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The existence of stationary processes of temporary equilibria is examined in an OLG model, where there are finitely many commodities and consumers in each period, and endowments profiles and expectations profiles are subject to stochastic shocks. A state space is taken as the set of all payoff-relevant variables, and dynamics of the economy is captured as a stochastic process in the state space. In our model, however, the state space does not necessarily admit a compact-truncation consistent with the intertemporal restrictions because distributions over expectations profiles may have non-compact supports. As shown in Duffie et al. [Duffie, D., Geanakoplos, J., Mas-Colell, A., McLennan, A., 1994. Stationary Markov equilibria. Econometrica 62, 745–781), such a compact-truncation, called a self-justified set, is essential for the existence of stationary Markov equilibria. We extend their existence theorem so as to be applicable to our model.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to define a new notion of local equilibrium in an exchange economy, where the consumers face lower bounds on net trades. Then, we show that the local equilibrium is unique if the lower bounds are closed enough to 0. By the way, we also provide a convergence result of local equilibrium price toward Walras equilibrium price of a suitable tangent linear economy.  相似文献   

In his seminal paper on arbitrage and competitive equilibrium in unbounded exchange economies, Werner (1987) proved the existence of a competitive equilibrium, under a price no-arbitrage condition, without assuming either local or global nonsatiation. Werner’s existence result contrasts sharply with classical existence results for bounded exchange economies which require, at minimum, global nonsatiation at rational allocations. Why do unbounded exchange economies admit existence without local or global nonsatiation? This question is the focus of our paper. First, we show that in unbounded exchange economies, even if some agents’ preferences are satiated, the absence of arbitrage is sufficient for the existence of competitive equilibria, as long as each agent who is satiated has a nonempty set of useful net trades– that is, as long as agents’ preferences satisfy weak nonsatiation. Second, we provide a new approach to proving existence in unbounded exchange economies. The key step in our new approach is to transform the original economy to an economy satisfying global nonsatiation such that all equilibria of the transformed economy are equilibria of the original economy. What our approach makes clear is that it is precisely the condition of weak nonsatiation – a condition considerably weaker than local or global nonsatiation – that makes possible this transformation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide an equilibrium analysis in the framework of incomplete markets where some agents’ preferences are possibly satiated at some state of the nature. We will consider nominal assets with exogenously fixed asset prices. We extend the notion of equilibrium with slack – introduced by Drèze and Müller [Drèze, J., Müller, H., 1980. Optimality properties of rationing schemes. Journal of Economic Theory 23, 150–159] in a fixed price setting – to the GEI framework.  相似文献   

In this paper we first give an elementary proof of existence of equilibrium with dividends in an economy with possibly satiated consumers. We then introduce a no-arbitrage condition and show that it is equivalent to the existence of equilibrium with dividends.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new assumption concerning the (non)satiation property of preferences and establish the existence of a competitive equilibrium under it. The assumption is weaker than the standard nonsatiation assumption and “weak nonsatiation” introduced by Allouch and Le Van (2008). In particular, it allows preferences to be satiated only inside the set of individually rational feasible consumptions, while the two nonsatiation assumptions do not. It is also worth noting that just like the two nonsatiation assumptions, our new assumption depends solely on the characteristics of consumers.  相似文献   

Page and Wooders [Page Jr., F.H., Wooders, M., 1996. A necessary and sufficient condition for compactness of individually rational and feasible outcomes and existence of an equilibrium. Economics Letters 52, 153–162] prove that the no unbounded arbitrage (NUBA), a special case of a condition in Page [Page, F.H., 1987. On equilibrium in Hart’s securities exchange model. Journal of Economic Theory 41, 392–404], is equivalent to the existence of a no arbitrage price system (NAPS) when no agent has non-null useless vectors. Allouch et al. [Allouch, N., Le Van, C., Page F.H., 2002. The geometry of arbitrage and the existence of competitive equilibrium. Journal of Mathematical Economics 38, 373–391] extend the NAPS introduced by Werner [Werner, J., 1987. Arbitrage and the existence of competitive equilibrium. Econometrica 55, 1403–1418] and show that this condition is equivalent to the weak no market arbitrage (WNMA) of Hart [Hart, O., 1974. On the existence of an equilibrium in a securities model. Journal of Economic Theory 9, 293–311]. They mention that this result implies the one given by Page and Wooders [Page Jr., F.H., Wooders, M., 1996. A necessary and sufficient condition for compactness of individually rational and feasible outcomes and existence of an equilibrium. Economics Letters 52, 153–162]. In this note, we show that all these conditions are equivalent.  相似文献   

