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Valletta, European Capital of Culture 2018 offers the prospect of cultural tourism development and attracting more visitors. However, tensions and opportunity costs potentially arise in planning such change. Strategies could be to intensify or diversify Valletta’s cultural tourism during the run-up to 2018; however, their appropriateness could differ in terms of competitive advantage, social inclusivity and sustainability. This paper focuses on the rationales for different approaches to tourism product development, adopting a broad relational perspective on product assembly that directs attention to the relationships, processes and contexts involved. Analysis suggests that innovative, experimental combinations of selected forms of intensification and diversification are needed to avoid locally insensitive cultural change and unsustainable tourism development.  相似文献   

With both qualitative and quantitative approaches, this study examined the success factors of cultural tourism development. It discussed reasons why some cities may find it challenging to sustain cultural tourism development. The findings suggested that the lack of advantageous factors may be because all factors were highly related and that one factor's defect in marketing could easily affect the performance of all other factors. The challenge for cultural tourism development in a less competitive destination may be more related to elementary problems such as governmental leadership and funding rather than the important factors emphasized in theoretical models. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study aims to explain consumers’ expectations regarding the culture of temple streets and cultivates an identity system for local culture. The Kano model with fuzzy linguistic concepts was applied to the field observation of temple street festivals and the semi-structured interviews of local cultural directors, scholars of cultural centres, government officials, and cultural industry operators with data on traditional cultural elements. The findings show that “Religious temples”, “Custom activities and events”, “Local cultural industries”, and “Specialty and gourmet food” have a symmetrical impact on both satisfaction and dissatisfaction in proportion to the extent of traditional cultural element fulfilment. “Local stories” do not increase overall satisfaction if traditional cultural elements are exceeded but cause dissatisfaction if they are not fulfilled. Moreover, outer “Tangible”, middle “Behavioural”, and inner “Intangible” factors of attractive, one-dimensional, must-be quality transformed into contemporary image designs are amiably illustrated. These results provide a direction for managing satisfaction and a performance guideline for each activity in the process of creating temple street experiences that can increase satisfaction and reduce dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

This paper examines how artisans experience economic and cultural changes through art sales to tourists in San Juan la Laguna, Guatemala; the aim is to analyse experiences from hosts and producers in art tourism. Using a life course approach, the artists in this area expressed how they do not copy the art of their ancestors, but draw on their past to create new art that reflects their experiences, and sell it to tourists at a price they set. Painting on canvas and murals is a way to overcome historical discrimination based on their cultural identity while they explore and communicate their new identities to themselves and outsiders. Therefore the encounter at the art market strengthens both their economic identities and cultural identities. This is contradiction because the two goals are not necessarily complementary. I argue that the painters in San Juan illustrate the art of development because the painters artfully use their new economic and cultural identities to craft a space to negotiate the terms of the encounter with globalization to struggle for a better life.  相似文献   

Increasingly research is being conducted on host community attitudes toward tourism. However, few studies have been conducted at a regional level and none have examined the attitudes of the host community towards both tourism and cultural tourism development. This paper outlines a study conducted in the Lewes District of southern England and notes that although residents are generally supportive of tourism development and cultural tourism development, there are differences in opinion concerning the perceived economic and social benefits. In particular, levels of income and proximity to the tourist centre were major influencing factors. Conclusions and recommendations are made concerning the need for tourism planners to distribute the benefits more widely and to engage residents from different socio‐economic groups and localities in tourism planning and development activities. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study explores the impacts of Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions on international tourist flows. A panel data gravity model was used to analyse bilateral tourist flows between 81 origin countries and 32 destination countries from 1995 to 2008. This model highlights cultural factors using the push and pull framework and explains their influence vis-a-vis self-image congruity theory, arousal theory, and cultural theory of risk. Results indicate that when controlling for the effects of distance, population, and GDP per capita, international tourists tend to flow out of countries with lower Power Distance, higher Individualism, lower Masculinity, higher Long-Term Orientation, and higher Indulgence. Countries with higher Individualism, lower Uncertainty Avoidance, and higher Indulgence tend to attract more international tourists. In the push and pull model, tourist source countries’ cultural values, such as low Power Distance, Individualism, Femininity, and Indulgence can be considered push factors in international travel, while destination countries’ cultural values of Individualism, Uncertainty Acceptance, and Indulgence act as pull factors. Self-image congruity theory is supported in the cultural dimension of Uncertainty Avoidance Index. Recommendations for destination marketing are made based on the findings.  相似文献   

