的能力优势 ,以及面对政治关联时保持客观报道的独立性优势,可以解释这一发现.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper provides a comparative assessment of the organization of urban waste management in selected European countries and discusses the regulatory implications of the ongoing evolution. Using an institutional economic approach, focused on governance of transactions along the value chain, we argue that: i) there is evidence of an increasing shift towards operator‐based integrated systems; ii) the emphasis put on material and energy recovery opens the market far beyond the traditional legal monopolies established for managing urban services. These results pose new challenges for economic regulation and make it more complicate to trace the boundary between the public service and the market domain. Spaces for competition in the market have become much larger, but the role of public regulation and planning are nonetheless more far‐reaching than in the past.  相似文献   

报业虽然受到了以网络为代表的新媒体的冲击,但在传媒融合背景下,报业与新媒体更多的是一种竞合关系。报业要在竞争中寻求突破,需要强化自身的原创内容优势、积极融合新媒体、转企改制并对接资本市场,以及加强品牌营销。  相似文献   

This paper explores whether and how media serves as an information intermediary in the capital market and predicts value creation from mergers and acquisitions (M&As). Using a sample of 288 M&A deals in the U.S. market from 2000 to 2015, this paper examines whether pre-merger news about acquirers correlates to M&A performance. The empirical evidence shows that a positive media attitude before merger announcements has predictive power for stock returns in both the short and long run. Moreover, media pessimism is associated with higher bid premiums, meaning that acquirers must raise the bid price to offset the negative effects produced by the media. These findings suggest that media news contains information relevant to M&A performance and thus has implications for shareholder wealth.  相似文献   

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