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警察权益概念的界定是解决警察权益保障问题的基础。权益是一个内容非常广泛的概念,警察权益是国家特别赋予作为公务员的警察所享有的权益。从词语结构上警察对权益进行限定,使警察权益有了具体指向并被赋予特定内涵。警察权益是一种法定权利,能否得到切实保障,要看警察的行为是否具有合法性。  相似文献   

Economic theory would define airport security as a public good; no different than border control or the military, but this is not how it is treated in many countries. In Mexico, airport security is financed entirely from the public treasury. In the U.S., the cost is split evenly between air passengers and the public treasury. In Canada, air passengers pay the entire cost of airport security. The Canadian case is examined in detail. Forcing air passengers to bear the full cost of airport security creates a number of economic distortions. Air travel in Canada is discouraged by the added cost of security, but worse it encourages travelers to cross the Canada-U.S. border where they can fly from lower cost U.S. airports. The tax losses to the public treasury because of this policy are arguably greater than the total security fees collected.Airport security evolved organically rather than by design because governments were forced to react quickly to escalating threats. As a result, a “user-pay” financing system was put in place in Canada without careful policy analysis.  相似文献   

The present research intends to fill gaps identified in the current literature in the classification of the urban environment (i.e. city vs. suburbs), something that is important in urban and transportation planning, especially in the context of seniors. It does so first by proposing an urban/suburban classification that takes into account multiple census variables to provide a richer yet fine-grained and standardized classification of urban and suburban census tracts – the “Urban Core.” The Urban Core is then compared with the more common classification of the “Inner City,” that is based on age of housing. The proposed definition is then applied to examine if recent behavior of seniors has been consistent with the contention that they will increasingly move to the city – something that has been suggested in the media and grey literature. This is done by examining disaggregate data from four Canadian censuses on households moving to the Urban Core or suburbs, by age group. This is done initially graphically, and then logistic regressions are used to analyze how the effect of being a senior on moving to the Urban Core has evolved over the four censuses, while controlling for other socio-demographic variables. As such, using the proposed definition of the Urban Core, analysis suggests that seniors have been increasingly moving away from the Urban Core, behavior that is inconsistent with a hypothesis of a return to the city for seniors in the future.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether small-scale ecotourism is sustainable. For the purpose of the paper the term 'ecotourism' has been refined, and evaluation criteria compiled for small-scale community ecotourism comprising of three concepts: environmental sensitivity, socio-cultural appropriateness, and economic viability. The case study of Niue was chosen because it met the initial evaluation criteria, and was used to determine whether small-scale community ecotourism was sustainable. Niue's tourism industry was assessed in the areas of environmental, socio-cultural and economic viability and all three must exist in symbiosis to achieve sustainability. The results of the research show that Niue's tourism industry is sustainable only in environmental and socio-cultural aspects, however, due to insufficient visitor arrivals it is not economically viable. Niue is isolated, reliant on aid and is the most expensive destination in the South Pacific due primarily to the cost and frequency of the air service. Niue can increase its visitor numbers to achieve economic viability, or attract higher spending visitors to the island. Care must be taken not to exceed the island's carrying capacity, which would cause negative environmental and socio-cultural impacts. A balance needs to be made between the three concepts to achieve sustainability, with careful planning and monitoring.  相似文献   

Cycling is increasingly prioritized as a mode of transport with multiple socio-economic, environmental, and health benefits. However, the benefits associated with cycling are not always equitably distributed throughout society, meaning that some people (e.g. people with low incomes, immigrants and people of colour, women, and seniors) may not have access to safe and convenient spaces in which to cycle, with infrastructure inadequately accommodating the varying needs of all members of society. Based on a review of academic literature, as well as a critical review of city-level transport plans in Canada, we evaluate if and how transport plans in Canada are addressing equity, as well as the ways in which planning practice can more effectively provide for it. Findings from the review of Canadian transport plans revealed four key themes related to how plans can, and do currently address equity, including (1) socio-spatial network analysis (2) consideration of equity in projects and priorities, (3) equity-oriented funding mechanisms, (4) inclusive design and safety. While some plans were found to have addressed equity, many did not, or did so to a limited and ineffective way. As per the findings from the academic literature, many opportunities exist to advance the pursuit of cycling equity, including for example, the utilization of appropriate and effective methods of analysis, as well as locally tailored engagement and decision-making processes that effectively address the needs and concerns of local residents, particularly those who are most disadvantaged.  相似文献   

