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Floating exchange rates seem to be gaining ground in Latin America, East Asia and the transition economies. The recent crises left many economies with no alternative but to float. Others have moved toward floating, searching for greater flexibility and insulation from external shocks. The question for most emerging market economies, then, is no longer to float or not to float, but how to float. Four issues arise in this regard. The first is how to float and have low inflation. The second is whether floating provides as much insulation as conventional theory predicts, especially in the presence of dollarized liabilities. Which leads to the third point: the relationship between the stability of the exchange rate and that of the financial system. The fourth is how to conduct monetary policy under a float, and the role of inflation targeting. We consider each of these points in turn, and conclude that a workable model of how to float seems to be emerging from the so‐far successful experience of countries like Chile and Brazil. It involves the adoption of an inflation target as the main anchor for monetary policy, coupled with a monetary policy reaction function that — aside from reacting to the output gap and other determinants of the inflation rate — reacts also partially to movements in the nominal exchange rate. JEL classification: F3, F4, E4, E5  相似文献   

There is consensus among researches that under the present floating exchange rate system although developing countries peg their exchange rate to a major currency, they cannot avoid fluctuation in their effective exchange rates as long as major currencies fluctuate against one another. Few authors have investigated the effects of changes in effective exchange rates of developing countries on their imports, exports, trade balance, demand for international reserves, inflation etc. In this paper we try to inestigate the effects of effective exchange rates of developing countries on their demand for money. Previous authors who have estimated a money demand function, inclusive of an exchange rate variable (bilateral or effective), have restricted themselves to industrial countries only. By using quarterly data over the 1973–85 period, it is shown that in most developing countries, while the short-run effcts of depreciation could be in either direction, its long-run effects are negative indicating that depreciation causes a decline in the demand for domestic currency.  相似文献   

Recently various exchange rate models capturing the dynamics during the transition from an exchange rate arrangement of floating rates into a currency union have been derived. Technically, these stochastic equilibrium models are diffusion processes which have to be estimated by discretely sampled observations. Using daily exchange rate data prior to the Greek EMU-entrance on 1 January 2001, we develop a rigorous estimation procedure. Our estimates point to an increasing interventionist economic policy in the run-up to the Greek EMU entrance. A comparison of this econometric indication with policy information provided (ex-post) by the Bank of Greece (BoG) in its Annual Report 2000 reveals that the BoG indeed pursued such an active policy stance (so-called institutional frontloading strategies).   相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of U.S. short- and long-term monetary policy under both flexible and managed floating systems, using the new CANDIDE Model 2.0. We have also examined the role of domestic monetary policy in the Canadian economy under both fixed and flexible exchange rate systems. The following are some of the important findings of our study:
  1. Our results support the traditional view that under the fixed exchange rate regime, monetary authorities cannot successfully pursue an independent monetary policy from its trading partners — an effort to increase money supply will be almost offset by increases in the balance of payments deficit. In contrast, in the flexible exchange rate regime, monetary policy is more effective in producing an increased growth in output and employment. However the increased output growth comes at the cost of higher prices induced by increased wages and a depreciation of the Canadian dollar.
  2. Our results suggest that the impact of U.S. interest rates on investment, GNE, employment, productivity, and government debt is less severe in a pure floating exchange rate regime, compared to the managed floating system. However, the impact of U.S. interest rate policy on the Canadian inflation rate is worse in the case of flexible exchange rate regime. Even though real income and inflation are less favourable in both cases, our results indicate a trade-off between output growth and inflation.
  3. Our results imply that under a pure floating monetary authorities can determine the long-run rate of inflation in Canada independent of others. However, the United States and Canadian economies are interrelated during the adjustment process, even under the flexible exchange rates, through the terms of trade and the wage-price spiral channels.

Fear of floating     
This paper uses unique household survey data to investigate the expected effects of a switch from a fixed exchange rate regime to a floating exchange rate regime in Bulgaria during the global financial crisis. The data show that the public associated such a switch with a contraction of output, higher prices, a decline in exports, and an overall deterioration of economic welfare. These expectations fuelled a strong opposition to removing the fixed exchange rate. Thus, the survey data allow us to investigate why a switch from a fixed exchange rate to a floating exchange rate did not take place.  相似文献   

We modify the Gali and Monacelli small open economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model, calibrate to Mexican data and simulate the impact of the financial crisis on Mexico, under floating and counter factual fixed exchange rates. The floating exchange rate ameliorates welfare losses for Mexico. They are greater under fixed exchange rates because the return paths to equilibrium are more volatile (higher variance) and output, consumption and employment impulse response functions (IRFs) overshoot. Monetary policy, inflation targeting with floating exchange rates, clearly reduced the welfare costs vis‐à‐vis other counter factual policies including consumer price index‐based Taylor rule, domestic inflation Taylor rule and fixed exchange rates.  相似文献   

