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本文用Nelson-Siegel方法利用交易所国债数据时我国国债利率期限结构做了静态估计,估计结果显示此方法较好的拟合了我国国债利率期限结构,比较适合我国国债市场.同时拟合结果也反应出我国国债利率期限结构存在的问题.  相似文献   

针对我国国债再融资风险程度很高、期限结构与利率结构倒置、市场流动性程度很低、收益率不能充当市场基准利率这些现状,要求合理科学地设计国债的期限结构。提出了相应的政策建议,主要是增加长期国债和短期国债的比重,对国债的发行与偿还期进行合理的布局。  相似文献   

将包含同业业务的商业银行投资组合、利润和利率期限结构的局部均衡模型嵌入以家庭、资本投资者、商业银行、中间厂商和最终厂商为经济主体的DSGE模型中,分析商业银行风险错配、货币政策工具和经济增长对利率期限结构的影响。结果表明:经济增长冲击和商业银行的风险错配冲击对我国利率期限结构的影响最大,其次是数量型货币政策和价格型货币政策冲击。  相似文献   

2013年6月,我国银行间市场爆发流动性干涸,市场利率快速攀升,期限结构出现倒挂。悲观的看法认为,本次流动性紧缩是系统性危机前兆,中国的明斯基时刻即将来临;另一种看法则认为,本次突发性流动性紧缩是货币政策冲击的结果。理清流动性紧缩的根源对我国未来经济发展走势的基础性研判具有重大意义。文章采用量化研究方法,以国债收益率作为研究对象,在利率期限结构的无套利仿射模型基础上引入结构VAR模型,将经济冲击分为总供给冲击、总需求冲击和货币政策冲击,进而分别从利率水平变动、利率曲线平坦化、利率流动性风险溢酬等三个方面研究不同冲击源对我国利率期限结构带来的影响。结果显示,流动性紧缩由非季节性的货币政策冲击带来,并非源自经济基本面变化。  相似文献   

我国国债利率期限结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王相宁  卢全治 《价值工程》2005,24(3):98-101
本文简要地阐述了利率期限结构理论,并对国内外的有关利率期限结构的模型进行了评述。在国内的国债利率期限结构模型的基础上,根据现有的数据,分析了我国国债利率期限结构曲线的变动趋势并提出了预测模型。  相似文献   

上证国债指数与回购市场利率的协整分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用向量自回归(VAR)模型以及脉冲响应函数对国债市场中的上证国债指数与回购市场利率的长期均衡以及短期信息冲击波动的关系进行研究,发现尽管这两个市场参与主体和交易产品期限存在差别,但是国债指数与不同期限的回购利率之间存在协整关系,而且不同期限的回购利率短期信息冲击立即对国债指数产生剧烈影响,但这个冲击影响会逐渐消失。  相似文献   

本文利用三次多项式函数对债券贴现因子进行拟合,得出即期利率曲线。实证分析结果表明我国国债利率期限结构符合拱形结构,期限相对较短的债券,利率与期限呈正向关系;期限相对较长的债券,利率水平与期限呈反向关系。  相似文献   

王莹 《活力》2005,(9):82-82
1.购买政府债券。国债由国家政府发行,国家财政作担保,被认为是一种风险很小的投资工作。在我国,为了鼓励购买,国债的收益始终高于同期银行存款的利率。因此,社保基金投资于国债的收益要高于银行存款。我国经济正处于起步阶段,一些基础产业和基础设施急需政府投入大量的资金,政府需要通过国债来筹集资金。所以,社保基金的资产结构中也必须保持相当一部分比例的国债资产,以此可以保证社保基金投资的高流动性和高安全性。  相似文献   

发展我国国债市场亟须解决的几个问题卢平,张大龙问题之一:国债利率机制比较僵硬。1988年以前,我国发行的国债都是固定利率国债,并且是比照同期限银行储蓄存款利率确定的。通常的格局是国债利率要比银行同期储蓄存款利率高出1-2个百分点。1989年发行了保值...  相似文献   

文章通过构建货币政策工具变量与长期利率的向量自回归模型,在此基础上计算脉冲响应函数,考察银行间同业拆借利率与长期国债收益率之间的短期动态影响机制,在此基础上分析货币政策对我国长期利率的影响机制。结果发现,货币政策对期限相对较短的长期利率具有正向冲击效应。  相似文献   

This paper provides a recursive empirical analysis of the scope for cost minimization in public debt management when the debt manager faces a given short‐term interest rate dictated by monetary policy as well as risk and market impact constraints. It simulates the ‘real‐time’ interest costs of alternative portfolios for UK government debt between April 1985 and March 2000. These portfolios are constructed using forecasts of return spreads based on a recursive modelling procedure. While we find statistically significant evidence of predictability, the interest cost savings are quite small when portfolio shares are constrained to lie within historical bounds.  相似文献   

We study interest rate sensitivities of U.S. investment grade BBB-rated and high yield corporate bonds over the period of 2001–2016. Our methodology assesses the capital gains of corporate bond portfolios and risk-free government bond portfolios, using average coupon and blended yield indices for the U.S. market. For both, U.S. BBB and high yield corporate bonds, we evidence the switching, from positive to negative interest rate sensitivity, occurring over the transition from the normal economic conditions to the periods of economic distress and vice-versa. The proposed theoretical explanation of such binary behavior posits an interrelation between interest rate and creditworthiness of issuers, which varies according to the phases of the business cycle. This research advances an economic understanding of interest rate risk management and sheds light on how financial institutions may develop strategies that hedge against downside risk.  相似文献   

