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Bias is a much-debated issue in survey research. Answer effects (respondents claim to have behaved differently than they did in reality), nonresponse bias (nonrespondents differ on important variables from the respondents) and stimulus effects (by participating in a previous wave of a study, respondents change their behavior or attitude) can seriously distort the results of survey research. By using data from the 1998 Dutch National Election Study the authors show that the results of election research can indeed be affected by bias. Not only are significant effects found in the distribution of political attitude and voting behavior variables as a result of both nonresponse bias and stimulus effects, it is also shown that relations between variables change as a result of bias.  相似文献   

王春鹤 《价值工程》2010,29(21):15-16
分别详细介绍了会计政策变更和会计差错更正,并就二者的区别进行分析。  相似文献   

疾病隐喻是人们将熟知的、常见的一些其他领域的概念映射到疾病领域而产生的,它也是一种以话语为框架、以词为焦点的话语现象。疾病隐喻的使用与理解实际上都是受关联原则支配的,可以运用语用学的关联认知理论对疾病隐喻的产生与理解机制进行阐释,这对英语教学方面也具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

This paper offers a broad review of some aspects in the design and analysis of panel studies, chiefly of household panel surveys. Both the analytic benefits and the potential problems of panel surveys are briefly outlined, and selected methodological and operational issues, which crucially affect data quality are highlighted. These questions are then considered under four headings: (i) dynamic population and its implications for initial sampling and following rules; (ii) panel length and number of waves; (iii) tracking and tracing techniques, and other strategies for maintaining high participation rates; (iv) questionnaire design and strategies for collecting retrospective information. While no technical details are offered, there is some discussion of the possible drawbacks and advantages of the different approaches described.  相似文献   

The literature is reviwed to produce a set of 37 Human Resource Management (HRM) activities related to showing respect for the individual. Eighty-eight full-time employees from different organizations and enrolled in a part-time MBA program report HRM department motivation for such activities and the degree to which they are committed to their organizations. Respectful treatmentis indeed perceived to be one of the HRM departments' reasons for performing these 37 activities, although it was not usually the most common reason. After controlling for job satisfaction, subjects' organizational commitment is positively related to the perception that HRM activities are motivated by (a) management's desire to show respect for the individual and (b) management's desire to attact/retain employees. When the company's HRM activities are perceived to be motivated by the firm's desire to improve performance or to comply with the law, there is no significant relationship with organizational commitment.  相似文献   

Participatory research, a concept developed in the Third World, has been increasingly applied to community and health research in developed countries. However, little is known about attitudes to the participatory process in the context of workplace research, especially that carried out in health care settings. In this qualitative study, employees participating in a quality of work-life (QWL) project at a Canadian cancer centre were asked about their perceptions of the participatory research process. Using a phenomenological approach, the author interviewed 12 employees. The following themes emerged from the analysis of interview data: (1) The role of management and senior management was viewed as being important but employees were uncomfortable with the presence of management at meetings; (2) The desired composition of the committee was more complex than ensuring representation from workers and there may have been a natural process by which this composition was attained; (3) Participatory research without action was unacceptable; and (4) Full participation in all aspects of the project was difficult to achieve. These findings have important implications because they challenge some existing notions in the literature about participatory research. Recommendations regarding trust issues, membership recruitment, and the role of members in the participatory process are outlined.  相似文献   

曹霞 《价值工程》2010,29(32):307-308
衔接是篇章语言学的重要术语之一,对语篇构成及解读起重要作用。韩礼德和哈桑将篇章衔接手段划分为语法手段和词汇手段。本文从系统功能语言学的理论角度出发,分析培根的《论学习》一文中所出现的语篇衔接手段,探讨这些衔接手段的衔接功能及它们对表达作者写作意图的作用。  相似文献   

