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徐可 《经济经纬》2005,19(6):14-17
我们从劳动、自然、资本生产三要素之间通约的角度,沿着经济思想史的脉络,将马克思经济学与西方经济学价值理论进行比较,分析两大经济学范式之间的区别与联系。排除自然对价值体系的影响,集中分析了劳动与资本的关系。我们认为不同程度的复杂劳动是劳动的一般形态,复杂劳动之间的通约系数应该考虑它在再生产中的地位,按照它在下一生产周期生产的产量来进行近似折算。人力资本和复杂劳动之间有互相通融的地方,它们都含有时间和技术的因素。衡量价值的量纲应是时间与技术的复合单位。在技术变化的条件下,不能单纯用劳动时间计量价值。  相似文献   

马克思主义经济学与西方主流经济学比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文将两大经济学理论的深层内核结构均归结为四个维度的基本要素紧密相联的整体,其中作为核心生长点的基本价值倾向的差异使两大理论的内核结构形成了不同内涵,表现耿市场偏好与市场批判,个体主义与整体主义,资源配置视角与利益关系视角,均衡分析方法与矛盾分析方法的根本差异。通过对两大理论体系在其核心理论--价值理论与收入分配理论方面的深层比较分析,可发现二者在哲学底蕴上还存在着现象主义与本质主义,现实主义与理想主义的重大差别,而这些差异也都是与二者深层内核结构特别是基本价值倾向的差异紧密相联的。  相似文献   

近年来,我国高等教育事业迅速发展,成为世界上规模最大的国家.随之而来的是大学毕业生就业难、就业后的"隐性失业"等问题.本文基于劳动经济学的视角来分析大学毕业生的工作搜寻行为,包括关注的信息及获取途径、搜寻的广度和强度、预期收益和搜寻成本等.通过对东北大学、东北财经大学和辽宁大学2010届部分应届毕业生的调查问卷整理,得出增加落实工作概率的途径,并从劳动力供给方的角度给出相应的建议.  相似文献   

<正>"中国劳动经济学前沿论坛"由《经济研究》编辑部联合北京师范大学、中国人民大学、暨南大学、北京大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学和西南财经大学共同发起。第三届中国劳动经济学前沿论坛由北京师范大学承办,于2019年5月25日在北京师范大学京师学堂隆重举行。上午的开幕式由北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院经济系主任罗楚亮教授主持。开幕式上,北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院党委书记孙志军教授、《经济研究》编辑部主任刘霞辉研究员代表主办单位先后为本届论坛致欢  相似文献   

本文从市场缺陷、政府管制(社会潜规则限制)、教育资金借贷市场的不完善等三个方面探讨了高等教育资助制度背后的经济逻辑,然后根据上述理论探讨了奖学金制度、勤工俭学制度、特困生补助制度和助学贷款制度等各种高等教育资助制度的经济绩效,在此基础上得出应建立以助学贷款制度为主、各种教育资助制度并存的综合高等教育资助体系的结论.  相似文献   

Mises’s action axiom postulates that human action is purposeful behavior. While this axiom is the building block for a powerful methodology, it is also incomplete, because it sets aside the underlying processes of decision-making. And while Mises does not dismiss the gap between intention and action, he is silent on it, relegating such a study to psychology. We contend that a study of underlying thought patterns and the process of choice – rather than contradicting praxeology and the action axiom – in fact complements the writings of Mises. To demonstrate this, we look at two authors: F.A. Hayek and Vernon Smith. Hayek’s theory of the sensory order sheds light on the process of choice, and explains how decision-making is contextually embedded. Smith’s concepts of ecological rationality and neurological “hard-wiring” help us understand decision-making. We argue that cognitive foundations enrich our understanding of the process of choice, and thus of the Misesian action axiom.  相似文献   

Turnovsky observes that “the rational expectations hypothesis has had a profound impact on macroeconomic theory and policy during the past decade.” Tracing briefly the evolution of the ideas involved, he concludes that “… a consensus view is emerging that in fact under quite plausible conditions the policy neutrality proposition does not hold; therefore, there is still scope for policy rules to play an important role in stabilizing output.”

The mathematics used in the article is expository rather than analytical, requiring of the reader only somewhat more than the usual amount of persistence, faith in the author's interpretation of the literature, and a willingness to accept the integrity of economic models as representative of the real world. This is “required” reading for those teaching macroeconomics.  相似文献   

现代经济学在美国   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
现代经济学的分析框架由三个重要部分组成:视角(perspective)、参照系(reference)或基准点(benchmark)和分析工具(analytical tools)。效率是经济学家分析问题的着眼点;参照第在分析框架中居于核心位置;分析工具是重要的分析问题的手段。以上对理解现代经济学很重要。数学在经济学中的作用分两个方面:一是在理论分析中的作用,它可以逼你把前提假定写清楚,使你在逻辑推导中少出错,并运用已有的定理把不相通的结论连结起来;二是数学在教学中的作用,它可以以同一标准将经济学知识传授给很多人。但是,数学的作用只能是工具。经济学的思想是最重要的。  相似文献   

In a debate on the future of monetary policy and the displacement of money, Woodford argued that, even if innovations should lead to a situation in which the banks' demand for reserves at the central bank is zero, the central bank can still influence the economy's interest rates because its liability is the economy's unit of account. This paper deals with these topics by considering the implications of emphasizing the function of money as unit of account. In the analysis of money from this perspective, social, institutional and economic factors play a crucial role. Money is a social and historical relation. Therefore, the displacement of money and central banks, though possible, is a complex process involving economic, social and political factors, not merely the result of innovations. The paper also looks at some aspects of Kaldor's theory, which is centered on the fundamental importance of money as unit of account.  相似文献   

东西方主流经济学文体范式在名称、对象、方法、任务、起点、思路、体系、阶段等方面都存在着差距。  相似文献   

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