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近闻,有家交通企业在年终总结生产经营工作时,对企业在激烈的市场竞争中求生存、谋发展颇有一种‘危机之感’于是,他们提出新年度要办的第一件事是对职工进行市场竞争忧患意识的教育,决心狠抓管理,练好内功,以一流的服务,一流的质量称雄市场。此举值得称道。  相似文献   

1月26日,中央文明办、公安部联合召开电视电话会议,部署从2010年起至2012年,在全国实施为期三年的“文明交通行动计划”,力争使公民交通出行的法制意识、安全意识、文明意识明显增强,交通事故明显下降,交通执法更加规范,交通管理更加科学,交通秩序明显改善,文明交通长效机制进一步完善。“文明交通行动”启动日与春运启动日一并举行,各地以“文明出行,平安舂运”主题,向全社会发出文明交通倡议,组织开展各类宣传活动,启动文明交通行动计划。  相似文献   

党的基层组织是党全部工作和战斗力的基础,基层工作就是党全部工作的"神经末梢"。秦皇岛港股份有限公司第六港务分公司(以下简称秦港六公司)党委始终秉持"一切为了群众,一切依靠群众"的工作方针,以推行党建"零距离工作法"为载体,下力解决联系群众的"最后一公里"问题,与职工面对面、心贴心地开展思想党建工作,将改进作风实效渗透到"神经末梢",为基层党组织服务于生产经营、服务于职工群众提供了有力的抓手,赢得了  相似文献   

There have been a number of studies conducted on visitation patterns to the Wet Tropics rainforest in north-east Queensland, Australia. However, little has been undertaken in exploring the visitors' attitudes and behaviours (based on activities pursued) in the rainforest, and their ‘experience’ of this World Heritage environment. This papers sets out to advance research in this area by drawing on over 1000 surveys conducted with domestic and international visitors in various sites in the rainforest throughout 2008. Broad trends emerged that when on-site, visitors demonstrated a propensity to learn from the environmental and cultural information relevant to these rainforest sites. In terms of activities, visitors participated in a range of passive and active rainforest activities, the most popular of which included rainforest walks (76.4% of respondents), viewing scenery (72.6%) and viewing wildlife (59.3%). The significance of these findings is that they deepen our understanding of how ‘natural’ heritage visitor sites are gazed upon, experienced and consumed by visitors.  相似文献   

1999年是不平凡的一年,是交通管理工作迈大步、上台阶的一年。这一年,围绕交警队伍建设和业务建设,改革的力度明显大于往年,重大举措接连出台,工作扎实到位,一步一个脚印,取得预期效果。1999年的交通管理工作值得回顾。 1月,全国交警总队长、政委会议在昆明召开,对1999年工作进行全面部署。其中交警队伍建设作为重中之重列在首位。 2月,全国各地公安车辆管理所开始实行双休日、午休时间对外办理牌证制度,受到社会普遍好评。 2月,1998年道路交通事故新闻发布会在京举行。公布1998年交通事故统计数据。全…  相似文献   

奔腾不息的雅鲁藏布江水、世界第一神奇的雅鲁藏布江大峡谷、绵延不断的喜马拉雅山脉,构成了雪域“孤岛”奇特的地貌,同时也孕育了这封闭世界里的奇闻趣事。 过江龙果—一剧毒而可食 珞巴族是一个以狩猎闻名于世的民族,在猎取野兽时,毒箭帮了他们的大忙。野兽中毒箭后药性大发,奔跑不足2∞米便倒地毙命。涂于毒箭上的毒药,由两种植物混合制成,一种是生长在高海拔的一支蒿,另一种就是过江龙果。  相似文献   

既不合法’也不真实的原始凭证’明知应不予受理’但却因已有领导审批·经办人签名’而照样入账’殊不知单位利益已受到损害。一台相机’一部手机’可能已报销入账’但却没有财产登记’殊不知随着人员的交流·调动’可能真得﹃流失﹄了。截留·转移应纳入核算的单位的收入’私设﹃小金库﹄’编造假证·假账·假表’明知属违反国家财政法规的行为’却因有领导示意’而照做不误。殊不知那样做’虽﹃肥﹄了小团体利益’却损害了国家利益’干扰了经济发展’助长了腐败行为。凡此种种’会计人员都有不可推卸的责任’都属违背职业道德的行为。作为…  相似文献   

1997年被中国国家旅游局定为’97中国观光年,而该年又是香港回归中国的时候。 新华社香港分社称’97年为中国观光年,与此有关的准备活动已在展开。 国家旅游局局长刘毅说,举办’97中国观光年的目的是向世界介绍中国丰富的旅游资源。  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to shed light on the elements underlying cruise tourists’ evaluation of shore excursions, approaching them as an interaction of expressive and instrumental components.

