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This paper studies the stability of the intertemporal coordination dynamics when the common knowledge of individual expectations of future prices is perturbed in a neighborhood of a perfect foresight equilibrium. The main forces that affect stability are: (i) the effect of a change in asset demand on second period spot market prices, and (ii) the effect on asset demand of a small change in second period prices. In an intertemporal market game whose interior Markov perfect equilibria correspond to perfect foresight equilibria, it is shown that though M-rationalizability implies the stability of the intertemporal dynamics, the converse is not always true.  相似文献   

This paper studies costly information acquisition in one-good production economies when agents acquire private information and prices transmit information. Before asset markets open, agents choose the quality of their private information. After this information stage, agents trade assets in sequentially complete markets taking into account their private information and the information revealed by equilibrium prices (rational expectations equilibrium, (Radner, R., 1979. Rational expectations equilibrium: generic existence and the information revealed by prices, Econometrica 47, 655–678.)). An overall equilibrium in asset and information market is defined as a Nash equilibrium of the information game in which agents’ actions are information choices and their utility payoffs are the ex-ante expected utilities of the corresponding rationale expectations equilibrium. This paper shows that for a generic set of economies parameterized by endowments and productivity shocks, an overall equilibrium in information and asset market (a Nash equilibrium of the induced information game) with costly information acquisition and fully-revealing prices exists. In other words, informational efficiency is in general consistent with costly information acquisition.  相似文献   

The paper provides a systematic analysis of the properties of large econometric macro models built for the Centrally Planned economies of the '70s and '80s. A specific typology of macro models is introduced, distinguishing between the demand and quasi-demand determined systems on the one hand and the supply and quasi-supply determined systems on the other, and also between complete and incomplete models specifying only one side of economic activities (i.e. generating either demand or supply). It is shown that, under the command type economy, the incomplete, fully supply determined systems prevailed, generating production and showing its allocation. The economic reforms of the '80s, which aimed at a slow transition towards market economies, brought about a tendency towards constructing complete quasi-supply determined systems (especially for Poland and the CSRS). Since, in principle, they were built for shortage economies, the model builders had to allow for unobservables (final and intermediate demand, capacity utilization) and, on the other hand, for an increasing role of the financial phenomena (including prices) and financial policy instruments. A summary of the applications of macro models in forecasting and policy simulations is provided and new tendencies associated with regaining economic equilibria and approaching the market mechanisms emerging in the period of transition are shown.This is a revised and extended version of our paper delivered at the Project LINK Meeting in Paris, 1989 (see W. Welfe 1989b), which made use of our earlier publication (W. Welfe 1988).  相似文献   

通过对196份问卷的总结分析,得到对于未来房地产调控的许多启示:十年房地产调控是必要的;总体评价消极的依据是供求依然失衡,房价越来越高。调控成效不彰的原因有:对住房供求政策、调控配套政策评价消极,还认为财政税收压力是地方政府不积极的首要原因。大多数问卷建议:推动供求和房价基本稳定还是调控首要目的确立;房价合理上升的几个界限;房地产调节机制应该以市场调节为主、政府调节为辅;明确住房需求政策、住房供给政策、住房土地政策、经济手段、行政手段和税收手段改进的方向。  相似文献   

经济学中,需求和供给的许多影响因素都是密切相关,互相作用的。房地产市场的供给和需求共同决定了房价,这表明了影响需求和供给的因素也都是间接的通过供需影响房价。本文研究了几种主要的通过供求机制影响房价的因素,分析了其影响机制和影响程度。  相似文献   

Eloy   《Socio》2007,41(4):272-290
The aim of this work is to assess the impact of (partial) vertical integration between generators and retailers on generation capacity choice and its subsequent welfare consequences. We present a framework in which final demand is perfectly inelastic and stochastic. Nevertheless, wholesale demand is elastic because of the existence of outside opportunities (mainly international transmission capacity). The model is a three-stage game. Neither transmission nor retail costs are taken into account.