This research investigates pro‐poor tourism (PPT), which has only been considered in a third world context, in a first world country, determining whether PPT principles are being used to alleviate poverty in a developed location, Glasgow Govan, in Scotland. The research develops and applies a new PPT principles tool to regeneration projects in the area and reveals a significant level of PPT application there. The findings suggest that PPT can be an over‐complication of a common sense development approach that any responsible government should promote. The results also question the validity of community based tourism initiatives. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates the effects of three destination consumptions (namely symbolic, experiential and functional) on tourists' destination attachment and satisfaction, and further on destination loyalty at a heritage tourism destinations. Using a sample of 512 international tourists visiting Angkor, Cambodia, results reveal that all three types of consumptions have significantly positive effects on destination attachment and satisfaction, which in turn positively affect destination loyalty. However, the effects of symbolic consumption and experiential consumption are greater than that of functional consumption. The results also support the importance of the role of destination attachment in the quality–satisfaction–loyalty relationship. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

第二次世界大战结束后 ,美国出现了十分严重的住房危机 ,住房问题一跃成为最主要的社会矛盾。退伍军人、中产阶级、黑人以及城市贫民都遇到了住房困难。在这种情况下 ,美国政府在房地产业的发展方面采取了“私人为主 ,政府为辅”的政策 ,从金融、立法等方面大力扶持私人建筑业 ,在一定程度上缓解了住房压力。但是 ,在具体的执行过程中 ,美国政府的住房政策仍然存在很大的漏洞 ,并且遗留了许多隐患 ,最终导致了城市危机的爆发 ,使住房问题至今仍未能得到彻底解决。  相似文献   

In markets for scheduled passenger travel services, demand may be not independent of supply. On airline routes the speed, convenience and frequency of services affect demand along with price and other economic factors. This generates the possibility of multiple equilibria. For 185 domestic Canada and trans-border city-pair routes, of which 101 currently lack non-stop service, we find that twelve of the latter (all trans-border routes) have a “sweet spot” – although current passenger numbers do not justify non-stop service, were this to be introduced, it would turn out to be economically justified by the boost in the attractiveness of the route.  相似文献   

Taxis share a high proportion of urban traffic volume and contribute a large proportion to urban air pollution. This paper addressees this context by exploring urban taxi air pollution emissions and possible reduction countermeasures. Based on a survey of Harbin taxis, we have developed different urban taxi pollution emissions models and considered taxi passenger occupancy and taxi average vacant ratio. To reduce taxi air pollution emission, this paper sets a reduction goal and puts forward three kinds of transport management policies. These are taxi market regulation, introduction of electric and Liquefied Petroleum Gas powered vehicles, and the introduction of dial-a-ride services. The paper provides recommendations for managing urban taxi development using these strategies.  相似文献   

Metropolitan areas in the U.S. have become increasingly polycentric. Large employment subcenters have emerged outside of central cities, competing against the traditional city center for labor and businesses. The existing literature on land use and transportation focuses on passenger travel, providing little insight into the impact of polycentric metropolitan development patterns on freight activity. In this study, we use the Los Angeles region as a case study to examine the relationship between urban spatial development patterns and freight travel. Using the National Employment Time Series (NETS) data, we identify employment subcenters in metropolitan Los Angeles. We characterize freight activities associated with the subcenters using data from the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). We develop a regression model that estimates freight activity as a function of geographic characteristics, such as whether a location is in an employment subcenter, measures of nearby employment, access to the highway network, and proximity to intermodal freight facilities. The results indicate that employment is an important driver of freight activity; however, employment subcenters have an independent effect on freight activity. The results of this study suggest that further research on urban spatial structure and freight activity should assess the effects of employment subcenters and how their particular employment composition and characteristics are associated with freight activities at the metropolitan level. Such an approach would lead to more precise policy recommendations for urban goods movement.  相似文献   