To fulfil the aim of the investigation, a thematic content analysis of 1296 online reviews was conducted using the text-mining software Leximancer. The results of the study revealed that cruise visitors with different overall satisfaction with their guided tour focus the narrative of their opinion on different tour attributes. Thus, the dominant themes of the cruise passengers delighted with their tour included the performance of the tour guide, the arrangement of the tour, as well as the cruise destination sightseeing. On the other hand, instrumental components such as crowded bus tours, limited time at the port of call, and inadequate excursion design appeared to be the main aspects appointed by those unsatisfied with their onshore experience. Furthermore, the study assessed and compared the perceptions of the tour experience across cruise passengers from the contemporary, premium and luxury cruise line segments.  相似文献   


The sharing economy has witnessed a significant growth in recent years, enhanced by the development of online platforms. In particular, Airbnb has witnessed a significant worldwide year-on-year growth. Given the importance and popularity of Airbnb, it is crucial to examine which factors affect intentions to book on this website. This study proposes and tests a model based on the Theory of Reasoned Action, to examine millennials’ determinants of intentions to book on Airbnb. Based on two online surveys targeting millennials from Germany and China, the results show that intentions to book on Airbnb is mostly influenced by subjective norm, desire for unique accommodation and variety, attitude and economic benefits. Surprisingly, economic benefits have the smallest effect. Perceived risk with the purchase channel was found to have no impact on intentions to book on Airbnb. Managerial implications and theoretical contributions are provided.  相似文献   

When the Federal Airports Corporation (FAC) was formed in 1988, administration of Australia’s major airports passed from a Government department to a corporatised entity. The FAC improved the performance of the airports sector and it broadened the revenue base through commercial and property development. By 1994, however, policy thinking shifted in favour of privatisation. So far, the Government has sold 17 of the FAC’s 22 airports and it has received US$2.6 billion (1998/99 values). Four of the remaining airports are in the Sydney region where there are on-going debates about an appropriate site for a second major airport.The paper describes the sales processes and presents details about the new owners, the commitments they have entered into, and the regulatory system that has been established for the post-privatisation era. Price-capping arrangements have been put into place for the major airports, but Australia also introduced legislation to ensure there is competitive access to essential infrastructure. It is too early to assess the performance of the new owners and to see how the interaction between access regulation and price capping is managed, but this paper documents the pre-privatisation situation to assist future researchers.  相似文献   

Destination image is influenced by many factors, including destination promotion materials, the mass media as a general familiarity agent, the perceivers’ own characteristics and even researchers’ methodological choices. To isolate and minimize the impact of research on destination image, different qualitative and quantitative designs and analysis techniques have been utilized. However, no previous study utilized the network analysis technique, which may be useful to reveal a picture of destination image with the interconnections and hidden dynamisms of dimensions as well as its correlates. The present study applies this technique on qualitative data from an online sample of Americans on their perceptions of a relatively remote and unfamiliar destination, the Caucasus region, in order to hone in on the dramatic impact of mass media on destination image. Results revealed networks of meanings with residue of mass media messages about Boston bombing, with some differences among different genders and education levels.  相似文献   


This article examines informal entrepreneurs’ capital usage and conversion in the Thai tourism sector. On the Bourdieusian assumption that people perpetually transform tangible and intangible forms of capital, this study seeks to answer how informal tourism entrepreneurs transform intangible capital into tangible capital, and vice versa, at different stages of their development process. A visual dataset of 78 filmed interviews and of 426 photographs of informal entrepreneurs in three tourist-island destinations in Thailand was compiled and analysed using thematic qualitative analysis. The results show the importance of diversification of capital mix at informal entrepreneurs’ different development stages. Whereas cultural and symbolic capital are more salient for freelancers and small-size entrepreneurs, economic and social capital are more important for mid-size and large informal entrepreneurs. Furthermore, this study introduces dream capital as a new form of capital. Developing countries are recommended to introduce a policy on profiling informal tourism entrepreneurs so that the appropriate level of regulation can be applied in order to maintain or increase their benefits to society.  相似文献   

