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世界卫生组织4月5日晚发布的每日疫情报告指出,目前中国从新冠疫情遏制阶段进入缓解阶段。随着国内新冠肺炎疫情防控呈现积极向好态势,中国各地城市逐步开始复工复产。而向来有着经济"晴雨表""风向标"之称的会展业如何按下"重启键",稳住行业发展的"基本盘"?成为当下疫情防控进入稳定期会展业最为关注的问题。  相似文献   

兰馨 《中国会展》2020,(7):21-21
众所周知,会展产业结构多元,核心形式是会议和展览。所以会议展览活动如果不能恢复,会展业的“重启”就是一句空话。从目前国内疫情防控形势来看,4月中旬之前展览业不会有明显启动的迹象。原定4月15日开幕的第127届广交会已经明确表示不会如期举办。如果说会展业是国民经济的“晴雨表”,那么作为中国第一展的广交会就是中国会展产业的“风向标”,其对全国会展产业的引领作用非常明显,127届广交会的举办时间从某种意义上来说就是中国会展业全面重启的信号。  相似文献   

制造业是立国之本、强国之基。新冠肺炎疫情之下,全世界都在焦急等待中国这座"世界工厂"的复苏和重启。一手抓疫情防控,一手抓经济发展。全国上下有序复工复产,形成了众志成城抗击疫情的强大合力,从中国工厂机器重新开动的轰鸣中,世界看到中国疫情防控的积极成效,更看到中国经济的十足韧性。疫情压不垮中国经济、中国制造。  相似文献   

"世界工厂"加速重启,既有利于中国保障自身经济和社会发展重回正轨,也是为世界经济疏压。突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,是新中国成立以来在我国发生的传播速度最快、感染范围最广、防控难度最大的一次重大突发公共卫生事件。它给我国经济带来前所未有的考验——如何同时打好重点医疗防护物资保障和分区分级复工复产稳增长两场硬仗?疫情压不垮中国经济。目前,国内已呈现疫情防控形势持续向好、生产生活秩序加快恢复的态势。车间里的隆隆机械声,满载着货物集装箱的中欧班列……是"世界工厂"继续一路向前的铿锵足音。减免房屋租金、推迟缴纳社保、采取贷款展期……从中央到地方出台了一系列政策措施,有针对性地解决企业开复工的燃眉之急,努力降低疫情对生产经营的影响,为市场注入信心与力量。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情让2020年的开年不同寻常,全国各行各业都深受影响,会议业也不例外。面对疫情的爆发,会议人都采取了哪些防控举措,做出了哪些贡献,又有哪些感动人的故事可分享?疫情得到控制后,会议人如何复工复产?后疫情时代,会议业发展趋势如何?面对这一系列行业人所关心的问题,本刊采访了多位业内人士。透过他们的视角,我们一起看看中国会议人如何在抗疫防疫、复工复产的各个阶段,立足本职工作,提供应对之策,重塑行业发展信心。  相似文献   

震惊全球的新冠肺炎疫情牵动着举国亿万人的心。随着疫情的蔓延,政府不断加大力度进行遏制,如实行交通管制、限制人员出行、企业延迟复工、学校延迟开学等等。在疫情阴云笼罩的大环境下,教育行业冷暖自知,整个行业悲喜交加。企业的定位不同,注定命运的迥异,有的企业惨遭冲击,也有企业迎来春天。  相似文献   

4月6日,铁路合作组织2020年国际货运大会组委会宣布大会落户成都。这是自新冠肺炎疫情发生致会展活动被按下暂停键后,首个被会展活动组织方宣布选址的城市。以此为标志,成都成为会展业按下恢复键较早的城市。与此同时,第二十三届成都国际汽车展览会(以下简称成都国际车展)组委会日前宣布,将原定于8月28日至9月6日举办的展会提前至7月24日至8月2日举办,地点在中国西部国际博览城。  相似文献   

疫情防控期间,按照传统党建工作模式开展工作存在难度,因此,高校如何做到组织生活线上过与硬要求相结合,确保开学不返校、组织生活不停顿,因势而新的探索互联网+党建模式,是当前高校党建工作面临的新形势。为充分发挥互联网党建智慧、便捷、高效的优势,高校应从提高思想认识、创新方式方法和强化队伍建设三个方面推进高校党建工作与互联网的深度融合,真正实现互联网+党建1+1>2的作用。  相似文献   