This paper provides a theoretical analysis of an overlapping generations economy in which production decisions and input–output allocations are all carried out at the family level. I consider a single class of output allocation schemes and various degrees of knowledge about the production technology. Under complete knowledge, I show that a family organizational structure in which everyone receives his marginal contribution to output, invests less in physical capital than under a perfectly competitive equilibrium environment. Under incomplete knowledge, I analyze and compare how beliefs about the input–output relationship affect the physical capital accumulation dynamics and the long-run standards of living.  相似文献   

Existence and efficiency of general equilibrium with commodity money is investigated in an economy where N   commodities are traded at N(N−1)/2N(N1)/2 commodity-pairwise trading posts. Trade is a resource-using activity recovering transaction costs through the spread between bid (wholesale) and ask (retail) prices. Budget constraints, enforced at each trading post separately, imply demand for a carrier of value between trading posts. Existence of general equilibrium is established under conventional convexity and continuity conditions while structuring the price space to account for distinct bid and ask price ratios. Commodity money flows are identified as the difference between gross and net inter-post trades.  相似文献   

We complement the Sonnenschein–Mantel–Debreu results by establishing that an exchange economy, i.e., preferences and endowments, that generates a given aggregate excess demand (AED) function is close to the economy that generates a perturbation of this AED. As a consequence, genericity and determinacy results obtained by direct perturbation of an AED are as strong as results obtained by perturbing preferences and endowments.  相似文献   

In a production economy, multiple public goods are produced by firms in competitive markets, and provided by the government together with contributions from consumers. There are widespread externalities: all consumers’ consumption and contributions and all firms’ production enter into utility functions. Public goods can be imperfect substitutes or complements, and they can be local public goods or club goods. Zero bounds that require consumers to make nonnegative contributions complicate the differentiable approach. Applying the transversality theorem for smooth economies in a regular parameterization, we obtain the existence of equilibrium in such an economy, and generically equilibria are regular and locally unique.  相似文献   

In the spirit of Smale’s work, we consider pure exchange economies with general consumption sets. In this paper, the consumption set of each household is described in terms of a function called possibility function. The main innovation comes from the dependency of each possibility function with respect to the individual endowments. We prove that, generically in the space of endowments and possibility functions, economies are regular. A regular economy has a finite number of equilibria, which locally depend on endowments and possibility functions in a continuous manner.  相似文献   

We consider a Ramsey model with a continuum of Cournotian industries where free entry generates an endogenous markup. The model produces two different regimes, monopolistic and Cournotian monopolistic competition, resulting in non-smooth dynamics. We analyze the global dynamics of the model, demonstrating it may exhibit heteroclinic orbits connecting multiple equilibria. Small transitory changes in parameters can lead to large permanent effects and there can be a poverty trap separating a low-capital and high-markup equilibrium from a high-capital low-markup equilibrium. We apply results from the mathematics of non-smooth dynamic systems, which provide a more general framework for understanding regime switching.  相似文献   

Jevons’s double coincidence of wants condition is derived as the result of household level transaction costs in general equilibrium where N   commodities are traded at (1/2)N(N−1)(1/2)N(N1) commodity-pairwise trading posts. Each household experiences a set-up cost on entering an additional trading post. Budget constraints are enforced at each trading post separately implying demand for a carrier of value between trading posts, commodity money. General equilibrium consists of prices so that each trading post clears. Existence and local uniqueness of commodity money in equilibrium can follow from the scale economy implied by the household set-up cost.  相似文献   