加拿大国家铁路公司 (CN)重组上市前面临人员臃肿、债务沉重、管理效率低下等严重问题 ,通过政府和铁路企业方面采取的各种有力措施 ,CN在三年内上市 ,并取得极大成功。借鉴CN重组上市经验 ,中国铁路需要积极推进股份制改造 ,加快建立现代企业制度 ;切实加强基础性改革工作 ,保证铁路改革顺利推进 ;加强企业文化建设 ,为铁路改革和发展创造良好的氛围。  相似文献   

Short-term Perturbations and Tourism Effects: The Case of SARS in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 2003 SARS epidemic created a significant negative impact on tourism development in China. This paper reviews the effects on tourism of different short-term crises, analyses the effects of SARS and explores the possibility of tourism businesses being buffered from such short-term crisis and the possible new motivations derived from the crisis. Tourism’s lack of resistance but high resilience to short term crises provides tourism and regional planning challenges. These characteristics suggest diversification and partnerships can minimise community vulnerability to crises and rapid economic recovery is possible based on tourism’s resilient nature.  相似文献   

In the last 30 years, destination image has emerged as a dominant theme in tourism research studies for both tourism industry practitioners and academic researchers. The results of these studies are intended for destination management purposes and thus are of utmost importance for destination success. Various factors are postulated and demonstrated to influence destination image; however, there is a lack of focus on the methodologies employed when evaluating the image of a destination. The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential impact of some methodological tools used when measuring destination image. A large scale and longitudinal market survey dataset of the Michigan Regional Travel Market Survey was analysed for the purpose of this study. A wide range of methodological factors from data gathering modes to analytical techniques utilised were found to influence the revealed image of the study destination, Michigan. Detailed discussion of potential bias factors and potential research directions are provided.  相似文献   

Visits to sites associated with death and suffering are considered emotionally laden. Few studies empirically investigated visitor emotions at such sites. This study examines emotional responses of 241 visitors to concentration camp memorial Neuengamme and assesses how emotions are associated with long‐term consequences of revisit intentions and positive word of mouth. Tourists experience negative emotions more intensely compared with positive emotions. Negative emotions predict long‐term behavioral intentions more than positive emotions do. Shock and sadness are of particular importance. This study suggests that certain negative emotions also have the power to broaden‐and‐build and may have long‐term behavioral consequences. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

计量工作的宗旨是服务于运输安全、防止铁路漏收,同时也是为了维护货主权益。为此,工作人员要提高自身素质,设备要达到标准化,公正、准确地提交检测报告。  相似文献   

This research examines issues concerning the collaborative approach towards tourism planning, with a focus on Cusco, Peru. The research begins with a review of key themes related to collaborative tourism planning, and then explores four issues in relation to collaborative tourism planning in Cusco. These are the vision of tourism development among tourism stakeholders; collaboration and coordination between the multiple parties involved in tourism; input from the tourism industry and other interest groups in tourism planning; and constraints to and facilitators of collaboration and coordination. The research indicates that despite an awareness of the benefits of collaboration in tourism planning generally, collaboration is not yet a major part of the tourism development process in Cusco. The main reasons for the lack of collaboration are outlined using the views of the main stakeholders, as well as suggestions for ways in which future collaboration can be developed.  相似文献   

The concept of sport related tourism has become more prominent in the last few years as both an academic field of study and an increasingly popular tourism product (Gibson, 1998). Sport tourism includes travel to participate in a passive (e.g. sports events and museums) or active sport holiday (e.g. scuba diving and cycling), and it may involve instances where sport or tourism itself is the dominant activity or reason for travel. However, little research has been undertaken to examine the profile of sport tourist market segments in an attempt to understand these segments and their potential as tourism markets. This paper will examine one such attempt to profile sport tourist spectators through surveying sport tourists attending Super 12 Rugby Union matches at Bruce Stadium, Canberra in April/May 2000. The paper discusses the preliminary results of this exploratory study, and examines the sporting behaviour and travel behaviour of spectators. The paper will then discuss differences between spectator characteristics with an emphasis on examining high yield segments based on sport and travel behaviour, and will conclude with a discussion of future research possibilities.  相似文献   

目前我国城市轨道交通建设步入了快速发展的轨道,已建成通车的城轨交通覆盖了六大城市;正在建设的城轨交通覆盖了八大城市;正在筹备建设的城轨交通覆盖了16 个城市,还有有意向的10余座城市。同时,城市化进程的加快,也使城际轨道交通建设揭开了序幕。  相似文献   

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