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入世后海峡两岸农业发展:相互依存、交流与合作 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
文章从两岸农业所处的背景和优劣势比较开始,然后讨论再岸农业合作的领域和内容,最后从存在问题入手提出若干对策建议。 相似文献
入世以来我国农业农村经济快速发展,得益于以理论创新带动政策创新、切实强化农业基础地位,坚持市场化改革取向、用改革的办法解决开放中出现的问题,紧紧围绕利用两个市场两种资源、用全球视角统筹谋划农业发展,充分利用世贸组织规则、在开放中切实加强对农业的支持和合理保护。面对未来我国农业发展面临的环境与形势,推动我国农业又好又快健康发展,必须加强统筹两个市场两种资源,完善农业支持保护体系,提高农业综合生产能力和国际竞争力,推动公平贸易环境建设。 相似文献
加入WTO对中国农业的影响与对策 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
在世界经济一体化及贸易自由化进程中,农业一直是重要的敏感经济部门,特别是对于发展中国家尤为突出,我国是一个农业生产大国,也是重要的农产品消费国,在WTO框架下,研究如何根据国际比较优势理论分析我国农产品国际竞争力的变化趋势,提出我国农业调整的思路,促进其在一个新的层次上寻求发展,具有十分重要的现实意义和战略意义。 相似文献
The purpose of this article is to discuss possible scenarios for UK sugar beet production after the reform of the sugar regime. The analysis is built on an evaluation undertaken by the University of Cambridge and The Royal Agricultural College of the impact that reforming the EU sugar regime may have on UK agriculture. The analysis focuses on the implications of reductions in quota and the support price and on the possible reactions by British Sugar, as the final outcome in terms of production will depend on the interaction between British Sugar and sugar beet farmers. The analysis indicates that British Sugar strategies such as reallocating the available quota to the more efficient producers or paying higher beet prices might mitigate the impacts of the reform. The key factor in limiting the overall impact on production is the extent that the industry can restructure and reduce its cost base. For example, following a 40 per cent reduction in the sugar beet price we estimate that if farmers could reduce their average costs by 20 per cent, about 52 per cent of UK beet production would still be viable, compared to less than 20 per cent if costs were not altered. 相似文献
Cereal production in Hungary doubled in 2004/2005 over the previous year and was 4 per cent lower in 2005/2006. There were 3.9 million tones of cereals taken into intervention in the 2004/2005 season, while until January 8, 2006, an additional 3.7 million tonnes of new crop were offered. High transport cost is a serious drawback for wheat and maize, produced under otherwise good natural conditions in the CEE region, in competing within the EU or in third country markets. The combined effects of an intervention price above ε90 a tonne, the implementation of the SPS and the decoupling of the national 'top-up' for arable crops together with the introduction of compulsory set-aside are unlikely to reduce cereal production in Hungary. Under normal conditions, 14.5–15 million tonnes of cereal stocks could be accumulated by 2010. In the pre-accession years livestock producers in Hungary enjoyed some direct subsidies but they had almost no access to investment and capital aids. This and the late approval of rural development programmes contributed largely to the decline in production. Despite huge excess stocks of cereals, the prospects for these major feed grain consuming sectors to expand look rather slim in the mid-term, due mainly to structural problems and the lack of capital for modernisation. Taken together these factors are likely to keep cereal market prices in Hungary under pressure in the next few years, despite the implementation of the SPS. 相似文献
中国加入WTO后农业面临的机遇、挑战与对策 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
文章讨论了中国加入WTO后所面临的经济环境,考察了我国农业的比较优势和劣势,分析了所面临的机遇和挑战,提出了我国农业国际竞争力的对策。 相似文献
讨论WTO对我国农业的主要影响以及预测我国农业生产方式的发展方向,根据这种预测,分析了由农业引发的水权水市场问题,提出了水权水市场在加入WTO后,前期不利、中期发展、后期成熟的观点。 相似文献
The agricultural sector in the EU Southern Neighbourhood Partners (SNP) is struggling to respond to sustainability challenges. It needs stronger policies to deliver balanced sustainability outcomes in economic, social and environmental terms. Based on recent information and a structured assessment of the impacts of prevailing public policies on the sustainability of agriculture in Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt and Turkey, carried out within the Sustainmed project ( https://sustainmed.iamm.fr ), we conclude that several factors contribute to the struggles in strengthening sustainability functions of agriculture in these countries. In the main, there is a lack of policy coherence toward sustainability uncovered by the dual, unbalanced consideration given to different sustainability factors in the study countries: pure economic factors largely prevail over factors related to resource conservation and social and cultural values, these latter factors being a precondition for long-term economic growth. Consequently, there is a genuine need for a more consistent vision of sustainability issues in future policy agendas, including better data systems and specific policies to incentivise sustainable agriculture in the SNP; as the challenge over the coming decades in these countries will be to increase agricultural production and productivity while at the same time managing natural resources sustainably. Findings can guide policymakers and other stakeholders in the agricultural sector to identify pathways towards sustaining agriculture in the SNP. 相似文献
Frank Fuller John Beghin Stéphane De Cara Jacinto Fabiosa Cheng Fang Holger Matthey 《Review of Agricultural Economics》2003,25(2):399-414
We analyze the impact of China's accession to the World Trade Organization on major crop and livestock markets using the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) modeling framework. We incorporate expected changes in consumer income, textile production, and trade policies as exogenous shocks to the baseline model. Following accession, revenues decline in China's livestock, grain, and oilseed industries, while cotton production prospers despite increased imports. Chinese consumers benefit from lower food prices, with vegetable oil, dairy, and meat consumption increasing significantly. Argentina, Brazil, Canada, the European Union, and the United States are the greatest beneficiaries from expanded agricultural trade with China. 相似文献
农业投融资与农业可持续发展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
一、农业可持续发展对农业投融资的要求 农业可持续发展要求作为发展要素之一的资金投入总量要增加、结构要优化、管理要加强、效益要提高。(一)农业投融资规模要稳定增长,农业资金要持久投入 农业可持续发展要求作为其发展的要素组合、资源配置要科学合理,总量供应要充足,投入要稳定、持久。资金是农业可持续发展的特殊要素、重要资源,具有“粘合剂”、“催化剂”的功能作用,且对农业和农村经济发展具有极大推动力作用。只有稳定持久地增加农业投入,充分满足农业可持续发展的资金需求,才能有效地配置农业资源,促进农业可持续… 相似文献
入世不仅给乡镇企业的发展带来良好的机遇,同时也带来严峻的挑战。我国广大乡镇企业中的大多数受多种因素的制约,目前处于相对落后的状态,国际竞争能力不强,乡镇企业只有采取积极的措施,加快改革,有效地解决制约其发展的各种矛盾,作好充分的战略准备,才能抓住机遇迎接挑战。 相似文献
一、国营贸易体制对国际贸易的影响 (一 )国营贸易的定义 关于国营贸易的概念 ,国际上有不同的提法。早期的定义侧重于对外贸易中的国家行为 (或操作 ) ,政府垄断贸易和政府对企业的所有权 (Hazard ,1 959;Bald win ,1 970 ;Ghai,1 973 )。Kostecki( 1 982 )认为 ,政府或具有政府背景的机构决定进出口的主要条件 (价格和数量 )时 ,就可以被认为是国营贸易。可见 ,从Kostecki开始 ,贸易企业的公共所有权已经不是决定判断国营贸易的首要条件。Sorenson( 1 991 )继承了Kostecki的观点 ,… 相似文献