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常言道:做事就是做人。要做成事,首先要做好人。诚哉斯言。  相似文献   

怎样做人、如何行事、怎样做官,对于一名党员干部来说,应当是常思常想的问题。江泽民同志说过,要清清白白做官,踏踏实实做事,必须首先堂堂正正做人。可见在做人、做事、做官三之问,做人是首要的,是什么样的人,做什么样的事,也就是说思想品德的好坏、素质的高低,决定着所做事的性质与效果。  相似文献   

目前,我国高职院校发展中出现了偏重技术教育,忽视学生人文教育的倾向,这种倾向的存在和发展,偏离了高职教育的人才培养目标,从长远看,直接影响着将来学生的就业以及事业的进一步发展,必须在教学生"做事"的同时,教育学生学会"做人",强化对学生的人文素质教育。  相似文献   

这几日,非洲上空的悲剧,将国人的目光拉向了异域天涯。飞机失事几乎每天都在发生,这一次与众不同是因为:机上有5名中国乘客,其中一人是华为员工。  相似文献   

王晶 《环渤海经济瞭望》2007,(10):I0027-I0027
<正>齐俊萍是天津市南开房地产开发公司总经理、党支部书记。在多年的工作实践中,齐俊萍以自己的专业能力、思维能力、预见能力、判断能力、应变能力和创新能力,创建了一整套适应公司发展的科学管理模式,并提出了四项改革举措:  相似文献   

段军  段豪帅 《魅力中国》2013,(12):16-17
别紧张,放松一刻。 当你站在立交桥上看着南来北往汽车时,闭上眼睛,思绪慢慢的往天上走去,一直走到太空,睁开双眼,回头看看地球,此时你会感概很多和好奇…… 做人要有道,做事要有理。人的智慧、智力,是用来讲道理的,我们知道了道理也就有了方向,有了方向也就有了理想和追求。  相似文献   

他出生在香港一个贫困家庭,很小就被家人送到戏班。那时,演戏是下九流的行当,只有走投无路的穷苦人家,才有此举。按照旧时梨园行的规矩,父亲同戏班签了生死状,在约定期限内,他的生杀大权都在师傅手中。戏班里的管教异常严厉,本该在父母膝下承欢的年纪,他却在师傅的鞭子与辱骂下练功,吃尽苦头。时间不长,他就偷偷跑回了家,父亲勃然大怒,坚决叫他回去:"做人应当信守承诺,已经签了合同,绝不能半途而废。咱人虽穷,志不能短!"他只好重新回到戏班,刻苦练功,这一练就是十几年。  相似文献   

商谋子 《西部论丛》2004,(10):74-75
在职场上打拼的人,都知道人气的重要性,因为凝聚人气就是凝聚财富。做管理工作的人,更需要广泛的人缘基础,哪个不希望得到老板的器重、同事的拥戴!哪个不愿意在良好的团队氛围中,高高兴兴上班来,开开心心下班去,轻松赚取高薪,成就事业!  相似文献   

作家被称为人类灵魂的工程师,担负着以知识教人更以德育人的重任,在社会精神文明建设中发挥着不可低估的作用。而初学写作的人,也应把“旗帜鲜明地赞成应该赞成的东西,旗帜鲜明地反对应该反对的东西”作为对文章观点的基本要求。  相似文献   

中共深圳市委决定:蒋尊玉同志任中共深圳市龙岗区委员会委员、常委、书记,蒋尊玉在1900余字的就职讲话中,5次提及“民生”二字。这成为不少人关注的一个细节。  相似文献   

