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This study examines the effect of road and railway noise on property prices. It uses the hedonic regression technique on a Swedish data set that contains information about both road and railway noise for each property, and finds that road noise has a larger negative impact on the property prices than railway noise. This is in line with the evidence from the acoustical literature which has shown that individuals are more disturbed by road than railway noise, but contradicts recent results from a hedonic study on data of the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an application of the Rosen-Freeman hedonic price model to the Perth (Western Australia) residential land market. A sample of over two thousand market transactions is used to estimate the value of residential land attributes. Major emphasis is given to those particular land attributes that are subject to public regulation and to the policy implications that follow.  相似文献   

This paper uses scanner data from the bar-code readers of retailers to provide estimates of inter-country price parities at the level of the basic heading. The use of such data is appealing given its extensive coverage of transactions, information on weights, prices and characteristics of items at a highly detailed level. The study uses dummy variable hedonic and exact/superlative hedonic index number formulations applied to an inter-country context for both bilateral and multilateral comparisons. Unlike conventional methods, such methods are not confined to matched samples comparisons and thus make use of the entire sample. Their application extends to price survey data using checklists on characteristics. The application is to scanner data on about 1 million transactions for television sets over two months in three countries. It is, to the authors' knowledge, the first such use of scanner data and application of the above hedonic frameworks in this context.  相似文献   

基于特征价格的城市交通对房价影响分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
因城市交通的改善能明显改变周边物业的可达性和用地性质,促进土地开发强度,带来周边房地产价值的上涨。因而文章从房地产市场中消费者的角度,讨论了城市交通成本的影响因素,在此基础上构建城市交通成本与房地产价格相互影响的特征价格模型,并从理论上对模型提出了验证方法,最后以重庆市的交通为例进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to introduce an Allen-type index of differentiation based on cost functions. With this index, we create an economic measure of product differentiation that quantifies differences between products. Applied research has some generally accepted economic measures, for example, the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index for market concentration, or the Gini coefficient for inequality. Product differentiation, however, does not yet have an established measure. Our objective is to fill that gap and introduce a measure that can be used in market-related applied research such as market power, antitrust, price indexes, or market strategy. To operationalize the index, we introduce the concept of a core product and use cost functions to measure the degree of differentiation from the core product. To demonstrate the use of the index, we study the effect of product differentiation on price formation in the airline industry using an enhanced hedonic model. The model is empirically tested on 103,980 observations of quarterly US domestic airfare data between 2002 and 2016 and shows that product differentiation has a significant effect on both price and mark-up.  相似文献   

We report on an experiment designed to evaluate the empirical implications of Jordan's model of Bayesian learning in games of incomplete information. A finite example is constructed in which the model generates unique predictions of subjects' choices in nearly all periods. When the “true” game defined by players' private information was one with a unique equilibrium in pure strategies, the experimental subjects' play converged to the equilibrium, as Jordan's theory predicts, even when the subjects had not attained complete information about one another. But when there were two pure strategy equilibria, the theory's predictions were not consistent with observed behavior. Journal of Economic Literature Classification numbers: D83, C72, C92.  相似文献   

特征价格模型的发展应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特征价格模型因为其完美的理论思想而成为国际上普遍使用的分析异质品价格和特征关系的主要方法.本文通过对国外核心期刊上一百五十二篇特征价格法相关文献的检阅,梳理了国内外特征价格模型及指数编制的研究现状,对特征价格模型的功能进行了总结性定位,认为特征价格模型的功能主要在于:异质品价格指数的编制,异质品价格预测、价值评估或产品定价,异质品价格影响因素分析,非市场因素的经济效应的检验及对传统经济学模型的改进五方面.文章最后以住宅为例,归纳总结了特征价格法在研究应用中存在的主要问题:一是市场细分;二是特征变量选择和量化;三是模型形式选择;四是模型估计方法的研究;五是指数编制中的问题.这些研究对象为未来特征价格的研究提供了可行参考.  相似文献   

The International Comparisons Program (ICP) run by the World Bank compares prices and real incomes across countries, and plays a pivotal role in the Penn World Table. Using a unique dataset consisting of over 600,000 price quotes from nine countries in the Asia‐Pacific region, we consider ways of improving the basic heading price indexes that form the building blocks of ICP. Current ICP methodology computes these price indexes using the country–product–dummy (CPD) method applied to the country average prices. We contrast this approach with: (i) a weighted version of CPD; (ii) CPD applied directly to the individual price quotes; and (iii) extended versions of CPD that include adjustments for unrepresentative products, urban–rural price differences, and different outlet‐types. Also considered are new CPD‐based methods for measuring urban–rural price differences, and the implications of our findings for the downward revision in China's GDP in ICP 2005.  相似文献   

