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This paper explores the ways in which tourism development has resulted in new and competing forms of territoriality in the Peruvian Andes. In a predominantly subsistence economy, the income opportunities offered by tourism have intensified conflicts relating to territorial control. Analysis focuses on a dispute between the direction of the Lake Titicaca National Reserve and the Uros, an indigenous group living within the Reserve. Both have attempted to enforce their authority over the Reserve’s territory in order to control tourism flows and revenues. The Uros strive for the establishment of their own Communal Reserve, creating a new territorial division based on ethnic criteria. The elaboration of contradicting tourism use plans has created multiple normative frameworks used by both parties to support their claims for authority over the contested territory.  相似文献   

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Tourist experiences are often profound and help to shape the social world of actors. Memories of travels become part of lived experiences to share with others. Experiences of travels or holidays achieve iconic status in everyday lives, and are communicated through the stories of life into lived identities. Accounts of touristic experiences in naturalistic everyday interaction have a story-like quality to them which become mythologised, fabled and flamboyantly and richly narrated to friends and relatives back home. However it is often extremely difficult to collect naturally occurring data of these storied experiences. Interviews in contrast appear to have a more structured and less naturalistic quality. This paper argues that using less structured interview situations, and a very close, fine-detailed analysis of interview data that draws upon socio-linguistic approaches, it is possible to reveal the underlying narrative structure of accounts for and of touristic experience. The paper argues that the natural attitude of the tourist is a ‘narrativistic’ attitude, that an account of touristic experience requires the development of a story, to define, describe and provide reasoned accounts for touristic events. Thus stories are crucial to the development of touristic accounts, and understandings of touristic experience must take account of these narrative structures in order to fully understand what tourists do when they talk about their experiences: they talk about their identities and their worlds. This paper explores how such narratives are constructed and what ‘things’ (other than the events themselves) they communicate.  相似文献   

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This paper uses the livelihoods framework to analyse how cultural tourism can diversify livelihoods at XaiXai village in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Both primary and secondary data sources were used in this study. Primary data sources included household and key informant's interviews conducted at XaiXai village and Gcwihaba Caves. Secondary data included both published and unpublished materials on cultural tourism, XaiXai village and Gcwihaba Caves. Results indicate that the San (Basarwa) of XaiXai's traditional life of hunting and gathering has become a cultural tourism product in the Okavango Delta. Gcwihaba Caves’ geological formation particularly the stalagmites, stalactites and channels also attract tourists that visit the Okavango Delta. The caves also have a cultural history in that they were used as a hiding place by the Basarwa in times of wars, rainy season and cold winters. As such, the cultural values of the San of XaiXai and Gcwihaba Caves are cultural tourism products that can diversify livelihoods at XaiXai village. Therefore, policies and strategies that address cultural tourism and rural livelihoods in tourism destination areas need to be developed. The Gcwihaba Caves and Xaixai Village case study demonstrates that cultural tourism can be a tool for rural livelihoods diversification in tourism destination areas of developing countries.  相似文献   

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Current Issues in Convention & Exhibition Facility Development. Robert R. Nelson. Binghampton: Haworth Hospitality Press. 2004. 0-7890-2598-1  相似文献   

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Gay Tourism: Culture, Identity and Sex. C. Clift, M. Luongo, C. Callister. London: Continuum. 2002. 0-8264-6696-6  相似文献   

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Hospitality Marketing: An Introduction. David Bowie, Francis Buttle. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. 2004. 0750652454  相似文献   

本手册为美国交通研究委员会(TRB)出版的《道路通行能力手册》(Highway Capacity Manual 2000第四版)中译本,由北京工业大学交通研究中心著名教授任福田等数十人历经数年辛苦翻译、校核而成。本手册汇集了评估道路通行能力和确定各种交通设施服务水平的先进适用技术。原著自1950年出版了第一版后.不断更新.修订.完善.在五十余年的时间跨度里,本手册一直是道路通行能力研究的标志性成果,是交通领域里一本经典之作.更是世界各国从事道路交通工程人员分析通行能力和服务水平的重要参考文献。  相似文献   

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