It is known that the classical theorems of Grodal [Grodal, B., 1972. A second remark on the core of an atomless economy. Econometrica 40, 581–583] and Schmeidler [Schmeidler, D., 1972. A remark on the core of an atomless economy. Econometrica 40, 579–580] on the veto power of small coalitions in finite dimensional, atomless economies can be extended (with some minor modifications) to include the case of countably many commodities. This paper presents a further extension of these results to include the case of uncountably many commodities. We also extend Vind’s [Vind, K., 1972. A third remark on the core of an atomless economy. Econometrica 40, 585–586] classical theorem on the veto power of big coalitions in finite dimensional, atomless economies to include the case of an arbitrary number of commodities. In another result, we show that in the coalitional economy defined by an atomless individualistic model, core–Walras equivalence holds even if the commodity space is non-separable. The above-mentioned results are also valid for a differential information economy with a finite state space. We also extend Kannai’s [Kannai, Y., 1970. Continuity properties of the core of a market. Econometrica 38, 791–815] theorem on the continuity of the core of a finite dimensional, large economy to include the case of an arbitrary number of commodities. All of our results are applications of a lemma, that we prove here, about the set of aggregate alternatives available to a coalition. Throughout the paper, the commodity space is assumed to be an ordered Banach space which has an interior point in its positive cone.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce threshold‐type nonlinearities within a single‐equation cointegrating regression model and propose a testing procedure for testing the null hypothesis of linear cointegration vs. cointegration with threshold effects. Our framework allows the modelling of long‐run equilibrium relationships that may change according to the magnitude of a threshold variable assumed to be stationary and ergodic, and thus constitutes an attempt to deal econometrically with the potential presence of multiple equilibria. The framework is flexible enough to accommodate regressor endogeneity and serial correlation.  相似文献   

Tests of ARCH are a routine diagnostic in empirical econometric and financial analysis. However, it is well known that misspecification of the conditional mean may lead to spurious rejection of the null hypothesis of no ARCH. Nonlinearity is a prime example of this phenomenon. There is little work on the extent of the effect of neglected nonlinearity on the properties of ARCH tests. We investigate this using new ARCH testing procedures that are robust to the presence of neglected nonlinearity. Monte Carlo evidence shows that the problem is serious and that the new methods alleviate this problem to a very large extent. We apply the new tests to exchange rate data and find substantial evidence of spurious rejection of the null hypothesis of no ARCH.  相似文献   

The short end of the US$ term structure of interest rates is analysed allowing for the possibility of fractional integration and cointegration. This approach permits mean‐reverting dynamics for the data and the existence of a common long run stochastic trend to be maintained simultaneously. We estimate the model for the period 1963–2006 and find it compatible with this structure. The restriction that the data are I(1) and the errors are I(0) is rejected, mainly because the latter still display long memory. This result is consistent with a model of monetary policy in which the Central Bank operates affecting contracts with short term maturity, and the impulses are transmitted to contracts with longer maturities and then to the final goals. However, the transmission of the impulses along the term structure cannot be modelled using the Expectations Hypothesis.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider extensions of smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) models to situations where the threshold is a function of variables that affect the separation of regimes of the time series under consideration. Our specification is motivated by the observation that unusually high/low values for an economic variable may sometimes be best thought of in relative terms. State‐dependent contemporaneous‐threshold STAR and logistic STAR models are introduced and discussed. These models are also used to investigate the dynamics of US short‐term interest rates, where the threshold is allowed to be a function of past output growth and inflation.  相似文献   

A new condition is introduced for the existence of equilibrium for an economy where preferences need not be transitive or complete and the consumption set of each agent need not be bounded from below. The new condition allows us to extend the literature in two ways. First, the result of the paper can cover the case where the utility set for individually rational allocations may not be compact. As illustrated in Page et al. [Page Jr., F.H., Wooders, M.H., Monteiro, P.K., 2000. Inconsequential arbitrage. Journal of Mathematical Economics 34, 439–469], the no arbitrage conditions do not apply to an economy with a non-compact utility set. Second, we generalize the arbitrage-based equilibrium theory to the case of non-transitive preferences.  相似文献   

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