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2001年4月23日,日本政府对主要来自中国的三种农产品(大葱、鲜香菇、蔺草席)采取了临时保障措施(Prpvisional Safeguard Measures)。作为报复措施,中国国务院关税税则委员会于6月21日宣布,对原产于日本的进口汽车,无线电话机,空调器征收100%的特别关税,中日之间贸易摩擦迅速升级。  相似文献   

谢慧 《品牌》2015,(1):48-49
本文基于中国与白俄罗斯贸易的发展现状与特点,从双边贸易结构、双边贸易政策和贸易人才与基础设施等方面探讨了中白双边贸易存在的问题,在此基础上为提升白俄罗斯和中国双边贸易关系提出的一些意见和建议,在中白双边贸易中能优势互补,更是在以中国斥资50亿美元在白俄罗斯造城为契机促进中白双边贸易的发展。  相似文献   

近五年来,中日经济贸易的发展出现了令人注目的变化,两国间的贸易额尽管时有波动,但总的说来,是在稳定中发展,中日经济技术合作事业虽然遇到一些困难,但也取得了长足的进步,两国经济贸易发展的前景令人乐观。  相似文献   

对中日双方都有利--中日经济关系发展与共同面临的课题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
同恢复邦交正常化初期相比,中日两国之间的矛盾和问题似乎越来越多,有些问题看上去变得越来越严峻。两国的高层互访处于停滞状态,国民间的亲近感在下降。但是,客观而冷静审视中日关系便不难发现,巩固和发展两国关系,不仅符合  相似文献   

<正> 中日贸易格局原来是典型的垂直性分工,双方关系完全是互补性的,不存在竞争。近年来,中国对日出口中制成品比率上升,两国在纺织品等行业中形成一定的竞争关系。但进一步分析表明,两国即使在这些行业也存在明确的互补性关系。相关分析表明,在APEC成员中,中国与日本的贸易互补性最强,贸易竞争性最弱。  相似文献   

究竟谁更依赖谁--中日贸易相互依赖关系的变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从上世纪70年代前半期以来的大约1/4世纪里,中日两国在对外贸易方面的相互依存度极其不平衡,即日本在中国对外贸易中一直占据着重要地位,而中国在日本的对外贸易中所占比重甚低。但是从上个世纪90年代以后,以中国经济的高速增长和日本经济的停滞为背景,中日贸易的相互依赖关系发生了巨大变化,这就是中国在日本对外贸易中所占比重的提高和日本在中国对外贸易中所占比重的下降,2004年上半年则出现逆转,即中国在日本对外贸易中所占比重超过了日本在中国对外贸易中所占比重。  相似文献   

长期以来,中国与日本的经济联系紧密,互为重要的贸易伙伴国。特别是近年来,中日双边贸易额增长迅猛,发展迅速。但是,中日贸易收支失衡问题仍然是双边贸易发展中的重要问题,而这一问题的恶化阻碍了我国经济的发展,为了促进我国经济的可持续发展,处理好中日贸易收支平衡问题十分重要。本文分析了中日贸易的发展现状,还对其中存在的问题做了进一步探讨,并在此基础上,从影响中日双边贸易发展的因素出发,对促进中日双边贸易发展的对策进行深入研究,以期促进中日双边贸易健康稳定地发展。  相似文献   

张琦 《国际贸易》2003,(2):18-21
中俄双边贸易结算中,以现汇结算的方式主要有两种:一是通过第三国银行的间接结算,即选择欧美等国商业信誉高、实力较强的银行转汇或转开信用证。二是中俄银行间直接通汇结算,即中俄银行正式建立代理帐户行关系,互  相似文献   

高瑞荣  曹炳汝 《江苏商论》2011,(12):100-103
中、日建交以来,双边贸易关系越来越密切。但随着两国农产品贸易交流与合作的不断发展,其贸易摩擦也与日俱增,这影响了中日贸易的健康发展。本文从分析中国对日农产品出口贸易的贸易规模、产品结构等入手,得出对日农产品贸易的特点。然后,通过介绍两个重点贸易摩擦事件,分析其原因。  相似文献   

刘丽娜 《大经贸》2002,(10):38-41
在我国对外经贸关系中,中日经贸举足轻重。今年是中日邦交正常化30周年,中日经贸走过了从无到有,从小到大,从相互猜忌到互利合作的路程,其间有密切的协作,也爆发过龃龉和硝烟,尽管最近双方发生了较严重的贸易冲突,但是,谁也不会否认中日之间相互依存与合作的历史潮流。日本经济现状:并非陷入衰退最近几年来,媒体上有关日本经济的报道多数是消极的,在人们心中似乎形成了对日本经济的悲观  相似文献   