过了某个年龄段后,我们容易产生一种想法,常常觉得几乎已经做过了所有我们认为值得去做的事情,而且自认为我们对这个世界已经非常了解了.几个星期前的一件事,彻底粉碎了我的这些错觉.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a nonstrategic, dynamic Bayesian model in which auditors' learning on the job and their choice of professional services jointly affect audit quality. While performing audits over time, auditors accumulate client‐specific knowledge so that their posterior beliefs about clients are updated and become more precise (that is, precision is our surrogate for audit quality) — what we call the learning effect. In addition, auditors can enrich their knowledge accumulation by performing nonaudit services (NAS) that, in fact, may influence clients' managerial decisions — what we call the business advisory effect. This advisory effect permits auditors to anticipate and to learn about changes in clients' business models, which in turn improves their advisory capacity. These dual “learning” and “advisory” effects are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. The advisory effect of NAS may increase or reduce auditors' engagement risk. We show that large professional fees can induce auditors to provide NAS that increase engagement risk and diminish audit quality. However, when NAS reduce engagement risk and increase audit quality, auditors may provide NAS without charging clients. The feature that distinguishes our study — the interdependence between the learning and advisory effects — provides new insight into the trade‐off between audit fees and audit quality. Consequently, our analysis helps explain why the scope of the audit has evolved over time and why the boundaries between audit and NAS are constantly shifting. A recent example of such a shift is that the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act adds control attestation to audits for public companies traded in U.S. markets.  相似文献   

To determine parameters of the frontal power of executive integration for application in business, this paper reviewed neuroeconomic neuroimaging research and discussion in relation to business psychology. The results are that limbic system (L) is a centre of primary consciousness based on a mesolimbic dopamine system serving the client in the brain stem with adaptive feedback as well as generating cognition and emotions towards Neocortex in a reciprocal autonomic balance. The power of concentration (C) is a tripartite executive integrating emotions and cognition: Prefrontal analysis by semantic recollection from temporal (R) lobe is based on episodic memories. Volition in the medial prefrontal cortex (c) controls both cognitive prediction (R'c) and emotions (L/c) for a balanced integration as a neural root of economic reasoning. An intuitive visuospatial Parietal sketchpad (I) integrates hippocampal episodic memory mismatches complementary to the cognitive prediction function. Chronic stress limiting the capacity of C is indicated by baseline serum cortisol. The conclusion is that the neuroeconomic model enables (1) operation of the theorem of economic man as an economic-bio-educational complex. Other business applications comprise, (2) a neural foundation of transactional analysis (TA) to improve corporate collaboration and management, (3) a combined health promotion/human resource development program based on simple training techniques as physical exercise, medical meditation and neurolinguistic programming (NLP), i.e., for weight regulation.  相似文献   

银联和第三方支付平台围绕线上与线下的支付业务,纷纷开始涉足新的支付领域,相互渗透,展开竞争,他们都已经将多元化确定为自己未来的发展方向;而移动支付凭借其独有优势,取得了业务规模的爆发式增长,吸引银联和第三方支付平台将业务多元化发展战略推广到移动支付市场;本文对移动支付的基本情况进行了概述,并指出了移动支付自身独有的优势和移动支付市场目前存在的一些问题,提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

从上一世纪90年代开始,世界开始,进入到一个新的历史时期,即进入信息化时代。最近更有学者认为是第三次工业革命。在这一时代,企业与消费者的关系发生了根本的变化,特征有三:1,顾客中心,消费者引导生产者;2,顾客与企业“共创”、“创发”;3,人才与知识代替土地、资本等资源,成为经营的关键。  相似文献   

展乐 《新财经》2010,(4):116-116
这是一本可以修身的书,是一本可以静心的书,可以在喧嚣的社会中,找一块清幽的地方静静阅读  相似文献   

杨克斯  申琼 《改革与战略》2004,(12):102-104
针对高新技术企业特点,借鉴价值工程的相关原理,提出以功能为导向的组织结构设计方法用于指导高新技术企业的组织结构设计  相似文献   

International and intranational business cycles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper surveys and analyses the international real businesscycle literature. We re-explore two international business cycleanomalies emphasized by Backus, Kehoe, and Kydland (1995) aswell as establishing the pattern of productivity growth betweenindustries and countries. We then compare these findings forthe international business cycle to those obtained for databetween regions within a country - the so-called 'intranationalbusiness cycle'. Importantly, the intranational business cycleis a natural environment for thinking about the interactionsbetween economies when there are no trade frictions and whenthere are not multiple currencies. We summarize our findingswith a comparison between the stylized facts for internationaland intranational business cycles and draw some policy conclusions.  相似文献   

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