In the first stage of the game, generators choose capacity only knowing distribution of demand and thus maximizing their expected profit. The second stage of the game represents the competition for market share between retailers in a market where consumers have switching costs. The former face unknown demand and maximize their utility based on two factors: the expected profit and a risk element. Finally, generators submit bid functions to the system operator given known demand and maximizing their profit during the last stage of the game. Retailers and generators interact in the wholesale market, which is cleared by the system operator whose function is to match supply (represented by the bids of the generators) and demand through a system of single price auctions. The wholesale market is the only means to buy and sell energy; there are no bilateral contracts between firms, except if they are vertically integrated.

We compare fully disintegrated and partially vertically integrated structures using a comparative statics approach. In this paper, the analysis will focus on the last stage of the game: the bidding game. We find that partial vertical integration between generators and retailers tends to lower wholesale prices but not unambiguously. Depending on which firm (vertically integrated or disintegrated generator) has installed the higher capacity and depending on level of demand, prices can stay unchanged or even rise.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide novel evidence on changes in the relationship between the real price of oil and real exports in the euro area. By combining robust predictions on the sign of the impulse responses obtained from a theoretical model with restrictions on the slope of the oil demand and oil supply curves, we identify oil supply and foreign productivity shocks in a time varying VAR with stochastic volatility. We find that from the 1980s onwards the relationship between oil prices and euro area exports has become less negative conditional on oil supply shortfalls and more positive conditional on foreign productivity shocks. Using the theoretical model we show that our empirical findings can be accounted for by (i) stronger trade relationship between the euro area and emerging economies (ii) a decrease in the share of oil in production and (iii) increased competitive pressures in the product market.  相似文献   

Demand and supply sources of output movement are distinguished and the effects of shocks on stock prices are analysed. The real economy has a more pronounced effect on the stock market than vice versa and the influence from the real economy to the stock market is less important than shocks that are peculiar to the market itself. Supply and demand shocks have a greater impact on stock prices than they do on real economy variables and the sensitivity of real stock prices to supply fluctuations has waned while the sensitivity of real stock prices to demand-driven output fluctuations has increased.  相似文献   

Modern economies are characterized by a great variety of pricing rules. Therefore, the commodities' prices and the primay factors' prices are discriminated in reality. However, in practical input–output tables, as well as in theoy, the prices are uniform and relative. In this work, an input–output model is described with absolute and different prices for final uses commodities and production's primay factors (wages, profits, etc.). In this case, the economic relationships are based on the commodities' demand curves for all the categories of final uses, and the factors' supply curves for all production's branches. In this way, we can establish the linkage and the feedback between factors' prices and quantities, and final uses commodities' prices and quantities. This is obtained by a novel interpretation of input–output, which approximates reality better.  相似文献   

Agglomeration economies with consistent productivity estimates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the relative impact of microeconomic agglomeration mechanisms on plant's total factor productivity (TFP) using German establishment and employment-level data. Contrasting different strategies for estimating TFP from plant-level production functions reveals that unobserved output prices bias true productivity and lead to underestimated agglomeration economies. With the corrected TFP measure, the largest impact is found for labor market pooling, which is captured by the correlation of the occupational composition between one county-industry and the rest of the county. This main result is robust, even when the spatial units are resized from counties to larger labor market regions. Input linkages appear to be relevant only at this larger regional scale. Overall, agglomeration economies differ substantially across industries. Only for a subset of industries, some positive evidence is detected for knowledge spillovers.  相似文献   

We explore the role of demand from emerging and developed economies as drivers of the real price of oil. Using a FAVAR model that identifies shocks from different regions of the world, we find that demand from emerging economies (most notably from Asian countries) is more than twice as important as demand from developed countries in accounting for the fluctuations in the real oil price and in oil production. Furthermore, geographical regions respond differently to adverse oil market shocks that drive up oil prices, with Europe and North America being more negatively affected than countries in Asia and South America. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many authorities claim that central banks ‘have run out of ammunition’, either because the central bank rate has dropped close to the zero lower bound or because of Keynes's liquidity trap. I argue first, that indefinitely large increases in the quantity of money remain possible even with the central bank rate close to zero, and, second, that increases in the quantity of money raise all asset prices, including the prices of quoted equities, not just bond prices. Bonds are an unimportant asset class in modern capitalist economies, relative to corporate equity and real estate. Meanwhile increases in equity prices always boost aggregate demand and output.  相似文献   

