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We derive closed-form expansions for the asymptotic distribution of Hansen and Scheinkman [1995. Back to the future: generating moment implications for continuous-time Markov processes. Econometrica 63, 767–804] moment estimators for discretely, and possibly randomly, sampled diffusions. This result makes it possible to select optimal moment conditions as well as to assess the efficiency of the resulting parameter estimators relative to likelihood-based estimators, or to an alternative type of moment conditions.  相似文献   

A smoothed least squares estimator for threshold regression models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a smoothed least squares estimator of the parameters of a threshold regression model. Our model generalizes that considered in Hansen [2000. Sample splitting and threshold estimation. Econometrica 68, 575–603] to allow the thresholding to depend on a linear index of observed regressors, thus allowing discrete variables to enter. We also do not assume that the threshold effect is vanishingly small. Our estimator is shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal thus facilitating standard inference techniques based on estimated standard errors or standard bootstrap for the slope and threshold parameters.  相似文献   

Vector autoregressions (VARs) are important tools in time series analysis. However, relatively little is known about the finite-sample behaviour of parameter estimators. We address this issue, by investigating ordinary least squares (OLS) estimators given a data generating process that is a purely nonstationary first-order VAR. Specifically, we use Monte Carlo simulation and numerical optimisation to derive response surfaces for OLS bias and variance, in terms of VAR dimensions, given correct specification and several types of over-parameterisation of the model: we include a constant, and a constant and trend, and introduce excess lags. We then examine the correction factors that are required for the least squares estimator to attain the minimum mean squared error (MSE). Our results improve and extend one of the main finite-sample multivariate analytical bias results of Abadir, Hadri and Tzavalis [Abadir, K.M., Hadri, K., Tzavalis, E., 1999. The influence of VAR dimensions on estimator biases. Econometrica 67, 163–181], generalise the univariate variance and MSE findings of Abadir [Abadir, K.M., 1995. Unbiased estimation as a solution to testing for random walks. Economics Letters 47, 263–268] to the multivariate setting, and complement various asymptotic studies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider bootstrapping cointegrating regressions. It is shown that the method of bootstrap, if properly implemented, generally yields consistent estimators and test statistics for cointegrating regressions. For the cointegrating regression models driven by general linear processes, we employ the sieve bootstrap based on the approximated finite-order vector autoregressions for the regression errors and the first differences of the regressors. In particular, we establish the bootstrap consistency for OLS method. The bootstrap method can thus be used to correct for the finite sample bias of the OLS estimator and to approximate the asymptotic critical values of the OLS-based test statistics in general cointegrating regressions. The bootstrap OLS procedure, however, is not efficient. For the efficient estimation and hypothesis testing, we consider the procedure proposed by Saikkonen [1991. Asymptotically efficient estimation of cointegration regressions. Econometric Theory 7, 1–21] and Stock and Watson [1993. A simple estimator of cointegrating vectors in higher order integrating systems. Econometrica 61, 783–820] relying on the regression augmented with the leads and lags of differenced regressors. The bootstrap versions of their procedures are shown to be consistent, and can be used to do asymptotically valid inferences. A Monte Carlo study is conducted to investigate the finite sample performances of the proposed bootstrap methods.  相似文献   

We provide analytical formulae for the asymptotic bias (ABIAS) and mean-squared error (AMSE) of the IV estimator, and obtain approximations thereof based on an asymptotic scheme which essentially requires the expectation of the first stage F-statistic to converge to a finite (possibly small) positive limit as the number of instruments approaches infinity. Our analytical formulae can be viewed as generalizing the bias and MSE results of [Richardson and Wu 1971. A note on the comparison of ordinary and two-stage least squares estimators. Econometrica 39, 973–982] to the case with nonnormal errors and stochastic instruments. Our approximations are shown to compare favorably with approximations due to [Morimune 1983. Approximate distributions of kk-class estimators when the degree of overidentifiability is large compared with the sample size. Econometrica 51, 821–841] and [Donald and Newey 2001. Choosing the number of instruments. Econometrica 69, 1161–1191], particularly when the instruments are weak. We also construct consistent estimators for the ABIAS and AMSE, and we use these to further construct a number of bias corrected OLS and IV estimators, the properties of which are examined both analytically and via a series of Monte Carlo experiments.  相似文献   

