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This paper studies robust inference for linear panel models with fixed effects in the presence of heteroskedasticity and spatiotemporal dependence of unknown forms. We propose a bivariate kernel covariance estimator that nests existing estimators as special cases. Our estimator improves upon existing estimators in terms of robustness, efficiency, and adaptiveness. For distributional approximations, we considered two types of asymptotics: the increasing-smoothing asymptotics and the fixed-smoothing asymptotics. Under the former asymptotics, the Wald statistic based on our covariance estimator converges to a chi-square distribution. Under the latter asymptotics, the Wald statistic is asymptotically equivalent to a distribution that can be well approximated by an F distribution. Simulation results show that our proposed testing procedure works well in finite samples.  相似文献   

This paper considers Maximum Likelihood (ML) based estimation and inference procedures for linear dynamic panel data models with fixed effects.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the higher-order properties of the estimators based on the nested pseudo-likelihood (NPL) algorithm and the practical implementation of such estimators for parametric discrete Markov decision models. We derive the rate at which the NPL algorithm converges to the MLE and provide a theoretical explanation for the simulation results in Aguirregabiria and Mira [Aguirregabiria, V., Mira, P., 2002. Swapping the nested fixed point algorithm: A class of estimators for discrete Markov decision models. Econometrica 70, 1519–1543], in which iterating the NPL algorithm improves the accuracy of the estimator. We then propose a new NPL algorithm that can achieve quadratic convergence without fully solving the fixed point problem in every iteration and apply our estimation procedure to a finite mixture model. We also develop one-step NPL bootstrap procedures for discrete Markov decision models. The Monte Carlo simulation evidence based on a machine replacement model of Rust [Rust, J., 1987. Optimal replacement of GMC bus engines: An empirical model of Harold Zurcher. Econometrica 55, 999–1033] shows that the proposed one-step bootstrap test statistics and confidence intervals improve upon the first order asymptotics even with a relatively small number of iterations.  相似文献   

There is compelling evidence that many macroeconomic and financial variables are not generated by linear models. This evidence is based on testing linearity against either smooth nonlinearity or piece-wise linearity, but there is no framework that encompasses both. This paper provides an econometric framework that allows for both breaks and smooth nonlinearity in between breaks. We estimate the unknown break-dates simultaneously with other parameters via nonlinear least-squares. Using new central limit results for nonlinear processes, we provide inference methods on break-dates and parameter estimates and several instability tests. We illustrate our methods via simulated and empirical smooth transition models with breaks.  相似文献   

This paper extends the semiparametric efficient treatment of panel data models pursued by Park and Simar [Park, B.U., Simar, L., 1994. Efficient semiparametric estimation in stochastic frontier models. Journal of the American Statistical Association 89, 929–936] and Park et al. [Park, B.U., Sickles, R.C., Simar, L., 1998. Stochastic frontiers: a semiparametric approach. Journal of Econometrics 84, 273–301; Park, B.U., Sickles, R.C., Simar, L., 2003. Semiparametric efficient estimation of AR(1) panel data models. Journal of Econometrics 117, 279–309] to a dynamic panel setting. We develop a semiparametric efficient estimator under minimal assumptions when the panel model contains a lagged dependent variable. We apply this new estimator to analyze the structure of demand between city pairs for selected U.S. airlines during the period 1979 I–1992 IV.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effect of mean-nonstationarity on the first-difference generalized method of moments (FD-GMM) estimator in dynamic panel data models. We find that when data is mean-nonstationary and the variance of individual effects is significantly larger than that of disturbances, the FD-GMM estimator performs quite well. We demonstrate that this is because the correlation between the lagged dependent variable and instruments gets larger owing to the unremoved individual effects, i.e., instruments become strong. This implies that, under mean-nonstationarity, the FD-GMM estimator does not always suffer from the weak instruments problem even when data is persistent.  相似文献   