基于汇率传递的风险溢价渠道,本文将我国利率调控通胀、外汇储备对冲干预汇率纳入新凯恩斯政策模型,构建双目标双工具政策分析框架,比较泰勒规则与双目标双工具规则下通胀目标与汇率目标共存的经济机制与效应。本文模拟显示:(1)双目标双工具政策框架下通胀目标与汇率目标能够共存,此时通过影响汇率风险溢价来盯住汇率不影响通胀;而单工具政策下两目标无法共存,此时降低国内资产的收益率盯住汇率会刺激居民的消费行为引起通胀。(2)国际资本冲击下,双目标双工具政策在固定汇率的同时能保证经济稳定;而当贸易条件恶化时,选择完全浮动汇率制度最优。央行政策损失分析进一步验证了以上结论。(3)随着金融市场化改革深入,外汇储备稳定汇率的有效性将下降,冲销成本会大幅提升。资本账户开放下,双目标双工具政策仍是央行抵御外部资本冲击的首选政策;但是汇率市场化后,通胀目标制与双目标双工具政策效果基本无差异。本文结论的启示是:面对国际资本,需必要的汇率管制;但是面对贸易冲击,可适度提升汇率弹性来减少冲击对产出和通胀的影响。  相似文献   

Exchange rate volatility and regime change: A Visegrad comparison   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyze exchange rate volatility in the Visegrad Four countries during the period in which they abandoned tight regimes for more flexible ones. We account for path dependency, asymmetric shocks, and movements in interest rates. In addition, we allow for a generalized error distribution. The overall findings are that path-dependent volatility has a limited effect on exchange rate developments and that the introduction of floating regimes tends to increase exchange rate volatility. During the period of flexible regimes, volatility was mainly driven by surprises. Asymmetric effects of news tend to decrease volatility under the floating regime. Interest differentials impact exchange rate volatility contemporaneously under either regime, although we find no intertemporal effect of interest differentials. Journal of Comparative Economics 34 (4) (2006) 727–753.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(2-3):159-168
This paper evaluates the implications of a shift from a pegged to a floating exchange rate regime for the international competitiveness and the economic behavior of Chinese manufacturing firms. Using a conceptual framework that characterizes the relationship between the exchange rate regime and the potential source of a firm's competitive advantage, it yields two key analytical results. First, Chinese manufacturing firms may increase their reliance on a low-margin pricing strategy as the exchange rate regime shifts towards a more flexible one. As a corollary, a low-margin pricing strategy may discourage Chinese manufacturing firms from undertaking costly research and development (R&D) activities, and investments in human capital development. Second, Chinese manufacturing firms have the incentive to employ various wage restraint measures under a floating exchange rate regime at least in the short term. These key analytical results provide insights into a number of policy-relevant issues that may arise at the firm-level. It concludes by providing some general directions on the timing of a complete transition to a floating exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

Pegged exchange rates are often pointed out as more prone to risk of overvaluation, because their real exchange rates have a tendency to appreciate. We check this assumption empirically over a large sample of emerging and developing countries, by using two databases for de facto classifications by Levy‐Yeyati and Sturzenegger (2003 ) and by Reinhart and Rogoff (2004 ). We assess currency misalignments by estimating real equilibrium exchange rates taking into account a Balassa effect and the impact of net foreign assets. Pegged currencies are shown to be more overvalued than floating ones.  相似文献   

布雷顿森林体系瓦解之后,世界进入了以浮动汇率为主的混合体制时期,但浮动汇率制也带来诸多问题,经济学家和政府官员开始寻求更为合理的汇率制度。汇率目标区正是这种寻求的结果之一。本文采取一种综述的形式,对汇率目标区理论,主要是对克鲁格曼的汇率目标区模型进行了介绍。  相似文献   

2008年金融危机给世界经济带来了重大的影响,国际金融格局也发生了显著变化。本文主要分析了国际汇率体系、国际收支和国际储备体系、国别经济政策与国际间经济政策协调的变化。在后危机时期,美国经济也受国际金融格局变化的影响,包括美元中心地位的问题、“中心一外围”模式可持续性的问题和美国的国际经济领导权问题。本文得出的主要结论是:国际几种主要货币汇率波动增大,国际汇率体系弹性增大,国际收支总体失衡程度下降,美元为主的国际储备体系呈多元化趋势,先进经济体与新兴发展经济体的经济协调在加强,美元的霸权地位面临挑战,美国在国际分工中的中心地位在下降,美国在国际经济的主导地位也在逐渐下降,新兴经济体获得更多的话语权。  相似文献   

