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2003年7月18日,爱我中华大家行先进事迹报告会在北京钓鱼台国宾馆隆重举行。买世蕊作为“中华爱国之星”的代表第一个上台领奖,并作了30多分钟的事迹报告。一时间,买世蕊成为了备受关注的新闻人物。 买世蕊是新乡市糖业烟酒总公司副总经理、解南批发超市经理,她先后当选为省、市人大代表,省、市党代表,并获省、部、市劳模,省“三八”红旗手,省“十佳青年新  相似文献   

从潍坊高新区到美国之后,每个星期我和女儿女婿都要开车去超市买副食品和水果蔬菜,逛超市成了习惯,也是了解美国经济发展的最好窗口。美国没有农村集市,人口都集中在城市里,所以超市规模都很大,蔬菜水果、副食品、日用百货、服装家电,林林总总应有尽有。  相似文献   

我家左邻开了一家小百货店,有一次我去买四盒三星蚊香,它计价每盒8.8元,四盒35.2元。有一天我在普陀区的一家超市看到,三星蚊香每盒7.9元,也有一天,在这家小店左边又一家小店,标明三星蚊香每盒8.5元,又过了一天,我在右边的一家商店看到,三星蚊香每盒7.5元。同我购进的每盍竟相差I.3元。  相似文献   

50岁的家庭主妇孔俊英(音)气呼呼地站在北京东北部一家超市门口,手里握着一枚成鸭蛋。孔俊英和她的丈夫还有18岁的儿子每月只有2000元人民币的生活费。从今年上半年以来,她发现买食物的花费在他们两口子的固定收入中所占的比例越来越大。从前每月花300块,现在变成了500块,而价格还在上涨。因此孔俊英买了这枚成鸭蛋,没有买肉。她说:“我们还能买得起吃的,但如果价格继续上涨,我想政府就应当发放专门的食品补贴了。”  相似文献   

礼到人不到。这样其实挺周到——遇到你喜欢的。快递给你一年以前.我在qq群里跟同学聊天.无意中聊起宫灯牌杏仁蜜.秋冬季节用来搽脸抹手.既滋润又不油腻.可不管在大超市还是小店铺.都难觅踪影。一周后.我收到了来自沈阳的快递,竟然是两瓶我欲买不能的宫灯杏仁蜜。过了两天,周祯在QQ上问我杏仁蜜用得怎么样.  相似文献   

这年头假钱越来越难以分辨,可有些人明知是假钱还让其流通在社会中。记得有一次我去超市买东西,买完东西就直接去餐馆吃饭,付账时老板对着钱是照了又照,摸了又摸,看他那一脸的势力相就可恨!后来他实在是分辨不出就让另一个服务员看,当时我还想:这钱是刚从超市找的,不可能有假的,超市不会收假钱再把它找给顾客的。可事实证明我的想法太天真了,老板冷冷地说了句:“姑娘,这钱是假的,你换张吧!”当时我就愣住了,心里很不舒服,难受极了,50元钱可是我几天的生活费啊!钱是不多,可对于我来说那可是很重要的。  相似文献   

"囤的人多了,便成了危机"@清风明月:在囤厕纸这件事上,英国人大部分人是被动消费的一方:一开始真的没想买,但后来要是再不买,我就买不到了。感受到了"厕纸恐慌"。@憨憨的星星XHB:没有人知道是谁带头抢的,很多人也说不清到底为什么要抢,反正超市里的厕纸架子是最先空了的。@夜晚漫步:总感觉他们得的不是肺炎,是肠炎。  相似文献   

从2006年到湖北省宜昌市夷陵区供销合作社工作后.杨家国一直都在努力搭建一张“网”,一张有村级综合服务中心、合作社等构成的网。通过这张”网”,他梦想村民不用出村,就可以和城里人一样逛超市、进书店进行消费:农民们种的柑橘、茶叶等农作物也不再愁销路……  相似文献   

母亲家在市郊,她骑自行车到市中心上班已有十多年了。每天往返三十多里,早出晚归,风雨无阻。今年在母亲的生日家宴上,我和哥哥再一次商议给她买辆电动助力车。母亲坚决地说:“又不用赶时间,而且正好看看沿途风景,这样挺好,就不要花冤枉钱了。”看到她这样执着,我也无可奈何。  相似文献   

当夜悄悄来到小村的时候,整个世界都似乎响着姨婆从喉咙迸出的那个恐怖的声音.“我要一吃一云一吞一这声音仿佛一直绝望地回荡在村子的上空,直到姨婆死后许久,许久…姨婆病危的消息传开后,村人们便三三两两来探望她。家里有好吃的,揣上,没有的,便掏钱买几只蛋糕或糖果水果之类,还有几个人把钱凑起来买一瓶牛奶或麦乳精给她。她的小屋瞬间便琳琅起来。她一生都未能使小屋如此辉煌过,现在,生命之火行将熄灭了.小屋竟梦一般辉煌起来。可怜她已不能受用了一她迷迷糊糊听见谁在替她惋惜和难过,那话音又使小屋的气氛倍添了凄凉。仙姑…  相似文献   

程先胜 《走向世界》2014,(25):36-37
5月18日,2014年亚太经合组织(APEC)贸易部长会议在青岛圆满闭幕。会后,中国商务部部长高虎城与亚太经合组织其他成员贸易部长集体出席新闻发布会,介绍会议有关情况,并回答记者提问。  相似文献   