This paper derives an approximation of the mean square error (MSE) of the GMM estimator in dynamic panel data models. The approximation is based on higher-order asymptotic theory under double asymptotics. While first-order theory under double asymptotics provides information about the bias, it does not provide enough information about the variance of the estimator. Higher-order theory enables us to obtain information about the variance. From this result, a procedure for choosing the number of instruments is proposed. The simulations confirm that the proposed procedure improves the precision of the estimator.  相似文献   

This paper considers the linear model with endogenous regressors and multiple changes in the parameters at unknown times. It is shown that minimization of a Generalized Method of Moments criterion yields inconsistent estimators of the break fractions, but minimization of the Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS) criterion yields consistent estimators of these parameters. We develop a methodology for estimation and inference of the parameters of the model based on 2SLS. The analysis covers the cases where the reduced form is either stable or unstable. The methodology is illustrated via an application to the New Keynesian Phillips Curve for the US.  相似文献   

This paper explores the properties of jackknife methods of estimation in stationary autoregressive models. Some general results concerning the correct weights for bias reduction under various sampling schemes are provided and the asymptotic properties of a jackknife estimator based on non-overlapping sub-samples are derived for the case of a stationary autoregression of order pp when the number of sub-samples is either fixed or increases with the sample size at an appropriate rate. The results of a detailed investigation into the finite sample properties of various jackknife and alternative estimators are reported and it is found that the jackknife can deliver substantial reductions in bias in autoregressive models. This finding is robust to departures from normality, ARCH effects and misspecification. The median-unbiasedness and mean squared error properties are also investigated and compared with alternative methods as are the coverage rates of jackknife-based confidence intervals.  相似文献   

This paper develops methodology for nonparametric estimation of a measure of the overlap of two distributions based on kernel estimation techniques. This quantity has been proposed as a measure of economic polarization between two groups, Anderson (2004) and Anderson et al. (2010). In ecology it has been used to measure the overlap of species. We give the asymptotic distribution theory of our estimator, which in some cases of practical relevance is nonstandard due to a boundary value problem. We also propose a method for conducting inference based on estimation of unknown quantities in the limiting distribution and show that our method yields consistent inference in all cases we consider. We investigate the finite sample properties of our methods by simulation methods. We give an application to the study of polarization within China in recent years using household survey data from two provinces taken in 1987 and 2001. We find a big increase in polarization between 1987 and 2001 according to monetary outcomes but less change in terms of living space.  相似文献   

The generalised method of moments estimator may be substantially biased in finite samples, especially so when there are large numbers of unconditional moment conditions. This paper develops a class of first-order equivalent semi-parametric efficient estimators and tests for conditional moment restrictions models based on a local or kernel-weighted version of the Cressie–Read power divergence family of discrepancies. This approach is similar in spirit to the empirical likelihood methods of Kitamura et al. [2004. Empirical likelihood-based inference in conditional moment restrictions models. Econometrica 72, 1667–1714] and Tripathi and Kitamura [2003. Testing conditional moment restrictions. Annals of Statistics 31, 2059–2095]. These efficient local methods avoid the necessity of explicit estimation of the conditional Jacobian and variance matrices of the conditional moment restrictions and provide empirical conditional probabilities for the observations.  相似文献   

Efficient estimation of a multivariate multiplicative volatility model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a multivariate generalization of the multiplicative volatility model of Engle and Rangel (2008), which has a nonparametric long run component and a unit multivariate GARCH short run dynamic component. We suggest various kernel-based estimation procedures for the parametric and nonparametric components, and derive the asymptotic properties thereof. For the parametric part of the model, we obtain the semiparametric efficiency bound. Our method is applied to a bivariate stock index series. We find that the univariate model of Engle and Rangel (2008) appears to be violated in the data whereas our multivariate model is more consistent with the data.  相似文献   