This paper studies the stability of the intertemporal coordination dynamics when the common knowledge of individual expectations of future prices is perturbed in a neighborhood of a perfect foresight equilibrium. The main forces that affect stability are: (i) the effect of a change in asset demand on second period spot market prices, and (ii) the effect on asset demand of a small change in second period prices. In an intertemporal market game whose interior Markov perfect equilibria correspond to perfect foresight equilibria, it is shown that though M-rationalizability implies the stability of the intertemporal dynamics, the converse is not always true.  相似文献   

Existence and uniqueness of spatial price equilibria are analyzed for a single commodity market network in which supply and demand levels are allowed to depend on commodity flows as well as market prices. This framework makes possible the explicit incorporation of flow-dependent shipment costs into market supply and demand functions. Moreover, since many quantity signals are also expressible as flow-dependent variables, it is possible to incorporate a number of recent models of supply and demand behavior which allow for quantity signals as well as price signals. In this context, the main result of the paper is to establish the existence of spatial price equilibria for such market networks under quite general conditions. In addition, certain uniqueness results are established for the case of arc-generated networks.  相似文献   

This paper uses a two-step estimation procedure suggested by Sherwin Rosen to estimate structural demand and supply equations for urban air quality. In the first step, a hedonic price equation is estimated for residential property values for the Washington, D. C., SMSA for 1970. In the second step, a set of marginal hedonic prices is generated. These prices and the quantity of clean air (reciprocal of air pollution) are used as endogenous variables in a simultaneous equation model. Empirical results indicate a price elasticity of demand between ?1.2 and ?1.4 and a unitary income elasticity.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(2):100977
The present study examines the dynamics of the saving, human wealth and asset pricing nexus across developed and emerging economies. We introduce two equilibrium asset pricing models in an intertemporal capital asset pricing framework, including the priced factors human wealth and market portfolio in the first framework and the saving and market portfolio in the second framework. Both asset pricing frameworks consist of two-factor, four-factor and five-factor asset pricing models. We control for size and value factors in the four-factor model and size, value and momentum factors in the five-factor model. The IV-GMM estimation and GRS test results indicate that human wealth and market portfolio for the first framework and saving and market portfolio in the second framework are primary priced factors in explaining the average returns for developed economies and the aggregate level. On the contrary, both frameworks fail to yield significant results explaining the average returns for emerging economies.  相似文献   

We analyze the price effects of steel commodities on stock market returns in emerging and developed economies. These commodities have recently attained increased media exposure due to the rise in the U.S. steel import tariffs, which pose the threat of reducing global demand for steel products and, consequently, lowering prices abroad. However, little has been investigated on the impact of steel commodity prices on worldwide stock market returns. By performing structural VAR and GARCH techniques on a weekly-frequency time series from 2002 to 2015, we find positive and statistically significant effects of linear and non-linear steel commodity price shocks on real stock returns in the commodity markets. In the highly diversified financial markets such as U.S. and Germany, real stock returns do not significantly respond to steel commodity price shocks, although we find highly significant positive responses from developed economies such as Australia, Japan and South Korea. Results are robust to different model specifications. Our evidence suggests that higher tariffs on steel imports represent a larger disadvantage to commodity markets which are more largely impacted by steel commodity prices. We provide economic policy implications based on recent literature.  相似文献   

Differences in the supply of housing generate substantial variation in house prices across the United States. Because house prices influence migration, the elasticity of housing supply also has an important impact on local labor markets. I assemble evidence on housing supply regulations and examine their effect on metropolitan area housing and labor market dynamics. Locations with relatively few barriers to construction experience more residential construction and smaller increases in house prices in response to an increase in housing demand. Furthermore, housing supply constraints alter local employment and wage dynamics in locations where the degree of regulation is most severe.  相似文献   

Whether the naive cost-benefit analysis based on market prices tends to overinvest in roads is examined in the second best situation where traffic congestion is unpriced. The benefit and the cost calculated by using market prices are compared at the second best optimum. It is shown that the benefit exceeds the cost near the center of a city. However, if the compensated demand for housing has a price elasticity less than 1, the benefit becomes smaller than the cost near the edge.  相似文献   

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