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Despite the increasing attention that supply chain risk management is receiving by both researchers and practitioners, companies still lack a risk culture. Moreover, risk management approaches are either too general or require pieces of information not regularly recorded by organisations. This work develops a risk identification and analysis methodology that integrates widely adopted supply chain and risk management tools. In particular, process analysis is performed by means of the standard framework provided by the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model, the risk identification and analysis tasks are accomplished by applying the Risk Breakdown Structure and the Risk Breakdown Matrix, and the effects of risk occurrence on activities are assessed by indicators that are already measured by companies in order to monitor their performances. In such a way, the framework contributes to increase companies’ awareness and communication about risk, which are essential components of the management of modern supply chains. A base case has been developed by applying the proposed approach to a hypothetical manufacturing supply chain. An in-depth validation will be carried out to improve the methodology and further demonstrate its benefits and limitations. Future research will extend the framework to include the understanding of the multiple effects of risky events on different processes.  相似文献   

以“QYSJ知识产权供应链金融资产支持专项计划”和“RXZL2017年一期资产支持专项计划”为例,研究供应链金融资产证券化产品信用风险控制问题。首先通过分析交易结构和产品设计,对比两案例的风险分散和控制情况;其次基于证券化前后的财务数据,通过Z值变动判断资产证券化对公司信用风险的影响,分析专项计划的实施效果。研究发现:合理选择基础资产、使用信用增级措施和采用供应链这种交易结构均能够对证券化项目的信用风险防范起到一定促进作用。同时,借鉴QYSJ-ABS的成功经验,从证券化项目交易结构的设计、证券化项目基础资产的选择和信用增级举措的选择三方面总结了版权证券化的风险管理流程。最后,从风险管理体系建设方面入手,对未来拟进行供应链金融资产证券化的企业提出发展建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents as a case study, empirical research forming part of a large EPSRC‐funded project to decrease new product and process development times within the UK fine chemicals industry. The work aimed to design a decision support system to evaluate competing options in such development projects. Theoretical and practical contributions from academic and industrial collaborating groups were integrated using Action Research. High levels of risk when bringing new products to market or new processes on line means that risk assessment features significantly when evaluating different project options. A key research target, and the concern of this paper, is the design and use of a risk assessment tool (RAT) to fit the context of the overall decision support system. Collectively the tools enabled the options within individual projects to be evaluated on risk and other performance dimensions. Industrialists provided a number of comprehensive case studies to test the suite of tools. Theoretical and empirical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

本文以某城市商业银行开展汽车行业供应链融资数据为样本,运用信用计量模型(CreditMetrics)进行信贷资产组合的信用风险度量模拟,将供应链融资中涉及的主要风险和收益转化成整条供应链融资资产组合的在险价值,探讨城市商业银行运用该模型进行信贷风险量化管理的可行路径。  相似文献   

供应链理论将企业的经营看做是一个价值增值的过程,主张上下游企业间的合作。而供应链金融是指对一个产业供应链中的单个企业或上下游多个企业提供全面的金融服务,以促进供应链核心企业及上下游配套企业“产—供—销”链条的稳固和流转顺畅,并通过金融资本与实业经济的协作,构筑商业银行、企业和商品供应链互利共存、持续发展的产业生态,以有效解决中小企业融资难的问题。本文在对商业银行供应链金融面临的风险和表现形式进行分析的基础上,对如何防范供应链金融风险提出了具体的方法及应对措施,以期达到减少和防范风险,从而实现商业银行可持续发展的目的。  相似文献   

论商业银行供应链金融的风险防范   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨晏忠 《金融论坛》2007,12(10):42-45
供应链理论将企业的经营看做是一个价值增值的过程,主张上下游企业间的合作.而供应链金融是指对一个产业供应链中的单个企业或上下游多个企业提供全面的金融服务,以促进供应链核心企业及上下游配套企业"产-供-销"链条的稳固和流转顺畅,并通过金融资本与实业经济的协作,构筑商业银行、企业和商品供应链互利共存、持续发展的产业生态,以有效解决中小企业融资难的问题.本文在对商业银行供应链金融面临的风险和表现形式进行分析的基础上,对如何防范供应链金融风险提出了具体的方法及应对措施,以期达到减少和防范风险,从而实现商业银行可持续发展的目的.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the development of intensified relations with suppliers, for many firms the supply chain has become a significant source of risk exposure. In this paper we examine firms’ use of control practices to manage risks associated with intensified collaboration with supply chain partners. Specifically, we examine how buyers manage risks associated with interfirm transactions through their choice of supply partner, in terms of perceived goodwill and competence trust, and their use of multiple interrelated supply chain management (SCM) control practices. These control practices include contractual contingency planning, performance target setting, operational reviews, information sharing, supplier support and joint problem solving. We collect survey data from Japanese manufacturing firms about their relations with part suppliers to test hypotheses about the associations between transaction risks, selection of trusted suppliers and use of SCM practices. Our results support that transaction characteristics that are at the basis of transaction risks significantly affect the selection of trusted partners to collaborate with as well as their use of various control practices to manage relationships. We also find that in particular competence trust facilitates the use of control practices to support effective SCM.  相似文献   