中日经贸往来历史悠久,日本地震对中日经贸关系的发展产生一定影响,本文回顾了中日经贸往来的密切关系、阐述日本经济现状及进一步分析地震后对中日经贸关系的影响。  相似文献   

中日贸易现状及发展趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本首先从中日两国相互依存关系入手,分析了两间的贸易状况和新的贸易特点:贸易结构的不断改变——从产业间贸易向产业内贸易转变。然后在此基础上指出了中日两国产生贸易摩擦的原因,最后进一步阐述两国贸易现状发展的趋势。  相似文献   

企业档案是企业在创建发展过程中直接形成的具有保存价值的文件材料.企业档案管理工作是企业发展的重要组成部分.随着现代经济合作的纵深拓展,国际贸易企业的档案管理工作对深化企业改革,促进企业经济的现代化建设有着重要作用.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how openness and the distribution of factor ownership interact to determine individual and aggregate demand for pollution policy. Analysis of voter preferences in autarky shows that an increased stake in either the dirty or the clean industry can induce an individual voter to prefer stricter environmental policy. Similarly, the paper shows that poorer voters may be the greener voters within an electorate. The model also reveals that the incidence of pollution policy depends upon a country’s trade regime, with consequences for the direction in which income inequality influences aggregate demand for pollution policy.  相似文献   

思想政治工作在改革、发展和稳定的全局中所具有的重要地位和作用,坚持两手抓,两手都要硬,切实加强和改进思想政治工作,是摆在全党面前的一项重大而紧迫的任务.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the importance of PTA formation in attracting inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI). In particular, we examine the heterogeneous effects of different types of PTAs (FTAs or CUs) on the extensive and intensive margins of FDI and on how the interdependence among various PTAs may affect a country's ability to attract FDI inflows. We find that the larger the preferential markets to which a country has access, the larger the FDI inflows the country receives. Furthermore, we find that the type of PTA matters in determining FDI inflows. In this case, we find that the formation of CUs tends to promote more FDI inflows than the formation of FTAs. Our findings also indicate that the formation of PTAs significantly affects FDI through the intensive margin, rather than through the extensive margin. Importantly, notice that these effects are driven by the preferential markets to which a country has access and that have not established a PTA with the FDI-originating (home) country, confirming that PTA interdependence matters in determining FDI inflows.  相似文献   

The business environment for many firms is changing rapidly and is becoming increasingly uncertain due to the disruption caused by new digital technologies, deregulation, new business models, and the threat of new competitive entrants. This dynamic competitive environment increases the level of uncertainty for senior executives and strategic planning teams who bear responsibility for the strategic development of the firm, particularly in terms of the future direction, scope, and the strategy required to deliver on corporate objectives. This in turn, places increased scrutiny on the strategic planning tools that are used to undertake a rational and comprehensive analysis of the competitive dynamics that inform strategy formulation. This article presents empirical findings and reflections on a scenario-planning project that sought to develop a long-term corporate level strategy. While scenario planning is an established constituent of the strategist’s toolbox, the increasing level of dynamism and uncertainty in many markets has meant that it has seen a resurgence. This article presents empirical findings on how the scenario-planning tool was selected and applied before reflecting on the individual and organizational outcomes of using scenario planning to develop an organizational strategy in uncertain market conditions.  相似文献   


Purpose: To identify the factors affecting the selection of trade shows in India and the role of spot sales in decision-making.

Design/methodology/approach: This study uses a primary approach. It has been done with the help of data collected from exhibitors’ responses to a standard questionnaire (appendix) through offline mode. Finally, the collected data was used for analysis with the help of SPSS 21. Multivariate data analysis techniques such as factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling were used in the study.

Findings: The findings of the study revealed that perceived show value was the most important factor of selecting a trade show followed by measurable cost, timing and lastly show attractions. Spot sales were found to make a significant impact on the participating decision-making process. Some of the subjective factors such as facilities within the venue and connectivity to the venue made an impact on the exhibitors' selection of trade shows.

Practical implications: Organising a trade show requires a lot of money and effort and thus it becomes important that such events be successful. Thus, the study could be used by trade show organizers to attract exhibitors for participating in their show.

Originality/value: Although research studies have been conducted on the motives for participating in a trade show in the U.S. and Europe, very few were found relating to the identification of factors affecting the decision to participate. This number becomes still smaller when one considers the case of the growing Indian economy. Looking into these aspects, this study can be considered new and thus its originality remains high.  相似文献   

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