韩蓉  杨文杰 《经济研究导刊》2011,(18):51-52,125
随着中国经济的高速增长以及贸易顺差的逐年扩大,加之金融危机的余波尚未结束,人民币汇率问题成为世界关注的焦点。首先阐述了影响人民币汇率变动的长期因素,包括中国经济发展状况、国际收支及通货膨胀率,并分析了它们与汇率变动的关系。然后运用多元回归方法对这些影响因素与人民币汇率的相关性加以验证分析。  相似文献   

积极的货币政策帮助中国经济在危机中和后危机时代保持稳定而较快的增长。然而与之相随的是物价上涨、通胀压力显现和外部的人民币升值压力。当前中国经济的主要矛盾是防通胀,保增长的压力较小。而且,由于中国有管理的浮动汇率制度和对资本项目下货币流动的严格管理制度,利率上升本身不会对人民币升值带来显著影响,也不会导致热钱的大量流入。  相似文献   

加拿大属于典型的资源性经济,加元的汇率变化多受国际商品和石油价格的影响,超出了国内货币政策的控制范围,是独立浮动或是固定汇率?经过两次试验后,加拿大政府坚定地选择了独立浮动汇率制度,并最终实现了汇率政策与货币政策脱离,以此给予了加拿大银行较大的决策空间,使后者专注于维持较低的通货膨胀环境。同时,加拿大政府努力为汇率制度创造有利的宏观经济政策环境,财政政策和货币政策分工明确、相互支持,为汇率制度和经济增长奠定了可持续的坚实基础。本文以加拿大浮动汇率制度为主线,从财政政策、货币政策、政策搭配角度讨论其宏观经济政策框架,分析加元汇率制度的运行环境。在此基础上,本文探讨加拿大汇率政策及浮动汇率制度的作用与功能。本文第五部分对加拿大银行提出的汇率预测模型作出了较深入的分析。  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyzes the relationship between exchange rate policy and sovereign risk premia in emerging market economies, considering both officially declared regimes and actual exchange rate behavior. The results show that countries that announce a fixed exchange rate regime face lower spreads than countries that announce a floating regime or intermediate flexibility. When the actual exchange rate behavior is considered, this relationship persists between intermediate flexibility and pegs but countries that allow their exchange rates to freely float do not face higher spreads. The difference between the results is due to the fact that many countries deviate from their declared exchange rate policy. The countries that announce a floating regime do not face higher spreads than pegs when they actually allow a high degree of flexibility as they announced. However, intermediate flexibility leads to higher spreads independently of whether this is the announced policy or the actual behavior.  相似文献   

Motivated by the global debate on the possible revaluation of the Chinese currency, the RMB, in recent years, the objective of this paper is to measure the equilibrium value of the RMB exchange rate through the macroeconomic balance approach in order to produce an assessment of the RMB in terms of periods of misalignment. The empirical evidence indicates that although there turns out to be an increasing degree of the RMB undervaluation in these measures from 2003 to 2004, the RMB is not substantially undervalued in both measures of real effective exchange rates and nominal bilateral exchange rates against the US dollar over the full period 1994–2004.  相似文献   

货币政策困境与人民币汇率问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者主要讨论宏观政策遭遇保持人民币币值稳定和以加息手段抑制通胀不可兼得的两难困境。文章在阐明利率和汇率的相互作用关系的基础上,从人民币估值压力和汇率制度的角度分析了造成货币政策两难的原因,得出了人民币汇率在国内经济条件成熟时应走向有限浮动的结论,并在文章最后提出了关于汇制改革、利率市场化及放松资本管制过程中必须注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

Monetary policy with an inflation targeting rule is analyzed through a simple small-scale Post-Keynesian model that incorporates open economy issues. In contrast with previous Post-Keynesian attempts, the model embodies policy authorities that are committed not only to hitting inflation and/or output targets, but also to the achievement of the external balance. To take account of the external balance objective, we model the real exchange rate as an endogenous and moving target, with the nominal exchange rate being the instrument of that target. The model shows that in response to an adverse external shock the central bank has to consider first the required real exchange rate adjustment that will preserve the external balance, and secondly the level at which the interest rate must be set in order to maintain inflation stabilization. Keeping inflation to target requires higher interest rates and strong reliance on the unemployment channel which, under certain circumstances, also has adverse side effects on income distribution. We show that to deal with an exogenous external shock a policy mix of real exchange rate targeting and income distribution targeting outperforms inflation targeting.  相似文献   

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