We define a new procedure for consistent estimation of nonparametric simultaneous equations models under the conditional mean independence restriction of Newey et al. [1999. Nonparametric estimation of triangular simultaneous equation models. Econometrica 67, 565–603]. It is based upon local polynomial regression and marginal integration techniques. We establish the asymptotic distribution of our estimator under weak data dependence conditions. Simulation evidence suggests that our estimator may significantly outperform the estimators of Pinkse [2000. Nonparametric two-step regression estimation when regressors and errors are dependent. Canadian Journal of Statistics 28, 289–300] and Newey and Powell [2003. Instrumental variable estimation of nonparametric models. Econometrica 71, 1565–1578].  相似文献   

The existence of stationary processes of temporary equilibria is examined in an OLG model, where there are finitely many commodities and consumers in each period, and endowments profiles and expectations profiles are subject to stochastic shocks. A state space is taken as the set of all payoff-relevant variables, and dynamics of the economy is captured as a stochastic process in the state space. In our model, however, the state space does not necessarily admit a compact-truncation consistent with the intertemporal restrictions because distributions over expectations profiles may have non-compact supports. As shown in Duffie et al. [Duffie, D., Geanakoplos, J., Mas-Colell, A., McLennan, A., 1994. Stationary Markov equilibria. Econometrica 62, 745–781), such a compact-truncation, called a self-justified set, is essential for the existence of stationary Markov equilibria. We extend their existence theorem so as to be applicable to our model.  相似文献   

Approximately normal tests for equal predictive accuracy in nested models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forecast evaluation often compares a parsimonious null model to a larger model that nests the null model. Under the null that the parsimonious model generates the data, the larger model introduces noise into its forecasts by estimating parameters whose population values are zero. We observe that the mean squared prediction error (MSPE) from the parsimonious model is therefore expected to be smaller than that of the larger model. We describe how to adjust MSPEs to account for this noise. We propose applying standard methods [West, K.D., 1996. Asymptotic inference about predictive ability. Econometrica 64, 1067–1084] to test whether the adjusted mean squared error difference is zero. We refer to nonstandard limiting distributions derived in Clark and McCracken [2001. Tests of equal forecast accuracy and encompassing for nested models. Journal of Econometrics 105, 85–110; 2005a. Evaluating direct multistep forecasts. Econometric Reviews 24, 369–404] to argue that use of standard normal critical values will yield actual sizes close to, but a little less than, nominal size. Simulation evidence supports our recommended procedure.  相似文献   

Following Hamilton [1989. A new approach to the economic analysis of nonstationary time series and the business cycle. Econometrica 57, 357–384], estimation of Markov regime-switching regressions typically relies on the assumption that the latent state variable controlling regime change is exogenous. We relax this assumption and develop a parsimonious model of endogenous Markov regime-switching. Inference via maximum likelihood estimation is possible with relatively minor modifications to existing recursive filters. The model nests the exogenous switching model, yielding straightforward tests for endogeneity. In Monte Carlo experiments, maximum likelihood estimates of the endogenous switching model parameters were quite accurate, even in the presence of certain model misspecifications. As an application, we extend the volatility feedback model of equity returns given in Turner et al. [1989. A Markov model of heteroskedasticity, risk, and learning in the stock market. Journal of Financial Economics 25, 3–22] to allow for endogenous switching.  相似文献   

The concept of causality introduced by Wiener [Wiener, N., 1956. The theory of prediction, In: E.F. Beckenback, ed., The Theory of Prediction, McGraw-Hill, New York (Chapter 8)] and Granger [Granger, C. W.J., 1969. Investigating causal relations by econometric models and cross-spectral methods, Econometrica 37, 424–459] is defined in terms of predictability one period ahead. This concept can be generalized by considering causality at any given horizon hh as well as tests for the corresponding non-causality [Dufour, J.-M., Renault, E., 1998. Short-run and long-run causality in time series: Theory. Econometrica 66, 1099–1125; Dufour, J.-M., Pelletier, D., Renault, É., 2006. Short run and long run causality in time series: Inference, Journal of Econometrics 132 (2), 337–362]. Instead of tests for non-causality at a given horizon, we study the problem of measuring causality between two vector processes. Existing causality measures have been defined only for the horizon 1, and they fail to capture indirect causality. We propose generalizations to any horizon hh of the measures introduced by Geweke [Geweke, J., 1982. Measurement of linear dependence and feedback between multiple time series. Journal of the American Statistical Association 77, 304–313]. Nonparametric and parametric measures of unidirectional causality and instantaneous effects are considered. On noting that the causality measures typically involve complex functions of model parameters in VAR and VARMA models, we propose a simple simulation-based method to evaluate these measures for any VARMA model. We also describe asymptotically valid nonparametric confidence intervals, based on a bootstrap technique. Finally, the proposed measures are applied to study causality relations at different horizons between macroeconomic, monetary and financial variables in the US.  相似文献   