一、我国集装箱运输发展面临的机遇与挑战 随着全球综合物流时代的到来及国际集装箱多式联运的开展,件杂货运输的集装箱化程度越来越高。集装箱吞吐量已经成为衡量港口作用和地位的主要标志。 在我国加入WTO后,我国港口企业必将面临前所未有的挑战,同时还会逐步失去中央政策的保护和某些特权,而以市场为主体参与平等竞争。为适应市场竞争的需要,国有港口企业必须尽快改变目前普遍存在的随意性企业管理方式,建立起管理正规化机制。  相似文献   

交通运输是国民经济发展的先行行业,而雷双悬同志就是这个行业的先行“官”——湖南省衡阳汽车运输总公司总经理。 他这一生似乎与汽车运输有缘,1962年大学未毕业,便投身人民解放军大学校当了一名汽车兵。在部队,他是一名好战士、好教官;1967年转业到湘运,更是一名好司机、好技术员、好队长、好站长、好经理。至今他已在运输行业辛勤耕耘了33个春秋。1983年,曾在本企业开过7年车,担任过8年基层领导并先后改变  相似文献   

Destinations provide a combination of products and services. Using these resources, tourists create their own experiences. Providing a pleasing tourist experience is crucial for destinations’ long-term success. Although travellers’ experiences have been subject to extensive research, various segments might perceive them differently based on their motivations. Despite the fact that cultural tourism is considered as an important segment for most urban destinations, factors affecting cultural travel experiences have not been clarified in the literature so far. Therefore, the primary purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting cultural tourists’ overall travel experiences. In order to achieve this study's goals, we chose Istanbul as a research context. After interviewing 21 tourists and analysis of transcribed data, 64 items were merged under 5 dimensions emerging as the key constructs affecting cultural tourist experiences in a destination, namely social interaction, local authentic clues, service, culture/heritage and challenge. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2000,7(3):185-193
In 1998 the UK Government published the first Transport White Paper for over 20 years, A New Deal for Transport; Better for Everyone. The document emphasised the need for joined-up policy thinking and for co-ordinated action across different areas of government, a theme that has been taken up in many subsequent policy documents issued by central government. The paper explores the extent to which ‘joined-up thinking’ is evident in practice, both in the ways in which transport measures are appraised (e.g. do they fully take into account non-transport impacts?), and in appraisals in other policy areas with significant transport impacts.It does so by examining appraisal frameworks in different sectors, and identifies a number of current weaknesses. It then builds on these examples to propose ways in which an integrated policy appraisal framework could be developed. This would aim to identify not only the comparative cost-effectiveness of different transport measures in fulfilling policy objectives, but also the relative contribution that different areas of government could make—including transport—to the delivery of over-arching policy objectives, such as sustainable development, social exclusion and regeneration.  相似文献   

地处“世界尾脊”的西藏拥有堪称世界一流的旅游资源,西藏旅游,作为西藏经济振兴的重头戏,去年这出戏唱得有声有色。笔者日前在采访西藏自治区旅游局局长汤正琪先生时获悉,1993年有组织地接待海外游客2万3千多人次,比上年增长3%,实现营业额1亿零6百万元,比上年增长3.6%,上缴利税近800万元,创汇900万美元。  相似文献   


Despite significant potential for cultural tourism, the predominant form of tourism in Malta is sun and sea. This paper evaluates Malta’s potential for cultural tourism with a focus on Valletta, a fortified historic city that overlooks the Grand Harbour. Valletta’s rich urban heritage and historic narrative makes it ideal for the development of a more culture-oriented tourism. The paper explores how, over more than half a century of tourism activity in Malta, culture and heritage retained a secondary role. Since the mid-nineties, Malta’s tourism policy shifted with culture and heritage being given greater importance, even if the sun and sea tourism remained a priority. Public and private investment brought about changes in Valletta that made it more amenable to cultural activity and tourism. Although European Capital of Culture Valletta 2018 provides new opportunities for cultural tourism to Malta, it is unclear whether this will bring a lasting legacy for Malta’s tourism. This Valletta case study shows that, for destinations with an established form of tourism, the development of cultural tourism meets with difficulties, in spite the presence of a rich urban heritage.  相似文献   

近日,国家民航总局下发通知,适当延长航班时刻安排。根据规定,从通知下发之日起,所有国内民用航空机场和军民合用机场的国内航班时刻安排可延长至次日凌晨2点,新疆地区延长至次日凌晨4点。此通知一经出台即被媒体视为时断时续被封杀的"红眼航班"获得了永久解禁令。也难怪,因机票价格比正常航班要低1~2折的"红眼航班",从面世之日起虽然深受旅客喜爱,但却屡被叫停,今朝修成正果自然会引起广泛关注:  相似文献   

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