我国农业供应链突出表现为“集体化”、“现代化”和“生态化”,资金的安全性、流动性和信用程度都需要整体协同管控。交易成本和信息不对称决定了我国农业供应链以间接融资为主,其金融风险的特征主要表现为道德风险突出、整体风险难识别、可能引致区域系统性风险和行业系统性风险。因此,应当因地制宜确定农业供应链金融支持项目,并运用系统论原理控制农业供应链金融风险。  相似文献   

Supply chain vulnerability (SCV) and its counterpart supply risk management are increasingly researched in recent years. SCV is often quantifiable and can be effectively monitored if practices are implemented on a systematic basis. It is essentially more important to extend the research in supply chain risk management so as to address certain traits where the companies perform poor or areas where they overlook their performances. Here, we introduce the concept and property, the so-called pseudo resilience in supply chains where supply chains pretend to perform better in its risk management capabilities, but are essentially vulnerable. Pseudo resilience is an incessant nature of many supply chains to overlook concomitant risks. Typical traits of pseudo resilience were identified in this research and a brief analysis of the disruptions and its effects was done. This research is a maiden effort in the direction of addressing the property of pseudo resilience in supply chains. It is imperative for managers to identify the traits of pseudo resilience in their supply chains so as to avoid the ill effects resulting from it. Further quantitative and qualitative researches are recommended for evincing the property of pseudo resilience in supply chains.  相似文献   

Thirty states and the District of Columbia have legalized the use of cannabis for medicinal and/or recreational use by either formally or informally de‐criminalizing its use. However, cannabis remains a Schedule 1 drug under the Federal Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. Sections 801 through 812), leaving federal law in conflict with the laws of over half of the states. As a result, market participants in legal cannabis businesses face risks due to the industry's unique legal status within the United States. We examine the risks and challenges deemed by the cannabis industry as the top risks facing the industry's continued future growth and its sustainability. In addition to general risks inherent in a nascent industry, a legal cannabis business faces additional risks, such as risks in its banking and finance activity, placement of insurance, payment of taxes, and managing its supply chain. These legal businesses also face true legal risk from the possibility of being shut down by the federal government and seizure of assets and product under the CSA. This paper also examines whether the cannabis industry would benefit from a futures market to mitigate price risk.  相似文献   

企业风险管理中的风险沟通机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王东 《保险研究》2011,(4):62-69
ERM是当今企业风险管理的核心标准,风险沟通是风险管理的重要方法,但企业风险沟通的研究尚不完备。本文将社会公共领域的风险沟通理论与COSO框架下的企业风险管理相结合,提出了一个风险沟通的理论假说,以全面风险感知、相互信任、伙伴关系和双向沟通模式作为该假说的四大支柱,以全面综合的方法,从企业内部(纵向)和企业外部(横向)两个维度构建了企业风险沟通体系,期望能够为企业层面的风险沟通发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   

We test the hypothesis that practicing enterprise risk management (ERM) reduces firms’ cost of reducing risk. Adoption of ERM represents a radical paradigm shift from the traditional method of managing risks individually to managing risks collectively allowing ERM-adopting firms to better recognize natural hedges, prioritize hedging activities towards the risks that contribute most to the total risk of the firm, and optimize the evaluation and selection of available hedging instruments. We hypothesize that these advantages allow ERM-adopting firms to produce greater risk reduction per dollar spent. Our hypothesis further predicts that, after implementing ERM, firms experience profit maximizing incentives to lower risk. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that firms adopting ERM experience a reduction in stock return volatility. We also find that the reduction in return volatility for ERM-adopting firms becomes stronger over time. Further, we find that operating profits per unit of risk (ROA/return volatility) increase post ERM adoption.  相似文献   

通过农业供应链金融信用风险致因分析系统框架构建结构方程模型,依据来自黄河中上游流域五个省份780份调研数据展开的实证研究发现:就农业供应链金融信用风险而言,所提出的致因分析系统框架能够系统反映其影响因素;核心企业与融资企业作为主要参与主体,对其影响颇为关键,同时,作为信用风险直接载体的融资资产其风险属性影响显著;自然环境和经济环境因素是对其产生重要影响的外在因素;产业政策和风险中介服务是重要的系统影响因素;供应链关系影响不容忽视,供应链关系质量是影响供应链关系的深层次因素,网络信息技术应用效果有待提升。  相似文献   

This article deals with risk controversies in emerging policy networks regarding school safety in the Netherlands. It offers a grounded account of the interpretations of school risks and safety measures by the various stakeholders of the policy network, in particular, schools, local government and the police. Theoretically, policy networks are conceived as mediating between the structural conditions of the ‘risk-society’ and the ‘culture of fear’ on the one hand and the institution of safety standards on the organizational level of schools on the other hand. It is argued that in the low-risk context of schools, it is particularly important to take into account the soft, cultural side of safety next to the hard, material side of safety. This distinction also accounts for the ambiguities and controversies over school risks. A further conclusion is that in this network a lack of local leadership seems to hinder the development of firm safety measures. Overall, this article highlights the paradox between a concern for safety and a concern for a school’s reputation.  相似文献   