It is known that the classical theorems of Grodal [Grodal, B., 1972. A second remark on the core of an atomless economy. Econometrica 40, 581–583] and Schmeidler [Schmeidler, D., 1972. A remark on the core of an atomless economy. Econometrica 40, 579–580] on the veto power of small coalitions in finite dimensional, atomless economies can be extended (with some minor modifications) to include the case of countably many commodities. This paper presents a further extension of these results to include the case of uncountably many commodities. We also extend Vind’s [Vind, K., 1972. A third remark on the core of an atomless economy. Econometrica 40, 585–586] classical theorem on the veto power of big coalitions in finite dimensional, atomless economies to include the case of an arbitrary number of commodities. In another result, we show that in the coalitional economy defined by an atomless individualistic model, core–Walras equivalence holds even if the commodity space is non-separable. The above-mentioned results are also valid for a differential information economy with a finite state space. We also extend Kannai’s [Kannai, Y., 1970. Continuity properties of the core of a market. Econometrica 38, 791–815] theorem on the continuity of the core of a finite dimensional, large economy to include the case of an arbitrary number of commodities. All of our results are applications of a lemma, that we prove here, about the set of aggregate alternatives available to a coalition. Throughout the paper, the commodity space is assumed to be an ordered Banach space which has an interior point in its positive cone.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analytically investigate three efficient estimators for cointegrating regression models: Phillips and Hansen’s [Phillips, P.C.B., Hansen, B.E., 1990. Statistical inference in instrumental variables regression with I(1) processes. Review of Economic Studies 57, 99–125] fully modified OLS estimator, Park’s [Park, J.Y., 1992. Canonical cointegrating regressions. Econometrica 60, 119–143] canonical cointegrating regression estimator, and Saikkonen’s [Saikkonen, P., 1991. Asymptotically efficient estimation of cointegration regressions. Econometric Theory 7, 1–21] dynamic OLS estimator. We consider the case where the regression errors are moderately serially correlated and the AR coefficient in the regression errors approaches 1 at a rate slower than 1/T1/T, where TT represents the sample size. We derive the limiting distributions of the efficient estimators under this system and find that they depend on the approaching rate of the AR coefficient. If the rate is slow enough, efficiency is established for the three estimators; however, if the approaching rate is relatively faster, the estimators will have the same limiting distribution as the OLS estimator. For the intermediate case, the second-order bias of the OLS estimator is partially eliminated by the efficient methods. This result explains why, in finite samples, the effect of the efficient methods diminishes as the serial correlation in the regression errors becomes stronger. We also propose to modify the existing efficient estimators in order to eliminate the second-order bias, which possibly remains in the efficient estimators. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we demonstrate that our modification is effective when the regression errors are moderately serially correlated and the simultaneous correlation is relatively strong.  相似文献   

We consider several ordinal formulations of submodularity, defined for arbitrary binary relations on lattices. Two of these formulations are essentially due to Kreps [Kreps, D.M., 1979. A representation theorem for “Preference for Flexibility”. Econometrica 47 (3), 565–578] and one is a weakening of a notion due to Milgrom and Shannon [Milgrom, P., Shannon, C., 1994. Monotone comparative statics. Econometrica 62 (1), 157–180]. We show that any reflexive binary relation satisfying either of Kreps’s definitions also satisfies Milgrom and Shannon’s definition, and that any transitive and monotonic binary relation satisfying the Milgrom and Shannon’s condition satisfies both of Kreps’s conditions.  相似文献   

We introduce test statistics based on generalized empirical likelihood methods that can be used to test simple hypotheses involving the unknown parameter vector in moment condition time series models. The test statistics generalize those in Guggenberger and Smith [2005. Generalized empirical likelihood estimators and tests under partial, weak and strong identification. Econometric Theory 21 (4), 667–709] from the i.i.d. to the time series context and are alternatives to those in Kleibergen [2005a. Testing parameters in GMM without assuming that they are identified. Econometrica 73 (4), 1103–1123] and Otsu [2006. Generalized empirical likelihood inference for nonlinear and time series models under weak identification. Econometric Theory 22 (3), 513–527]. The main feature of these tests is that their empirical null rejection probabilities are not affected much by the strength or weakness of identification. More precisely, we show that the statistics are asymptotically distributed as chi-square under both classical asymptotic theory and weak instrument asymptotics of Stock and Wright [2000. GMM with weak identification. Econometrica 68 (5), 1055–1096]. We also introduce a modification to Otsu's (2006) statistic that is computationally more attractive. A Monte Carlo study reveals that the finite-sample performance of the suggested tests is very competitive.  相似文献   