在面向提升居民生活质量的时空间行为研究中,居住地作为最重要的锚点之一,一直是关注的焦点和最为常用的地理背景范围。但是综合考虑到居民的整日活动安排与地理背景的动态性,居住地以外的地理背景同样对居民活动存在相当程度的影响。基于西宁市的实证研究,结合城市中不同区位地理背景影响差异性,对西宁市城市空间居民的活动空间、地理背景分异进行讨论,以验证各区位采取不同地理背景范围时其中的建成环境对居民活动的解释力,总结行为分析时适宜的地理背景范围。研究认为中心城区居民受强制性工作活动影响,仅以居住地为地理背景范围时,建成环境对活动空间没有显著影响,扩展到活动地的地理背景范围时可以对居民活动空间进行解释;近郊区以居住地和活动地作为地理背景均可以在一定程度对空间行为进行解释,活动空间模型更优;远郊区考虑活动空间地理背景时可以对空间行为影响因素进行讨论。研究结果一方面对地理背景不确定性问题补充了实证说明;另一方面对理解居民生活方式与对城市空间的利用具有现实意义。  相似文献   

城中村作为我国快速城市化进程中普遍存在的城乡过渡聚落形态,是我国改革开放以来制度变迁和社会经济体制变革的产物,浓缩着城市政府与集体经济组织、社区组织与发展商以及外来人口等社会行为主体之间的竞争、合作和冲突等种种博弈状态和过程。从城市空间政治经济学的理论出发,以城中村这一特殊类型的城市空间的社会生产为切入点,全面而系统地总结了城中村空间生产的经济基础、属性特征、类型、过程、模式和治理机制等。结论是:城中村空间的生产是制度变迁和社会行动者互动博弈的产物,城中村空间的治理必须以产权为突破口,建立合理的社会经济治理体系;以规划为龙头,加强城中村土地管理和公共服务设施的供给;以利益平衡为切入点,促进城中村社区转型和社会融合;以强化土地集约利用为引线,推动城乡空间整合。  相似文献   

2010年以来民营资本进入银行业已取得较大的进展。民营资本适度进入银行业可以带来推动银行业的市场化改革、疏导民间资本、服务实体经济的正面效应,但也存在引发恶性竞争、弱化公司治理、威胁金融系统稳定的风险。民营资本进入银行业有资本的进入、机构的进入两种方式。我国政府应在完善政策规则框架、严格控制准入数量、引导民营资本严格自律、建立风险补偿和市场退出机制方面规范民营资本进入银行业。  相似文献   

从产品纵向差异的角度分析了垄断市场中双寡头企业的短期市场行为和长期市场行为.具体来说,从短期的角度出发,将产品质量视为外生变量,研究高质量企业和低质量企业的定价策略和利润状况,并对均衡结果进行比较静态分析.研究结果表明,两个企业都有提高或降低各自产品质量的动机,这取决于双方现有的质量水平.从长期的角度出发,将产品质量视为内生变量,研究企业的质量与价格决策.研究结果表明,产品质量存在唯一均衡,但均衡质量并没有表现出较大的差异化,而是表现出较小的差异化.此外,无论从短期还是长期的角度来看,企业都不存在高质量优势,而仅存在低质量优势.  相似文献   

李敏  唐军颖  李霞 《价值工程》2012,31(30):307-309
目的:研究上海10所医院管办分离前后效益对比分析。方法:收集2004~2010年连续7年数据报表,以比率分析法和环比法进行数据分析。结果:投入产出及成本管理总值逐年持续增长,业务收支结余率年均增长0.43%;固定资产投入增长快速,年均增长率在20%以上;无形资产产出保持增长。门急诊次数、出院人数年均增长率分别为12.54%、12.47%;平均住院日、病死率逐年下降,诊疗费用、药占比逐年上涨,环比增长超过上海市人均生产总值。结论:加强资产运营效率,规范医院经营管理自主权,降低医院管理、医疗成本,提高医疗资源利用率,发挥社会效能。  相似文献   

本文以2009—2013年中国上市公司剥离事件为样本,着重区分了剥离样本中实施归核化与非归核化战略的企业,对归核化的市场价值效应及其与前期多元化水平的关系进行了实证研究。结果表明:归核化战略整体上能持续提升企业市场价值;剥离样本中实施归核化比非归核化战略更能提升企业市场价值;但归核化战略的市场价值效应与前期多元化水平呈 U 型曲线关系。  相似文献   