住房公积金投资组合研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了近年来全国住房公积金投资结构的变化过程,分析了银行存款和购买国债的收益和风险状况,指出利率风险是住房公积金投资组合的主要风险,构建了基于久期的多目标规划模型,并利用最新的银行存款和国债利率数据进行了实证分析,发现半年期定期存款和3年期凭证式国债具有相对较高的投资价值,当两者按照8∶2的比例构成住房公积金投资组合时,可以获得较高的收益和较低的风险。  相似文献   

This article examines how and to what extent large-scale government bond purchases in the Bank of Japan’s monetary policy affected two components of long-term interest rates over the period 2009–2015. The article divides market yields on popular 5 and 10-year government bonds into future policy-rate expectations with uncertainty and a specific type of term premia required by investors for the bonds’ demand/supply imbalances, by using overnight index swap rates as a proxy for the former. The Bank of Japan augmented the purchases substantially by starting Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing (QQME) in 2013. The QQME became impactful in the sense that it encouraged investors to improve the first component whilst reducing the second component. These appeared mainly as persisting announcement-effects – upward level shifts of the expectations and downward ones of the term premia. The reduction of term premia was much greater for the 10-year maturity than for 5-year one and strengthened after an additional expansion of the QQME in 2014. The QQME is estimated to have enhanced 5-year sovereign bond yields by 11.9 basis points (bps) a month on average whilst reducing 10-year ones by 8.3 bps. The impact on the 5-year yields turned to be negative after the QQME expansion.  相似文献   

本文基于2007年1月至2020年12月的月度数据,使用CRITIC熵权法构造金融压力指数,并分别从城投债利差和相对发行规模两个角度测度中国地方政府债务风险;通过TVP VAR模型实证分析地方政府债务风险对金融压力的溢出效应,以及重大突发事件冲击产生的影响。研究结果显示:第一,地方政府债务风险对金融压力始终具有较强的解释效力,并且基本上呈现正向影响;第二,2008—2012年,地方政府债务风险对金融压力溢出作用的主要源头为债务利差的波动,2016年以来则转变为债务规模的提升;第三,在新冠肺炎疫情的冲击下,地方政府债务的信用风险与偿债风险对金融压力均具有正向冲击作用,整体冲击力度高于前期数次重大突发事件。因此,“十四五”时期的重要任务之一,就是进一步化解地方政府债务风险,有效阻断其向金融部门的传导路径,切实打好防范系统性金融风险的攻坚战。  相似文献   

Using the most current data available, this study seeks to identify any new as well as traditional determinants of personal income tax evasion. A variety of empirical estimates find that income tax rates, the IRS audit rate and IRS penalty interest rates, and the unemployment rate all influence tax evasion. In addition, rarely investigated variables including the tax‐free interest rate, the public's job approval rating of the president, and the public's dissatisfaction with government, along with previously unstudied variables, namely, the real interest rate yield on Moody's Baa‐rated long‐term corporate bonds and the real interest rate yield on three‐year Treasury notes, also affect income tax evasion.  相似文献   

李忠良 《价值工程》2007,26(9):139-143
财务是一个单位运行状况和管理水平的综合反映。在当今日益开放的市场经济体系中,财务风险是各自单位自始至终面临的一种客观事实。特别是加入WTO后,我国企业面对的资本市场以及所处的贸易环境,税收环境和法律环境等已发生了深刻的变化,其结果是导致企业面临更大的经营风险。目前我国国有企业由于底子差,资本金不足,资金短缺,资本结构不合理,负债率过高,企业利息负担过重,严重影响企业的生存和发展。我国企业想要在市场经济中立于不败之地,就必须理性认识财务风险的涵义和特征,分析和判断财务风险的成因,把握时机,发挥风险对企业的有力作用,防范和控制风险对企业产生的不利效果,即财务危机。  相似文献   

紧缩性政策下银行信贷资金期限配置行为分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从我国银行贷款传导渠道的典型事实出发,通过建立SVAR模型对紧缩性政策影响下我国银行业信贷资金期限配置行为进行研究,结果表明,当人民银行上调政策利率之后,银行出于防范利率上升所引致的净利息收益下降目的而增加短期贷款并减少中长期贷款,这就意味着,利率风险管理已成为影响银行信贷资金期限配置行为的决定因素。在此情况下,人民银行应充分发挥利率工具在促进信贷结构调整中的作用。  相似文献   

当前我国中长期国债利率的风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从2002年2月以来,我国债券市场上的利率风险逐步升温。这不仅导致目前我国债券收益率曲 线和基准利率失实,更重要的是将误导今后政府债券发行的定价及其他金融市场利率的确定。文章分析了 形成目前我国债市利率风险的原因及防范措施,希望能对其研究有所帮助。  相似文献   

Does a change in the public׳s holdings of government debt affect the term structure of interest rates? Empirical analysis using a VAR model indicates that a rise in these holdings of the real debt-to-GDP ratio increases both the three-month and ten-year U.S. nominal yields in a statistically significant manner. The maturity composition of debt is also found to matter: innovations in holdings of long-term debt affect the term structure, while increases in short-term debt affect inflation expectations. These effects of changes in holdings of debt on the yield curve can be derived in a general equilibrium model in which the government issues exponentially-maturing riskless debt, financed by lump-sum taxes, and the optimizing agents are adaptive learners. On calibrating the average maturity of debt in the model to match that of U.S. Treasury debt since the 1980s, I find that positive innovations in government debt lead to increases in asset yields. This is because agents do not learn the principle of Ricardian equivalence exactly, and perceive increases in holdings of government bonds as a rise in their net wealth. Imposing rational expectations on the agents eliminates this channel, and changes in holdings of government debt have no effect on yields. The learning model also implies that as the real debt-to-GDP ratio increases, and the average maturity of debt becomes longer, the agents become less likely to learn that Ricardian equivalence holds.  相似文献   

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