The southern Japanese archipelago of Ogasawara is currently being represented as a nature paradise, featuring a host of related nature/adventure-based ‘eco’ activities, with a growing representation of its historical and cultural attractions. Yet, the cultural landscape remains underrepresented, with limited mention made of the western settlement of these islands in 1830 or of their descendants who are still living there. One way to expand the recognition of the Obeikei 1 The term ‘Obeikei’ means ‘Westerner’ and is used here (and by the Obeikei) to refer to Ogasawara islanders of mixed western ancestry. and their heritage is by exploring the social values and practices that constitute their way of life. Examining the Obeikei narrative would allow for a more community-orientated approach to the development of this officially designated ecotourism site that is currently vying for World Heritage listing. This study explores the voice of the Obeikei community and its impact on the development of ecotourism at this site. Greater recognition of the Obeikei would serve to empower this community, draw them into the ecotourism process and comply with the socio-cultural tenets and spirit of ecotourism.2 Ecotourism has been defined by Ceballos-Lascurain (1991) Ceballos-Lascurain, H. Paper presented at the Ecotourism and Resource Conservation, A Collection of Papers. Tourism, Eco-tourism and Protected Areas,  [Google Scholar] as ‘tourism that involves traveling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring, and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural manifestations (both past and present) found in these areas’ (p. 25).   相似文献   

The Complete Streets Act of 2009 preceded a proliferation of municipal level complete streets policies across United States. These policies aim to challenge auto-centric street design standards in favor of “complete streets” that are safe for users of all abilities. This proliferation of “complete streets” policy is noteworthy progress in addressing the needs of non-motorized street users and sustainable transportation. However, research that critically and systematically analyzes the specific content of the policies and how they attempt to guide street design decision-making is limited. We address this gap through a review of municipal level Complete Street policy. We sampled a total of 113 municipal level complete streets policies drawn from The National Complete Streets Coalition’s database. We reviewed the policies to inventory their qualitative content, probe their definitions, and understand their implications for design and implementation. We conclude that most municipal Complete Street policies do not guide the negotiation of tradeoff between users within the street right-of-way. The policies are broad and defer to idealistic goals of safely accommodating all user types equally without recognizing the implicit hierarchy of accommodation. This study is limited to analyzing the content of the policies alone; we argue this is a necessary first step in critically thinking through Complete Street policy development and examining if current municipal policies are able to successfully challenge the primary accommodation of automobility. Without a critical analysis, there is a risk of replicating policy that is ineffective at achieving the core goals outlined by the Complete Streets concept.  相似文献   

British Columbia’s carbon tax is an example of a relatively systemic climate pricing policy in the North American transport sector. This research uses Actor-Network Theory to retrace and reassemble the development of the tax from inception to implementation. From the fieldwork, six stages of the policy development process emerged, beginning with the surfacing of the concept of tax shifting in 1998 to the implementation of a carbon tax in 2008. This article explores how British Columbia’s experience aligns with lessons from the carbon taxation literature relating to a range of themes including education, leadership, timing, administration, taxation level, revenue allocation and communication.  相似文献   

铁路军事运输多年来一直享受国家军运运价优惠政策,根据铁路经营体制和机制改革现状,从市场经济、历史发展、国防效益、消费观念及支付能力等5个角度,分析实行军运运价优惠政策的必要性,提出对军运运价进行小幅度调整的设想。  相似文献   

根据财政部有关文件,从2006年开始,铁路建设基金将被停止征收。由于铁路建设基金是铁路建设主要的资金来源,如果在停止征收铁路建设基金后没有可靠稳定的资金来源来取代,将对铁路发展造成严重不利影响。为此,在分析铁路建设基金的地位与作用,以及铁路建设基金的政策取向的基础上,提出铁路建设基金的替代方案。  相似文献   

Despite growing academic interest in meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions (MICE) travel in recent years, there has been little investigation of the comparative information search behaviours of MICE travellers on the basis of their country of origin and cultural background. This paper proposes that country of residence and primary language spoken are significant factors in explaining the information searching and travel behaviours of MICE travellers. The sample population included Japanese‐, English‐ and Chinese‐speaking MICE travellers. A self‐completion questionnaire was administered to travellers undertaking MICE‐related travel in Taipei, Taiwan. Some significant differences were identified between the three respondent groups. The findings demonstrate the important role that is played by internal and external information sources among MICE travellers as a predictor of their subsequent travel to Taiwan. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tourism has become a rapidly growing phenomenon in Costa Rica over the past two decades, with a rate of foreign tourists per capita of 0.46 (one of the highest rates in the Caribbean basin). As tourism increases, it is clear that the impacts will continue to be a major change-agent, especially for small communities in Costa Rica. To explore youth perceptions of the impacts of tourism on their culture and community and to better understand the ways in which tourism influences the formation of cultural identity, this qualitative Photovoice study focuses on youth ages 10–16 living in a Costa Rican community. Through the participants’ photographs and discussion, four themes emerged, including economic impacts resulting from tourism, the preservation and loss of culture and history, the importance of respecting the land, and injustice resulting from tourism development. The youth demonstrated the ways in which their experiences and personal histories related to tourism are intertwined with their sense of identity and pride for their community and culture. The results emphasize the relevance of exploring cultural identity within youth populations and support the assertion that tourism generates significant cultural change, which in turn influences youths' past, present, and future perceptions of their community and culture.  相似文献   