Enterprise risk management (ERM) has emerged as a new paradigm for managing the portfolio of risks that face organizations, and policy makers continue to focus on mechanisms to improve corporate governance and risk management. Despite these developments, there is little research on factors associated with the implementation of ERM. Research is needed to provide insights as to why some organizations are responding to changing risk profiles by embracing ERM and others are not.This exploratory study examines factors associated with the stage of ERM implementation at a variety of US and international organizations. Based on data gathered from 123 organizations, we find the stage of ERM implementation to be positively related to the presence of a chief risk officer, board independence, CEO and CFO apparent support for ERM, the presence of a Big Four auditor, entity size, and entities in the banking, education, and insurance industries. We also find US organizations to have less-developed ERM processes than international organizations. We believe this paper will provide an initial foundation for more advanced research about ERM.  相似文献   

Enterprise risk management (ERM) has become increasingly relevant in recent years, especially due to an increasing complexity of risks and the further development of regulatory frameworks. The aim of this paper is to empirically analyze firm characteristics that determine the implementation of an ERM system and to study the impact of ERM on firm value. We focus on companies listed at the German stock exchange, which to the best of our knowledge is the first empirical study with a cross-sectional analysis for Germany and one of the first for a European country. Our findings show that size, international diversification and the industry sector (banking, insurance, energy) positively impact the implementation of an ERM system, and financial leverage is negatively related to ERM engagement. In addition, our results confirm a significant positive impact of ERM on shareholder value.  相似文献   

基于供应链主体维度,运用扎根理论构建养老服务供应链风险识别框架。结果表明:来源于政府、集成商、提供商和老年人不同主体的政策风险、流动性风险、供给风险、管理风险与信任风险是养老供应链面临的主要风险。鉴此,政府应提供资金支持,缓解企业运营压力;规范老年照料劳工市场,解决"护工荒"难题;加快建立养老服务标准,提高老人信任度与满意度;加强集成商的核心竞争优势,维护养老服务供应链稳定;完善提供商准入机制和监督机制,从源头为服务质量把关。  相似文献   

Supply networks are complex and suffer always from various risks. An effective supply chain management requires suitable strategies to mitigate them. In previous literature, there has been a range of research into risk in firms but little in supply networks. This can be explained due to the huge number of risk variables and their direct and indirect interrelations that may suffer all supply chain partners (firms). Therefore, for better risk mitigation, a risk prioritization step is vital. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to propose a new integrated approach based on two structural modeling tools. Firstly, interpretive structural modeling has been used to present a hierarchical model showing the interrelationships between the risk sources. Secondly, MICMAC analysis has been used to quantify and classify the risk variables based on their mutual influence and dependence. The objective is to ascertain the key risk variables and theirs relationships. These prioritized risk variables provide a useful tool to supply network managers to focus on those key variables that are most essential for effective risk management strategies. A real case study in food industry is provided in order to illustrate the application of the proposed approach. The findings may be useful to the practitioners in risk management and may also interest academicians, since the method used here can be applied in other areas of industrial management as well.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of management-level professional ties between suppliers and customers on the sustainability of business partnerships. We find that the presence of cross-firm professional ties between directors and senior executives along the supply chain significantly reduces the probability of relationship termination around customers’ industry negative shocks and during financial crises. The results are robust using professional-tie strength as an alternative measure. Exploring contingency effects, we find that, for suppliers who lack R&D, face high competition, are smaller in size, or are less important to customers in terms of sales, such professional ties are more helpful in sustaining such relationships. Furthermore, we find that professional ties also significantly reduce firm risk during periods of market turbulence. Taken together, our results suggest that professional ties along the supply chain can facilitate information flow and build mutual trust, which can lead to healthy long-term relationships and can help firms survive economic and industry downturns.  相似文献   

Sustainable water management in the supply chain is critical to the long term viability of wine producing organisations. Yet despite its potential importance as a link to convert good intentions of managers into sustainable water use, thus far knowledge concerning how environmental management accounting can assist is largely non-existent. Drawing on contingency theory and new institutional sociology a telephone survey was used to investigate the current use of water-related environmental management accounting information (here termed water management accounting) for assessing the long term implications associated with water management in Australian wine supply chains. Organisational size, regulatory pressure and corporate environmental strategy were found to be consistent drivers of water management accounting use. However, other drivers of supply chain-oriented water management accounting differ depending on whether the information considered is monetary or physical. Existence of a certified environmental management system and involvement of managers with industry associations are points of difference. These findings indicate a two-step incentive process for implementation is likely to be the most effective for promoting the collection and use of physical and monetary information for environmental management in the wine industry.  相似文献   

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