It is invariably difficult to estimate the rate of return to university education, because of the problem of omitted variable bias. Using a regression discontinuity design, we estimate the effect of a four‐year university education on earnings, and we explore the pathways through which the effect operates. Our estimation exploits the centralized, score‐based college/university admission system in China, where the minimum scores required for university admission are externally determined by the provincial governments. Our findings suggest that being eligible for four‐year university admission implies a sizable increase in earnings. The payoff can be attributed to the prolonged length of education and improvements in education quality, although the quality effects cannot be precisely estimated.  相似文献   

This paper estimates a simple model of exchange rate policy where the Central Bank

optimises an objective function which takes into account competitiveness, its

commitment to the EMU and the cost of adjustment. We allow for asymmetry in

government behaviour whereby a key parameter, the marginal adjustment cost of the

effective exchange rate, takes on a continuum of values depending on the value of the

DeustscheMark/Irish pound exchange rate. It is shown that he adjustment cost

parameter is decreasing in either the level of or the rate change of the DM rate

suggesting that the authorities display greater aversion to exchange rate fluctuations as

the domestic currency weakens. [C22, F31, F41]  相似文献   

Journal of Quantitative Economics - The objective of this paper is to find the points of structural shift in the exchange rate model under a Bayesian framework which incorporates the possibility of...  相似文献   

文章基于多尺度地理加权回归研究北京市2011—2017年二手住宅交易的价格特征,结果表明:①以往基于经典地理加权回归模型的研究可能存在一定的不稳健,而多尺度地理加权回归可以将不同变量对于因变量的影响尺度反映出来,其回归的结果更为可靠。②北京房价对区位因素非常敏感,且存在高度的空间异质性,区位的影响尺度是所有变量中最小的,接近于街道尺度。而卧室数量和到最近地铁站的距离为全局尺度的变量,在空间上的影响较为平稳。到公交站的距离、到小学的距离、建筑结构和装修状况对于房价的影响不显著。其他显著的变量均存在一定的空间异质性,其空间尺度由小到大分别为成交时间、面积、楼龄、楼层、朝向。③区位、朝向、卧室数量、成交时间均正向影响房价,而面积、楼龄、楼层、到地铁站的距离负向影响房价。所有影响因素中区位是影响房价的最主要因素,其次是成交时间朝向。面积成交时间、朝向和到最近地铁站的距离影响较大,所在楼层、卧室数量对于房价的影响较小,而面积和楼龄的影响最弱。  相似文献   

The tradeoffs between energy efficiency gains and product attributes as a result of the implementation of federal energy performance standards are examined. Hedonic pricing relationships are used to estimate changes in standardized marginal attribute prices for freezer volumes, food volumes, and annual energy consumption for refrigerators and refrigerator/freezers. From 1987/88 to 1993, energy performance standards significantly reduced energy consumption and at the same time, a historical decline in "quality-adjusted" real prices continued without disruption and consumers appeared to experience a welfare gain as a result of improving levels of energy efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the theoretical and methodological issues related to the empirical measurement of prices of production and wage-profit curves. A number of shortcomings of the standard approach are discussed, focusing in particular on the neglect of capital stock matrices and on the empirically objectionable assumption of uniform profit rates. An alternative approach for the empirical analysis of wage-profit curves and prices of production is proposed and its main properties are investigated using a new dataset on the German economy (1991–99). It is suggested that a Leontief-Bródy approach (augmented by profit rate differentials) is more appropriate for the analysis of wage-profit curves and prices of production than the purely theoretically oriented Sraffa-von Neumann framework.  相似文献   

上市公司壳资源的价值与价格的判定问题,是目前我国证券市场和资本市场建设中的一个重要问题。本文运用经济学中的一般均衡分析理论,提出并建立了上市公司壳资源运用的生产、消费契约曲线和可能性边界等概念和条件,构建了判定上市公司壳资源的价值与影子价格的理论分析框架,为较好地解决上市公司壳资源的价值与价格的判定问题提供阴价值的参考。  相似文献   

A class of heteroscedastic regression models is applied to the estimation of household expenditure functions using data from the 1966-68 Macquarie University survey. Under the assumption that expenditure observations are normally distributed, the hypothesis that their variances are proportional to the squares of their expectations is investigated. In addition, the hypotheses tests derived by Amemiya (1973a) for discriminating between heteroscedastic regression models with gamma or lognormal distributions are applied to the same expenditure data.  相似文献   

根据地方政府信用评价指标体系的基本原则,文章首先提出较为完整的地方政府信用评价指标体系;然后运用特尔菲法确定了各单项指标的权数和定性指标的标准值;最后在得出单项指标评价值的基础上,通过多目标线性加权函数模型确定评价总值,能够比较正确地评估地方政府信用状况。该方法具有可操作性和一定的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

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