This paper extends the method of local instrumental variables developed by Heckman and Vytlacil [Heckman, J., Vytlacil E., 2005. Structural equations, treatment, effects and econometric policy evaluation. Econometrica 73(3), 669–738] to the estimation of not only means, but also distributions of potential outcomes. The newly developed method is illustrated by applying it to changes in college enrollment and wage inequality using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth of 1979. Increases in college enrollment cause changes in the distribution of ability among college and high school graduates. This paper estimates a semiparametric selection model of schooling and wages to show that, for fixed skill prices, a 14% increase in college participation (analogous to the increase observed in the 1980s), reduces the college premium by 12% and increases the 90–10 percentile ratio among college graduates by 2%.  相似文献   

Many estimation methods of truncated and censored regression models such as the maximum likelihood and symmetrically censored least squares (SCLS) are sensitive to outliers and data contamination as we document. Therefore, we propose a semiparametric general trimmed estimator (GTE) of truncated and censored regression, which is highly robust but relatively imprecise. To improve its performance, we also propose data-adaptive and one-step trimmed estimators. We derive the robust and asymptotic properties of all proposed estimators and show that the one-step estimators (e.g., one-step SCLS) are as robust as GTE and are asymptotically equivalent to the original estimator (e.g., SCLS). The finite-sample properties of existing and proposed estimators are studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

This paper develops estimators for dynamic microeconomic models with serially correlated unobserved state variables using sequential Monte Carlo methods to estimate the parameters and the distribution of the unobservables. If persistent unobservables are ignored, the estimates can be subject to a dynamic form of sample selection bias. We focus on single‐agent dynamic discrete‐choice models and dynamic games of incomplete information. We propose a full‐solution maximum likelihood procedure and a two‐step method and use them to estimate an extended version of the capital replacement model of Rust with the original data and in a Monte Carlo study. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Newey and Powell [2003. Instrumental variable estimation of nonparametric models. Econometrica 71, 1565–1578] and Ai and Chen [2003. Efficient estimation of conditional moment restrictions models containing unknown functions. Econometrica 71, 1795–1843] propose sieve minimum distance (SMD) estimation of both finite dimensional parameter (θ)(θ) and infinite dimensional parameter (h) that are identified through a conditional moment restriction model, in which h could depend on endogenous variables. This paper modifies their SMD procedure to allow for different conditioning variables to be used in different equations, and derives the asymptotic properties when the model may be misspecified  . Under low-level sufficient conditions, we show that: (i) the modified SMD estimators of both θθ and h   converge to some pseudo-true values in probability; (ii) the SMD estimators of smooth functionals, including the θθ estimator and the average derivative estimator, are asymptotically normally distributed; and (iii) the estimators for the asymptotic covariances of the SMD estimators of smooth functionals are consistent and easy to compute. These results allow for asymptotically valid tests of various hypotheses on the smooth functionals regardless of whether the semiparametric model is correctly specified or not.  相似文献   

We show that a theory of implementation can be developed in the Aizerman–Aleskerov framework, capturing the main ideas regarding Nash implementation in the Arrovian case. In fact we obtain the counterparts of the results of [Maskin, E., 1977. Nash Equilibrium and Welfare Optimality. MIT, Mimeo] and [Moore, J., Repullo, R., 1990. Nash implementation. A full characterization. Econometrica 58, 1038–1100] in the new framework.  相似文献   

This paper studies a bargaining model where n   players negotiate how to share a pie through (n−1)(n1) bilateral bargaining sessions. In each session, two players bargain for a partial agreement that specifies who exits and who moves on to the next session (if there is any) via the alternating-proposal framework of Rubinstein [Rubinstein, A., 1982. Perfect equilibrium in a bargaining model. Econometrica 50, 97–109]. We consider two bargaining procedures under which the subgame perfect equilibrium outcomes converge to the Nash [Nash, J., 1950. The bargaining problem. Econometrica 18, 155–162] bargaining solution for the corresponding bargaining problem as the players’ discount factor goes to one. Hence, the model studied here provides a non-cooperative foundation for the Nash cooperative bargaining solution in the multilateral case.  相似文献   

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