This paper aims to establish a firm understanding of the structure and determinants of bilateral portfolio investment among APEC economies. The paper demonstrates that APEC membership has a significantly positive relationship with financial transactions among members. That is, as compared with non-members, APEC member economies purchase more equities and long-term bonds from other APEC member economies. However, the APEC membership effect is not uniform: the positive effect of APEC membership is mainly due to the overshadowing role of East Asian countries. This finding is especially evident for equities, rather than for long-term bonds. This paper also shows that a large part of the regional financial market integration in the APEC region is due to strong linkages of intra-regional goods trade in the region.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the feature and the transition of trade relations in the Asia-Pacific region during the post-World War II period. The paper employs the gravity model with some regional dummy variables to estimate trade flows among 80 economies through temporal cross-section data analysis, for every five-year-term from 1960 to 1995. Its main findings are the following: First, ASEAN has had no effect of its own on promoting trade among its member countries. Second, the volume of trade among EAEC has been at a high level compared with the hypothetical trade level since 1960. Third, the amount of trade between EAEC economies and other APEC countries has been growing throughout the postwar period. Fourth, there has been close trade relations among APEC economies plus some other Asian countries.  相似文献   

There is a growing consensus that competition‐oriented policy framework would be instrumental in achieving the Bogor goal of trade and investment liberalization by 2010/2020. As of now, only eight economies have the experience of operating competition policy for more than a decade. Many emerging economies of the APEC have only begun to introduce competition policy. The Auckland APEC Leaders Meeting of 1999 adopted the APEC competition principles. It is a significant step forward, but more hard work lies ahead: the issue of developing specific and concrete work program to implement the competition principles within the APEC and how to put competition policy in the much broader context of a multilateral trading system. The paper maps out a specific strategy to move the competition policy agenda forward at the APEC and how to link to the WTO and identifies the sources of such value‐added and makes a proposal in order to best utilize them.  相似文献   

2009年以后增长战略成为APEC合作的重要议题。为了提高经济增长质量,继续发挥世界经济引擎的作用,APEC确定了平衡、包容、可持续、创新和安全增长的新经济增长战略并制订了行动计划。APEC增长战略蕴藏着机遇,同时也面临较大困难与挑战。  相似文献   

This paper explores the evolution of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) from 1988, when Australia first proposed it, to the present day. The analysis follows the tradition of the game theory of international politics and utilizes a variant of the scenario bundle mehod of Reinhard Selten (1977). The model explains APEC as an informal process rather than a full blown international organization, and why ASEAN is the decisive player in Pacific cooperation. An analysis of historical events since the creation of APEC leads to the hypothesis that an OECD style organization, which Australia had originally hoped for, will not be established in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

The global food marketing network is being constantly reshaped, providing opportunities and challenges for information and communication technology (ICT) to develop and improve international trade in food products. A gravity model of international trade is employed to see if ICT positively affects bilateral international trade in fruit and vegetables between member Asia‐Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies. We examine if the use of the Internet, mobile telephones, and fixed telephone lines determine the value of bilateral trade. Empirical results for the importance of ICT differ markedly between importing activities and exporting activities in the international value chain of fruit and vegetables in APEC countries. Changes in ICT levels in the import sector of the value chain have no effect on international trade in fruit and vegetables. However, in the export sector, growth in some ICT products has significant positive effects on trade in fruit and vegetables between APEC countries. Surprisingly, the strongest impact was discerned for the traditional form of ICT, fixed telephone lines, but this impact probably reflects the fact that fixed telephone lines are a proxy variable for the general level of infrastructure development. Of the two digital ICTs, mobile telephony and the Internet, only the Internet had a significant impact on trade levels. The further development of the Internet and its diffusion should make exporters in APEC countries more competitive in the fruit and vegetables value chain, and boost their trade values in these products.  相似文献   

赵艳敏 《特区经济》2008,10(3):95-97
美国Georgetown Steel案确立了实践中对非市场经济国家不能适用反补贴税法的规则。对于处于转型经济时期的非市场经济国家,只要其产品被认定为市场导向产业,美国反补贴税法也可适用。因此,美国对华适用反补贴税法的条件是:给予中国市场经济地位;或将中国视为非市场经济国家,但给予来自中国的产品以市场导向产业待遇。  相似文献   

跨太平洋伙伴关系协定:中国崛起过程中的重大挑战   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)是美国"回归亚太"战略的重要组成部分,其动机既有经济又有政治方面的考虑,其中遏制中国崛起是一个不容否认的目标。以2011年亚太经合组织(APEC)峰会为标志,TPP已进入实质性谈判阶段。其未来的发展前景很大程度上将取决于日本及其他东亚国家的立场,至于美国所宣称的亚太自由贸易区协定(FTAAP)现阶段基本上是一个没有实际意义的符号。一旦TPP成为现实,APEC首当其冲将可能会被架空。对中国而言,被排除在TPP之外不仅意味着将受到"排他性效应"的冲击,而且过去十年中国所致力推动的东亚区域经济合作进程有可能因此而发生逆转,这将是中国崛起过程中面临的一次重大挑战。  相似文献   

We examine the dynamics of output connectedness of Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies using time‐varying, region‐specific, generalised connectedness measures. We find that the connectedness of APEC economies with the rest of the world is quite substantial, with the 2008–09 Global Financial Crisis increasing the connectedness measures above their precrisis levels. The USA, China, and Korea are shown to be systemically important and to dominate APEC’s real activities, while outside the APEC region the roles of India and the UK are also non‐negligible. These results suggest that the majority of APEC economies are considerably open to output shocks from the dominant economies such that policymakers in APEC must be continuously conscious of headwinds originating from these sources.  相似文献   

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