2020年初,新冠肺炎疫情突如其来.我国疫情防控工作在取得阶段性重大胜利之后,由应急防控转为“常态化”防控.疫情影响下,社会形态和信息呈现更为多元,进一步推动了媒体生态格局的转变.面对新形势和新挑战,淮安报业传媒集团坚持“守正”,发挥主流媒体主阵地作用,提升主流思想舆论引导力,同时积极“创新”,在融合发展中打造新的增长...  相似文献   

<正> 一、期货交易限制 从事商品期货交易的人最关心的是瞬间的价格波动,并以此来判断买进或卖出的时机。为有利于交易的正常进行,使市场在受到某种力量推动导致行市暴涨或狂跌时,可以停止交易,使交易者能有充分时间证实行情动态,证实消息并据以预测价位,以保障交易者在短时间内不受太大的损失,价格不出现剧烈的波动。所以,世界各大交易所对不同的期货商品价格有多种限制性规定。  相似文献   

在3月10日由欧盟各国财长批准的一份政策文件中,欧盟(European Union)预计明年其恢复经济增长的前景“极不确定”。  相似文献   

李诗珍 《中国市场》2008,(2):108-109
从管理学的的视角,对供应链关系的断裂与再续进行研究,从影响供应链关系断裂的的因素入手,分析供应链关系断裂的危害,针对原因,提出了避免供应链关系断裂的具体措施和供应链断裂后,企业如何再续供应链的思路。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, a number of accounting and financial reporting frauds have led to lost stock wealth, destroyed public trust, and a worldwide recession that called for necessary reform. Regulatory responses and systemic reforms quickly followed, and we show that, while necessary, these reforms are insufficient. The purpose of this paper is to forward virtuous professionalism as a necessary path toward restoring financial reporting systems. We take the position of external observer and analyze the accounting profession over time to assess what has transpired within our financial reporting systems. Our analysis reveals that the combined influence of commercialism and regulatory response has led to a systemic decline in accounting’s professional ideals and, as a result, an erosion of public trust. We then propose virtuous professionalism as a necessary process for restoring financial reporting systems based on sociological, professional, and philosophical theories. We argue that virtuous professionalism is necessary for restoring the public servant identity of the accounting professional. We conclude that efforts to restore financial reporting systems should begin with reforms that restore professional identity shaped by virtues.  相似文献   

Press Freedom     
In this important study, commissioned by the International Federation of the Periodical Press, Lord McGregor analyses the controversy surrounding the possibility and desirability of a new world information and communication order. Drawing critically from research into mass communications, he argues forcefully that the policies which are being promoted through UNESCO are a grave threat to press freedom. As it is, the number of nations enjoying freedom in the dissemination of news, ideas and knowledge has declined to a figure now variously estimated pessimistically at little more than 20 and even optimistically at below 40. Lord McGregor comments sardonically that by regretting this decline and arguing in favour of press freedom his contribution to the debate will be widely seen as ‘heavily biased’.  相似文献   

Press Release     

Editorial Introduction

Press Release  相似文献   

We analyse managerial discourse in corporate communication (‘CEO-speak’) during a 6-month period following a legitimacy-threatening event in the form of an incident in a German nuclear power plant. As discourses express specific stances expressed by a group of people who share particular beliefs and values, they constitute an important means of restoring organisational legitimacy when social rules and norms have been violated. Using an analytical framework based on legitimacy as a process of reciprocal sense-making and consisting of three levels of analysis which capture the relationship between text and context, we investigate the discourse used by CEOs in their initial and subsequent accounts of the incident. We find that CEOs aim to negotiate a resolution between their initial account and organisational audiences’ incongruent interpretations of the event by adopting an ad hoc normative attitude to stakeholders. This manifests itself in the strategic use of the discourse of stakeholder engagement as a means of signalling change, yet maintaining the status quo. It suggests that CEOs strategically use discourse to manufacture organisational audiences’ consent regarding the continued operation of the nuclear power plant affected by the incident. Our findings contribute to the critical corporate communication literature which regards corporate narrative reporting as a means of consolidating the private interests of corporations, rather than increasing transparency and accountability.  相似文献   

China to increase imports, promote balanced trade I am a staunch supporter of free trade,since it will not only promote world economic growth,but also improve people's livelihoods. We will launch new measures to increase imports.We sent purchasing groups to the European Union and  相似文献   

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