This study examines the impacts of the global economic crisis on Cyprus tourism and the pertinent policy responses. A qualitative approach was adopted by conducting eight semi‐structured interviews with tourism authorities and suppliers/professionals. Findings indicated the main impacts of the crisis on Cypriot tourism: lack of competitiveness, decreased visitation/revenues, inadequate quality and escalated pricing. Furthermore, findings identify three types of policy measures: (i) immediate response measures; (ii) foreign investment in tourism; and (iii) diversification of the tourism product and quality improvement. The study highlights the need for Cyprus to develop a comprehensive tourism planning framework. It is suggested that crisis plans of small island states should be developed upon a holistic framework that leverages their destination capitals. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study deals with an emerging domestic rail travel phenomenon among Korean youth, known as Rail-ro (Railo), which has influenced aspects of youth culture and domestic tourism in Korea since 2007. The purpose of this study is to determine whether Railo experiences exist as a coherent culture among Railers based on cultural consensus analysis. The result indicates Railers’ strong agreement about Railo experiences, which reinforces the view that a particular rail pass could be instrumental in forming a distinct youth travel subculture. This study demonstrates how travel culture driven by the seasonal rail pass supports domestic tourism and inbound tourism.  相似文献   

The paper presents a critique of tourism policy in London in the context of local environmental plans and central government policy for tourism and hotel development. Rationales for local authority tourism policies are assessed in relation to city‐level planning imperatives and local land‐use plan formulation. A comparative analysis of borough development plans and the treatment of tourism is based on a survey of London's 33 unitary authorities. The paper presents a World City case study of urban tourism from the position of the environmental planning process and in the light of the highly concentrated distribution of hotel provision and tourist activity in London. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对目前社会和学术界存在的关于我国铁路产业发展态势的各种争论。从铁路效益发展的基本规律入手进行研判。从经济学理论来看,铁路效益存在着二律背反规律、业务增值规律、精益生产规律、技术进步规律、制度创新规律、国家扶持规律等六大规律,认为我国铁路产业处于运输化发展的中期阶段,有着良好的客货运输需求支撑,发展基本面良好。我国铁路需转变经营管理体制机制,大力发展多元化经营业务,提高增值收益。国家需改变交通运输公共政策,加大对铁路产业的必要投入,由铁道部统筹铁路改革与发展方案,推进我国铁路产业稳妥渐进变革。  相似文献   

Since the 2008 global financial crisis and resulting recession, many countries have been following unconventional monetary policies. Little information is known on how these policies may influence tourism demand. This study starts to fill this gap by investigating the impact of the Japanese economic policy known as Abenomics on South Koreans’ travel to Japan, the largest inbound market for Japan. Per capita gross domestic product, relative prices, and exchange rates are significant determinants of Japanese inbound tourism. As these variables have been influenced by Abenomics, one can infer that Abenomics is associated with a significant increase in tourist arrivals from South Korea. Findings highlight the importance of government economic policy in stimulating international tourism demand through its impact on the economy.  相似文献   

In the recent years, substantial changes in the manner of sightseeing in cities have been becoming visible. Tourists are leaving the old city centres and are deciding to visit places that are not typical tourist attractions. In such places, alternative forms of city tourism described as off-the-beaten-track tourism are developing. In Europe, this pertains especially to historical cities, specifically capital cities and large agglomerations, such as Krakow, one of the biggest cities in Poland, commonly described as the cultural capital. The aim of this article is to analyse the management of tourism in European historical cities in the context of off-the-beaten-track tourism’s development using the case study of Krakow. To illustrate the issue, two districts, Nowa Huta and Podgórze, were chosen as the examples. In both districts one can observe changes affecting the model of city tourism that stems from the shift in motivations of visitors and from alternative ways of spending free time in the city they are visiting. This process necessitates appropriate management of tourism in the city in accordance with the rules of sustainable development and protection of cultural and historical authenticity of places and buildings.  相似文献   

‘Petty capitalism’ refers to the informal self-employment engaged in by the unskilled poor in order to earn or augment their income. In the tourism industry, they work as unlicensed souvenir vendors, street-food hawkers, drivers, prostitutes, etc. The pedicab drivers of Macao belong to this category of petty capitalists. Drawing on thematic interviews supplemented by observational data, this article documents how the pedicab drivers of Macao survive and keep a sense of self-worth after the near annihilation of their industry as a result of urbanization, and how tourism has been, in addition to government support, a positive social change agent that allowed them to survive. The small literature on pedicabs either documents the marginal lifestyle and poverty of their drivers as informal tourism workers, often in the developing world, or look at pedicab as a sustainable activity in the tourism sector. The findings of this article address two gaps, namely, (1) a lack of documentation on the working life of the pedicab drivers as petty capitalists in a highly urbanized environment and on their degree of self-worth (2) a comparative lack of testimonials on how tourism can be a powerful agent in the ‘worldmaking’ that is in the creation of change.  相似文献   

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