作为与现代制造业紧密联系的生产性服务业正逐渐成为国民经济的重要组成部分。随着近年来我国制造业成本优势的消失和外资企业的纷纷撤离,如何利用生产性服务业,在世界市场中提高出口产品的竞争优势,是转变产业结构布局、提高经济增长质量的重大问题。本文基于1995~2014年我国30个省份的数据,利用空间计量模型,考虑出口产品竞争优势的空间相关性,生产性服务业的空间作用及非线性作用,研究出口产品竞争优势和生产性服务业的关系。结果表明,在生产要素、环境因素的影响逐步减弱的情势下,科技进步和生产性服务业对出口产品竞争优势有着显著的正向影响。其中,生产性服务业聚集存在一定的负向的空间交互作用,同时也存在非常显著的正向的非线性影响,且后者的影响更大。鉴于生产性服务业对经济的空间重构作用,合理的调整和发展生产性服务业的空间布局,将有利于加强其对出口产品竞争优势的提升作用。  相似文献   

以深沪两市物流行业2007-2011年上市公司的数据样本为研究对象,分析物流行业上市公司的固流比率与其获利能力的关系,从而探讨企业的固流比率对其获利能力的影响,进而提出相应的资源配置建议.  相似文献   

讨论了基于客户终身价值的客户细分方法。针对电信企业的客户特点,提出了一个基于客户当前价值、客户潜在价值和客户忠诚度的三维电信客户细分模型;并针对不同的细分群体提出相应的保持策略,以便电信企业能够合理地配置其资源,提高企业效益。  相似文献   

This study explored how managers’ fairness perceptions of performance evaluation systems differ across countries and relate to their job satisfaction. Lack‐of‐group bias and transparency were the constructs used to assess fairness perceptions. The data sample consisted of 903 Asian managers from the subsidiaries of a leading multinational corporation (MNC) strategically expanding its retail markets in Japan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Thailand. Results showed that the fairness perceptions of lack‐of‐group bias and transparency concerning the common performance evaluation system varied within these Asian countries. Furthermore, those fairness perceptions were significantly related to job satisfaction among Asian managers overall, as well as in each of the five geographical subgroups with the exception of Hong Kong, where the perception of a lack‐of‐group bias was only marginally related to job satisfaction. These findings offer theoretical implications regarding organizational justice, cross‐national management, and performance evaluation, as well as practical implications for leveraging organizational justice perceptions of performance evaluation systems for the effectiveness of MNCs. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

借鉴货币最优政策模型,从机理上分析了房地产市场的变动规律,发现推动房价正常上涨的本质在于成本推动以及人口迁移下对住房的刚性需求,其他政策虽然短期内可调节房价波动,但长期过度使用会导致房价不可逆转的畸形。进一步基于小波多分辨率分析与干预分析模型讨论了我国政策冲击下的房地产市场发现:房价波动短期内会影响房地产销售,但长期内房地产销售不受房价波动影响,房价上涨与销售额增长均具有自身内在的推动力;政策调整对房价调控的冲击出现逆效性,短期内可以抑制房价上涨,长期内则会造成房价的更大波动。  相似文献   

张丰  张健 《价值工程》2011,30(13):1-2
本论文分析了创投背景企业专利数量对其经营绩效的影响。研究对象为1999年1月1日至2008年12月31日在我国证券交易所上市的公司。本文运用了因子分析以及多元回归的统计研究方法对样本进行实证研究,研究结果表明:专利数量对创业企业经营绩效的影响随专利类型不同存在差异,发明专利、实用新型专利与企业经营绩效显著正相关,而外观设计专利与企业经营绩效关系不确定。  相似文献   

郑庆芳 《价值工程》2011,30(3):245-246
教师职业的特殊性决定了教师职业归宿感的重要性。民办高校要想实现可持续发展的战略目标,构建教师的职业归宿感、稳定师资队伍是关键。本文通过对云南四所民办高校的教师进行问卷调查,发现民办高校教师职业归宿感的现状及影响因素,并提出了相应的若干建议。  相似文献   

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