The finite sample behavior is analyzed of particular least squares (LS) and a range of (generalized) method of moments (MM) estimators in panel data models with individual effects and both a lagged dependent variable regressor and another explanatory variable. The latter may be affected by lagged feedbacks from the dependent variable too. Asymptotic expansions indicate how the order of magnitude of bias of MM estimators tends to increase with the number of moment conditions exploited. They also provide analytic evidence on how the bias of the various estimators depends on the feedbacks and on other model characteristics such as prominence of individual effects and correlation between observed and unobserved heterogeneity. Simulation results corroborate the theoretical findings and reveal that in small samples of models with dynamic feedbacks none of the techniques examined dominates regarding bias and mean squared error over all parametrizations examined.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that the Quasi ML estimation method yields consistent Random and Fixed Effects estimators for the autoregression parameter ρρ in the panel AR(1) model with arbitrary initial conditions and possibly time-series heteroskedasticity even when the error components are drawn from heterogeneous distributions. We investigate both analytically and by means of Monte Carlo simulations the properties of the QML estimators for ρρ. The RE(Q)MLE for ρρ is asymptotically at least as robust to individual heterogeneity and, when the data are i.i.d. and normal, at least as efficient as the FE(Q)MLE for ρρ. Furthermore, the QML estimators for ρρ only suffer from a ‘weak moment conditions’ problem when ρρ is close to one if the cross-sectional average of the variances of the errors is (almost) constant over time, e.g. under time-series homoskedasticity. However, in this case the QML estimators for ρρ are still consistent when ρρ is local to or equal to one although they converge to a non-normal possibly asymmetric distribution at a rate that is lower than N1/2N1/2 but at least N1/4N1/4. Finally, we study the finite sample properties of two types of estimators for the standard errors of the QML estimators for ρρ, and the bounds of QML based confidence intervals for ρρ.  相似文献   

I study inverse probability weighted M-estimation under a general missing data scheme. Examples include M-estimation with missing data due to a censored survival time, propensity score estimation of the average treatment effect in the linear exponential family, and variable probability sampling with observed retention frequencies. I extend an important result known to hold in special cases: estimating the selection probabilities is generally more efficient than if the known selection probabilities could be used in estimation. For the treatment effect case, the setup allows a general characterization of a “double robustness” result due to Scharfstein et al. [1999. Rejoinder. Journal of the American Statistical Association 94, 1135–1146].  相似文献   

Panel data models with spatially correlated error components   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we consider a panel data model with error components that are both spatially and time-wise correlated. The model blends specifications typically considered in the spatial literature with those considered in the error components literature. We introduce generalizations of the generalized moments estimators suggested in Kelejian and Prucha (1999. A generalized moments estimator for the autoregressive parameter in a spatial model. International Economic Review 40, 509–533) for estimating the spatial autoregressive parameter and the variance components of the disturbance process. We then use those estimators to define a feasible generalized least squares procedure for the regression parameters. We give formal large sample results for the proposed estimators. We emphasize that our estimators remain computationally feasible even in large samples.  相似文献   

Novel transition-based misspecification tests of semiparametric and fully parametric univariate diffusion models based on the estimators developed in [Kristensen, D., 2010. Pseudo-maximum likelihood estimation in two classes of semiparametric diffusion models. Journal of Econometrics 156, 239-259] are proposed. It is demonstrated that transition-based tests in general lack power in detecting certain departures from the null since they integrate out local features of the drift and volatility. As a solution to this, tests that directly compare drift and volatility estimators under the relevant null and alternative are also developed which exhibit better power against local alternatives.  相似文献   

This paper considers a class of finite-order autoregressive linear ARCH models. The model captures the leverage effect, allows the volatility to be arbitrarily close to zero and to reach its minimum for non-zero innovations, and is appropriate for long memory modeling when infinite orders are allowed. However, the (quasi-)maximum likelihood estimator is, in general, inconsistent. A self-weighted least-squares estimator is proposed and is shown to be asymptotically normal. A score test for conditional homoscedasticity and diagnostic portmanteau tests are developed. Their performance is illustrated via simulation experiments. It is also investigated whether stock market returns exhibit some of the characteristic features of the linear ARCH model.  相似文献   

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